Joe Winder's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 29
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Alice Cooper #1

Sep 6, 2014

This was a brilliant start to the series and I really hope it stays this way. Alice Cooper is back and in a big way, might not be a new album but this is a great new saga. If you have ever been a fan of Alice Cooper I highly recommend you pick this comic up. This comic is Cooper welcoming every one to his nightmare, and it's No More Mister Nice Guy.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

Jun 4, 2015

This was a great start to this world and I can't wait two weeks to read the next part. I think when the final issue hits I am going to be sad that this world won't continue. How Peter handles his new role in life as well as the changes around him will be interesting to see. I think more of the Parker luck will end up making this a very interesting ride. I also hope we see little Annie grow up some to see what kind of trouble she get's into.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #1

Dec 6, 2014

Overall this was a great way to start a new Army of Darkness series. It also give us a new twist on the world of Ash as well as a good starting point for any new readers. Seeing how Ash handles the Deadites in space and what troubles the Necronomicon will bring on a space station is going to make this an intriguing series. I can't wait to see where the story goes from here, I think Ash is in for an interesting ride.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #2

Jan 10, 2015

Overall it was a good read for any Army of Darkness fan. It isn't the best that has come out for it but it's still a fun and enjoyable issue. Seeing Ash and the Deadites fighting in space is a new twist on it and having the crew just show up could be interesting to see where it goes.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #3

Feb 14, 2015

The story continues to build with the Deadites seemingly having Ash's number at every turn. It is interesting to see Ash just being typical Ash and easily offending the female astronauts. With the Necronomicon quickly taking over the spaceship it will be entertaining to see how Ash will try to stop it.

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Chaos #5

Sep 5, 2014

Over all this issue was another great addition to the series and ends in such a way that next issue is you can't miss. If you are an old school Chaos! fan you'll love this series if you can see it for what it is, a new take on a beloved story. If you never read Chaos this series is a great starting point if you're into horror comics and movies. I truly cannot wait for the final issue and I am looking forward to seeing where they go after this series is over.

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Chaos #6

Oct 1, 2014

Over all this was a lackluster finale that left more questions to an unsatisfying ending. It might just be that I was a fan of the original Chaos and I am used to big climatic endings to mini series or it could be that this ending just doesn't deliver the big bang that is expected out of a story like this. I liked it personally, I just wish it would have delivered more of an ending. This just felt like a quick way to end it and move on to the next story they have.

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Chaos Holiday Special 2014 #1

Dec 6, 2014

It was an interesting take on a Chaos Christmas but in the end I think it was done right. I know there is a Mrs. Claus fixation in this country to make her more sexy but this issue was just over the top with it. It is defiantly not an issue for kids but it might be a great outlet for the adults that get annoyed with this time of the year.

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Chaos: Bad Kitty One-Shot #1

Oct 11, 2014

I really enjoyed this issue and I am actually disappointed that it is only a one shot. I really think Dynamite was testing the waters to see if this book would sell since it is one of the lesser known titles from Chaos. It is a really good start and was left open enough that they could make an ongoing or even a few mini's out of it. The distinction between Kat the cop and Kitty the badass leaves a lot on the table that Dynamite could do with it. I don't think this character would be a good fit with the rest of the Chaos universe but it still has potential to have a really good series of its own.

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Chastity #3

Sep 12, 2014

The story seemed like it was a filler just to make a long vampire fight but it was still an interesting read. The art really was the highlight of this issue, I really think if the story had more meat to it the artist would have a lot of fun with the issue. The way it ended does give hope that next issue is going to get in the thick of things.

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Chastity #4

Oct 11, 2014

This issue improved from last issue by moving the story along more. It also gave us a look at how Chastity is handling the changes she's dealing with as well as her trying to come to terms with what has happened to her family. Chastity has a long road to get to where she is at now but we are getting a great view of what it took to get there. I can't wait to see next month what happens as a result of the end of the issue, it is going to be interesting.

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Chastity #6

Dec 6, 2014

Everything in this issue seemed very rushed, from the story itself to all of the artwork. I wasn't a big fan of this issue, I understand wanting to do a Christmas themed issue for the holidays but it needs to be done properly with characters like this. The art has always had a minimalistic feel to it for this series but this issue felt like they weren't even trying.

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Dark Ages #1

Aug 15, 2014

I was excited to read this one and I am hoping future issues make this one make more sense. I think the art is always going to leave something to be desired for me but I'm only one person and that style just isn't my type. It does have potential to be a good series but it is off to a slow start. I'm looking forward to seeing if the creatures are of mystical in nature or of an alien race and what happens to the captain who I am assuming is the main character. I will be picking up the next issue to see where it goes and if it gets better from here.

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Evil Ernie (2014) #1

Oct 11, 2014

Over all this was a great start and I can't wait to see where this story arc goes. It has already started out better than the first Evil Ernie series put out by Dynamite and is taking Evil back to the way he used to be. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the banter between Ernie and Smiley after the events of the Chaos series. I hope this series continues this way and doesn't end with a lackluster, rushed ending like Chaos did.

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Evil Ernie (2014) #3

Jan 16, 2015

Over all this was a great ending to the first story arc and left plenty of room to continue. Where the Evil One, Smiley and Mary will go next is still a mystery but we will find out next month.

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Ex-Con #1

Sep 6, 2014

This is a very interesting story that has a lot of potential to take the reader on a fun ride of a unique Ex-con. The thing I really like is this isn't a story about a hardened criminal but about a guy that had a power and took advantage of it to benefit himself. He could see who could be manipulated to do things and how to get them things he wanted in life and used it so he could live like a celebrity. Unfortunate for him he used someone that has a lot of influence and it cost him his lifestyle and his freedom, at least for a few years. I'm excited to see where it goes and to see if his ability improves or how it will affect him as he readjusts to life on the outside.

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Hellraiser: Bestiary #1

Aug 21, 2014

This book is a great read and I enjoyed it, it's a nice collection of Hellraiser stories. I kind of feel that the last story would make a good mini series instead of added to a collection of short stories. I liked the last story and I can't wait to see what happens next to Pinhead, I can't wait to see if the gang does something we've all wanted to do to him. It is a good collection of short stories and I can't wait to see what other stories come out of this anthology.

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Hellraiser: Bestiary #2

Sep 20, 2014

Over all another good addition to the Hellraiser mythos. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of The Hunted and what other new stories we get next month.

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #1

Aug 20, 2014

Overall it's a great issue that if you don't buy it for yourself at least buy it for your kids. It really is a story to be enjoyed by all ages and this is going to be one title I read as a bedtime story to my kids. I'm really hoping this is a title that continues on for a long time to come.

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #2

Oct 31, 2014

This was a good second issue for this fun all ages story. It's going to be a great read for children to get them further into the world of Little Nemo and it's fun for adults that remember Nemo to see a new adventure or even to read and share with children of their own. Seeing Nemo's change from being annoyed and argumentative over his name and even playing with a girl to him slowly accepting it all because of the wonders of Slumberland is fascinating to watch. It's going to be interesting next issue to see how Nemo reacts after the way this issue ended.

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #3

Dec 13, 2014

Overall I was impressed with this issue. I had already been enjoying the series but this issue was just so much fun to read. As I was reading it I was taken aback as I realized that some of the pages I was reading were pages I just read just flipped. This issue is a great read no matter the age. If you have children I would highly recommend picking up this series for them, you will probably enjoy it yourself.

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POP #1

Aug 28, 2014

I think the story was really well written and that the artist did an excellent job of conveying the story he was given. It's not a story for everyone but it's going to have an audience that loves it. I think the drug use in the issue is going to make a few people uneasy and shy away from reading this book, but this book isn't for them. Not everyone will love it, but I certainly did and I'm looking forward to next months issue to see where it goes from here.

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POP #2

Sep 27, 2014

At the end of the day it isn't a story for everyone, it does have a large counter-culture feel to it and a large amount of drug use. Those that enjoy the smoked out culture will love this story and keep coming back each month, those highly opposed to any drug reference will quickly be turned off by this series. I think the series is about to take an interesting turn and I can't wait to see what it is.

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Purgatori #1

Sep 17, 2014

Over all it was a great read. I've been a fan of Purgatori for a long time so going into it I wasn't sure how I would feel after I read it. I am really glad that the writer was able to find a beginning to please not just new readers but also long time fans. Purgatori is in for an interesting ride to get to the power she once held, how she gets there will be fun to see. I'm really interested in seeing if Lucifer will throw anything more in her path on the way there.

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Purgatori #3

Nov 29, 2014

This issues left me wondering what some of it means for the future of the series. It was a pretty slow issue with not much going on for action or story building. It showed that there is a hatred between Purgatori and Jade and that they have trouble putting that aside to both achieve their goals. The most interesting part of the issue was Lucifer and Cramator's banter in the beginning of the issue. It gave us some information and insight on what is taking place, and it was exciting to see Lucifer smash his demon skull staff over Cremators head.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1

Jun 20, 2015

This issue shows where everything is going to go. Damian has grown a lot in the time that he'sbeen Robin.I think this series is starting out on a road to show us how much he has changed from being the assassin his mother and grandfather wanted him to be to a protector that his father has shown him to be. He has now come to a road in his young life that he wants to make amends for the things he was taught to do with the league. I think Gleason is going to take us on an exciting journey with Damian and I can't wait to see what all it entails.

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The Black Hood #1

Feb 26, 2015

This was a great first issue out of the gate, I am positive that it will continue to stay strong. Everything in this issue was amazing and I truly cannot wait for the next issue. Even if I had never been to Philly the story alone is enough to get me hooked. I highly recommend this book and hope to see this series last a long time.

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Transformers: Primacy #1

Aug 14, 2014

This is a great new story arc for fans of any version of the Transformers. If you watch any of the TV shows or are a fan of the movies I recommend picking this up, it will just expand your enjoyment of the Transformers.

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Transformers: Primacy #2

Sep 13, 2014

Over all this is another good addition to the story. It does feel like this story was a build up issue leading to bigger things. First issue we saw how things currently are on Cybertron while also seeing that Megatron is back. This issue we see that now that he's back he's not going to just sit back and be content with the way things are. He's now rounding up the troops because I feel that a war is coming. With Optimus in charge how is things going to go, I think we get a small glimpse into the future at the end. Next issue is already setup to start off with a bang, and with only two issues remaining it's going to get intense very fast.

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