Worm VonChaos's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geekality Reviews: 108
8.7Avg. Review Rating

Archer & Armstrong (2012) #0

May 16, 2013

Here goes my second attempt at a Valiant title and Ill have to admit that it didnt go as well as the first. This story picks up with Armstrong telling Archer a tale of his early days back in the beginning of time. There were furry dinosaurs and robotic spider people but even those were not enough to keep me interested. Dont get me wrong, the story was well written but I didnt really care about the characters. The art was also well done and the colors were bright and vibrant but I still couldnt get into the story. I think Ill chalk this up to different strokes for different folks. Having no knowledge of these characters going into this I just couldnt get into it. Im giving this a 3 because I didnt hate the book it just isnt my bag. It looks great and it flowed but didnt grab me.

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Bionic Man vs Bionic Woman #2

Feb 12, 2013

If you're a fan of the TV series or the solo comics I suggest this book. I also recommend it to anyone looking for something new. This is a very cool book and I can't wait to read the next one!

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Bionic Man vs Bionic Woman #3

Mar 26, 2013

Its time again for our monthly bionic smack down, with Bionic Man vs. Bionic Woman #3. We begin with Steve Austin waking up from a remote reboot by Oscar. He finds Jamie Sommers and the fight is on. Trench, another Bionic being is putting them in a death match against each other to use the strongest one for his evil plans. The cliff hanger ending left my jaw on the floor and I cant wait for the next issue. Champagnes story went from awesome to epic with one issue, leaving readers wondering what could happen next. The art by Luis is stunning and a treat for readers! His backgrounds are smooth and his character designs pop. Inlight Studios colors are rich, very dark setting the mood perfectly. I cant praise this book enough! It has become a monthly favorite for me and I await issue #4!

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Bionic Man vs Bionic Woman #5

May 15, 2013

This is a titles I will by as a collected so I can re-read it over and over. We were given interesting and likable heroes and a menacing villain keeping this book good from start to finish. With this being over for now I'll just have to cherish the other Bionic book until the next chapter of this one starts again!

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Borderlands Origins #1

Nov 14, 2012

If you're a fan of the game you'll enjoy is book. We get recognizable characters from the game and it looks like the visuals too.

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Broken Pieces #4

Oct 4, 2012

This is one bizarre book, The main character has a healing power kind of like Deadpools Power and he can use his blood to heal other people. The art of Cory Smith is really nice on the eyes and Beth Soletos colors are equally great, but there was a whole lot of nothing for story in the first three quarters of the issue. Then a very short but brutal fight happens at the end as a lead up for the last issue of the mini. Its not an awful series but it didnt do too much for me. There is blood, gore and some T & A which helped the series but it was just sub par.

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BubbleGun #1

Jun 14, 2013

Here is a new series from our friends over at Aspen. The story begins with a group of tech hackers pulling off a heist while an opposing team is after the same object. Afterwards while the team celebrates, they are made an offer by a big time player in the city. The story itself was solid but I couldnt get into it. It has too much of an anime feel and that never wins me over. The art style is sharp with intense backgrounds and the colors are uniquely bright and in your face. This is another one of those books that if I read it like 15 years ago I would have enjoyed the hell out of it but today its kind of meh. Im not here to tear it a part but its just not for me. If you are a fan of Empowered or anime in general you should enjoy this title.

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Chasing The Dead #1

Nov 14, 2012

This is a book I will add to my pull list. It had the same effect on me as the Walking Dead where I can't wait to read the next issue, due to the wicked cliffhanger at the end of the issue. If you like horror or are just looking for something new to read I highly recommend this title!

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Chew (20090 #31

Jan 22, 2013

If you have never picked this book up I suggest you go back to the start and do so, you won't regret it!

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Cobra #18

Oct 23, 2012

Its very dark and brooding, which is perfect for this kind of story. I really enjoy how bloody this series has been, but with all the gore and violence the story stays strong, that doesn't happen often! I can't wait to learn more about these badass Russians in the next few issues!

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Dead Man's Run #3

Sep 21, 2012

If you havent been reading this, it is an interesting concept for a comic, essentially its escape from jail in Hell. It follows Sam and Juniper Tinker who are stuck in a brutal prison full of giant man-eating monsters and razor toothed demonic prison guards trying to stop them from escaping. It also follows Captain Frank Romero who is a prisoner in this hellacious jail. Its pretty gory and violent which Im down with usually but it feels kind of forced. Greg Paks story feels a little lackluster, it flows somewhat smooth but just seems to go nowhere. Tony Parkers art is deep and vibrant. The cool visuals and David Curiels vividly intense colors are about the only things keeping me flipping the pages. I wont say I hate this book but I hope it goes somewhere in the next issue.

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Epic Kill #6

Nov 5, 2012

This Image title follows another badass sexy female lead. Song is in a self-induced coma after completing her mission of taking out the man who killed her family and is fighting to awake to make her escape. In her coma she encounters Ninja wolfmen and a limitless army of robot US agents. Her uncle makes a break for it with her body and the issue ends with a wicked car wreck caused by their pursuers. The fighting looks very cool and flows very smooth. Its not overly violent or gory but has some awesome action. Iencos creator controlled title has everything to keep us entertained! Whats better than a hot chick killing hordes of badguys? Image has knocked it out of the park with another cool series!

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Evil Ernie #1

Oct 9, 2012

The creative team in general seems to have it down for Evil Ernie. I'm on the fence with this book right now, I don't love it I don't hate it, I'd just like to see it go somewhere.

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Evil Ernie #2

Nov 13, 2012

The writer, Snider has a cool background so I have faith that this can get better, and we all know that Origin stories can be sometimes dragging. Also I feel this might be a better read as a collected edition when the arc is over. I will say that if you enjoyed the original Evil Ernie series, you'll dig this one too!

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Evil Ernie #4

Feb 12, 2013

Here we go with part 4 of the Origin of Evil story line. As I have said before, this book isnt awful but it is really cheesy. We are still in the prison where Ernies step-father is reeking havoc and sending possessed convicts after Ernie and holding a doctor hostage. Ernie is still learning about his powers and mowing through demons. That is about it. The book is very violent and the dialog is full of bad words. If you are into tons of gore and cheese this is the book for you. I think this series is just a bit of a nod to the era when the original came out back in the 90s. I would like to see what the post origin will be like to be able to judge the title a little better. Going back and reading the original series, this book does it a lot of justice. For me this is more of a guilty pleasure kind of title or just something to read for shits and giggles. But like I said, if you enjoy blood and cursing this is the comic for you!

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #5

Nov 5, 2012

Here is yet another book with a half naked chick with guns kicking ass. This is part 2 of 2 of the arc called Lost at sea, where Sophora must choose a life with Landon or continue as a pirate with her master. It started off kind of slow but the action picked up pretty quick and became exciting. The ending was a bit unexpected but cool. This is not a title I usually read but it was easy to know what was going on right off the bat. The art style is very crisp and the coloring and visuals were deep and delightful. This isnt a series I would pick up monthly but I bet it would read great in trade form. It also kind of feels like it would be a great anime

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Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 3 #3

Mar 5, 2013

The creative team as a whole fits this story well. I have a feeling this may read a lot better as a collected instead of a monthly. Aspen is an under-rated publisher with several cool books like this one.

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Fever Ridge #2

Mar 12, 2013

There is a lot of reading involved in this issue but people who would be interested in this title should be okay with that. If you enjoy history or military stories, this book is for you. I will say this may read better as a graphic novel though.

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G.I. Joe (2013) #2

Mar 21, 2013

Ive been a fan of the GI Joe books for a long time going all the way back to the Marvel series and this title has quickly become an instant favorite. I suggest this series to old fans and people looking for something different!

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G.I. Joe (2013) #3

Apr 23, 2013

The first two issues were very action packed but this one was more story build up and character development which is needed for a solid story.

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G.I. Joe (2013) #5

Jun 20, 2013

Here is the epic conclusion of this exciting first arc. The Baroness, Scrap Iron and Croc Master seem to have the upper hand on the Joes in Warrenton, Ohio. Though the Joes are spread thin with their backs to the wall, they make their final push to stop the terrorists and save the day. This issue was full of action and intense combat mixed with a solid story involving politics, hot topic issues and consperices. With this arc being as excellent as it was I cant what for what Van Lente has next for us. The art team gives a new look to classic characters and great designs on new characters. The colors are a perfect mix of brights and darks. This is my favorite of the GI Joe titles but all four are amazing reads. This series is still very young so if you are interested in jumping in it wont be hard to track the first issue down.

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G.I. Joe Vol. 2 #19

Nov 6, 2012

Again Dixon wrote another super sweet issue and his art team killed it again as well! I can't stress how awesome the 3 ongoing GI Joe books have been. There are so many characters it never gets boring. I can't wait to see how this story ends, you can never go wrong when Snake Eyes is the main focal point!

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #182

Sep 25, 2012

This is a title I cant wait to see in my stack every month, GI Joe: Real American Hero never fails to entertain me. Larry Hama has a total grasp of the entire GI Joe spectrum. He has been a part of the title since it was a Marvel product. This is Ron Frenz first issue on the book and his art is flawless and clean with realistic surroundings. J. Browns coloring gave the feel of the bright classic cartoon and comics without the cheesiness. We get three great story lines all rolled into one great book with Darklons escape and pursuit, the mobilization and relocation of Cobras forces and Zaranas capture of the arms dealer Pale Peony. This issue is loaded with characters on both sides of GI Joe and Cobra, focusing mostly on Ambush, Muskrat and Outbacks Pursuit of Darklon. It wasnt too action packed but you get a lot of tactics and planning which can be just as cool. I really dig this book and I already cant wait for next months issue!

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #183

Oct 16, 2012

The team of Hama, Gallant and Brown is superb, Hama keeps the story interesting and the art is sweet to the eyes. I also like how third and forth tier characters get put at the forefront of the stories. This is a series that I get excited about every month and can't wait for the payoff at the end of the arc.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #184

Nov 13, 2012

Ever issue is as amazing as the last. The art and color schemes give you a true feel of the classic GI Joe series. If you're not reading this book, go back to the beginning of this arc and read it. This is a title I push towards my customers every month!

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #185

Dec 4, 2012

It's a who's who of classic characters. Larry Hama is an incredible writer and I'm glad he is still on this book. The art team once again blew me away. As I said before, its hella colorful and a treat to look at. This is one of my favorite monthly reads and I recommend it to many of my customers. Even if you're not a big fan of GI Joe, you should read it just for the awesome storytelling.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #192

Aug 7, 2013

Things have gotten a little hairy for the Joes in the past few months so now its time for some R&R. There is a lot going on in this issue including Scarlet and Snake Eyes on vacation and Cobra setting up something big. This is the more light hearted of the GI Joe books but it is still action packed and entertaining as hell. This just seems like one of those filler kind of issues while they set up for the next big arc where nothing of huge importance happens. With that being said, Hama is still one hell of a writer. This series is aimed at the absolute die hard fans because its loaded with classic characters from the original series. Though it is at the bottom of my GI Joe pile this is still one of my favorite monthly titles!

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G.I. Joe: Special Missions #1

Mar 21, 2013

We get a new updated look to familiar characters keeping them familiar. I'll say it again, these GI Joe reboots are amazing and for the best. It's never a bad idea to refresh stuff to make it awesome again! If you're reading one of the new Joe books I suggest you pick them all up"you won't regret it.

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G.I. Joe: Special Missions #3

May 15, 2013

Its time again for Special Mission action with our favorite Joes. The Story picks up with the Baroness and her salvage team recovering the storage containers but things are getting sticky when the crew of the ship sees what she is hauling. Meanwhile the Joes are running out of time to make their move again the Baroness and Serpentor is also on the attack. This title is less combat action but more stealth covert stuff which is still pretty exciting. The Deep sea scenes feel like youre watching a James Bond flick and Im okay with that. Gulacys character design is great keeping Scarlet and Baroness sexy. The reboot of the GI Joe books was the best move by IDW giving a chance to open up new stories and give a spot light to different characters and that shows the strongest with this series, If you havent picked this title up yet I recommend you do in now while its still early.

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G.I. Joe: Special Missions #5

Jul 17, 2013

For sure any time the Dreadknok's are involved its going to be a great story. IDW Publishing is pumping out some amazing GI Joe titles and you guys should check them all out!

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G.I. Joe: Special Missions #6

Aug 15, 2013

Time to pick up where the cliffhanger left off last month. After the Joes were captured by the Dreadnoks, Roadblock and Spirit were left to pick up the pieces. Meanwhile we learn Zartans plan for the fallen Satellite the Joes were sent for. This arc is full of classic characters and a couple new ones. One thing I really enjoy about this new GI Joe stuff is how much they reference the series prior to this one. Chuck and the team once again give us another killer installment of this exciting series. You just cant go wrong with a solid story and clean crisp art. I hope everyone is enjoying these new GI Joe books like I am. For sure their always the first thing I read.

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G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #3

Jun 20, 2013

Its time for the deeper darker side of GI Joe. Things are getting murky in the spy world for our real American heroes. Trying to set a trap for the terrorist cell known as the Night Creepers , things go south for our heroes. Meanwhile Tomax plays head games with the communications expert Clockspring. This title is a less action more investigation kind of book. The art style is more gritty and dark compared to the other books but it works better for this story. The colors are dark with a lot of shades and shadows. This isnt your average GI Joe book and thats what makes it work. Deeper story and background on characters we already know working out of their element and changing sides. It you are looking for something new and different, this is the book for you.

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G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #4

Jul 25, 2013

Its time to get gritty with the GI Joe black ops team. The shit has hit the fan when the Night Creepers make their attack on the Pentagon leaving only Lady Jay, Ronin and Chameleon to defend it. The brass is not happy with the teams result and there is still some dirty deals going on. This is a side of GI Joe we have never really seen before and it is amazing! The darkness of counter terrorism is presented to us with a gritty shadowy art style giving the feel of the dark days post 9/11. This for sure is atop the pile of monthlies and never disappoints. In my eyes Mike Costa can do no wrong, especially when it involves GI Joe. If youre looking for an exciting spy book, look no further than GI Joe: Cobra files, even if youre not a fan of GI Joe you will most likely dig this!

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G.I. Joe: The Cobra Files #5

Aug 7, 2013

Its time to start a new arc called The Boy most likely to! This is where we learn about Clocksprings origin and how he became the tech guys for the black ops team. We see further into his love for tortured women and his resent for meatheads. We get a new artist on this issue keeping up with the gritty style of the series and a Florean team up on the colors. There wasnt any action this month but a solid story kept the train rolling on this awesome title. Mike Costa has again knocked it out of the park with a great start to a new story. As I have said before, this book gives us a brand new look at GI Joe and its operations. If you thirst for an incredible spy book look no further than GI Joe: Cobra Files!

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GI Joe: Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow #19

Nov 26, 2012

As I've said before, Dixon is the man when it comes to GI Joe. His stories never disappoint and keep you excited for the next issue. This story has crossed over all 3 ongoing GI Joe titles and it just keeps getting better. The art team here keeps the panels as gritty as the story is with deep colors and stunning action shots.

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Glory #30

Nov 26, 2012

The story itself is pretty good, just this issue was kind of boring, Keatinge is a great writer though. You can tell with e character design that Liefeld had some part in this but both artist do justice to the title. The color schemes are vibrant and great to look at. This is not a monthly read for me but it is a cool book and I would recommend it to people looking for something different.

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Glory #32

Jan 29, 2013

This isn't a bad series but it can get cheesy at times, this issue was good though. This is not a monthly title for myself but its enjoyed by many and I pick it up from time to time. I will say if you are in need of something new you should give this book a look.

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Glory #33

Mar 4, 2013

Here is part three of the story called War Torn which means there is only one issue left for this series. In this issue the final battle has begun, Glory and her army which includes the likes of Supreme, Brigade and other classic characters from the Image universe have assembled to fight the Thule army as it attacks Glorys home world. During the body battle Glory and Supreme butt heads until a vital member is lost causing Glory to rage out like never before leading to a very surprise ending. This is a very intense book with bloody warfare on almost every page. Keatinge is wrapping this series up with a bang leaving me wanting next months issue now! The war ravaged pages from Campbell are brutal and awesome and the color team knock it out of the park making this on of the most exciting books Ive read in a while. I can now see why fans of this title are sad that its going away. Can this series end on a high note? We will have to wait until next month!

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Green Hornet #29

Oct 16, 2012

The new arc has potential as long as the story stays gripping. This whole series is a relief after that god awful movie"

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Green Hornet #30

Oct 30, 2012

Here comes another excellent issue of the Green Hornet! In the wake of the new Mayors death, his deputy Mayor takes control and takes the heat off the Green Hornet and his crew. Its kind of cool to see the Green Hornet working with the CCPD! Also the Green Hornet is dealing with the after effects and tension of his sexy encounter with Kato and Moonbeam takes on the new identity of Scowl. The story gets deeper into who the gang is thats causing chaos in Century City. I have to say that I am really enjoying this title the story telling is smooth & engaging and keeps you wanting more. The art team here is superb, the coloring, the images, its all perfect. If youre not reading this book you should be, it has become one of my favorite monthly titles!

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Grimm Fairy Tales #81

Jan 22, 2013

This is the 6th and final part of the story called The Lockdown. All Hell has broken loose and all that is standing in the way of an army of zombies is Spyder, the Warden and Sela. In the middle of the epic battle Princess shows her true side and makes a huge revelation. Im not usually down with this series but this issue was action packed and the story wrapped up well. For those who arent in the know on this book, its mostly about gore and T&A. Both can be awesome and when done right it goes together like peas and carrots. The writing by Miller is pretty solid and keeps you interested and Rodolfos art is super detailed. The thing I like the best from his issue was the colors by Balke, deep darks and vibrant brights look great from cover to cover. For something different this is a fun title to pick up every once in a while but if you really dig fairy tales you should be on this book.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #83

Mar 26, 2013

Here begins the new arc called Jack Frost. Sela is unexpectedly called to a prep school for a job, later finding out that the person who sent for her was Shang who she though was dead. She discovers a suicide that happened at the school which needs investigating. The story brings up the large real life issue of bullying which leads to revenge via a creature using ice as its weapon. There wasnt much going on in this issue until the last couple pages but it set the story up for an interesting arc. The art is very typical for the series with nothing special and huge boobs. The coloring is bright and pleasant. It was cool to see them bring up hot button topics in the story, bullying is a tough thing these days. Id like to see where the story goes from here, if it can stay interesting Ill keep on it. For fans of this series, Im sure youll dig it with a spoon!

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Godstorm #0

Oct 23, 2012

After the 0 issue, it was a chore to read the #1 issue. I do not look forward to reading anymore of this book.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Godstorm #4

Feb 19, 2013

This is part four of four of the mini-series from the people who brought you Grim Fairy Tales. We pick it up after Venus and Julian just defeated Neptune and are about to battle his father Zeus. After a short fight Zeus is nearly defeated until Heather(Zeuss daughter) shows up to save her father and fix her brother. After all is said and done Neptune returns, Zeus locks up his son and is about to banish Venus until her fate is decided elsewhere. This series wasnt awful but it was very cheesy. As for most Zenescope titles, this is full of busty mostly nude women and gory violence. That being said this was right up that ally. Shands story was cool mainly because it was an original idea. The art by Johnson looked great and flowed awesome with the story. The colors had a vibrant shinny look that tied everything all together well. If you can get through the campiness of this book you just may enjoy it, especially if you are into Greek Mythos or sexy half naked goddesses.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Madness of Wonderland #1

Feb 26, 2013

If you are familiar with the franchise you should pick this series up, if you're new to it, starting here seems like a good place. These books are always full of half nude chicks and gore like a troma film. If you're looking for a crime noir book with a twist you should check this out!

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Sleepy Hollow #2

Nov 28, 2012

Maybe I enjoyed this more because it's a folklore that I know well and that its just good writing. I am very interested to see where the story goes and how can this rendition of the classic ends. If you're a fan of the horror genre you should give this book a go.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Wonderland #4

Nov 5, 2012

I dont know what it is about these books but I just cant get into them. I would say if it wasnt for the very nice art style and all the T&A they would totally get passed over. In this issue we find Calie and her daughter still haunted by Wonderland via her brother Johnny. She returns to Wonderland to have a final confrontation with her brother that doesnt go well of either of them. Like I said Gohs art and Grostietas color is fantastic but the story is cumbersome. I will admit the sexy costumes are worth at least a scanning of this title but thats about it. For someone who really digs fairy tales you might really like this book but for me it does nothing.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Wonderland #8

Feb 19, 2013

Here is another gem from our pals over at Zenescope. In this series we have two things going on at once. On Earth Calie and Violet try to keep Wonderland away but it keeps finding them. After meeting a girl named Harmony, Violet sneaks out and goes to a club with her where creatures from Wonderland lay in wait. In Wonderland the Queen of Spades and the Red Queen are engaged in a fierce battle at the temple of Purity with large armies on each side. Gregorys story is entertaining for the most part, it gives us a little edge to the original idea of Alice in Wonderland. The art has hints of realism and is loaded with tons of T&A courtesy of Sheldon Goh. In my opinion the best part of this issue is the beautiful coloring by Grostieta. His colors are thick, bright and jump off the pages at you. This isnt a book I regularly read but its not bad for something out of the ordinary. If you love everything Alice in Wonderland you should give this title a look.

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Hack / Slash #24

Feb 27, 2013

I do enjoy this book with all of its cheesy glory. This is one I enjoy better in a collected edition. This is a book I would recommend to someone in need of something out of the box.

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Hack / Slash #25

Mar 26, 2013

This was a great series filled with sex and violence and Im very sad to see it end, but I have a feeling it wont be for too long. This is a title I suggest to people looking for a guilty pleasure.

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Hell Yeah #6

Jan 22, 2013

This is one of the most colorful books out there. Lewis is a master of his craft. Every page is clean and crisp. Szymanowicz's art is realistic yet cartoony, its hard to explain but its very cool and works for this title very well. If you're into superhero books but need something new, I would totally recommend Hell Yeah to you!

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Invincible #96

Oct 23, 2012

I respect this book and its creative team, It's a great series just not a mandatory monthly read for me. This is where I go when I need something different.

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Judge Dredd #6

Apr 16, 2013

This is a dark and shadowy issue. The shading gives the low light colors a dark doomy feel to Dredds journey. Fans of the classic 2000AD Dredd books will enjoy this new IDW ongoing series.

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Judge Dredd Origins #1

Jan 30, 2013

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a good old fashion shoot em up.

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Miss Fury #1

Apr 2, 2013

If you have read enough of my reviews you will know that I'm always game for a story about a sexy ass kicking chick and this one is exactly that. Also Nazi's are always a good route to take for the villains in a story. I am excited to see where this book goes. If you read the other Dynamite hero books like Green Hornet or the Spider you will dig this book with a spoon!

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Peter Panzerfaust #10

Mar 12, 2013

This book stands out in so many ways, and that is why it gets so many re-prints. This is a title I recommend to many of my customers and its becoming an instant fan favorite! If you're in need of a new title to blow you away I suggest Peter Panzerfaust!!!

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Peter Panzerfaust #11

Jun 12, 2013

Here is the beginning of a new arc and a new adventure for our heroes. Felix in the present is telling a story of how a simple raid turned into a mission to find the Hook and what he is up to. Everything is begun because of a letter found during the raid. This issue started with very little dialog but the images told a story of its own until the raid itself where the true new story began. This series has been solid since issue one and continues to be one of my favorite titles from Image. The art here is gorgeous in its own unique way mixed with great color schemes that have a water color feel. The idea of Peter Pan set in World War II is so cool, I cant believe it took this long for someone to think of it. This is a title that just kind of come out of left field and now is my most anticipated monthly books. I recommend this to everyone and if you havent read it yet, the first ten issues are collected in two paperback books.

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Planet of the Apes Cataclysm #2

Oct 3, 2012

Im going to start with saying that Ive been into the Planet of the Apes franchise for a long time, I even enjoyed the Markie Mark movie. The comics from Boom have been pretty sweet since they started last year. This is a new series following the times before Taylor arrived, in a time of peace. This issue starts with a meteor shower slamming into the planet as chaos begins. Differences between species start to cause issues during the evacuation as a wall of water nears. The art of Damien Couceiro and colors by Darrin Moore is dark, griddy and deep! This is a beautiful book. The story has been engaging and smooth. If youre a fan of the franchise you will want to read this series to see some of its beginnings.

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Prophecy #4

Oct 18, 2012

This series is a huge crossover of many of Dynamites main titles including Army of Darkness, Red Sonja, Panthra, Vampirella and more. The cheese factor is very high but the story is pretty fun. You get a good mix of T&A, violence and humor which can make a good title great. We find our heroes battling creatures that look like Mexican Gods all across the world, seems to be a play on the whole 2012 end of the world idea, which I think is a kind of cool concept. Ill also say Im bias here because Ash is one of my all-time favorite heroes so I love this book on just that but Ill say even without him its still pretty cool. The art is dark and gritty with very sharp colors and design, and there are half naked chicks on almost every page. The look of the monsters is also very cool, especially if youre into ancient mythos. Can our heroes save the worldI actually cant wait for next month to find out.

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Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #76

May 29, 2013

Here begins a new arc with a new creative team. We begin with Sonja captive at the hands of a strange village where she is rescued by four brothers. They saved her just to turn her over to another, a man named Lord Zhaal. The issue had very little action and the story really didnt go anywhere until the end. That being said, it is the beginning of a new five part arc so this is just set up for something bigger. Jerwas story is good just kind of slow out the gate but I have faith it will go somewhere great. Davilas art is par with the last arc. He gave his touch to the sexy lead of the title and did her justice. The rich colors gel great with solid art and all the T&A you can handle. Im very interested to see where this story goes but its peaked my curiosity. Each arc is pretty self contained so you wont have to backtrack too far to understand whats going on if you want to pick it up now.

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Repossessed #1

Jan 9, 2013

Ringuet made something very cool here, he is a one man band on this title. This book is full of demons, firefights and fun mayhem, its like a dark version of the Ghostbusters. If you are looks for something different to read I would recommend this book to anyone. Image just keeps pumping out gold!

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Savage Dragon (1993) #184

Jan 10, 2013

This is a book where I would like to start from the beginning due to my lack of knowledge. Most of the classic Image stuff is foreign to me, I didn't really get into Image until the Walking Dead. This issue itself was fun and it flowed very smoothly. This is a series I could see myself turning into a monthly read.

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Shadowman (2012) #0

Apr 30, 2013

I will begin with saying that I never read any of Valiants stuff from the 90s and have been causeous to try this new stuff but after reading this I may have to look deeper into the company. The story starts with a family practicing magic on a plantation in Louisiana set in the early 1800s. Everything was going great as the siblings trained with their Father until their eighteenth birthdays came and changed everything. Jordans story flowed and stayed interesting from cover to cover. The art team created gorgeous images all set with dark deep colors setting the tone for what will become a shadowy brooding story. The character and background design set the theme of the period perfectly. This isnt something I would normally pick up but like I said I may have to change that after reading this issue.

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Shinku #5

Oct 17, 2012

Image has been at its very best over the past year and this is just another very cool title from the publisher. I would say this is the only cool Vampire story going on right now, with the exception of maybe American Vampire which is kind of cool. This issue begins with the main character recovering in the hospital when the vampires attack and abduct Davis, still wounded she goes to their hideout and kicks total ass with the assist by Oshima. That about covers the whole issue but that is totally okay because it was action packed and very violent, which I really like! As I have said before I always enjoy a beautiful female character who can kick ass. This book has a really simple enjoyable story with gorgeous colorful art. This creative team has put out a wonderful series that makes me want to read the next issue, so all I have to say is keep it up!

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Soulfire Vol. 4 #3

Dec 6, 2012

The story kept me in it but I would like to read this in a collected edition. I feel it might flow better if you have the whole story at once. I would say if you read anything like Fables or the Grim Fairy Tales you'll dig the hell out of this series.

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Spawn #230

Apr 2, 2013

There is not a lot going on but a ton of talking and the story is kind of lackluster. The art by Kudranski is gritty yet detailed and the coloring is very dark and shadowy. I know this is the lead up for the arc but I hope it goes somewhere from here to save the story. I know this is still a fan favorite for many and I'm not a hater, I think I'm just stuck on the old Spawn stories!

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Spawn #231

Apr 29, 2013

The story isn't very exciting and all the dialog is a chore to read. The art style is awesome though. It's very dark and shadowy giving the story a dark feel but not enough to keep me interested as a whole. I know it can't be like the Spawn of old but more than one page of action wouldn't kill anyone. I take no joy in trashing this title I just want something more for such a classic character.

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Star Trek #20

May 7, 2013

This ongoing series goes along with the JJ Abrams film series which the next film Into Darkness comes out next month. This issue gives us a look at the early days for Sulu and Chekov in their academy days before their time on the Enterprise. Both are planning big events for the Federation Day ceremony that could alter their place in Starfleet. The writer gives us a great lead into the new movie universe setting us up for Into Darkness and giving us some back story on two very important characters as well as dealing with real world issues like bullying and peer preasure.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive #1

Sep 21, 2012

It's great to see a strong supporting cast with Capt. William Riker, Data and Seven of Nine. Even with the two timelines the story flows very smooth and keeps you engaged from start to finish.

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Supreme (2012) #68

Jan 7, 2013

So to begin, this is a title was created by Rob Liefeldso I already kind of dig it. I think Im one of the few that like him. Ive never read this title before so its all new to me and I like it that way. In this issue we see the former Supremes trying to figure out how to get their powers back and how to stop the Mean Supreme. Meanwhile the Mean Supreme is in fierce combat with Khromium and his forces. This issue was action packed and full of story keeping me engaged from start to finish. Larsens story telling skills are very impressive and his art style is detailed and rich. This is a very colorful crisp issue courtesy of Steve Oliff. This is not a great starting point if youre not reading it but if you go back a few issues youll be in like Flint with the story. After reading this issue, Id like to go back and start from the beginning. Image again is at its best right now, they cant seem to put out a bad book.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #14

Sep 25, 2012

Kevin Eastmans current run of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles goes back to the roots of the original series, back to the edgy brutal ways of the 80s book, and it is totally not for kidsthe way TMNT should be! Eastman works the team dynamic as well as individual details for all of his characters. This issue deals with some heavy topics like domestic violence, self-control, alcoholism and anger issues. Also we get some of General Krangs origin, the reveal of his infamous base of operations and a hint at what Shredder is planning next. We learn life lessons as Master Splinter give the life or death call to Raphael. The gritty yet amazing art is courtesy Andy Kuhn, who just makes this series look killer with the help of Ronda Pattisons coloring. This book has blown me away since its return last year and its Micro series spin-off is equally awesome! I recommend this series to everyone!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #15

Oct 30, 2012

Ive been raving about this series since the beginning, it feels like TMNT of old. Its very dark and violent with fun and humor mixed in. Kevin Eastman is the man when it comes to Turtles. This issue is an origin story for one of my favorite villains, Slash! We see his progression from injection to full blown mutant and we see his first encounter with the Turtles with a cliffhanger ending. With that we also see the Turtles find their new home in the bomb shelter of a church. It wasnt too much of an action packed issue but it gave us some back story and set up for the next few issues. The art is very brooding and dark. It truly feels like the original 80s Turtles, all killer no filler. This is another series that I cant wait for monthly. You cant go wrong with IDWs run of TMNT!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #16

Nov 27, 2012

This is a monthly that I make sure to read first thing Wednesday morning and re-read multiple times and I also pick up the trades. If you're not reading this book you should be, it's one of the books I push the hardest at my shop.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #17

Dec 11, 2012

This is the first issue for artist Bates who is just as awesome as Kuhn. As always the colors by Pattison are rich and sweet to look at. The classic TMNT feel keeps me reading this and the new story makes me want more every month. This book entertains the hell out of me and I recommend it to anyone looking for something great!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #20

Mar 21, 2013

Here we go with the final issue of this arc, we find the Turtles on the planet Neutrino fighting a war alongside the royal family against Krang and his Stone Soldier army. Mikey and Leo are engaged in a fierce battle with Krang himself as Raph and Don work with the people of Neutrino to end the battle. From start to finish this book is action packed and the story is exciting and fun, Eastman and Waltz are master of these characters. The colors by Pattison are out of this worldno pun intended. They are super vibrant and in your face. The art style is gritty and perfect for this book. As I have said before this series feels like the classic TMNT. This is a monthly I cant wait to find in my pull box. This is what they should be using for the new movie!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #21

Apr 23, 2013

This series has been a fan favorite since it started last year due to its classic feel from the original series from the 80's. If you're not reading this I recommend you go back to issue one and read it all"Don't forget the Micro-Series as well!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #1

Jul 13, 2013

I think this will be a good title to read as a collected due to the easy quick read that this issue was. This series is a solid for any fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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The Bionic Man #15

Jan 16, 2013

Every month this is a great book from cover to cover having both awesome art and story. If you need a classic hero without that hero being a part of the big 3 I would suggest the Bionic Man, you can go wrong here!

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The Bionic Man #17

Mar 5, 2013

This is a great series for someone who needs to get their superhero fix without all the over the top super powers. It's a very simple smooth read that keeps you wanting more. I try to recommend this book to everyone!

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The Bionic Man #19

Apr 30, 2013

Review: Here we go with part three of the arc Desert Deathtrap. We begin with Steve Austin posing as the dictator who is in charge of the nation of Libue. He is recording a message telling the people they are free from his tyranny. He plans to rid the nation of its military until he runs into an unexpected problem. The issue didnt really pick up until about halfway through but it had a strong cliffhanger ending. The art team has again knocked it out of the park with the realistic style of the character design. The colors are rich with great detail of the geographical locations. This is a great book to pick up if you need something new. Its not only for fans of the TV series, anyone can pick it up and enjoythat is if you like solid story with great art.

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The Bionic Man #20

May 15, 2013

We can rebuild himor they already did and gave Steve Austin this amazing comic series. This is the conclusion of the Desert Deathtrap arc. Defiant until the bitter end, Muhkhtar Hadad launches his missile with his final breath and Steve is in route. Using everything he has to stop it finding out something is missing. After all is said and done he gives the tyrannical leader to the Rebels he oppressed. This arc as a whole was very cool with a shocker ending leading into what comes next for Steve Austin. Villegas took over as artist on this issue and added his touch to the already awesome art style. The realistic look this book has is half the reason for this books greatness. We are twenty issue into this series and I still love it. If youre not already reading this you should start from issue one and enjoy this well wrote story.

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The Bionic Woman #8

Feb 19, 2013

I have got to say that I am enjoying this Bionic Woman series. We start here with Jamie and a fembot named Katy on a plane to Russia to help a friend with the Russian mob. Right out of the gate, our heroes are engaged in battle with the mobsters. During their escape we learn more about the fembots and we see Jamie may be walking into a trap. This book is very cool, that being said all three Bionic books are great. Ive said it before but if you were a fan of the TV series youll enjoy the comic books. Tobins story is solid and entertaining. Its one of those books that is so good youll cruise right through it. Ramirezs art has a very strong realism to it and he draws woman very well. The coloring by Roberts is bright and clean. If youre looking for a strong female lead who is not campy I offer this title to you. Jamie Somers is a powerful woman without needing cheese or sex to sell the book. I recommend this book to anyone!

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The Bionic Woman #9

Apr 23, 2013

This is a very colorful series with lots of bright warm colors. It's always nice to have a book with a strong sexy lead who can kickass. This series is for fan of the TV show but can be easily enjoyed by new fans looking for something new.

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The Shadow #12

Apr 23, 2013

Review: Here we go with another classic character from our pals over at Dynamite. The Shadow is a street level crime fighter set in the 40s New York City. The story begins with a bank robbery that peeks the attention of the Shadow. After some intense detective work he knows how to make his move against the bad guys. We also see some of his struggles of real life when he is not fighting crime in the city. The story was fun with a lot of exciting detective work. The art scheme by Timpano has a pulp feel with modern details and the colors are rich and full. The timey dialog and environments are very cool as well. This is a solid story with a legendary character. Its not far into the run so I recommend to start from the beginning, you wont be disappointed

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Thief of Thieves #14

May 25, 2013

Its time again for everyones favorite crime drama. This is a book I usually read in trade form but, were close to volume two so Im still current. The story picks up with Conrad and his son Augusta in hot water and he must pull off a job or theyll kill his son. Conrad must recruit his ex wife to do one more job to save their son. This title is always a smooth exciting read from cover to cover. The art style here is something of its own and with the shadowy dark coloring it makes for one of the best looking books out there. Just having Kirkmans name on it, along with a solid story moves it off my shelves faster than most books. There are a lot of crime books out there but this is easily the best. If you like any of the Brubaker crime stories, this is right up your ally. This is a title I recommend to everyone!

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TMNT Color Classics Micro Series: Donatello #1

Mar 12, 2013

If you're a fan of the old black and white or the current ongoing series, you should give this series a look. Go ninja go ninja go"

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #1

Jan 16, 2013

This is the first issue of a new four issue mini-series by Image. It follows a young boy named Todd who is so ugly he wears a bag on his head. This poor kid get bullied by every person he encounters, including a man who kills children. The story makes you feel so bad for Todd. He meets a new girl in town who eventually gets murdered and after a few coincidence events he is accused of her murder. This title has lots of crude humor so if youre easily offended it may not be for you. Perkers art style is very unique and the coloring by Soyleyen is similar to water colors, which is different but great to look at. Everything about this book is a thing of its own from the art style to the story itself. I enjoyed it myself and if youre into a darker humor and bizarre art you will enjoy it too. The Writer Ken Kristensen is better known for doing movies and TV but this story is edgy and fun. I would pass this book to anyone who is down for a dirty joke.

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #2

Feb 12, 2013

Im going to begin with saying that this is a messed up book, but in a good way. Todd is in prison for a murder he did not commit. While in there Todd has encountered some interesting convicts including Caesar who has become Todds friend. The police chief believes he is a hero and thinks he is going to be on the Nancy Grace show but another childs body is found because the true killer is still free. Todds parents just found out he has been arrested. This book is full of dark humor and things most people would find unpleasant, so if you are easily offended I would stay clear of this series. The art style is very different but it works for the book, its very cartoony but works perfect for the story. Like I said the story is really screwed up but I have a sick sense of humor so I think its funny as Hell. If you are looking for some cheap laughs or just need something new to read, this is the book for you!

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #4

Apr 12, 2013

The story is funny as Hell but it's that kind of funny that makes you feel dirty. Perker's art is goofy fun and fits the tale like a glove. I actually enjoyed this story a lot and think if you can take a joke this series is perfect for you. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you just might need to take a shower after reading this!

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Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots #1

Nov 27, 2012

This issue was action packed from start to finish while still giving some backstory on the main characters. Padilla has mastered drawing these characters working on multiple titles of Transformers. Deer is also a veteran of the franchise. He brings beautiful color schemes to the already killer art to make this a great book to look at.

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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #9

Sep 25, 2012

There wasn't much action and if you're not familiar with the back story you might find yourself lost but besides that it was a good issue.

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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #10

Oct 30, 2012

Here we go with some Transformers action. We pick back up with 2 timelines running, One with the crew of the Lost Light telling pre Cybertronian war stories to make Rung come back online after a head injury and secondly the investigation of Red Alerts attack lead by Rodumis and Drift. This issue was a lot of story and very little action, in parts I would even call it kind of boring. Roberts story is really good just needs something more. The two timelines flow together well so there in no confusion of whats going on. The art is very smooth and pretty, very colorful and bright. This team is flawless with the designs and execution of the title. I love the idea of the post war Cybertron and there no longer having sides. I hope the next issue has a little something more, but Im still enjoying this title!

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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #11

Nov 23, 2012

Though slow at times Roberts story was solid and set us up for something possibly great for the next arc. The art team knocked it out of the park on this arc, deep dark colors and great surroundings. This will be great to read all together when it gets collected, it left you hanging after each issue. I'm still enjoying this series and it can only get better from here!

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Transformers: Regeneration One #84

Oct 9, 2012

I'll begin this with saying that this title has everything a Transformers fan could want. First off, it has the classic look of the 80's with sharp beautiful colors and crisp visuals. The team on this book is amazing. Bove's coloring with Wildman's drawings is a perfect combo. Furman story puts us on a ravaged Earth ruled by Megatron and his army of zombied out Decepticon.

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Transformers: Regeneration One #85

Nov 6, 2012

Here we are with Part 5 of the Loose Ends storyline! An epic battle is being fought in Washington DC and the Yukon for the fate of planet Earth. In the Yukon Circuit Smasher and his human and Autobot team fights to stop a nuclear holocaust and in DC, Prime and his team Fights Megatron and his zombie Decpticons. The battle scenes are intense and pretty violent. Prime and Megatron are beating the Hell out of each other through most of the book with a great ending and beginning to the next arc. The classic art work on this title is amazing and the coloring is beautiful! Furmans writing is exciting and intense. The banter between Prime and Megatron makes you feel the hate between them. I will flat out say that I love this book and hope the next arc is as great as this one was and Grimlock should assist that well! This book is for fans of the original series of Transformers!

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Transformers: Regeneration One #86

Dec 4, 2012

This is a very brutal series unlike any other Transformers story I've ever seen. It's violent and very adult oriented. This series isn't tied into the 2 other books and I like it this way, it makes the story its own. For fans of the original Transformers series, you need to be reading this!

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Transformers: Regeneration One #91

May 7, 2013

Here we begin the new story arc called Destiny. Iacon is still full of chaos after the attack and manipulation by Scorponok. Autobots are still feeling the effects of the DNA altering. Also Hot Rod is having issue with being the leader as Optimus Prime is still on Earth and Sound Waves new alliance spells doom for everyone. This is easily my favorite of the Transformers books. The art style and coloring gives you a true feel of the classic Transformers of the 80s and its packed with fan favorite characters. I would have to say it is the most violent and action packed of the IDW stuff and I like that. The story by Furman is wrote so well that even the lead up on a new arc is solid and entertaining. When you are looking for robot on robot combat action look no further than this title!

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Transformers: Regeneration One #92

Jun 12, 2013

Here is the second part to the story called Destiny. It was kind of a slow burn getting started but ended pretty strong. On Earth, Prime must deal with Spike and the humans trying to rebuild after the war. Meanwhile on Cybertron, the Autobots are still dealing with the effect of Scorponoks gene experiments while Soundwaves attack is in motion. There is a lot going on in this story but its an easy interesting read. The writing is pretty dark with lots of action and violence. As I have said before the art is like the classic cartoon with an edge. This title is a mish mash of classic characters with a classic art style. If you want something different with your Transformers look no further than this series.

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Transformers: Regeneration One #93

Jul 17, 2013

Continuing on the Destiny arc, I have found myself a little lost at points. There is just so much going on it is easy to lose your place. As Bludgeon and his crew attack the Autobots, they also turn their guns on Galvatron sending him into battle alone. Also the Autobots, led by Hot Rod are at the core of the planet uncovering their history. This issue we get the return of Guido Guidi whose art style fits this series so well with the classic character designs with hints of grittiness. The story is good you just need to pay a lot of attention so you can follow easier. This is a darker title for the franchise with makes it a top monthly reader for me. Ive always said, the darker the story the better for Transformers. With all the Transformers 4 hype beginning get your fix here with all the IDW Publishing Transformers titles!

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #10

Oct 9, 2012

The story is thrilling and kind of confusing at the same time but ends well. Ramondelli returns in this issue with very dark and gritty visuals. It's a vast difference between Ramondelli and Griffith's art styles but both do the book justice. One of the best parts of these titles is that you get a boatload of characters in every issue.

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #11

Nov 23, 2012

I enjoy this title the best of the ongoing Transformers books. Barber is one hell of a story teller and this is just the beginning of this story. Rich, colorful and super detailed are the pages of this book and Guidi's designs are incredible. I recommend all the Transformers titles but this one the most. Full of fan favorite characters and a great story, this book will not disappoint!

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #12

Dec 11, 2012

This is a title that leaves you wanting more and wondering what could happen next. Its jam packed with characters we all know and love or love to hate and the story is solid as steal. One of my must read monthlies.

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #15

Mar 26, 2013

This book is action packed from start to finish! We begin with a brain washed Prowl at the control of the mighty combiner bot Devastator who is attacking the Autobots via orders from Megatron. Elsewhere Megatron and his minions have Bumblebee and the other politicians held captive. Megatrons return has refueled the war between Autobot and Decepticon and it gets more intense with each issue! Barbers story is solid and full of action. He is easily one of IDWs top guys. The art has the classic feel with an updated edge and the colors are in your face and absolutely brutal. The combat in this issue is unreal and vicious. Of the 3 Transformers books ongoing right now this one is my favorite. This series is for classic fans and people new to the franchise.

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #16

Apr 16, 2013

This was an incredible arc and I think casual and diehard fans can get behind me on this on. I demand you check out this entire story arc!

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Transformers: Robots In Disguise #19

Jul 3, 2013

The Dark Cybertron Prelude continues in this weeks issue. Orion Pax and his crew search the ruins of the planet Gorlam Prime knowing that Jhiaxus most likely has a trap set for them. Also we see the return of Waspinator who is a cult fan favorite with interesting dialog. This Dark Cybertron story better have a great pay off with there being 3 issues of prelude. This issue we get a new art team with a very unique art style that is different but looks amazing on this title. Its almost like watercolors mixed with pastels. As usual Barber delivers a solid entertaining story keeping you on the edge of your seat from cover to cover. If you need an exciting fix of Transformers, look no further than this story arc!

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Vampirella #28

Apr 10, 2013

The story seems pretty cool but this is not a great jumping on point so you might want to go back a few issues to get the whole story. The Art by Michael has a real Pulp feel to it and is full of T&A for the dudes. The colors are dark and brooding in parts and some of this issue is black and white adding to the pulp aspect.

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Voltron #8

Oct 3, 2012

This new Voltron series has been kind of interesting. It has the feel of the old cartoon series with a new twist. Its not amazing but its not awful at the same time. N. Steven Harriss art is gorgeous mixed with Pintos coloring which is vibrant and crisp, is a great combo but the story is weak at times. This issue was pretty boring. It was full of flashbacks and somewhat un-needed banter between the pilots of Voltron and Lotor & his people. I want to like this book but there needs to be much more action. This issue shows the beaten and battered body of Voltron on the moon after their battle with Ten Lions as the crew tries to re-power it, in the meanwhile Ten Lions is on the attack. I have dug this series just this issue needed something more which I know we will see more in next months issue!

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Witchblade (1995) #164

Mar 5, 2013

This is part two of the multi-book crossover called Progeny which crosses over the Top Cow Universe books Artifacts, Darkness and Witchblade. There is something different about the universe and it takes an encounter between Sara and Jackie In a prison to figure out what it is. Things start getting crazy when the Darkness and the Witchblade are together. We learn the fate of Saras child and we see Tom Judge save the day. This is a very dark in depth story from writer Tim Seeley. The colors are equally as dark and brooding by the team of Pianto and Maulana. Bernards art style is very cool, sharp characters with edgy backrounds make this book a pleasure to read. The action scenes were very cool looking and the backstory was intriguing. This isnt a title that I would normally read but this issue was very cool. If youre not reading this you should give it a look!

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