Rai #8

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: April 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 8
8.4Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

"The Battle for New Japan" erupts into all-out war!

Rai has raised an army of former enemies and reluctant allies all in the name of one thing - freedom! It's the final fight between Father and his prodigal son, except there is no coming back from this as the outcome could spell the end of not just New Japan, but all of Earth!

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Apr 7, 2015

    I'm sure Kindt and Crain have something uplifting coming in issue #9 but again sadly we'll have to wait until August to find out. Until then go back and re-read the first eight issues as RAI has simply been a consistently great title and well worth a second, third and many more readings. Fantastic storytelling paired with beautiful art. What else could you want from a comic book? RAI is an amazing piece of work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Henry Starling Apr 5, 2015

    With everything that happened in The Valiant, especially that ending, Matt Kindt gives us a hint as to what transpired just before, (or after, if you will) to The Valiant. Beautiful writing, that blew me away! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Apr 8, 2015

    This is the second review this week that I had to cut short. There's nothing I can say that isn't a spoiler for this issue and that should tell you how much happens on every page of Rai #8. Because of that it makes for a short review. Bottom line, if you're reading Rai then keep reading it. If you're not then this is a good taste of the variety that Valiant has to offer and you should check out the first volume and this second arc when it's collected before its August return. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Apr 8, 2015

    The only downside of Rai #8 is one little word on the very last page, advertising the next issue. That word is August and who knows if anybody can wait that long for more of this excellent series, but at least it gives those whove fallen behind more than enough time to catch up and it certainly will give Mr. Crain some time to get back on schedule. Read this, catch up, re-read this, whatever, as long as you have some Rai in your life. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Apr 5, 2015

    This is the sort of Book you need to be around from the start as it can seem a little daunting and is not the most accessible of the Valiant books. But stick with it. I did enjoy the book and was glad to see the ideas from the earlier series carried on. With Kindt on board, you get good characters and a consistent universe in which to see them rise or fall. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Valiant Central - Scott Beattie Apr 8, 2015

    While some of my colleagues at Valiant Central weren't quite satisfied with parts of this issue, for me at least, I felt it was another strong outing. Admittedly, this title is probably my second-favorite Valiant title (and considering that I love everything Valiant publishes–except Shadowman, that one is pretty rough) that's saying a lot, so there's probably more than a little bias in my opinion. Regardless, who anyone has enjoyedRai until now will probably continue to do so. Even though August feels like it's a long time away, if it means that we continue to get this kind of quality, then I am happy to wait. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Apr 9, 2015

    Considering the amount of buildup leading to Rai #8's climactic battle, it's somewhat surprising how rushed the read feels. Matt Kindt's narrative, as over told by the slippery Dr. Silk, is conceptually sound, though with so many moving pieces there are quite a few characters left to fall by the wayside. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Apr 15, 2015

    As much as I loved this book, I did find myself just a little confused, or that I was missing something. There is a “the story so far” paragraph included, but this is the kind of book you need to keep up with. It’s not a new story every issue, but one intricate plot that you need to be attentive towards. Nonetheless, it is still a very entertaining storyline that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a good read. Read Full Review

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