Avengers Vs. X-Men #4

Event\Storyline: Avengers vs. X-Men Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 16, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 16
6.8Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

As the Phoenix draws nearer to Earth, the Avengers storm the beach of Utopia!

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 17, 2012

    But there is a lot of punching, too. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle May 19, 2012

    Victor: LOL. If there is, I'm sure there's Hope that we survive. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Jonathan Gomez-Dominguez May 18, 2012

    This was a solid continuation of this series and I expect more of this in the future. I literally haven't been excited to read the next issue since round one and it feels good to have that feeling. Lets see if it really is true that the Phoenix force is close. Great read all around, 9 out of 10. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Flip Geeks - Earl Maghirang May 17, 2012

    That and this issue also changes the very idea of a BEAR TRAP / BEER TRAP… Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 16, 2012

    Bottom line, this issue was a set-up issue. Now the next issue? That should be FULL of fireworks! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker May 16, 2012

    Hickman spends more time getting to the point of the story and less time focusing on forcing square characters into round plot holes to make them fight each other and kind of making us hate them, and thus AvX Round 4 is a step above the rest. Wolverine is cool, Gambit is not, and the Phoenix is finally here so the snotty slap-fighting is hopefully over. If any slap-fighting starts anew, it'll hopefully be more along the lines of extremely intense world-in-the-balance stuff rather than the "humans are so petty... and tiny" style. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye May 17, 2012

    Avengers vs. X-Men #4 is fun, thrilling, exciting, and most importantly never takes itself too seriously. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 18, 2012

    I want more from this comic " but it doesn't look like I'll be getting it. And I'm not going to penalize Avengers vs. X-Men because it's not being written the way I want it to be written, that it's not doing what I would have done. It's an entertaining, face-paced story that is keeping me on my toes and offering a few legitimate surprises. If you step back and put too much thought into picking out its flaws, you're going to have a bad time. I want to have a good time, and Avengers vs. X-Men #4 is a good read. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Outer Realm Comics - Winter So1dier May 16, 2012

    The giant AvsX banner at the top of each issue seems to limit Cheung's ability to utilize too much space. That being said, this cover comes off as a bit crowded, but thankfully the colouring allows it to solely focus on Hope, not having how crowded the cover is affecting the overall appearance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson May 16, 2012

    The showdown between the Avengers and the X-Men is staged on the moon's surface as Wolverine informed the Avengers to Hope's whereabouts as soon as they met in Antarctica, and Emma was able to find Hope using Toad and Cerebra. Like most situations in this series thus far, this face-off feels forced. On the moon? Seriously? Then Thor crashes down and the Phoenix shows up. Like I said, this issue finally gets some plot going, but it takes us to the moon and that just seems silly. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 17, 2012

    I'm not looking forward to seeing more of the same fourteen characters knock each other around, though. After all, aren't there more X-Men and Avengers that could be called in for the fight? I'm hoping if this fight continues (which it will for a few more issues if nothing else) that we see some shake-ups in it, which the last page of this issue pretty well guarantees. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 16, 2012

    If still a fractured and somewhat hollow event comic, AvX at least gained some traction in issue #4. And if nothing else, the plot continues to push forward rather than dwell on endless series of punch-fests between Avengers and X-Men. The next issue marks the end of Act 1, and perhaps the real indicator of whether the series can move past its initial storytelling mistakes. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 19, 2012

    In the end we're left an okay comic with a couple of nice scenes but where the big tease of Hope becoming the new Phoenix is still unfulfilled. I'm probably done with the series until the focus shifts to the actually event and its fallout, rather than just teasing us about what's coming (especially at $4 per issue). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 16, 2012

    We're four issues in and we haven't quite gotten anywhere just yet. We're seeing more battles and betrayals. There is a sense that you won't know what's going to happen next. The Phoenix Force is getting closer and that will definitely change the direction of where this series will go. Hickman handling the script here adds to the characterization of Wolverine and where his motivations lie. The problem comes when we get panels and pages of several characters fighting each other at different locations on the planet. We don't really see how these battles start or how they end because those will be featured in the AVX side series. It's meant to give us a bigger feel in that there is so much going on but it also takes away from the flow of the series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans May 17, 2012

    An issue that's book-ended by quality moments, but between those moments, there's just a whole lot of wheel-spinning. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair May 21, 2012

    Thus ends the first act of AVX and so far its a very standard romp. Round 1 started with a bang, but then slowly started to descend into mediocrity & banality with every passing issue. Im confident that things will eventually start to kick in with the next chapter. I did like Wolverines idea of a fur coat. Written by Aaron, Bendis, Brubaker, Fraction & Hickman. Illustrated by John Romita Jr. (World War Hulk, Kick-Ass 2). From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser May 20, 2012

    Quite enjoyable in parts, the technical shortcomings of AvX #4 just avalanched too much for any of us to give it more than a middle-positive review. Perhaps more importantly, however, on an overall story level the series really has begun to deliver, especially to those with an affinity for the Marvel U. I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next, which won't be for another three weeks this time around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli May 17, 2012

    This event is shaping up to be okay, but nothing special. This particular issue seems to send the event into a direction that might make the remaining eight issues more interesting. Not a lot happens in this issue with the plots from the previous ones, but the turn of events within this issue (there's a spoiler I am eluding to) seems out of character, not once, but twice. This was a solid, but average read. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long May 17, 2012

    This is by far and wide my least favourite issue in the series so far, especially considering it undermines what has been strong about the other issues in what had been a stellar series so far. Here's hoping the confusion and format that muddied this book gets worked out for act two of AvX. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk May 18, 2012

    Avengers vs. X-Men #4 was a completely superfluous issue. I see no reason in the world why anyone should waste their hard earned money on this pointless read. Save your money and go buy Versus #2 instead. It is a far more entertaining read. I would also suggest looking into some of the tie-in issues since they have been more entertaining than what we have gotten on the core Avengers vs. X-Men title. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 18, 2012

    Things quickly devolve into madness this issue, as the concept of hero vs. hero is clearly the point of it all, and most of the other concerns are merely tangential. The arrival of the Phoenix will hopefully move the plot along (if the solicitations are to be believed, there are still some twists and reversals of fortune to be had in this book) but this issue feels much like treading water to me. Avengers Vs. X-Men #4 is exactly what it says on the package, characters opposing one another, fists flying and a few bits of character here and there, for a decidedly lukewarm 2 out of 5 stars overall. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Fanboy Buzz - MQuannBoyd May 19, 2012

    Maybe this is simply a hiccup and with eight more issues left, there's the page and panel space forAvXto become mind blowing. Or maybe, just maybe this is one of those few times that I leave the House of Ideas' epic mega crossover on the shelf. Read Full Review

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