Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1
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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Dalibor Talajic Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 1, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 15
6.9Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

What if everthing you thought was funny about Deadpool…was actually just disturbing? What if he decided to kill everyone and everything that makes up the Marvel Universe? What if he actually pulled it off? Would that be FUN for you? The Merc with a Mouth takes a turn for the twisted in a weekly horror comic like no other…

  • 9.0
    Comic Addicts - Anant Sagar Aug 6, 2012

    And cut back to the killing of the FF. Deadpool brings down the Watcher. Yes, he brings him to Earth and kills him. Not before asking him "Who were you talking to?" A reference to the Watcher telling us the story.This issue is from what I can see, an excellent start to a story arc that should be awesome. Everyone loves them some blood and gore and with the Merc with a Mouth going ballistic on the Marvel U, things can't get much better. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Impulse Gamer - Chris O'Connor Jun 19, 2024

    There's a reason this comic got the attention it did when it originally came out and why it is still talked about. Not just a stunning cover with an attention grabbing title… it is legitimately an interesting story and quite compelling. If you are a Deadpool fan then you may already have this in your collection… if not then what a great opportunity to add this (in)famous tale to your collection. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Jonathan Gomez-Dominguez Aug 3, 2012

    On the cover art that Kaare Andrews (The Ultimates) made, on the top of it you can see the phrase "The World's Deadliest Comic Magazine". They should've written "The World's Deadliest Marvel Comic Magazine" because although this series so far is very gory, I have read worse and seen worse by other publishers. The cover itself is a good start to what the mood will be like. The images of Deadpool holding the Hulk's head while we see the faces of other Avengers faces in pain really puts the Disney, adventurous covers to the side. The art work is very subtle and makes everything feel like a cartoon. It fit's the dialog because they added some comedy to this. I enjoyed it because I've been a fan of the "What if" series of the Marvel Universe and it is awesome to see that they sort of made a brutal change to it. I'll have to wait until next week to see how the Asylum ties in with him going crazy. I give this first issue of the violence a 9 out of 10. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - GreenBasterd Aug 3, 2012

    Ain't no D-listers on this one, Mr. Liefeld. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Galactica - Girish Kumar Aug 3, 2012

    This is an awesome series whereDeadpoolhas gone mad. The end brings out all of his madness but is stillbelievable. This issue has some comedic elements to it, but it just enhances the madness ofDeadpool.Daliborhelps sell his madness to us through his artwork in the issue. This seems to follow in the footsteps ofAVXand of Kill Bill. This also has a good deal of brutality in it too (thus the extra parental advisory given on the cover). Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Aug 1, 2012

    If you're a Deadpool fan, and especially if you're turned off by the main Deadpool book, pick up this issue. I'm thinking this one's going to be a classic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Aug 2, 2012

    While not the style that most fans of the character know from the Deadpool stories of the past, this mini-series is definitely a new look for the Crimson Comedian. Brutal, dark, and chock full of violence, Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe leaves little to the imagination in terms of story direction, but delivers in presenting an accurate depiction of the protagonist in a new, bloodier light. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    WhatCulture - Marcus Doidge Aug 2, 2012

    Issue #1 of this miniseries rocked, the art amixtureof fun and gruesome and I can't wait to see how Deadpool takes out all the whingy faces that have beenannoyingme over in Avengers vs X-Men of late as well as the big gunslikeHulk. It's a guilty pleasure seeing all this happen but it's handled well so far and after a long time away from Deadpool this was a glorious return to the character for me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye Aug 2, 2012

    This is probably one of the best Deadpool stories that I've read in a long time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 1, 2012

    Does Deadpool have what it takes to kill the entire Marvel Universe? Based on this first issue, he's off to a good start. Readers shouldn't expect the typical Deadpool story as this issue earns the parental advisory slapped on the cover. We have seen different version of Deadpool and this goes along with the darker and less goofier versions. As with these types of stories, you have to wonder how much they'll matter in the grand scheme of comics. We know the entire Marvel Universe can't really be killed. I expected a lighter and more humorous story but there could be something to this more serious approach. I'll definitely be checking out the next issue to see where this is going to go. It's a little disturbing and that makes it clear that this isn't a simple goofy story with Deadpool thrown in just for kicks. If you like your Deadpool less funny and more violent, you'll get a kick out of this. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Aug 5, 2012

    This is definitely a departure from the comic book norm, but I'm not entirely convinced it's a welcome one. I'm not going to lie, the prospect of watching Deadpool slaughter a whole bunch of people in ways that will all likely be more gruesome than the last doesn't really appeal to me, but I feel as if I'm not the target audience of this book. However, I am glad that books like this are coming out, because diversity in the types of comic books companies are putting out is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Aug 6, 2012

    This book has few pretensions other than doing what it says on the tin. If you hand-wring over violence, or want something cerebral in your comics, this is assuredly not the miniseries for you. But Bunn is doing a little something extra which makes me hope this is more than just idle bloodshed. He performs a slick trick by using The Watcher (which provides a nice link to the much-missed What If series) and Deadpool's penchant for breaking the fourth wall to close the issue in stylish fashion. This issue did not blow me away, but the last pages did hook me for the next issue. If Bunn's script continues with similar cleverness, this series could be something quite special. After all, the mindless mayhem actually benefits from an intelligent writer. This first issue contains seven corpses, two counts of excessive arson, two decapitations, one melted man and one instance of head-exploding. Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #1 earns 3 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Modern Age Comics - Aug 9, 2012

    shop where I belong, along with by Super Big Gulp full of Dr. Pepper, bottle of Clearasil, and box of year-old Moon Pies. Mmm, Moon Pies. Best. Processed Cake. Ever. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comicville - Alan Smodic Aug 12, 2012

    If you're like me, you probably approached this title with high hopes and were let down. I can't recommend picking it up, unless you're really into Deadpool. Instead, find a friend that's already made the purchase and borrow that. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Aug 1, 2012

    For someone who is killing the entire Marvel Universe, Deadpool needs to rack up his kill count per book or he's barely going to have taken care of New York City by the end of the series. I hope that Bunn has a little bit more up his sleeve than what we're seeing in this issue. If that's the case then I would consider recommending this book. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Aug 4, 2012

    If this had a target audience, it is mid-1990s fan boys who yearn for a return to foil holographic covers. Let's hope that Deadpool sees himself as part of the Marvel Universe and ends this quickly. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Aug 2, 2012

    "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe" #1 might have killed off some superheroes, but it also killed my interest in this series. I'll still gleefully read "The Sixth Gun" (a series no stranger to violence) every month, but this comic feels like a misstep from start to finish. This could have been a lot of fun, but the end result is not quite there. Read Full Review

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