Peter Panzerfaust #11

Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe Artist: Tyler Jenkins Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 12, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 7
8.5Critic Rating
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Having faced the wrath of The Hook, Peter and the Lost Boys join forces with the Braves in guerilla warfare from their secret hideout in the Sticks. This time, Felix is the man with the memories, and as Mr. Parsons soon learns, he's not eager to revisit that life.


  • 10
    Geekality - Worm VonChaos Jun 12, 2013

    Here is the beginning of a new arc and a new adventure for our heroes. Felix in the present is telling a story of how a simple raid turned into a mission to find the Hook and what he is up to. Everything is begun because of a letter found during the raid. This issue started with very little dialog but the images told a story of its own until the raid itself where the true new story began. This series has been solid since issue one and continues to be one of my favorite titles from Image. The art here is gorgeous in its own unique way mixed with great color schemes that have a water color feel. The idea of Peter Pan set in World War II is so cool, I cant believe it took this long for someone to think of it. This is a title that just kind of come out of left field and now is my most anticipated monthly books. I recommend this to everyone and if you havent read it yet, the first ten issues are collected in two paperback books. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Hansel Moreno Jun 12, 2013

    This story is in steady hands with Kurtis. Each chapter brings forth a new character with a distinct voice. Not only do we get a new perspective we also see a different side of Peter, as each character sees him differently. Tyler's art has really progressed to a new level. The scenery (Morvan Mountains in the winter) looks gorgeous. The action scenes are quick and seamless. This arc is of to a tantalizing start! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Jack Reid Jun 14, 2013

    Fantastic start to a new arc that ends with an instant craving for more. If you're not pulling this book already, it's highly recommended to start doing so. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Melissa Grey Jun 12, 2013

    While Peter (a tertiary character here) and the gang launch guerrilla style attacks on Nazi targets, a greater menace looms just off the page. Hook doesn't make an appearance in this issue, but his presence is felt through the introduction of a few of his nasty friends. It's nice to see Wiebe and Jenkins roar back with a strong issue like this, and I, for one, and looking forward to more of Felix's battle-hardened voice. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tyler Goulet Jun 10, 2013

    Kurtis Wiebe's last arc focused heavily on this Peter's Hook, so it's interesting that he's noted well over a year has past since their last encounter. These boys have grown as a unit and as men, all seemingly gearing up towards another encounter with the ever dangerous Captain Haken–which, of course, translate to “Hook” from German. See what he did there? Yeah. It's pretty awesome–in the middle of an indescribably large war. Sidetrack aside, Mr. Wiebe does a hell of a job giving each character his or her own personality and, thus far, his own tale to within the much larger story of, “Who was this crazy haired boy named Peter?” It's a great approach to telling this particular tale. Nothing seems repetitive and every issue is a new piece of the puzzle. It's handled and executed very well and it really makes the wait between issues terribly hard to deal with. Only 30 more days to go… Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jun 12, 2013

    I really hope that people don’t forget about this series yet again, I’m a huge supporter of the month off routine for independent series because it ensures a level of quality stays with the book. Retailers may argue that it’s long enough for anyone to forget about a series, but if you’ve been following this journey you’re definitely not going to want to miss out on this issue. It’s only getting better and better with each new story arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jun 13, 2013

    Peter Panzerfaust #11 is a good release that proves its worth even as we reach yet another cliffhanger. Recommended. Read Full Review

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