Dead Man's Run #3

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Tony Parker Publisher: Aspen Comics Release Date: September 19, 2012 Critic Reviews: 4
6.9Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 19, 2012

    I enjoyed this issue a lot and it was a solid return that kept the feeling and the pacing of the previous issues. I wouldn’t say that it was perfect due to how much content is tackled within the issue though. It’s so much that it becomes a bit overwhelming and we’re just not given enough time with these characters to digest everythinng. Even so it was an entertaining read and several of the story elements have set the series up for some difficult choices down the road which will make for a great read. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Sep 19, 2012

    Bloody and terrifying, Dead Man's Run is a fun and violent ride that took far too long to get back into. The hiatus put a damper on the flow, which had some struggles throughout the issue, but things are getting back on track for this action-packed ride. With dynamic characters and an intriguing plot, things inside the prison look like they're only getting started. While it had its shortcomings, it's a solid book, and one that fans should be looking out for. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 25, 2012

    Hopefully next issue can get this race back on track. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geekality - Worm VonChaos Sep 21, 2012

    If you havent been reading this, it is an interesting concept for a comic, essentially its escape from jail in Hell. It follows Sam and Juniper Tinker who are stuck in a brutal prison full of giant man-eating monsters and razor toothed demonic prison guards trying to stop them from escaping. It also follows Captain Frank Romero who is a prisoner in this hellacious jail. Its pretty gory and violent which Im down with usually but it feels kind of forced. Greg Paks story feels a little lackluster, it flows somewhat smooth but just seems to go nowhere. Tony Parkers art is deep and vibrant. The cool visuals and David Curiels vividly intense colors are about the only things keeping me flipping the pages. I wont say I hate this book but I hope it goes somewhere in the next issue. Read Full Review

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