In a remote village in the Aleutian Islands, the crew of the Kapital, on the run from Siberian pirates, reconsiders their core mission as pacifists and conservationists. In this unpredictable and often violent world, should they be more? Narratives and story lines converge as the past catches up with the present, and in quiet, unassuming Unalaska, USA, a new mission is forged.
Brian Wood has created a massive world for The Massive and gives us small tidbits of side story information in the back pages, which never goes unappreciated for readers like me, only edifies how complete Wood's story is shaping up to be. Read Full Review
In a period where Wood's name seems to pop up all over the industry, this series has emerged as one of his most ambitious and rewarding so far. Read Full Review
So far, The Massive has been one of the best Dark Horse books to be released in recent times, especially from an original content standpoint. Innovative, endearing and very well constructed, The Massive's first story arc proved to be a good one, despite a bit of pacing issues. Hopefully more from this series will be on the way in the near future that will move this story along further. Read Full Review
Despite it all, the crew of the Kapital still have purpose. They still have goals. They still want to make the world a better place. And more of The Massive would do just that for those of us in this particular reality. Read Full Review
Issue #1 was good, issue #2 not so good & now with issue #3 Im really starting to appreciate this very unique series. Read Full Review
"The Massive" #3 caps off the opening salvo from this book and solidifies its stance as one of the boldest and smartest books to drop in 2012. If you are after a novel-style comic with great arcs that build to really mean something then you need to jump on this book with both feet. "The Massive" is a perfect personification of everything Brian Wood does so well with the sequential form over time. Read Full Review
Donaldson continues to excel at getting the most from the script with reaction shots, but Brian Wood is moving too slowly here, and I've lost interest in what The Massive might become. Read Full Review
I'm not dropping this series. Brian Wood has told me too many entertaining and challenging stories for me not to give The Massive the benefit of the doubt. But this series isn't working at all yet. No need to keep reviewing it until it turns the corner. Read Full Review
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