Jonathan Gomez-Dominguez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Blue Raven Comics Reviews: 28
8.9Avg. Review Rating

Age of Apocalypse (2012) #3

May 10, 2012

Consistency! It's what I look for in comics, also a little bit of violence. This series does not lack it. Excellent work from David Laphram and Roberto De La Torre. This is a good series to keep up on, and it truly does not disappoint. Very dark and violent, definitely how X-Men should be portrayed. Besides the out of place Hulk, which is kind of cool and weird at the same time, I can not wait to see what the Hulk has in store for the next issue. I give this issue of Age of Apocalypse gets a 9 out of 10.

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #4

Jun 12, 2012

First impressions of course was my excitement to see the Hulk. It was very enjoyable watching an out of place Hulk in a post apocalyptic, mutant ruled world, but I wasn't used to the name change. Cover art was simple but straight forward and it was none the less a good cover. The Artwork of course is still gritty and dark, and is still the pride of this series. The story is still seems a little confusing to someone who doesn't know about this alternate timeline. I wish they would've just called the Hulk something else other than the "Thing". Besides that I'm sure the next issue has a lot to offer especially after the preview page shows Jean Grey walking solo. After all of this, I still give this issue a 9 out of 10.

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #5

Aug 3, 2012

You want my opinion on these two issues? Well one issue is certainly better than the other. Issue five wasn't that good. It felt like a filler honestly. The only thing good about it is that it showed Jean Grey's past. Art wise it felt toned down and I didn't feel the post apocalyptic setting that I admired from the first three. I'm not saying that this was bad but it wasn't a good issue. The cover had a flaming Jean Grey and we got an issue full of dialog and a suicide. Issue six however was an upgrade artistically but the story remained with something missing. I want more action Lapham! Don't tease me with a quick little scrap between Colossus and Cyclops. Going back to the art, Davide was on point with continuing the feel of humanities depression. This of course leads me to my final judgment of both issues. I give issue number four a 6 out of 10 while issue six gets a 7 out of 10. Fans of the series will be happy to see some history and pasts revealed but no kicking ass.

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Avengers Assemble #4

Jun 21, 2012

Overall this issue is good but not great. Not into the explanation issues too much. Every issue needs one though, so I can't complain. Definitely pick this up if you are keeping up with this series. 8 out of 10 is what this issue gets from me.

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Avengers Assemble #5

Jul 27, 2012

Good job issue five of Avengers Assemble. That is all" Good Job. I really was hoping an awesome kiss scene since they exaggerated it on the cover when they really should've shown some Adam Warlock kicking some Badoon ass on the cover. Oh well, the next issues cover art is at the last page and it looks like we will just get that, of course minus the Badoon. I give this issue of Avengers Assemble a 7.5 out of 10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2

Apr 20, 2012

Being the biased Avenger fan, I am ready to see what the next round will bring Earths Mightiest Heroes. Maybe the next issue wont feel as lazy artistically then this round. Take that and pack it with more action I say that would make the next issue perfect. Intensity is the theme of this series and so far it hasn't been lacking any of that. An intense 8.5 out of 10 is what round two is all about.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #3

May 4, 2012

What will Wolverine do next issue? It is obvious he wants to kill hope but I guess next issue will tell us what everyone decides to do. They have a little sample of the next cover on the last page and it seems as though they will focus more on the chase for Hope. Makes my day when I find out a comic is not a bust. I give this issue of Avengers Vs. X-Men a 9 out of 10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4

May 18, 2012

This was a solid continuation of this series and I expect more of this in the future. I literally haven't been excited to read the next issue since round one and it feels good to have that feeling. Lets see if it really is true that the Phoenix force is close. Great read all around, 9 out of 10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5

Jun 8, 2012

I have turned into a big fan of this series after this issue and judging by the cover art preview for the next issue, its going to be insane. Six mutants have gained the Phoenix power and they are heading to Earth. Things are looking up for this series but you have to wait two weeks for the next issue. I give this doom issue a 10 out of 10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #6

Jun 22, 2012

Awesome buy and its definitely worth the three dollars you spew out for comic books. Can not wait for the next issue especially with Coipel bringing in something different and new. This round gets a big 10 out of 10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #7

Jul 26, 2012

Sorry for the wait guys, I shall be writing more frequently now that I have returned from my misadventures. That being said, if you have been waiting for something to happen in this series, Round five is definitely a place to start and these two issues are where you should be feeling its prime. I love these two issues and I can't wait to pick up nine next week. Round seven gets a 9 out of 10 and round eight gets a 10 out of 10. Only because I just can't wait to see what Xavier has in store for the X-Men.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #9

Aug 2, 2012

There is definitely a lot going on now and still no explanation on how this is all linked.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #10

Aug 17, 2012

Given the fact that Hope kicked Cyclops' ass, this issue was pretty awesome. There was a lot going on and most questions where answered in the form of action. The Cover art by Jim Cheung and Justin Posner was a little bland this time. I didn't feel that intensity that was shown in the actual issue, and I feel like showing Cyclops on fire could mean anything right now. Adam Kubert did an outstanding job with this issue. So many intense panels. There is one particular panel that caught my attention and it was the panel that showed Hope pointing her finger at and exclaiming "stop this!". It looked very convincing. I Ed Brubaker wrote issue three the last time we saw him and he continues to shine in my opinion. Great Job all around I really enjoyed this issue. Our next issue is out in three weeks so until then I'll keep occupied with other stuff. This issue gets a 9 out of 10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11

Sep 28, 2012

I love this issue so much. I've always wanted to see more Bendis and Coipel in the series and this issue is the product of my wants. Jim Cheung and Justin Ponsor are always on point with the cover art and they have not disappointed with this issue. Speaking of art, how awesome is Coipel? I meant the Hulk looks ravaging in this issue and he is super destructive in this issue. The panels have non stop action and it's well depicted. No dumb poses and ridiculous dialog here, just good ol' fashion ass kicking. I wonder how this is going to end" it better be good, or else issues like these will be in vein. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Hope you enjoyed this issue as much as I did.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12

Oct 6, 2012

Overall this was an excellent series but in my opinion, not better then the Secret Invasion or Fear Itself. This issue of the end of this great feud gets a 9 out of 10. The entire series gets an 8 out of 10. Now it's time for Marvel Now!

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1

Aug 3, 2012

On the cover art that Kaare Andrews (The Ultimates) made, on the top of it you can see the phrase "The World's Deadliest Comic Magazine". They should've written "The World's Deadliest Marvel Comic Magazine" because although this series so far is very gory, I have read worse and seen worse by other publishers. The cover itself is a good start to what the mood will be like. The images of Deadpool holding the Hulk's head while we see the faces of other Avengers faces in pain really puts the Disney, adventurous covers to the side. The art work is very subtle and makes everything feel like a cartoon. It fit's the dialog because they added some comedy to this. I enjoyed it because I've been a fan of the "What if" series of the Marvel Universe and it is awesome to see that they sort of made a brutal change to it. I'll have to wait until next week to see how the Asylum ties in with him going crazy. I give this first issue of the violence a 9 out of 10.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #2

Aug 10, 2012

The last issue was awesome because it brought so many taboos and adult themes you don't see everyday. They executed very well, but this issue began to expose a little bit of flaws that you couldn't really process until you go back and read it again.

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Hit-Girl #1

Jul 12, 2012

Bravo Millar and Romita, you made my life easier by making a great beginning to a so far so good series. I like reviewing great comics because it's so much easier and faster to write my excitement and this issue is a prime example. I give this tie in an epic 10 out of 10.

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Hulk Smash Avengers (2012) #1

May 18, 2012

I am looking forward to reviewing the next three and I can't wait what they are trying to say with this relationship.

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Hulk Smash Avengers (2012) #3

May 25, 2012

This series so far has not failed, especially since every issue is made with different artists and writers. Both issues continue to show how unique the Hulk is from the rest and I like it a lot. There are a lot of origin stories in the Marvel Universe, but none like this. Sadly this five issue series is almost coming to an end. I really am enjoying this series and because of that I give issue three a 9 out of 10 and issue for an 8 out of 10. Have fun reading this series!

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Hulk Smash Avengers (2012) #5

Jun 5, 2012

I really enjoyed this series and I am glad I had a chance to pick it up. I highly recommend this for someone who is a nostalgic Hulk fan. The last page has a small preview for Avengers Assemble number four and from what I see there will be more smashing for the Hulk. This look back on one of the most up and down relationships in a group gets a 10/10.

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Iron Man (2012) #1

Nov 18, 2012

So far the story began with deep thought and it quickly strayed away and gave us good ol' ladies man, alcohol filled Tony. It's too early to say that this series will give us the same thrills as Invincible, but it isn't a bad start.

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Saga #6

Aug 17, 2012

I wouldn't be surprised if I keep giving the rest of these issues tens because if this stays consistent, that may be the case. Saga issue number six gets a 10 out of 10. Now I am going to endure the longest wait for a comic ever.

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Saga #9

Jan 21, 2013

The only problem I have with the added conflict is that the progression of this series is slow due to it's monthly release. I would hate to read a cliff hanger and then have to wait a month only to read a filler and wait another month for the conclusion. I know that it takes time to make a masterpiece like this and you can totally disagree with me, but I have seen it in stories like Dragon Ball Z and I hated it! Not saying that DBZ is the same as Saga but the endless fillers and beating around the bush only to be disappointed in the end. All fears aside the extended rapier that the Will had alone gives this a perfect score, but again it's slow progression that kills it.

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Storm Dogs #1

Oct 30, 2012

The dialog was well thought out and impressive. I like that I can read a comic book with mature dialog and feel so casual. The book has some of the most colorful scenes and what really got me was when they opened up Diego's suit and all you could see was this steamy, puddle of boiled organs with his bones exposed. That was very repulsive and is a plus for me because I love great detail. Every page had an array of great panels filled with amazing backgrounds, settings and characters that all felt well thought out. One thing that Image Comics has never failed me is their awesome selections of comics that have amazing cover art. Both Doug and Sue Braithwaite continue that tradition and made theirs impressive. Great choice in design, it's very minimal and not too busy, yet you can't help the trend in detail with this comic. I can't wait to read the next issue and hopefully this series will fill in as the series I read while I eagerly wait for the next issue of Saga.

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The Secret Service #1

Jun 29, 2012

Overall this is absolutely a great read and I highly recommend you pick up this series. I just wish it wasn't monthly. It's always the good ones that are monthly. I give this series a perfect 10 out of 10.

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The Secret Service #3

Jul 27, 2012

So all that waiting just to see Gary go back to his old habits after smack talk from his peers. I am very disappointed with Gary, but not with this issue. This makes things very interesting. Cover art is fitting since Gary is getting smashed on the head with a glass bottle. Kind of symbolic considering he did get smacked in the head with a glass bottle" emotionally of course. The Gaia theory is just another example on how genius Millar and crew are. It's not the first time I heard of the Earth having human traits thanks to Final Fantasy VII. It's safe to say that this series is just another brilliant take on national security and I really can't wait to see the Gaia theory, the kidnappings and the Secret Service have all in common. This issue deserves a solid 9 out of 10.

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The Secret Service #4

Oct 15, 2012

Overall the series hasn't changed and that is a good thing. Hopefully we get a better and more epic cover because I feel like they need to definitely compete with previous works. I really like Gary and this series has been full of great humor and action, but when are we going to learn about why the killings are happening? This series is slowly picking up story wise and it's bad enough I have to wait like two months for this next issue to read developments. This issue gets an 8 out of 10 only because this series lacks something that the others have, I've yet to identify it. I'm sure I'll figure it out on the next issue.

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