Thor #3

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Russell Dauterman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 10, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 37
8.6Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

• Lifting the enchanted hammer Mjolnir has transformed a mysterious woman into an all-new version of the mighty Thor.
•  But what happens when she's separated from that hammer?
•  Plus, Frost Giants! ROXXON! And oh yeah, whatever happened to the guy who used to carry that hammer?
Rated T+

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 12, 2014

    I dare you to open this up and not purchase it. It is perfection. I thought nothing could ever equal Walt Simonson's run for storytelling and art, but this is coming really close. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Dec 12, 2014

    The art will draw you into the book, like a magnet you cant escape, and Jason Aarons story will keep you there. Its something thats just too brilliant to pass up. Forget all that but its a girl Thor! bullshit that youve heard. This is THOR doing what THOR does best: smash faces with a hammer, talk some big talk and be an all around badass. Its going to be interesting to finally find out who is now worthy of Mjlnir, but until then just sit back and enjoy the ride. This is Thor comics at its finest; dont let any misconceptions hold you back from picking this up. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - George Marston Dec 10, 2014

    It's very hard to find flaws in Thor #3. The mystery surrounding its protagonist is growing organically, despite the hype surrounding the book's announcement, and with a conflict between Thor, and Odinson, as Mjolnir's previous wielder is now known on the horizon, it's hard to fault the point her arc has reached. On top of that, Jason Aaron is growing as a writer before our eyes, beautifully setting a stage for the new Thor that has ties to what's come before, but establishing a mood and style all her own. Russell Dauterman is perhaps the best fit for Aaron's Thor yet, flawlessly balancing the epic with the endearing. It's hard to call out an issue that isn't exactly monumental for its perfection, but Aaron and Dauterman's Thor #3 perfectly embodies what superhero comics should feel like. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Dec 15, 2014

    I can't recall a more entertainingly action-packed comic in recent memory, and with the creative team increasing the pace, the suspense, and the stakes with each issue, this storyline is approaching the same high quality as Aaron's first Thor story, The God Butcher. Next month's issue is being touted as "Thor vs. Thor", and I simply cannot wait for January. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 11, 2014

    I'm pretty cautious when it comes to buying new singles because the prices just make me cringe too much. But Thor is a book that pretty much demands that it be bought, savored and enjoyed fully – and repeatedly. There's an intriguing story being weaved here that we're just getting some real first tastes of and seeing how the spiraling impact will unfold. It's progressing about as you'd expect and taking its time, even though it's really just covering a few hours in total so far, but it's setting up what already feels like a big story that expands here with what we now know about Jotunheim. With some great dialogue and solid exposition as well as utterly beautiful artwork that's masterfully colored, this is definitely the way you introduce a new character in an old role and shake things up without truly alienating fans. It's more a mystery at the moment and one that I'm licking my lips to know more of the truth of. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 14, 2014

    But so far, this series has been a lot more fun than I expected. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Heather Joy Dec 10, 2014

    Now that we've settled in to the fact that that there's a new Thor in town and that this one's got two “x” chromosomes, it's time to start wondering just who she is. Where does she come from? Why did Mjolnir choose her above all others? I find myself with more questions than answers after each issue, but I believe that herein lies its power. The more we read, the less we know about our helmed heroine. It leaves us desperate as we lust after the elusive truth- ensuring our dedication to this enchantingly revamped series. Thank you Jason Aaron for giving us a badass leading lady we can all root for, in a comic where gender is far from a novelty. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Dec 10, 2014

    Overall this is a pretty fun issue. Its pacing is well handled as it flows well from page to page, through some exposition and some action. In the end the main character comes off as strong as we have seen her, which is promising for issues to come, even if she is facing an unexpected threat by the end of the end of this issue (though perhaps it should have been expected by the readers.) As is evident in other titles, the male Thor is still alive and well, and with this series focusing on the female Thor, there is only more to go around now. The character is worthy to carry this title, and those that cannot see otherwise are missing out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 13, 2014

    Say what you will about this female Thor stunt, it has led to some really great comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Dec 14, 2014

    Overall this is a strong issue, but one that takes its foot off of the gas a little. It lacks the active strengths of its predecessor but does very little wrong and provides a lot of reasons to continue picking up the title to those interested. Off in it's own corner of the Marvel Universe, Thor is quietly becoming one of the strongest titles coming out of the House of Ideas. The creative team is different and interesting and just seems naturally suited to the story they're telling. If you weren't interested by "Original Sin" or the loss of the Odinson's hammer, this book will get you invested in Asgardia again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 11, 2014

    With a final page cliffhanger that fans have been waiting for, "Thor" #3 delivers the goods. This isn't just a great "Thor" comic, it's a great superhero adventure. I'm officially hooked. I suspect if you pick up "Thor" #3, you will be, too. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Dec 10, 2014

    Who is this new Goddess of Thunder? Does she have what it takes to take on a room full of Frost Giants when separated from Mjolnir? Jason Aaron continues to move the story along and the hanging sense of the unknown is a refreshing feel to a character we've been reading about for so many years. This series has it all--great writing along with superb art, color, and lettering. Despite what goes down, I did feel like something was missing and this issue was just filling the time to set up the final page (and next issue). Regardless, I am once again excited about a THOR series. This is one of the comics I most look forward to each month. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Tres Dean Dec 11, 2014

    A good Jason Aaron Thor comic instead of great is still better than no Thor comic, and fans are sure to love the third issue of the God of Thunder's new series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Booked - Rob George Dec 10, 2014

    Overall Thor #3 is a solid issue. I don't think the light character development hurts it. It almost has you look forward to #4 more because of the small amount teased. The battle that occurs looks great on the page. We have a couple small comedy moments that didn't take away from the book which is always nice. The last page really lets us know that issue #4 of Thor is going to be a good one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Sir James Dec 16, 2014

    On an end note, Aaron does a fantastic job of keeping the suspense about who this new character is. Its great writing teamed with excellent art, colouring and lettering. It still felt like something was missing. But it has kept me on my toes and it shall continue to do so. Read Full Review

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