Rai #9

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: August 19, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
7.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

ALL-NEW ARC! ALL-NEW JUMPING-ON POINT! RAI FALLS TO EARTH IN..."THE ORPHAN"! Superstar creative team Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain return to their one-of-a-kind vision for the future...but will the titular hero? Broken, beaten, and cast down to Earth, Rai's allies now find themselves hunted, persecuted, and imprisoned for their failed rebellion against Father. Rai is determined to save his friends and bring down Father once and for all-but how can he do that from Earth? And will he survive the journey?

  • 9.0
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Aug 18, 2015

    Rai #9 is a long awaited return for the popular series, with the creative team not disappointing. Delivering a sleek, engaging narrative that is both enticing to old and new fans, we get to see what has changed since the last time we saw our futuristic warrior, with there being plenty of teasing as to where this series will head next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicsverse - Alex Nader Aug 27, 2015

    Clayton Crain's art continues to shine on this comic. His digital panting style is an excellent match for RAI. In the past, I've felt his coloring to look a bit unnatural and here I still do; but it works incredibly. Neo Tokyo looks great and smooth and alive, in a weird and wonderful techno-organic melange of textures. This is definitely Crain's best work I've seen, and it keeps getting better each issue. I can't wait to see more of his depiction of the ruined Earth as Rai (probably?) tries to find his way back to Neo Tokyo. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Aug 19, 2015

    Thanks to the efforts of artist Clayton Crain, who earned a Harvey Award nomination for his previous work on this title, Rai is a book in which readers can lose themselves in as draw parallels to our world's current socio-political landscape. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 20, 2015

    The series returns with a fresh new arc, and while the requisite summary page lays out the gist, the unfolding narrative is still pretty dependent on pre-existing knowledge. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 19, 2015

    There are a lot of great little moments, but overall this issue was missing the big hook. I mean Father as the new Rai is sweet and all, but we still want to see the main guy and he's barely in the issue. Then just when his part is getting good" we're out! This has been typical of this series so I wasn't surprised, but yeah I wanted more. I'm glad the book is back and I think this is a great refresher issue for new readers and current readers that may have forgotten where we left off, but now that it's out of the way, let's kick it into high gear again. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Aug 19, 2015

    This is not an easy book to jump into. I was vet aware that I was behind. The art made it worth reading it all. If not for that I would have stopped. From what I could get of the overall story it reminded me of Astro Boy the movie. It's not a bad idea it's just not a book to dip into. Read Full Review

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