Russ Pirozek's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Digitl Noob Reviews: 158
8.0Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #1

Nov 15, 2012

This book started off as an interesting but somewhat-ridiculous concept, and turned into an extremely interesting and exciting ride that keeps the reader wanting more. The story is well written and looks terrific, combining some of the best in the Marvel Comics stable and teaming them together for a fresh look at the original Children of the Atom, as well as putting them into contrast with the war-torn mutants they eventually become. The dynamic had ever the opportunity to fall flat on its face, but barely even stumbled as it went along the beginnings of what looks to be a roller-coaster journey.

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All-New X-Men #2

Nov 29, 2012

Bendis hit another one out of the park with this issue, continuing an already great run on an exciting new series. The artwork is wonderful and the writing is terrific, with an interesting storyline that only looks more promising as time goes by. The time gap is a bit disconcerting, given the fact that superheroes don't seem to age, but it's something that only really applies to those who are very aware of X-history.

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All-New X-Men #3

Dec 6, 2012

Bendis, Immonen, Von Grawbadger and Gracia are crafting a masterpiece with this series, and watching the title progress from issue to issue is wonderful to behold. While there are still a few kinks to be worked out, this book is moving along incredibly well, making it likely the best new addition to the Marvel Universe yet.

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All-New X-Men #4

Dec 21, 2012

Four issues in and already there is a ton going on. McCoy is in a bad way, Cyclops (both of them) is having a total meltdown, and the original five are in no way happy with how things have turned out in their future. While a bit short, it looks brilliant, reads well, and is a very fun book. Bendis, Immonen, Von Grawbadger and Gracia are holding nothing back in this one, and they're seeing it pay off in spades.

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All-New X-Men #5

Jan 4, 2013

There is very little to say in a negative light of this series, and of this issue. The artwork is clean, with splash pages being especially terrific, the writing is great, and the plot is progressing in an entertaining and fun, with lots of twists and turns along the way. In another two weeks things are likely slated to be getting even more intense, with the Merry Mutants in for even more time-travel shenanigans.

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All-New X-Men #7

Feb 6, 2013

If anyone is not reading All-New X-Men right now, they should be. This had been a controversial premise before the release of the first issue, but since issue one, it's been nothing short of incredible. With near flawless writing and artwork, an engrossing story and more time-travel paradoxes than can be handled by most minds, there is no limit to where this series could go, especially if the current creative team keeps themselves on this path.

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All-New X-Men #8

Mar 11, 2013

With some great character development and some heavy hitting cameos, this issue of All-New X-Men is nearly as impressive as the others. While there aren't as many stand out pages as there have been in the past, this series continues to impress with every installment, and the next two weeks are going to be a bit slower, due to not having another to read until then.

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All-New X-Men #9

Mar 21, 2013

For those reading this review as a fan of this series, good work. Keep reading, this book is incredible. For those not reading this series yet: Stop reading this and go get a copy. You won't regret it. This series is a twisting, turning landscape of mutant struggles not seen since some of the more intense periods of the franchise back in the early days, and again during some of the more iconic Chris Claremont runs. Hats off to Bendis, Immonen, Gracia and everyone working on this title, with this issue being a major standout.

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All-New X-Men #10

Apr 3, 2013

There looks to be some major changes coming to the line-up of the All-New X-Men team in the next issue, and this installment has set-up the arc incredibly well. While the concept of a character jumping ship from one team to the other is nothing new (and the character involved is pretty obvious, in theory), Brian Bendis has still found a way to make it exciting, even if the focus seems to be lost a bit. As this series progresses, it looks as though this may become one of the best books in the Marvel Universe, and it's already making major strides in that respect.

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All-New X-Men #11

Jun 15, 2013

After an issue that kind of fell under the radar with the tenth issue, All-New X-Men bounces right back with another great installment. The suspense, action and overall beauty of this comic continues to amaze with every issue, and with some big plot points coming up soon, this looks to be a turning point in what could become a major series.

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All-New X-Men #12

Jun 7, 2013

This book, despite not really having defined arcs after the first dozen issues, is one of the best on the market. The artwork, aside from the odd style change in the middle of the title, looks as great as ever, and with the massive crossovers that take place, this is a series to continually watch, if only for the guest stars.

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All-New X-Men #13

Jul 2, 2013

If there was anything negative to say about this book, it would be this: there feels like a bit of inconsistency in the release schedule, making it a bit tough to keep a consistent handle on when this book is coming out. What was once a bi-monthly book comes out once or twice a month depending on each month, and it's a bit tough to keep an eye out for. Always worth it every month, however.

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All-New X-Men #14

Aug 8, 2013

Don't let the cover fool you, but Mastermind is not quite the factor he looks to be in this issue. Either way, though, this is a fun book with a lot of great things going for it. With terrific artwork and a superstar writer, All-New X-Men is one of the books that everyone should be reading.

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All-New X-Men #15

Aug 9, 2013

With some warm humor and a few touching moments, this is a fun issue to give the usual intensity a bit of a rest. The art team does a solid job but cannot live up to the impossible standard of the title's usual team. With the “Battle Of The Atom” on the way, it looks like the All-New team is in for a rude awakening after their tender moments in this issue.

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All-New X-Men #16

Sep 5, 2013

This is going to get confusing. Lots of characters with different motivations, but also with room for a lot of development and fun. The art style in this book is as great as it always is, and while the plot is getting pretty intense, this is still the best X-book on the market right now, and a major event isn't changing that, thus far.

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All-New X-Men #17

Oct 6, 2013

With beautiful artwork and a convoluted and frustrating plot, this series goes from terrific to middling in the blink of an eye. With the All-New team barely even a focus in this issue, it's fair to say that the end of Battle of the Atom can't come soon enough.

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All-New X-Men #18

Nov 16, 2013

One of the best books in the Marvel roster is back and has not lost a step after melding with two other books for the last few months. There's terrific character work, a great premise and gorgeous artwork that make this a terrific read every month. Those not reading the tale of the time-traveling X-Men are missing out, and should be fixing the mistake of not reading this title.

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Bounce #1

May 23, 2013

Ever wanted to see a superhero use a bong? Well, now you can! Even if you didn't, it's still here, and this opening issue is really fun. It's edgy, mature and as realistic as a superhero book can be. While Jasper Jenkins might not be the most heroic of the do-gooders, he certain seems to be fun, and this looks like a series to watch out for as Casey and Messina carve out a whole new genre of hero.

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Bounce #2

Jul 2, 2013

Oh, this book. What has the potential to be a great offbeat superhero series has in one issue fallen to the point where many readers will likely not be able to follow any of it. With an incredibly confusing story, this book is falling on its art team to carry the book, and while the art team has the skill, there is not enough storytelling in the artwork to justify this.

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Bounce #3

Jul 31, 2013

Many people still aren't sure what this book is as of yet, but it sure does look pretty. With terrific artwork that shows off an odd and still disjointed story, The Bounce brings a new fold to the superhero genre, but still hasn't quite found it's footing as of yet.

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Broken Pieces #4

Oct 2, 2012

While the book has a few minor issues, this series is terrific, with a great story that is both interesting and emotionally involving. With a story that really catches the reader, artwork that supports the story well, and characters that have an air of true humanity in them, Broken Pieces is a book unlike any other in the Aspen library, and its ability to stand out makes it even more interesting to read.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #1

Jul 29, 2012

Despite being incredibly solid, a bit more set-up, both past and present, would have been appreciated. Carol gives no reasoning for the major changes in her appearance. There was also no set-up for the next issue, which makes this feel more like a #0 than a #1, but these flaws are easily overshadowed by how great a start this book is getting. Carol Danvers is back and better than ever, now as Captain Marvel, and its going to be a fun ride.

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Dead Man's Run #3

Sep 19, 2012

Bloody and terrifying, Dead Man's Run is a fun and violent ride that took far too long to get back into. The hiatus put a damper on the flow, which had some struggles throughout the issue, but things are getting back on track for this action-packed ride. With dynamic characters and an intriguing plot, things inside the prison look like they're only getting started. While it had its shortcomings, it's a solid book, and one that fans should be looking out for.

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Dead Man's Run #4

Apr 9, 2013

It's good to have you back, Dead Man's Run. With striking visuals, and interesting story, and plenty to notice as the team moves through the deeper levels of Hell, this series is returning with a hit, making sure to really stand out from the other titles that could boast similar plots and styles. The story of Sam Tinker and his rescue mission may be taking a bit longer than expected, but it's good to see everyone back, especially the creative team who seem particularly focused this issue.

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Dead Man's Run #5

May 31, 2013

This is a fun book as it explores a different kind of Hell, but the length between issues is a major turn off for the series. The art looks good and the plot is interesting, but not being able to get it monthly for the time between issues three and four makes following the series a bit more difficult than other books.

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Dead Man's Run #6

Jul 12, 2013

Not everything has lined up with this series, but overall, it was a fun and entertaining story. With great artwork, an engrossing plot and some really fun characters, this supernatural take of super-prison is something that fans of Aspen Comics and comics in general is something that everyone should enjoy. Great work to the team of Pak, Parker and Hartman for a great run on Dead Man's Run.

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Deadpool (2012) #1

Nov 14, 2012

This book had a lot of high hopes from fans looking to move away from the direction that Daniel way took the series into during his run, but the opening issue falls a bit short of being some kind of revolution or contrast from the last title. Posehn and Duggan fail to open strong in their opening issue, but these two writers are talented enough to make up for it several times over in the future. The colors were a bit flat and the letters page was a bit harsh even for Ol' Wade, but the book already shows some promise despite not cutting it in execution. A few more issues will show whether or not Deadpool fans will be flocking to the new series, or reading Way's Thunderbolts title as a way to get the true Deadpool back into their lives.

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Deadpool (2012) #2

Nov 27, 2012

The Presidents are still undead, and Deadpool is making sure they get back to just being dead. It's not a perfect series by any means, and it's stumbled a bit out the gate, but things are beginning to mesh. The entirety of the creative team is coming together during this first arc, and while it's already a bit of a bumpy road, the kinks are beginning to get worked out. Hopefully the trend will continue and this series will head upwards towards becoming a hilarious, ridiculous and fun series that fans have come to know and expect from Deadpool and his misadventures.

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Deadpool (2012) #3

Dec 8, 2012

Deadpool is finally beginning to work his way back to the form of old, as some of his trademark humor has returned. While not all of it back, it's getting better steadily, which will hopefully remain consistent as the book continues. The art style is gaining some momentum as well, becoming a consistent method of visual storytelling, which will only help the book later on. Not a perfect issue by any means,Deadpool is getting there, and with some continued tweaks and progressions, this book could get into great form.

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Deadpool (2012) #5

Mar 2, 2013

So far, after a rough start, Deadpool is making its way into becoming a major title for Marvel. With improved artwork, writing and humor, the title is beginning to make a name for itself. While some of the humor is still off the mark, hitting into the corny and a bit offensive at times, but it's improving in the plot progression and with hope, this series will continue its run. With the conclusion of this arc next month, it'll be exciting to see where it goes from here.

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Deadpool (2012) #6

Mar 21, 2013

Deadpool is really making some progress with this title, and after stepping out of the shadow of the last series for the character, has really come into its own as a title. With the next arc on the horizon, it looks like the Merc With A Mouth will be around for a bit longer, and hopefully, that's a good thing.

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Deadpool (2012) #8

Apr 26, 2013

This series is becoming one of the best books of Marvel NOW! With a new level of humor, some great work from the new art team and a new arc that is full of the insanity Deadpool is known for, this title is making waves in the comic book world. With great writing, artwork and a premise that while supernatural is looking to be just as entertaining as any story arc every created for the character.

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Deadpool (2012) #9

May 8, 2013

With the supernatural vibe the book has taken, the premise of the current run of Deadpool is taking an odd but entertaining turn. With fun writing (though the jokes seem to be hit or miss at point) and some great artwork, this is a great book for fans of not only the character, but of the supernatural element as well. This is a solid entry into the canon ofDeadpool, and judging from the current popularity and quality of the title, it's not looking to change any time soon.

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Deadpool (2012) #10

May 22, 2013

Deadpool is fast becoming one of the best books in Marvel NOW!, with the most fun per page offered in any of the current titles. It's funny, looks great and has an interesting plot going. While not everyone likes this character, those who do should be very pleased with this current run.

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Deadpool (2012) #11

Jun 15, 2013

With almost a dozen issues in the world, this series is making a mark as one of the most enjoyable books of the new Marvel relaunch. With great visuals, a fun story and some longstanding arcs, this is becoming a great series. This book lacks some of the impressiveness that other issues have had, and while this is likely a temporary setback, this is still a great series suffering from a likely temporary setback.

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Deadpool (2012) #12

Jun 27, 2013

This is a fun arc, and while it's now over and moving towards the next arc, it's good to be over. This is a great book and continues to be so, working on a level that mixes comedy with action and moves it to an amazing level of ridiculous that only Deadpool could achieve.

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Deadpool (2012) #13

Jul 24, 2013

This issue is awesome. it's funny, looks great and completely captures the demented take of vintage Marvel Comics with the spin of Deadpool as the main character. The humor lands on nearly every level, the look passes the test of time and nearly everything here lines up to be a great precursor to the nextDeadpool arc.

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Deadpool (2012) #14

Aug 16, 2013

This is a fun title. There's laughs, explosions, witty remarks and lots and lots of violence. With hilarious writing and a solid art style, this is one of the most entertaining books in the Marvel stable right now, this is a series that looked shaky, with an over-exposed character at first, but has blossomed into a terrific book.

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Deadpool (2012) #15

Sep 1, 2013

With a new art team filling in and a brand new story to start, this issue begins and ends on an odd, yet fun, note. While the drawing style is a bit rougher than the usual style of the regular art team, the writing team has a major handle of this very difficult character, and it's continuing to be a fun read.

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Deadpool (2012) #16

Sep 13, 2013

While this is definitely a new look for Deadpool, but so far, so good. It's been a fun ride thus far, and with Shalvey and Bellaire subbing in for this issue, it's looked a bit rougher, but still great. The story has some pacing issues, but it's been a fun ride thus far. While there's still plenty of time for this arc to pick up, the combination of a much more present Agent Preston and a break-out story makes for an entertaining ride.

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Deadpool (2012) #17

Sep 30, 2013

This arc is getting near its end, and while it's been more about internal struggle than it is about the overt violence and silliness. With some dark and rough artwork and some interesting faces, this arc looks like it'll be one that will change Deadpool for a long time coming, something that is rather difficult, given how much he's been through.

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Deadpool (2012) #19

Nov 17, 2013

While there has been a lot explored in this arc, it's a relief to see it end. It's been an emotionally draining ride, and this issue caps it off very well. With it over, the life of Deadpool won't be the same for a very long time. This arc has explored more about the character than any other arc in his history, and that's something that will be very important to build off of in later issues.

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Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1

Jul 5, 2013

With a brand new series comes a new sense of freshness in the Deadpool Kills trilogy. With gorgeous artwork and a new sense of plot (though, this plot is still a bit weak), this is a series that now seems to have a new lease on life, even if it's only three more issues in this mini. More fun, more interesting to look at and less awful than the previous installments, Deadpool Kills Deadpool might finally reach its goal of ending this series (and the character, at least for this event) in a fun and violent way.

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Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2

Aug 8, 2013

It's time for this series to begin to shine. It looks good, it's funny and it's completely ridiculous, and the entire creative team does a wonderful job in making this feel like the most insane thing in the world, but in a good way. While there may be a bit too much of the man himself in comics, and in this book especially, this is still a terrific ride that is more fun than expected.

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Deadpool Kills Deadpool #3

Sep 9, 2013

With all that's been going on in the Deadpool universe, things seem to be coming to an end. There's been a lot of really disappointing books in this trilogy (making up about twelve issues), but in te end, all has worked out, because this series, and this issue especially, have been ridiculous, hilarious, and very entertaining.

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Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4

Nov 5, 2013

While this is going on a bit longer than expected, this series has been fun. The final issue does a good job wrapping things up, and with the upcoming fourth installment, this should be a wild ride. The artwork is fantastic and Bunn is finally getting a read on this character, so this could wind up being an odyssey to remember.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1

Aug 2, 2012

While not the style that most fans of the character know from the Deadpool stories of the past, this mini-series is definitely a new look for the Crimson Comedian. Brutal, dark, and chock full of violence, Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe leaves little to the imagination in terms of story direction, but delivers in presenting an accurate depiction of the protagonist in a new, bloodier light.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #2

Aug 8, 2012

The premise itself can't be denied, however, as the wanton violence is still pretty entertaining. Many comics fans have wondered how some of these powerful super-beings could be taken down, and while some of it seemed pretty far fetched, Deadpool shows very clearly how to do it. While not something that could be sustained over a long period, this mini-series does what its intended for pretty well: to show the true destructive abilities of Deadpool, pitting him in a violent, gory showdown against the Marvel elite.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #3

Aug 20, 2012

While entertaining in premise, a lot more could have been done so far in the series, but it's finally picking up. With the finale on its way, this has at least been an interesting look into the shattered psyche of one of the Marvel Universe's most popular and deranged characters.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4

Aug 22, 2012

While the series was a good way to get some more exposure for Deadpool (not that he needs it) and pay homage to a Marvel classic (The Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe, which, to no one's surprise, is mentioned by Deadpool himself at one point), this was a series full of potential for something different, that fell quite a bit short of being new or overly exciting. The whole series is worth a read just to see how Deadpool goes about the business of destroying the world he lives in, but readers will likely not remember it for too long as being anything short of another look at Deadpool, in a light not-so-different than many of the others that have been used before.

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Deadpool Killustrated #1

Jan 23, 2013

This is not a great entry into the Marvel universe, and the graphic content warning on the front cover does nothing but bring a fleeting glimpse of something a bit more down Deadpool's alley in terms of language and violence. Both, along with countless other facets such as plot and overall entertainment, fail to live up to expectations, and this follow-up to a series that should have never found shelves has lived up the reputation of sequels to lackluster series: worse the the first to the point of its entire existence being questioned.

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Deadpool Killustrated #2

Feb 28, 2013

While this issue is markedly improved from the inaugural issue (something that gives this limited series a beacon of hope), it's still not quite the Deadpool story that should be being told. While the premise is fun for the initial thrill, once it wears off, there isn't much of substance inside this tale. With its major improvements between issues, there is a lot of hope within this series, and after the second installment, it's deserved.

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Deadpool Killustrated #3

Mar 28, 2013

With a more realistic artistic style, this book makes a bigger impact on the eyes than the previous issues. However, not much has changed in the story department, with this ridiculous premise finally nearing completion. While the writing is good, the idea isn't really up to par, causing this issue to suffer pretty heavily from an overabundance of violence and a lack of anything else substantial.

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Deadpool Killustrated #4

Apr 25, 2013

To be frank, this issue, and the series as a whole, was a complete bust. While the artwork was solid, the entire premise is so irrepairably flawed that nothing could have saved it. Through the four issues, a story of murder through realities was built up with no payoff, complimented with bad humor and conceptual hurdles that were never cleared. While the disappointment is mostly based on the popularity of the Deadpool character, this series is a perfect case of overusing a character to the point where new attempts to explore stories with the character fall incredibly flat.

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Death Sentence #1

Oct 9, 2013

As a series, this is breaking new ground as an original and unique take on the way that powers work. With great artwork and a fun story, this is going to a series to watch in the future as it makes its way through the hearts, minds and possibly nightmares of the world of comic book readers.

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Ex Sanguine #2

Nov 15, 2012

Overall, the series is progressing well, with some mystery thrown into the killing and psychosis. Seely and Emmonds have something here, and while the second issue lulled a bit more than the previous issue, this is turning out to be an interesting series thus far. Not an ordinary horror tale, fans of the mysticism of the vampire lore, serial killers and mystery should be reading this book without doubt. It's a mix of several different genres, and none of them seem forced.

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Ex Sanguine #3

Dec 10, 2012

This is a series that has to be seen to be believed, with an odd mix of romance and gore seeping through each page. Saul and Ashley are intriguing characters, though they're not quite as developed as of yet to make any major impact, despite being the main focuses of the story. The artwork is great, and the dynamic between the two leads is improving, making this a horror series that should definitely be looked at. There's vampires, murder and love, all in the same book. What's not to enjoy?

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Ex Sanguine #5

Feb 5, 2013

While it doesn't do everything right, this is a great horror series, witha few interesting twists added to the normal styles of the genre. Tim Seely, Joshua Scott Emmons and Carlos Badilla have put a lot into these five issues, and it's shown throughout each of them, ending in an exciting and scary conclusion with this issue. For those who have followed the entire series, it's sure to have been a fun ride, and those who haven't should give it a shot.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #1

Jun 23, 2012

Executive Assistant is back, and with some force. Lily is a fun character, if a bit brash, and the overall work on the book is well done. There are a few areas that weren't as great as they could have been, but they are moving in a great direction, and the story is what really sells, which is the strongest point of the issue. Worth a look, especially for fans of the franchise.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #3

Sep 8, 2012

Hernandez did a good job making a story with a lot of different elements to it flow, and while there were some points in not only the issue, but the series thus far that seemed a bit rushed, this is a solid title that fans of the previous installments, and the company as a whole will surely enjoy. Good writing, solid artwork and a multilayer story make for an interesting series thus far, especially at the end of the first arc in this issue.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #4

Oct 7, 2012

This series, especially for the first ongoing for a company, is going very well, with exciting, bloody books that all seem to leak into a bigger picture, despite not showing any major relation to each other in continuity. The artwork is looking especially well done in this issue (not that the others haven't been), with the ocean environment really playing to the strengths of the artists. The near nudity is a bit of overkill sometimes, but it's not too detrimental to the series itself, making this a good start to a new arc, and one that will hopefully blend into the other arc (and future arcs) in the future.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #5

Nov 4, 2012

With things picking up in the cross-over next issue, it will be interesting to see how these characters, as well as the countless others that will be brought in fit in terms of plot progression, but thus far, story is plotted nicely, fitting in some back-story with two major characters in a few short issues. Because of the space constraints, personality traits do seem to be glossed over at times, with more open ended points than closed ones, but for the most part, everything is moving along at a good pace. Hopefully this won't be lost when fitting in so much more in later issues.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #6

Dec 13, 2012

"Executive Extinction" is in full swing, and has jumped in full force. With crisp artwork and a fun opening shot for a long, complex plot, this book is going to be entertaining and a vision to behold, if nothing else. Aspen and the entire team working on this series, as well as the companion to the crossover,Executive Assistant: Iris should be very happy with the work done on this issue. It was a great opening shot, and will hopefully only get better from.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #7

Jan 3, 2013

While the series had some ups and downs as far as pacing went this time around, the Executive Assistant: Assassins franchise has been a fun ride thus far. Adding in the intensity of the Executive Extinction event has made it all the more entertaining, giving the expanding cast of characters a way to create their own impact throughout the series. With great artwork, especially with posing and a fun, action-packed story, this is a series that is marked by being intricate but not too complex, and a blast to read each month.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #8

Feb 4, 2013

The halfway point of the “Executive Extinction” has done what many other large events have done: dipped in quality during the middle of the run. While this is not a bad issue by any means, and does a fine job of bringing new players into the game, there is a bit of a lull when it comes to bringing the characters closer to reaching the end of their journey. While the series is only halfway through, this stretch is pivotal, and hopefully it will wind up paying off as the series continues.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #9

Mar 20, 2013

The "Executive Extinction" has nearly reached its climactic end, and with this issue, the action has built to the boiling point. With only one issue remaining, this issue was a terrific set-up for the finale of this book's portion of the crossover. This issue had less action than the others, but the plot driven issue served its purpose for the series, and with issue #10 on its way next month, this has remained a fun series for the readers, and a very successful crossover.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #10

Apr 24, 2013

It's been a long ride with this event thus far, but it's been an enjoyable one. With the end of the “Executive Extinction” comes some answered questions, some cliffhangers, some major changes in their universe and the opportunity for much more to happen. Since this is an ongoing series, the aftermath will pick up next month and the individual Assistants will move on, presumably to their next client (or target). Great work all around for this major crossover and a good individual issue.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #11

Jun 1, 2013

While only a single issue story, this issue of Executive Assistant: Assassins makes use of the small sample size. Lotus is explored from childhood to adulthood, and while most of the major events are glossed over, there is plenty to look at, and a major twist at the end that makes the entire story come together. Overall, this is a fun series, and this break from the longer arcs is a nice change.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #12

Jul 2, 2013

This has been a great series thus far, though it's toed the line between empowering and offensive for a long time. This time the line was crossed, and the introduction of this new character did not go over well in the slightest. There's hope that this will even out in time, but as of this first issue of the Daisy arc, this is not going in the right direction.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #13

Aug 2, 2013

The newest arc of this ongoing series has its share of problems, though the series as a whole has been a pretty fun read so far. With issues ranging from the use of classic tropes that bring down the female gender in comics to the objectification of that same female character, this arc could use a lesson from some of the former issues, who did a much better job. Hopefully this trend will correct itself in the future, but as of now, this is the least pleasing arc of this ongoing series.

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Executive Assistant: Assassins #14

Aug 28, 2013

This arc really needs to end. With a lot of very uncomfortable moments in both writing, art and overall theme, the “Daisy” arc of Executive Assistant: Assassins has been a train-wreck of tropes and poor representation. While the talent of the creative team is certainly still evident, the content being pushed here is not something that should be celebrated, and hopefully, as this series goes on, will be removed entirely from further issues.

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Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 3 #1

Dec 18, 2012

The Executive Extinction event is well underway, with Wohl and Hernandez working hard in both books. The opening salvo was terrific, and the follow-up here has trouble living up to it. The artwork is solid but not as well-done as the previous event issue, and the crossover of the dialog scenes lasts a bit long, but the event is still going on strong, especially with plot development. Overall, this is an exciting event for Aspen Comics, and both series should be watched closely to get the full extent of what's going on.

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Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 3 #2

Jan 26, 2013

With the continuation of the "Executive Extinction" event hitting a higher gear, the events in this half of the crossover are getting to an action-packed peak. Iris has been meeting some new people on her quest to rescue her employer, help Lily and get things taken care of with those who have wronged her and those she has loyalties towards. This series, combining with the events of Executive Assistant: Assassins is making for an exciting event that has stepped it up during the course of its run. With six issues to go, this series is only going to get crazier and more fun to read.

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Executive Assistant: Iris Vol. 3 #3

Mar 15, 2013

The Executive Extinction is going strong, and with six issues down, the series is beginning to really hit a major stride. The end of the third arc of the crossover has introduced new characters and some startling developments. While Iris is a bit of an echo in terms of the two titles, it has its own story that is developing into its own exciting sub-plot. With hope that this pace continues, Executive Assistant: Iris #3 is a fun read, just as the entire series has been thus far.

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Homecoming #1

Aug 12, 2012

While so far there isn't a lot to the title, there looks to be much more on the way, with a cliffhanger first issue and the foreshadowing of a lot more alien interaction up ahead for Celeste, Hunter and the rest of the crew. The artwork is very solid, the writing is funny and entertaining, and the book as a whole has a lot of potential. This may not be the issue to pull readers in and make them believers in the series, sticking with it for a few issues could prove to be a very wise choice.

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Homecoming #2

Oct 1, 2012

After a decently strong start, Homecoming has slowed the pace down a bit, getting into some expository information and calling it an issue. While not the most gripping of plans, it will likely result in a nice payoff later down the line. Here's to hoping its soon, before the reward cannot outweigh the idea of giving the series up in favor of something more entertaining. Even so, the artwork is stellar, and the idea is very intriguing, which will hopefully start evolving sooner than later.

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Homecoming #3

Jan 7, 2013

While it has its dull moments, Homecoming is a fun and exciting story featuring great artwork and a breakneck pace. Though its one of the final creations by Aspen Founder Michael Turner, it's so far been worth checking out to see his influence as his company continues to make strides in the comic book world. With aliens, superpowers and a twisting plot, Homecoming is one series that should definitely be checked out.

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Lazarus #1

Jul 5, 2013

This brand new series is something to really look out for, with an interesting premise and some strong characters. While it suffers from some first issue problems, this looks like it will be a new creator owned series that will be on everyone's radar very soon.

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Lazarus #2

Jul 31, 2013

While not much has really happened in the world of Lazarus just yet, it's looking to be a promising story full of betrayal, underhanded tactics and desolate situations. With a character like Forever, things could take any number of turns, and most likely, readers will be there guessing along the way. With a mysterious but engaging story and impressive artwork, Lazarus should continue to be a big hit.

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Legend Of The Shadow Clan #1

Jan 24, 2013

Aspen's “10 For 10″ campaign is off and running, and the first issue of Legend Of The Shadow Clan is as mysterious as the characters in the book itself. With great writing by the team of Brad Foxhoven and David Wohl, and solid work by Cory Smith and John Starr on art, this is a fun and exciting series that Aspen fans should definitely check out. Looking forward to future issues.

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Legend Of The Shadow Clan #2

Feb 22, 2013

So far so good for the first installment in the “10 For 10″ series, with Legend Of The Shadow Clan creating a fun and interesting dynamic for the reader to enjoy, bouncing from the tale of an ordinary family that got mixed up with the deadliest of warriors. There's a bit of an unbalanced style to the presentation of the two intersecting sides, and the blending of the colors sometimes leaves an unnerving blurry effect, but those flaws aside, this is a fun series thus far. The first “10 For 10″ title is a major hit, and readers should be looking forward to more from this creative team.

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Legend of Zelda Hyrule Historia #1

Jan 31, 2013

While this comprehensive guide may only be for the most hardcore of fans, Hyrule Historia is an impressive collection from The Legend Of Zelda franchise. With the full gamut of chronology on full display and a nearly ridiculous amount of history and artwork to sift through, this collection is huge and exhausting. It's also well worth it, as this guide is the only one in its existence that could gather so many facts about such a beloved series and make it as terrific looking as it is. A bit too much time was spent on the latest release, Skyward Sword, but there was enough content in the other installments to keep the true fans satisfied. Any Zelda fan should grab this book in an instant, but those who aren't as big of fans may not enjoy it as much as they should.

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MacGyver: Fugitive Gauntlet #1

Oct 9, 2012

The series so far is going strong, with an exciting pace and a style that fans are sure to remember. Gadgets, espionage and a series of events that will put Mac on the wrong end of a lot of guns is on full display, with Mac bringing all the wit and skill he always has. With four more issues on the way, it seems that MacGyver is back and better than ever, bringing his signature style back to the fans who know and love him.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #1

Jul 27, 2013

The probe into the origins and trials of Cerberus have begun, and with the first issue, there's still little to know about this secret agency. What is known, however, is that this looks to be an exciting book with a well-known name, a terrific art team and a concept that will keep fans of this vast universe going until more news about the franchise is able to be revealed. Overall, this is a good read, and will hopefully continue to be down the line.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #2

Aug 26, 2013

With the second issue under way, the character of Rasa is making a rather big impression on the world ofMass Effect. With solid artwork, a fun story and some familiar faces, this is a great read for fans of the franchise, and those of science fiction in general.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #3

Sep 23, 2013

There is an interesting turn made with the mention of Shepard in this issue, and while the story focuses on another familiar face, this is a series that really tells fans how close this is going to be to the gaming franchise. The book looks great, reads well and is a great addition to the catalog of the series. How this series plays into other major events in the game.

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Mass Effect: Foundation #4

Oct 20, 2013

Now breaking away from the story of the new character Rasa and bringing in the beloved Alenko, this issue has done a great job of allowing the universe of Mass Effect to expand naturally and through a parallel timeline in regards to the story of the game. Using characters both familiar and new, the creative team has already done a terrific job keeping a familiar tone in a beloved franchise while also adding new things to keep readers interested. The artwork can get a bit odd at times, but the infrequency of this makes it nearly negligible, adding up to a very interesting and pleasing series thus far.

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Mind the Gap #1

May 21, 2012

For a new series that had a lot of hype, Mind The Gap certainly did its best to deliver. It stumbles at points but has a lot of potential to be one of the premier titles in not only the Image catalog, but in the industry as a whole. With terrific artwork and a well-written story, this series is poised to be a serious contended among the rest of the heavyweights with on-goings. Being a new series, it'll have its work cut out for it, but if things get a bit more focused and fleshed out in later issues, it could have a major impact.

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Mind the Gap #2

Jul 7, 2012

Image Comics has hit a home run with this book, creating an intense mystery and adding colorful artwork along with it. No comic book fan should be without giving this title a shot. It's well worth taking a look.

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Mind the Gap #3

Aug 3, 2012

While the lack of detail, even three issues in, is a bit frustrating, there is no denying that Mind The Gap is one of the best original series to come out this year. Terrific artwork coupled with intricate storytelling, this mystery looks as though it'll take awhile to unfold, and as long as the details get revealed at a decent pace, that doesn't look like it'll be a bad move. Good things come to those who wait, and those who keep reading.

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Mind the Gap #4

Sep 5, 2012

Intricate and complex, Mind The Gap is a book that not all comic book fans can get behind. But those who are looking for a gorgeous, thought-provoking title that deviates from the norms of the medium, this is a book that readers cannot miss. Easily in the top five best new titles of the year, Mind The Gap #4 keeps up a consistent run of terrific installments in a series that should be taking the comic book world by storm. Even if you get a headache occasionally.

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Mind the Gap #6

Nov 24, 2012

This series is incredible. Six issues in, and the hook is firmly implanted. While the story seems to bite off a bit more than it can chew at times, things always seem to even themselves out. The complicated story of Ellis Peterssen is beginning to take shape, even while more pieces are being added. Brilliant writing, beautiful artwork and bright, striking colors make this series a must-read every month.

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Mind the Gap #7

Jan 9, 2013

Mind The Gap is an amazing series, and it's barely getting started. While its only in its seventh issue, the series is in full swing and only getting better. Anyone not reading this series needs to start immediately, with Mind The Gap #7 increasing the tension and uncertainty that has occupied the entire series thus far. An exciting ride, this series is looking just as good or better every issue.

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Mind the Gap #8

Mar 16, 2013

Buy this book. Every issue, every month. This is an excellent mystery tale full of suspense and incredibly detailed characters that personify realism in a fictional medium. The writing is stellar, the colors and art are beyond compare, and while the story is beginning to drag a it, there are new wrinkles being inserted every month to make sure it doesn't become to stretched out. This series as a whole is near flawless, and this issue is no exception.

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Mind the Gap #9

Apr 3, 2013

There is little more to be said about this series than that it is an incredible work of art. On every page, a small piece of a complex narrative is revealed, leaving it poised to make a huge turn when the tenth issue emerges. Even without dialog, this series manages to amaze, leaving many clues and revealing more in the plot of this issue as the others, if not more. Much adulation goes to Rodin Esquejo, Arif Priano and Dan McDaid for taking this unusual idea and making it work brilliantly, especially in a series that is as narrative as this.

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Mind the Gap #10

May 29, 2013

This issue is huge. With the big reveal, the details of another major plot point being presented. While there needs to be quite a bit of time spent on this series to really understand what happened, it is worth the investment as this is one of the most complex and interesting stories that is in the world of comics. This issue made a big promise, and it delivered in a major way, keeping up on the high quality of work that this series has maintained throughout its ten issues.

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Mind the Gap #11

Jun 19, 2013

This is a difficult issue to get a hold of, but that being said, it's a very good one. There is a feeling of the issue being a bit too compact as a lot of plot is put into nearly two dozen pages, but with a new bombshell on the way, this is going to come in handy a few issues from now. The fill-in art team does a great job of making things work in their own way, and while this issue gets a bit complex and can;t live up to the shadow of the huge events of the last issue, it's as good as you can get when it comes to the issue after one of the best issues yet.

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Mind the Gap #12

Aug 15, 2013

With a twisting story that is sure to surprise, the long game of this title makes it worthwhile each and every time. With gorgeous art and writing that shows off just how a mystery should be told, this is one of the most rewarding reads in comics at the moment. Now if only it could be released consistently, this would be an almost perfect book.

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Mind the Gap #13

Aug 28, 2013

The biggest arc yet in the mystery that is Mind The Gap takes a major turn in this issue, just in time for what is going to be a big reveal for the series. While a bit harder to follow, this issue brings new perspective onto what is already an engrossing series, and the dynamic art styles of both the past and the present lend themselves well to the writing. While not as exciting as the last issue (though that's a tough act to follow), some new light on the events at hand and some new questions in the case of Elle Peterssen have been revealed. This is one of the most engaging books in comics at the moment, and with this issue, things just got much more interesting.

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Mind the Gap #14

Sep 18, 2013

This book is one of the most interesting and engaging titles on the market right now. Though it's hard to follow the several plot-lines brought forth by the creative team at times, but when they're brought through to the end, it's brilliant, smart and intricate. The art is gorgeous for both the past and the present, and this book is something unlike anything else going on right now. With the biggest issue of the series coming, the intensity is higher than it's ever been and looks only to get crazier in the final parts of this arc.

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Mind the Gap #15

Oct 5, 2013

While not everything has worked together as well as it was intended to throughout the first act, it's been a wild, fun and incredibly beautiful ride to experience. This issue brought a ton of issues to a close and opened up a new major plot point, one that will begin to carry act two when it arrives in the near future. With spectacular writing and gorgeous artwork, this issue keeps the high standard of the others, really capping off the first act in a big way. Congrats to the entire creative team for making such a great book, and one that will hopefully last a lot longer.

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Overtaken #1

Aug 29, 2013

While it's gotten a bit of a slow start, Overtaken is bringing a familiar plot and putting a bit of a spin on it, showing two sides of the same problem. The artwork is sleek and beautiful, and this book as a whole shows a lot of promise. Another issue or two will be needed to really show off how it's going to read, but thus far, there is a lot of hope for this title.

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R.I.P.D: City of the Damned #1

Nov 28, 2012

Most prequels/tie-ins for films aren't any good, but thankfully, this isn't one of them. The build-up for the R.I.P.D. film is well underway, and this adaptation of the Peter M. Lenkov original does a great job thus far of giving fans some information on the characters and history, all while telling an engaging story. The artwork is along the lines of many Dark Horse titles, though Tony Parker adds his own unique style into the title. The series is getting off to a great start, and hopefully the next three issues of the mini will get things really rolling for the upcoming film and will continue to give fans a bit of nostalgia for long time fans and will hopefully gain several more with this offering.

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R.I.P.D: City of the Damned #2

Dec 19, 2012

With two issues down, the progression of this series is beginning to take shape. While this direction isn't always entirely clear, it's definitely a fun trip thus far. Roy is an interesting character that is sure to translate well into film, and the rest of the cast, while not all that developed, still do a solid job of complimenting him. Tony Parker does a great job on artwork once again, creating a rugged, painted style that is both true to the Dark Horse style and all his own at once. With two to go on this series, hopes are high that this will come to an exciting (and quick) conclusion.

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R.I.P.D: City of the Damned #3

Jan 22, 2013

With one more issue remaining, this series is picking up in a big way. With Roy and Crispin separated and the demon Lucifuge stepping in, the R.I..P.D. is having a bit more trouble than they originally expected on Roy's first assignment. The writing is excellent in this issue, and the artwork has stepped up to match. This series is meant to be a ramp up for the film, and if this series is any indication, the movie is going to be a major hit.

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R.I.P.D: City of the Damned #4

Mar 13, 2013

With the end of this series, readers both old and new should be satisfied with this precursor to the upcoming film. With solid efforts from everyone involved, this series went off without too many missteps, and with the conclusive issue, set up the events of the film pretty well.

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The Massive #1

May 21, 2012

Overall, however, The Massive hits the mark in terms of the hype built up for the title, delivering a great read. Even those who aren't interested in ecological collapse or environmentalism can enjoy the book because of the stellar writing of Wood, coupled with the the beautiful and fitting art of Donaldson and Stewart.

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The Massive #2

Jun 29, 2012

A highly-touted book prior to its release, The Massive is still running strong. With the finale to the "Landfall" arc coming next month, The Massive looks like its going to hang around awhile, even if the world around them seems to be running out of time.

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The Massive #3

Aug 4, 2012

So far, The Massive has been one of the best Dark Horse books to be released in recent times, especially from an original content standpoint. Innovative, endearing and very well constructed, The Massive's first story arc proved to be a good one, despite a bit of pacing issues. Hopefully more from this series will be on the way in the near future that will move this story along further.

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The Massive #4

Sep 10, 2012

The Massive keeps moving the slow and steady route, delivering a steady stream of information in two different time periods, giving the reader a stark contrast of what was and what currently is. The pacing could be a bit better, and the artwork, while very much along the styles of many other Dark Horse titles, does leave a bit to be desired, but fits well in the world it is depicting. All is not well in the post-Crash world, nor is it in The Massive, but while the crew of The Kapital struggle to survive, readers should be pleasantly surprised at how such a slow-moving book is still so interesting.

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The Massive #6

Nov 17, 2012

This series has only a half a dozen issues, but it's been quite good so far, and continues to deliver with each new entry to the series. Cal is an interesting character whose story only begins to get more engrossing as more is learned about his life and the post-apocalyptic nightmare he and the rest of the world live in. The end of the “Black Pacific” storyline wasn't closed off in any major way, leaving many more questions than answers, but that also means that a lot of room is left for more to happen to the crew of the Kapital. Hopes are that the next arc brings forth a bit more in progression of the story, as well as good news, as Cal and the crew hasn't seen much of that as of late.

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The Massive #7

Dec 10, 2012

The Massiveis continuing its run of being an interesting and captivating story full of terrific characters and a story that is incredibly unique. The trials of the crew don't always excite, but there is always a reason to keep reading. The artwork is solid, though the detail work is lacking in regards to the usual style a bit in this issue, but there is no question that this is a great series, and has continued along this line in the first portion of the “Subcontinental” story arc.

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The Massive #8

Jan 20, 2013

Brian Wood's The Massive is hitting a major point in its plot, and so far, Wood and the art team are making an incredible book that fans should be clamoring for every month. While some of the artwork isn't as well done as it usually is and the bonus content that used to be inside the back of the issue is sorely missed, this is a terrific book that has really hit its stride. This is definitely a book worth checking out as things are really beginning to get interesting.

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The Massive #9

Feb 20, 2013

With some major character development forthcoming, this series is going to be in it for the long haul. While there is still not enough focus on the mission at hand (looking for the Massive), the slow reveals of the motives of the crew members nearly makes up for it. The story in this title has taken a dramatic turn in this issue, and the upcoming “Breaker” arc should be another great addition to this already incredible series.

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The Massive #10

Mar 23, 2013

With a new story arc, a new art team and a lot of turmoil, The Massive has taken an interesting turn. Cal and his crew have a lot of work to do and a lot to work on, with health struggles, crew discomfort and a missing ship that has yet to be found. Cal makes some major decisions in this issue, and it's one readers of the series should not miss out on.

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The Massive #11

Apr 20, 2013

While there are some points where the issue feels a bit disjointed, the team of Wood, Shalvey and Bellaire deliver to makeThe Massive a hit yet again. With some dark plot points and beautiful artwork, this series continues to be one of the better on the market. Not the best issue of the series by any means, this one does exactly what it needs to do and does it well, providing another entry into the Post-Crash world of the series and keeping up with the engrossing narrative of the Ninth Wave crew that inhabits it.

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The Massive #12

May 16, 2013

Happy one year anniversary to to this book, which should be able to celebrate an amazing run thus far. With the end of this arc comes a sad ending and a look of complete desperation coming from the crew. The art team on this book was a bit different from usual, and in this case, misses the mark a bit. With a new artist likely coming once again next month, it will be interesting to see how the book recovers from a down month, in terms of art. The writing is still great, however, and the Post-Crash world is still unfolding in front of us, looking as though this series has no thoughts of stopping anytime soon.

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The Massive #13

Jul 3, 2013

With this being the thirteenth issue of this series, it still manages to give off an emotional tone, something that is quite impressive. With a dedicated writer, a talented art team and a penchant for the dramatic, this is an amazing creator owned series. While the flashback scenes look a bit odd, this book as a whole is a terrific look into a world that has sustained quite a bit of damage, and the steadfast few who look to fix it.

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The Massive #14

Jul 24, 2013

With the end of this arc coming, it looks like the issues that have come along slowly in this series are coming into the foreground full force. With great colors, a more intense plot than ever before and many different variables at play, this is a great new arc for an already great series.

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The Massive #16

Oct 24, 2013

The world is getting darker and darker in the world of The Massive, and with their fearless leader looking as though he's not going to be around to steer the ship too much longer. The artwork is impressive, with Brown and Bellaire making an impressive team. With this arc, more danger is coming to the crew of The Kapital, and with it comes cracks in the armor of Callum Israel. This is making for an impressive run of a terrific and thought-provoking comic.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #1

Dec 5, 2012

Overall, Daniel Way's first issue of Thunderbolts is great introduction into a new generation of T-Bolts, and while very little was established in the first issue, it looks great and is an exciting foray into the new line for the book. Steve Dillon did a great job on artwork as well, and while Julian Totino Tedesco's cover isn't terrific, more issues such as this will make this a formidable book in the Marvel Universe.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #2

Dec 21, 2012

The T-Bolts are back and more dysfunctional than ever, with each team member an individual star, though on a team, they may not be so stellar. The first mission was a mixed success, and looks to not even be over as of the second issue. With such a large team, making them fit together and giving them the amount of focus needed seems to be proving difficult, but all in all, Thunderbolts is a great success so far.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #3

Jan 10, 2013

Thunderboltsis off to a great start thus far, with an interesting introductory mission to a team that is sure to be full of surprises. Each team member is looking to play a major role at some point, though thus far, not all members are featured equally. While this, and the overuse of red in the costumes and tinting are a detraction, they are not enough to stray away from this title, which so far has been action-packed, with a bit of the old Wilson humor shining through. Dillon is showing great control with his artwork, and Way is showing that he doesn't need the Merc With A Mouth to run a great book (though his presence is helping), as he takes on several major Marvel characters and makes them his own in a fun way. This is a book that will look to make a major impact in the near future, and these Thunderbolts will do so in a way that only they can.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #4

Feb 7, 2013

While not all is well in Kata Jaya, all is well in the realm of the Thunderbolts. Daniel Way's writing is stellar, with his trademark humor and ability to bend the character to his whim showing through with terrific results. Steve Dillon is proving to be a great pairing with Way, meshing with one another to create a book that is fun to read and to look at. Hopefully this trend continues and the new-look Thunderbolts stick around for awhile.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #5

Mar 3, 2013

With the end of the first arc coming, this has been a pretty fun book so far. This issue had a lot less of the explosive action that the first issue did, but it still had its moments. The writing by Daniel Way is very good, and Steve Dillon's artwork is solid. Looking forward to the reveal of the secret team member and the conclusion of this arc.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #6

Mar 19, 2013

With the end of the first arc finally finished, the team is likely about to kill one another since there is no one else to kill at the moment. You know, since they've finished their mission, created some havoc, and a few even hooked up throughout the course of the arc. With their new team member in tow, it looks like the Thunderbolts are well on their way to making this team work, or die trying.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #7

Mar 28, 2013

With a new artist at the table, Daniel Way has been given a chance to visually redefine his title with new artist Phil Noto. With some major conflicts not only on the horizon but right in front of their faces, this title has a massive amount of action, some great humor, and a style unique to its medium. This has been a great series so far, and hopefully it'll remain that way.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #8

Apr 22, 2013

With the latest installment of the series in the books, the second arc of this new volume is going pretty well, though moving a bit too slowly. Hopefully the pace will pick up a bit before the end of this run, which will be Daniel Way's last. This has been a fun series thus far, and while there's not a whole lot going on in this particular issue, the series as a whole is doing quite well.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #9

May 23, 2013

While the original excitement of the series has faded a bit, this remains to be a well done title. The plot is running a bit long between the first and second arc's, and the impending departure of Daniel Way looms like a cloud of the title, but this book has enjoyed some great success thus far. The artwork by Noto and Guru eFX is gorgeous, and despite the visually unappealing covers, the inside of this book is terrific. Still definitely worth a pick up.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #10

Jun 7, 2013

After ten issues, this book is moving along at a great pace. With Daniel Way gone after issue #11, there is no telling what new writer Charles Soule will come up with, but Way has done admirable with his work on Thunderbolts. The artwork is solid, the writing is good and this is a fun title to read each month. There is an inexplicable aura about the book that is a bit lackluster, but not in the disappointing way. It's just a solid book that continuously keeps that pace.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #11

Jun 20, 2013

It took eleven issues, but the verdict is now official with this title, just as it might finally be becoming something more. This book is predictable and boring, and while it looks really good, there doesn't seem to be anything more than the standard team book dynamics to it. Way's run was a good one, just not anything that will make him anything more than one of the many talented writers in the Marvel stable. With no disrespect meant to the creative team, who have done everything they could, the T-Bolts are running out of steam, and fast.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #12

Jul 5, 2013

If nothing else, the new writer on this book should provide some well deserved energy into the way this book has been running. The artwork has continued to be solid, and while there is no real way to judge how this book is going to go, at least having something new should help. A big congrats to Daniel Way on a solid run, despite the lackluster exit.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #13

Jul 25, 2013

Charles Soule is doing a solid job of making this book his own in these last few issues. While his tone seems to be offset by the art style of Noto, this book looks like it may be on the upswing once again after a few disappointing installments. With all hope, the first arc of this series will be a new start for a series that was already fledgling this early into the series, but as with many books, it has its ups and downs, and it may be moving back up with this new creative force .

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Thunderbolts (2012) #14

Aug 21, 2013

After just over a dozen issues, the Thunderbolts have just about lost their luster. With abysmal artwork and a less than engrossing story, this “Infinity” tie-in issue is something that changes the normal pace, but doesn't understand the pulse of the book. While this will hopefully change down the line, it wouldn't be surprising to see readers dropping this book relatively soon, and for good reason.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #1

Jan 24, 2013

Judging by the first issue, Uncanny X-Force is going to be an exercise in patience. Hopefully the book will pick up, but with the writing and artwork as they are now, this book has far too many mixed signals to really be fully enjoyed. The story is aimless, the coloring work is confusing and distracting from the plot itself, and when everyone is this angry at everything, it never really goes that well. With future issues this may change, but thus far, this roster of Uncanny X-Force is more farce than anything.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1

Feb 13, 2013

If the terrible costumes and odd story framing can be gotten past, there is some great content in here. Unfortunately, those two things are pretty difficult to get over, and it leaves something to be desired from the book as a whole. The story should kick off into some major action soon, but thus far, Cyclops and crew will have to settle with being number two on the spectrum of current Bendis-written X-Men titles.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2

Mar 2, 2013

A great story rules all, and with a story that is progressing in the fashion this one is, that phrase will keep this book on a great path. While the artwork leaves something to be desired, the story and characters are terrific and will keep this book running for quite some time. The art style is not likely to change, so after getting used to it a bit, this should be a great addition into the X-Men lore.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Mar 18, 2013

Holy hell was this issue good. While the artwork isn't too impressive, the story itself is a powerhouse. The Uncanny team is primed and ready to start a revolution, and considering how the team handled the crisis in this issue, they can likely do just that. The new recruits look pretty powerful, especially Eva, who can create time bubbles. With a powerful story, great characters and an art style that will please some but not all, this issue was an incredible surprise, in the best possible way.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #4

Apr 10, 2013

Jumping between two different series cannot be easy for Brian Michael Bendis, and while it's beginning to show with the major crossing plots between both titles, he's still doing a great job with both books. Cracks in the armor aside, this book is still very fun, and the events here hold a lot of weight for future stories within the universe. With the addition of a member of the original five now on the roster, the Uncanny team looks to be growing, and it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #5

Apr 27, 2013

Uncanny X-Men has been starting off strong, but in its fifth issue, things are beginning to slow a little bit in the introduction to an arc that may or may not be too interesting, especially for those who have no opinion on Limbo, demons and the like. While the characters are well done, the artwork is much improved and the title has great marketability with it's ties to All-New X-Men, this is still a series to watch in the Marvel NOW! universe.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #6

May 24, 2013

Demons, new agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., some major outbursts and a lot of instability make up this series, and that instability is what seems to make it so fun. With the team trapped in Limbo until Magik can get them out, things are getting a bit crazy for the mutants who already live a pretty insane life. With the chips down, look to this team to make some major plays and take some massive risks. With Bendis and Irving at the controls, that should be quite a bit of fun. This still doesn't have the appeal of its sister series, All New X-Men, but it's gaining some ground.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #7

Jun 27, 2013

Great story, awkward art is the norm with this title. A book with this rich a story is being deprived of a lot of great visual ideas that could be brought forth with an artist that fits this style of title a bit more. While the Uncanny team is going off to become the mutants they once were (or could be), this book is headed to a crossroads when it comes to the dynamics of its presentation.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #8

Jul 13, 2013

With the original art team back on board, the book has changed dramatically once again. With a terrific story and the not-so-terrific artwork, this is an X book to be on the lookout for, as long as you can deal with the style.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #9

Aug 1, 2013

While the story is superb, the lackluster artwork continues to keep this book down. While there is a bit too much talking going on in this issue, it remains to be an entertaining read, as long as the reader doesn't focus on the visuals for too long. With a great finish and an interesting roster, this is still a great book that X fans should check out.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #10

Aug 19, 2013

This book is getting pretty intense, and with the major shifts in tone, it's getting a lot more interesting. The art is as off-putting as ever, and with the density of the story, it's not fitting at all. Cyclops is really moving into major villain mode, and while he's not a genocidal maniac like most, he's still one of the most dangerous villains to emerge in some time.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #11

Aug 30, 2013

This book is continually getting stronger, on both a visual and a storytelling basis. With the new event coming and the introduction of a new (old) character, things are going to get very complicated and very interesting i the near future.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #12

Sep 18, 2013

With some fun moments and a brand new look, this series keeps going as one of the more entertaining books on the Marvel roster, as well as a terrific companion to All-New X-Men, which is still the better book at the moment. While there's not enough of the main “Battle Of The Atom” roster in this issue for long, it was a great installment and sets the stage for a lot more fun from Bendis and the others as this event crosses some of the other X-books.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13

Oct 16, 2013

While there is a great concept in this issue, it's a complete mess. The plot gets lost in the fight, and the fight is too frenetic to really hold much merit. Hopefully the second to last issue will clear thing up a bit, but with this insanely fast plot and so-so artwork, this is definitely not a strong addition to the “Battle of the Atom” crossover.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #14

Nov 22, 2013

With the new normal presenting itself after “Battle Of The Atom”, Uncanny X-Men becomes a book that is full of new and interesting characters, and full of very sweet stories within this new group. Putting an emphasis on new characters is great, and the reveal of a new openly gay character was wonderful, especially with how it was handled. The artwork was something that didn't seem to fit, but as it's the standard artist for this series, it's something that is at least common, though not welcomed.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #36

Sep 27, 2013

With a confusing but promising new crossover now half over, this issue adds another nice installment into the fold from "Battle Of The Atom". With fun art, an interesting story and a huge (though confusing) plot, this is a great addition into the series and a great installment of plot progression for the plot of this crossover.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #37

Oct 29, 2013

With Battle of the Atom nearly over, the massive amount of X-Men are all coming together and melding into a mass of mutants that all want to beat the hell out of each other. There is a lot of terrific artwork and some of the best characters the X-universe has to offer, but it does feel a bit rushed given all the build-up between the last few issues. With the last issue coming in the titular series, this ends the crossovers for the main books. The repercussions, however, will be felt for much, much longer.

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X-Men (2013) #1

Jun 4, 2013

This book is a bit of an oddball as far as direction is concerned. The art is good, the writing is solid, but the plot is a mess. While this is just the first issue and will contain a lot of exposition, making it a bit muddy by nature, this first plot does not do a great job of bringing readers into a brand new book with a new line-up in the X-Men universe. That being said, this looks like an interesting title, if a bit confusing.

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X-Men (2013) #2

Jun 28, 2013

This is a book that has a lot of potential, but with only one issue left in this first arc, it's in danger of becoming a problematic X-title. There is a great team, a superstar creative duo and the potential to tell some amazing stories, but this first arc is just not really grasping what could really become of this terrific team.

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X-Men (2013) #3

Aug 1, 2013

A vast improvement in all forms, X-Men #3 takes the end of the arc and lets it finish on a high note, doing its best to make up for some of the confusing and inconsistent elements of the first two issues. Wood, Copiel, Martin and Morales do an excellent job righting the ship here, and hopefully this will remain, as the premise of the book is terrific, and it would be a shame to waste that element of the title.

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X-Men (2013) #5

Sep 12, 2013

There is a lot of different elements going into the contents of this books as it relates to “Battle Of The Atom”. While there is a lack of focus on the team itself and the art team has made things a bit more indistinguishable to the other titles, this is a great installment in this series and in the brand new X-event. This entertaining new event should make X-fans very happy, even though it's hard to tell who is really who at times, with so many different versions hanging around.

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X-Men (2013) #6

Oct 10, 2013

While the crossover isn't finished yet, it's done for this book, and that marks a surprising and quick reversion back to normal for this all female X-Men team. Bringing in the rest of the team added a lot of vigor to this book, and hopefully this series and the creative team will ride out the energy from this incredible event into their next story arc.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Sep 5, 2013

The big X event has arrived, and while expectations are high, this could get very complicated and blow up rather quickly if not handled well. There are a lot of moving parts in this series, and while the creative team should be able to handle it, there is a high risk/high reward situation going on with this event. The books have been great so far though, and it will hopefully stay that way with this bit of storyline interruption.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Nov 5, 2013

The action-packed and intense series is here and gone, and with it comes a lot more information than can be truly processed, and a lot of questions that will surely unfold with future issues from the individual books. This series is a major success, but the lackluster finish is something that is surely an effect of working so much in such a short time. The series as a whole gets huge accolades for its aspirations, but falters a bit in execution, putting a small blemish on what was a great crossover.

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