Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #2

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Larry Watts Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: January 7, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Ashley Williams--space explorer! The Chosen One has been shanghaied to the depths of space, and now he faces the forces of darkness on board a high-tech deathtrap... er... we mean space station. With the otherworldy power of the Necronomicon coursing through the station's computer systems, the Deadite evil is stronger... and stranger... than ever before!

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Feb 5, 2015

    This is a glorious mixture of humor, action, fun and horror. Cullen Bunn is expert at walking this fine line " mixing humor, fun, action and horror into a wild ride. He demonstrates a great sense of the characters and sensibilities that have made ARMY OF DARKNESS such a success over the years. Watts' artwork manages to capture the spirit of the characters and settings very well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Adam Gomolisky Jan 8, 2015

    This is a good casual read, and is great for some quick entertainment. Fans of the movie will like this, but you don't need to be a fan to enjoy a man killing some Deadites with a chainsaw and his boomstick. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 5, 2015

    An issue that was nearly a skippable affair becomes a fun ride due to well paced action sequences and an awesome cliffhanger. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    BGCP - Daniel Pearson Jan 7, 2015

    With a reboot of a series, especially one as popular as the Army of Darkness it gives a new generation of fans and creative teams a chance to try out new things at the same time as keeping faithful to the original and maybe even borrowing from earlier stories but it really does feel that in Army of Darkness Volume 4 #2 the series is out of ideas; personally I cannot wait for the TV series to kick off as at least then it will give the comics some new material to play with. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Joe Winder Jan 10, 2015

    Overall it was a good read for any Army of Darkness fan. It isn't the best that has come out for it but it's still a fun and enjoyable issue. Seeing Ash and the Deadites fighting in space is a new twist on it and having the crew just show up could be interesting to see where it goes. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicBuzz - ZXRoberts Feb 18, 2015

    I wasnt expecting much in terms of story, but I was hoping the spectacle would be more creative and original than it is. Making the most of the space location in the first issue caught interest, but the second simply uses it as a backdrop for a simple story that could have been told anywhere. I hope that issue three will return to exploring the crazy opportunities of Ash fighting Deadites in space, as opposed to mimicking old movies with tired tropes and motifs. However, despite the predictable story the art work from Watts and Oliva is fantastic, if only they had been given a more interesting action script to work with, then the issue could have been great. As it is, it is not. It is simply a pop-culture referencing, old movie mimicking waste of a great opportunity. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Jan 7, 2015

    While the artwork is just fine on the issue, the writing needed a great big slap of editing. As mentioned, the connection of the first issue's plot and this one's would have been better handled without all the nonsense in between. Somehow, Vrill managed to disappear. A cooler villain emerges at the conclusion of the book, and that does make for a decent ending. Unfortunately, it's not enough to save this issue from just being a mediocre story with a haphazardly penned plot. Read Full Review

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