ZXRoberts's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 43
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #1

Feb 13, 2015

The first issue of Ash in Space is utterly ridiculous fun, with plenty of comedy and violence to make a great spectacle. It doesn't seem to have much else going on though, so it is purely a fun read, but it delivers the fun perfectly.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #2

Feb 18, 2015

I wasnt expecting much in terms of story, but I was hoping the spectacle would be more creative and original than it is. Making the most of the space location in the first issue caught interest, but the second simply uses it as a backdrop for a simple story that could have been told anywhere. I hope that issue three will return to exploring the crazy opportunities of Ash fighting Deadites in space, as opposed to mimicking old movies with tired tropes and motifs. However, despite the predictable story the art work from Watts and Oliva is fantastic, if only they had been given a more interesting action script to work with, then the issue could have been great. As it is, it is not. It is simply a pop-culture referencing, old movie mimicking waste of a great opportunity.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #3

Feb 27, 2015

There is a point in many arcs where you start questioning if it is worth the cover price, and I reached that point in issue 2, issue three answered the question with its tedious retelling of the story and mediocre dialogue. The ending, which I jokingly predicted, is so cringe worthy I still cant quite believe it. I still maintain that the artwork is superb, but the script fails to deliver the escapist madness of the Chosen One battling Deadites 200 miles above the Earth, mostly because we havent seen space since the first issue! Next month Ripley-Ash will take on Robo-Ash in what will likely be a blow-for-blow parody of the ending to Aliens.

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #1

Aug 18, 2014

Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #1 is dark, twisted and funny. Fans of the film trilogy will adore it as will long-term readers. With a brilliant villain and an Ash with so much to lose; this is going to be one hell of a bumpy ride!

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #2

Sep 18, 2014

Another solid issue of Army of Darkness that moves our hapless hero further on his quest after battling a hoard of skinless Deadites. The art work is fantastic and perfectly balances both humour and horror. Niles entire run feels like a direct sequel to the movie trilogy ending Army of Darkness, and Ash fans simply cant afford to miss it. The only real question you should ask yourself is- which cover are you going to get?

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #3

Dec 18, 2014

Sad though it is that Niles run is drawing to a close it appears very much that it will be on absolute top form. Everything is set up for a dramatic, blood-splattered finale with a sting in its tail. Where there is sad news however, there is also good; with the recent announcement that a TV series on Starz will act as a sequel to Army of Darkness with Bruce Campbell reprising his most infamous role and Sam Raimi heavily involved. One more issue to go in Ash Gets Hitched, and it is clear it is going to be one hell of a finale!

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Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched #4

Feb 6, 2015

It has been a wonderful journey with Ash over the last couple of years, and it ends as strongly as any reader could have hoped for. Next for our Deadite killing, Necronomicon hunting, lethargic hero is a trip to space with Cullen Bunn writing and Larry Watts illustrating. This glorious chapter of Ashs adventures may be over, but the battle is never ending!

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Dead Letters #1

Aug 25, 2014

Although too familiar to begin with Dead Letters #1 offers an interesting take on the man with no memory and provides a final page that completely alters what the reader thinks they know. The art work shows real promise and some panels (the wrists) are fantastic. The opening issue may not have rocked my world but ignites curiosity enough to follow further.

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Dead Letters #2

Aug 26, 2014

From an intriguing first issue the second fails to ignite further curiosity or excitement. Through what appears to be a convoluted and highly confusing story in both writing and art, it is difficult to follow or understand. Not knowing the rules of this universe it is impossible to gage the danger our hero is in especially when the one rule the book lays out is seemingly broken so abruptly. The stakes are not at all established, leaving the goals and consequence for failure a total mystery.

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Dead Letters #3

Aug 29, 2014

An overcomplicated plot that relies far too much on text is made more tedious by art work that simply has no fluidity. The illustrations and panel structure change from page to page as rapidly as Sam changes his personality, all in all it is a contrived mess. Having brought the first four issues, I have removed #5 from my pull list, like most comic fans I can only afford the books I cant live without. This could have been a dynamically interesting take on an old tale (the man with no memory) but simply attempts to tell a far too complex story with poor focus on the themes attempted- memory loss and self-reflection; as well as too little or contrived character development.

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Dead Letters #4

Sep 5, 2014

A drastic improvement on issues 2 and 3, and closer to the quality of the first, finally the artistic style appears to be taking shape and does so wonderfully. Dead Letters #4 propels the plot forward at a rapid pace in a slightly overly busy issue that finally introduces certain characters while changing the fates of all. Based off this issue it appears everything is falling into place and what comes next should be fantastic.

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Dream Police #1

Jul 31, 2014

Despite being denser in backstory and rules than expected the issue is very well written and drawn. It offers interesting characters, and propels the story in its final few pages with the repetition of the question how long have you and I been partners? first delivered by Frank. An intriguing concept and interesting characters make the book enjoyable and worth reading, although heavy in exposition it is necessarily so. Offering plenty of scope going forward it appears Straczynski has created yet another gem.

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Dream Police #2

Aug 1, 2014

Issue 2 takes the foundations of the first and builds upon them whilst developing the story in a prompt manner. Seeing Joe in his own home creates a personal connection with him, as opposed to solely following the Detective side of his persona. Conflict between he and Kate is amusing and their relationship is interesting, as is the hierarchy of beings in the Dreamscape. Being slightly less dense than the first, this issue gives more information through story than simple narration and is more fun and less work to read and enjoy.

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Dream Police #3

Aug 4, 2014

Another strong issue, and my personal favourite so far, the series appears to be gathering momentum quickly. Although the world depicted needs much explanation, this is getting easier and delivered through story. Joes true character and morality is exposed in a very well written issue that I had to read twice. I dont know about you, but I cant wait for issue 4!

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Dream Police #4

Oct 8, 2014

An intriguing issue that delves into the mental frailties of Joe as he tries to remember Frank. In an unpredictable series set in a surreal world that hinges between an apparent Utopia and purgatory of the mind we are seeing the effect this secretive reality has on Joe. His paranoia is building as he struggles to know who to trust. A fascinating book that promises to keep us guessing throughout the remainder of the series.

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Dream Police #5

Nov 13, 2014

Despite discovering next to nothing about what exactly is going on in the Dreamscape the issue builds the mystery in a masterful way. Each issue has laid up more secrets, false memories and ominous messages to build a truly paranoia filled story. Joe continues to become more and more desperate as his search for answers leads only to more questions, and his next destination ever more perilous than anywhere else he has been yet.

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Ex-Con #1

Sep 9, 2014

Ex-Con issue 1 may be have a lot going on but it is all told in a masterful way that will keep your attention and build your interest at an alarmingly fast rate. Its like speed dating, and you just sat down to a Kate Upton lookalike wearing a Power Girl costume who loves reading Green Hornet and playing Skyrim, you know instantly that it is love at first sight. An interesting story told against a beautiful 80s California backdrop that has some really intriguing characters. It would be a crime not to give this Ex-Con a chance.

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Ex-Con #2

Nov 10, 2014

Reviewing the first issue of the series I declared my love for this fantastic 80s set story and that love stays as strong after the second. There have been some great noir/thriller books out over the last few years, but Ex-Con has a little something special to it that makes me crave more. Burns illustrations perfectly setting the stage for Swiercynski to tell his terrific tale of crime, lust and arson. Find a little room on your pull list for Cody, highly doubt you will regret it.

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Ex-Con #3

Nov 12, 2014

Ex-Con is a treat for the criminally inclined, in regards to storytelling of course, as each issue has carefully expanded each character slowly while propelling the plot forward with ease. Now Cody has his mojo back, he has restored some sense of self; but as everything around him gets worse we have to ask: will it be enough to get him out of all this? Still a superb book more than worth your time. Come on, cut Cody a break!

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Ex-Con #4

Dec 17, 2014

Ex-Con is hands down one of my favourite minis over the last year, and I cant wait to read its revealing final instalment. Brilliantly written, drawn and told this is a story everyone should be reading. The build-up has been stupendous over the last four issues and the finale promises to be one hell of a ride! This simply faultless series just cant be missed.

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Hack / Slash: Son of Samhain #1

Aug 11, 2014

Hack/Slash Son of Samhain is a strong start, introducing a new partner for Cassie immediately and restoring her back to the good fight. No, Delroy is not Vlad, but offers much to Cassie and the story with his determined mind-set and cheeky sense of humour. He appears to be a character that could bring an intriguing element for the series, and give Cassie a new confidant to care for her. The conversations with Georgia are a little expositional but details Cassie's issues and loneliness, they are well timed in the issue and provide her with motivation as well as internal conflict.

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Hack / Slash: Son of Samhain #2

Aug 19, 2014

The second issue of Cassie Hacks latest run brings Lord Morinto to the foreground and builds the intriguing relationship between Cassie and Delroy whilst moving the story along nicely. In a very enjoyable issue the focus is backstory and furthering the plot; by doing so helps us understand the new players we were introduced to in issue 1. Excited to see more of Morinto and his awesome God Beast.

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Sex Criminals #6

Sep 2, 2014

A surprisingly dark and serious turn in the story that reveals much about Jon, and his problems. The neurotic and paranoid panic of him having the dreaded CancerAIDS is serious but still darkly funny. A solid issue that finally puts names to the faces of the ominous sex police.

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Sex Criminals #7

Sep 4, 2014

A strong issue that repairs the relationship between Rach and Suzie whilst offering some hilarious, laugh out loud, elements. With Jon back on form and having declared war on the sex police the three now appear united. The brilliant double ended dildo fight is a sight not to be missed. Read the Q&A at the end as both Fraction and Zdarsky answer fan letters, their responses are almost as funny as the book itself. Sex Criminals #7 is funny, brilliantly written and wonderfully drawn.

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Starlight #1

Aug 12, 2014

The opening issue of Starlight balances drama and emotion with short spurts of action and glory to create a solid book that pays its characters service. Duke is shown as a warrior, a father and a husband as well as man in his own right. This immediately creates a bond with the reader and aging hero and although the neglectful children plot is not exactly new it is written well, making it real and emotionally engaging. A strong first instalment of a series I expect to get even better.

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Starlight #2

Aug 13, 2014

Starlight continues to be a highly emotional; well written; beautifully drawn; and excitement filled sci-fi series that has much to offer. Not as fast paced as the first issue mainly because of a lack of flashbacks, but still builds on Dukes character and moves the story forward into space.

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Starlight #3

Aug 14, 2014

Issue 3 of Starlight is fantastic. The introduction of Lord Kingfisher is well timed and brilliantly delivered. The opening page sets the tone for the issue and the cruelty and degradation of the people of Tantalus is horrific, giving Duke all the motivation he needs. Villains can make or break a series, and Millar has created a fantastic conqueror to battle with Duke that ignites immediately interest in their upcoming rivalry.

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Starlight #4

Aug 15, 2014

The fourth issue of Starlight continues the story at a rapid pace, developing Krish swiftly and introducing us properly to Tilda, Wes and Pindar. Kingfishers tactics are clear by the end of the issue, once again ending on a fantastic full page image (that I wont spoil).

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Starlight #5

Oct 3, 2014

Possibly the best issue of the series so far with the story approaching its world changing finale. Duke continues to prove that he is the hero he believed himself to be as Kingfisher once again shows his ruthlessness to the poor, suffering public of Tantalus. Krishs past is revealed in an emotional opening few pages. Parlov makes the action exciting, fun and compelling in the fight in the fog. His face work promptly assures the reader of the severity of the dangers our heroes face, as seen most notably in Duke and son-figure Krish. Once again Parlov leaves us with a final page to drool over that perfectly sets up the next issue.

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Starlight #6

Nov 21, 2014

Overall the series has been fantastic, and maybe expectations were too high for the finale after such an enjoyable ride. It is hard not to feel a little let down by the first half of the issue that really should and could have been told over two issues itself giving each storyline a little more time and emphasis. Now it is time to look forward to the impending Jupiters Legacy prequel that Millar and Quitely are planning, which I for one eagerly anticipate!

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Ten Grand #9

Aug 20, 2014

Fantastic use of the captive hero being regaled by the brilliance of his nemesis heightens the tension going into the last couple of issue and explains the high stakes for everyone involved. The choice posed to Joe is both impossible and cruel as Straczynski really tests his creation in the most intriguing of ways.

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Ten Grand #10

Aug 21, 2014

Ten Grand issue10 is a beautifully written instalment of a fantastic series. The resolution to last issues questions are answered in a clever way that feels organic and well planned. Joes true character is revealed through his intelligence and faith in dire circumstances, while his love for Laura is paramount to everything he does in a beautifully gothic romance. The art work is in places very strong with a final panel that makes you fist-punch the air in delight. As the story nears its conclusion it is fast paced and relentless.

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Ten Grand #11

Nov 11, 2014

Issue 11 is a stellar instalment of the story ending with a tremendous battle between Joe and Brother James as the arc approaches its almighty climax. Smiths artwork is divine or demonic depending on the panel but sublime throughout. The torn lovers are still to be reunited but after all they have suffered surely they will be soon, right?

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Terminal Hero #1

Aug 5, 2014

Terminal Hero is one of the best books I have read in a little while and one I will follow until it ends. It appears Milligan is on top form and has a classic on his hands. It is not for everybody due to its plot and content such as a something Rory is accused of by a ghost (no details to avoid spoilers) but is a seriously strong book if it is your cup of tea. I suggest you run to your comic store and pick it up as soon as it is released. It has all the markings of a book we will all be discussing 20 years from now and possibly as a game changing series. I have never read anything quite like it but it has made a strong and lasting impression after one issue.

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The Devilers #1

Sep 1, 2014

The Devilers Issue 1 is great, it sets up all the basics we need to know immediately in this apocalyptic world in a fun and exciting book. Introduces us to the main players, leaving plenty of time and room to get to know them more personally later. Rex is just awesome, and I cant wait to see much more of him as the story continues and grows. At $2.99 its very much worth picking up, if you enjoy horror books. Apparently there is an unspecified problem with reprints, so if you want an issue get to your comic store quick!

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The Devilers #2

Sep 3, 2014

After thoroughly enjoying the first issue, the second takes it to a whole new level. Giving us insight into Brenda and Raab as well as making a few rather surprising twists in the story. Well written, well drawn and thoroughly entertaining.

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The Devilers #3

Oct 23, 2014

A big dramatic ending to lead us straight into #4 as the story heats up to the inferno pits of hell. More fantastically grotesque imagery lashed up with intriguing twists about Lieb, Raab and the centre of that maze keeps the Devilers on my must read list. Another fantastic issue of a series I just cant get enough of. Still one of the best books on shelves right now.

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The Devilers #4

Nov 4, 2014

Despite the potential plot-hole, that will most likely be explained with ease in the next issue, Devilers continues to be a very strong book. The break from the darkness of the last two issues is actually a welcome surprise as God kickstarts the team onto the mission most of us already figured they were on.

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The Devilers #5

Dec 24, 2014

The issue is a bit slow to take off, but when it gets going is as good as it has been and by the end it is back to full throttle excitement. Getting to know Chun-Bai better was more than welcome and she is given one of the coolest arcs out of the group; her evolution is sure to be a huge part of the rest of the series. If that doesnt get you excited then Rex returns at long last, a character I was very keen to see much more of. Fantastic characters, a brilliantly dark and morbid world to enjoy and a great plot keep The Devilers on my must read list. For those late to the party, I have been describing it as similar to the BPRD universe without 20 years of Hellboy history for newbies to have to get through.

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The ZooHunters #1

Nov 7, 2014

The opening issue has done enough to peak interest, with a heavy focus on a very intriguing father/son dynamic and a coming of age story blossoming. Moving forward seeing Ty being trained to be a Zoohunter looks set to be a great story. A series that has serious potential.

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Translucid #4

Aug 22, 2014

The entire series is a wonder; the writing is exceptional and the artwork divine. The character growth and changes are surprising but layered in causality so make perfect sense while the utter despair of poor Cornelius life is powerful, emotive and scaringly realistic in this masterpiece. Issue four is as strong as all three previous and develops the story in a heart-breaking fashion that will leave readers in the foetal position on the floor crying for their young hero.

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Translucid #5

Aug 25, 2014

I have seen negative reviews for the series, and I cannot understand why. This is a superb book. Those citing it as too complex or hard to understand seemingly lack the intelligence to follow a very well written and drawn story that leaves enough to your own interpretation. The take on hero and villain relationships have never been as beautifully complex or engaging as they are here, and it has been quite some time since I read anything as rich in characterization or these relationships. The best issue in the series yet and another fantastic mini from Boom! Studios overall. This is not a book you should read: it is a book you MUST read.

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Translucid #6

Oct 27, 2014

The ending of this run is superb, perfectly delivered and kept in sync with the first five glorious issues. A real gem of a series that I will sorely, sorely miss. If you too have been on this epic journey with Cornelius and Horse, then this finale is as perfect as you can hope for, giving enough answers to satisfy while leaving enough unanswered to infuriate, leaving this book very prominently in your mind long after finishing it.

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