Starlight #6
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Starlight #6

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Goran Parlov Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 22, 2014 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 9
8.9Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Duke, Space-Boy, and their rebel friends face off in their final, defining battle against the Brotean regime. But there's been a traitor in their midst, and their plans aren't all they're cracked up to be. It's not only their lives in the balance, but the future of the entire planet Tantalus. MILLAR and PARLOV'S space epic concludes here!

  • 10 - Chase Magnett Oct 20, 2014

    Come back on Friday for Starlight: Resilience, Hope, and Optimism a deeper look at Starlight and its place in the Millarworld line of comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Oz L Oct 24, 2014

    Millar and Parlov's collaboration is the closest thing I've seen this year to a superhero team up in real life. The result is a kind, heartwarming finish to a truly great tale that will go down as some of Millar's best work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Oct 21, 2014

    This creative team absolutely nailed this series. This is something that we desperately need more of. Even as the final pages are wrapping up, the withdrawals are already kicking in. We need more Mark Millar/Goran Parlov in our lives, even if that means its not a Duke McQueen tale. You dont need any previous knowledge of the Millar-world to get into this book, so you have no excuses when the trade drops. This was something special and I implore all of you to check it out. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Doom Rocket - Gavin Rehfeldt Oct 27, 2014

    Starlight is a new essential by my estimation. Millar has added another to his list. It leaves our imaginations fired and hoping that we might be able to revisit this wondrous universe and the legacy it has built, hopefully with a further aged Duke along for the journey. I know I would be up for a sequel with a grown Space-Boy (now Space-Man) growing into his leadership role, his shock of pink hair set against the vastness of space. He now has one of the best hero-pointing-a-gun-at-the-enemy-gags, turning the tables on the object of his vendetta, with "Learn how to beg?". You will have to read the whole series to know how that is one of the strongest character defining moments in recent comics history. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 21, 2014

    Starlight has been one of the best series Mark Millar has produced since starting up Millarworld, with it's simply plot and vast scope allowing it to be sensational. This finale only goes to strengthen these feelings, with the price increase being well worth it. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 21, 2014

    A great send off to a fun and compelling story that anyone can love. The action might run long, but we've all been waiting for this climax, so bring it, and read it today! Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    IGN - Jeff Lake Oct 23, 2014

    Much as he's done all along, Millar imbues his final script with a classicism that gives it an almost timeless quality. While the story beats are undoubtedly familiar, the writer executes them so well that the eventual outcome is one both heartwarming and cheer-worthy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Ben Ecker Oct 23, 2014

    I find myself conflicted regarding how well Millar's usual vivisection style approach would have served the story as a whole instead of the more earnest take we got. I'm sure that Millar's detractors will still have their own takes on the merits of how he chooses to tell his stories, but I found a lot to enjoy in Starlight, and that seems like more important than turning the vivisection in the direction of the author right now. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Capeless Crusader - Cody Mudge Oct 22, 2014

    Its lack of originality really holds the story back. Recycled ideas are heaped on top of recycled ideas but Millar manages to infuse enough heart into the characters to allow the reader to empathize with them, making this worth the read. Parlovs art is really the major selling point for this series and it has been from the very first page. Theres simply nothing like it in the comics market and its unique style hearkens back to a yesteryear that made many of us fans of this medium in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Brendan McGuirk Oct 22, 2014

    Maybe Starlight could have said something new if it had been less predictable. Perhaps there's something to be said about knowing that the space between you and your best days is only going to grow that has not yet been said. There could be a deep allegory made concerning the Tantalusians' need for inspiration from an interloper. Starlight doesn't really do much of that. Instead, it gives you exactly what it is; meat and potatoes sci-fi pulp. Predictability isn't so bad. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBuzz - ZXRoberts Nov 21, 2014

    Overall the series has been fantastic, and maybe expectations were too high for the finale after such an enjoyable ride. It is hard not to feel a little let down by the first half of the issue that really should and could have been told over two issues itself giving each storyline a little more time and emphasis. Now it is time to look forward to the impending Jupiters Legacy prequel that Millar and Quitely are planning, which I for one eagerly anticipate! Read Full Review

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