The Devilers #3

Writer: Joshua Hale Fialkov Artist: Matt Triano Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: September 17, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

From Joshua Hale Fialkov, the writer of Ultimate FF, comes The Devilers! The City of the Damned attacks as the Devilers fight their way to Lucifer's castle in the center of hell, but what, or rather, WHO they find there is not what they expected at all. Plus, the origin of the Deviler that might save them all.

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman Sep 16, 2014

    The team was assembled and sent into the underworld to plug the gate between their world and ours. As they move deeper towards the source of the disturbance, they are discovering more about the cause of the disruption that threatens our world. They are also discovering more about each other - and themselves. The story line continues on at a fair pace. Triano's artwork can be exquisitely detailed, and he often creates intricate scenes, both on Earth and in Hell that invite the reader to linger over the minutiae. When the action requires a faster pace, his scenes of action and conflict focus on the most important moments to deliver the greatest impact. This emphasizes Fialkov's writing and dialogue. With thoughtful plot and interesting well-developed characters and beautiful artwork, this is rapidly becoming a favorite horror comic because creative team has succeeded on many levels. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - ZXRoberts Oct 23, 2014

    A big dramatic ending to lead us straight into #4 as the story heats up to the inferno pits of hell. More fantastically grotesque imagery lashed up with intriguing twists about Lieb, Raab and the centre of that maze keeps the Devilers on my must read list. Another fantastic issue of a series I just cant get enough of. Still one of the best books on shelves right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Sep 16, 2014

    The Devilers continues to be a thrilling ride into hell, with our team of exorcists getting a enlightened encounter. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell Sep 17, 2014

    The storyline is a lot less complex and the art is still solid, featuring a couple of really nice two-page spreads. I would like a little more action, as this issue does a little more story-telling than action-depiction. There is a good twist at the end that should set up the next issue quite nicely. Another good issue for this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Oct 28, 2014

    Three issues in and The Devilers doesn't truly say anything. While the art, action, and pacing are solid, the characters are cardboard and there's no clear premise. This is a very surface-level story that hasn't captured my interest, and that's too bad because this is an idea rife with story potential. Unfortunately, at this point I'm not sure if the series will be able to capitalize on it. Read Full Review

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