Earl Maghirang's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Flip Geeks Reviews: 75
8.7Avg. Review Rating

A+X #1

Nov 4, 2012

I can say that the book is pretty interesting. The use of all characters is smart and more timely. I mean after Cable's re-appearance in X-Sanction, the two have yet to really talk. While it's not pretty obvious in the panels where Cable is present, we can safely surmise that the son of Scott Summers is really going on a fanboy mode after meeting his idol back in his glory days during World War II.

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Action Comics (2011) #0

Sep 7, 2012

I'm going to say that this is a grade-A book that's worthy of having Morrison's name on it.

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Action Comics (2011) #13

Oct 8, 2012

Travel Foreman's art here is pretty impressive. Why couldn't they have placed him when AC started instead of Rags Morales (of course no offense to Morales who also fared well in the first story arc).

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Age of Ultron #1

Mar 8, 2013

Age of Ultron # 1 doesn't show us the beginnings of the story but rather it shows us what the world has become and how things now operate with the new robotic management. The dialogue is pretty strong here and shows depth and character which is good. In my opinion, some time away from Avengers did good to Bendis' writing.

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Aquaman (2011) #7

Mar 30, 2012

Overall theres nothing out of the ordinary for Aquaman # 7. It has good art and a pretty straightforward story.

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Avengers (2010) #20

Dec 26, 2011

The book would be good for fans of the Avengers as well as the guys who stood by the title (even during that really awful Fear Itself tie-ins). Plus if you're interested in seeing a good mash-up between Norman Osborn's Avengers and that of Captain America's new team then this is a must.

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Avengers (2010) #23

Mar 3, 2012

Acuna's art once again delivers for this issue after Renato Guedes' (Wolverine) stand in. From the dejected look of Captain America to the reaction of turncoat SHIELD agent Dr. Washington, everything worked perfectly.

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Avengers (2012) #4

Feb 1, 2013

Overall I like AVENGERS # 4. It's a one and done story set in a larger, more complex story arc and we get to see that Hyperion's a lovable guy, far different from the Hyperion we saw in Avengers volume 3"

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Avengers (2012) #5

Feb 11, 2013

Overall, this is a nice issue. It's doesn't have too much of ‘the feels' but it's not too heavy on talk as well. Plus it's got a clever use for the varied powers and abilities for each Avenger. More importantly it's got a great backstory to an already interesting character.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #0

Mar 29, 2012

Simple story which gets the ball rolling, no shocks and just the standard # 0 book we've all seen. Beautiful art.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2

Apr 19, 2012

Continuity blips aside, the book looked cool. It was an all-out action book. I'm betting that writer Jason Aaron was having a grand time scripting this issue as its filled with punches and lowblows and burning flesh.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4

May 17, 2012

That and this issue also changes the very idea of a BEAR TRAP / BEER TRAP…

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5

Jun 9, 2012

The other battles and pairings are titanic in its own right but we don't get to see that much. We really have to look at AvX: Vs to provide us with that much fighting. Overall, it was an enjoyable book and I can say that its going to lure you in to buy the next ish especially since we've got Olivier Coipel doing the art chores.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #7

Jul 5, 2012

AvX # 7 continues the devastation and slowly starts building the crescendo which is act three. There are a few problems with the issue but all that can be covered by the lush artwork of Olivier Coipel.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #8

Jul 21, 2012

So, in closing, yes I enjoyed Uncanny X-Men # 16 more so than AVX # 8 this week. AVX was good but it was starting to drag on while Uncanny provided more characterization for the Phoenix Five.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11

Sep 12, 2012

Grab the book if you want superhero action, eye candy and if you enjoy seeing important characters die. Don't get the book if you hate Bendis' style of writing or abhor the very idea of Marvel's event books. Regardless, we feel that this is worth picking up!

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12

Oct 5, 2012

Overall, I'm just really glad AVX is over. Its not a book I'm really going to miss due to the number of questionable things they've done to characters but it's not a book that I'll hate with so much gusto. in hindsight this series is much like how Flashpoint played out. It was all about getting hero A to kick Hero B's ass rather than provide development for the main hero of the book. It also begged me to ask, so who the f*ck won? The Avengers? The X-Men? The fans?

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Avengers: X-Sanction #3

Feb 5, 2012

Overall, the book was wicked and you'll definitely get your moneys worth. Avengers X-Sanction # 3 is a good read and its important if you want to be part of the action that encompass Marvel's 2012 event

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Batman (2011) #10

Jun 15, 2012

As the days roll, do expect us to talk more about this new development in the life of Batman plus some negative comments we've been getting about this new “retcon”. However for this post, let's celebrate. Because things just became a lot more exciting than what it normally is.

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Batman (2011) #11

Jul 13, 2012

Overall, I enjoyed Batman # 11; for the story for the art and most importantly for how daring Snyder is when it comes making big choices and painting a fresh coat of history over Bruce Wayne's long storied past.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 12, 2012

If there is anything that you'll learn from Batgirl # 13 its that the Joker definitely knows who the members of the Bat-Family now which is scary especially since he's already made his move to take down one important member.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #6

Feb 9, 2012

This book speaks good storytelling and breakdown of panels. Can't wait for the next issue.

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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #1

Feb 6, 2013

Overall Batman and Robin Annual # 1 is a great one-and-done story that you should pick up if you want a sunnier Batman tale outside of the grim “Death of the Family” storyline.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #2

Jun 29, 2012

Overall this was a fun book with a lot of quirks and intricacies which makes it all the more appealing to read. Also Morrison's take on Talia Al Ghul is something that should really make her a character to watch out for in the next few issues. Perhaps, Grant's building towards a scenario where Ras finally succumbs and she takes over completely. Scratch that, it already happened a few years back,

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #3

Aug 5, 2012

Overall, I love the book, it could do with some speedy pacing though.

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Before Watchmen: Comedian #1

Jun 25, 2012

Overall, Before Watchmen: Comedian # 1 is a nice book. But ultimately it flounders because of the blatant changes. I was clearly expecting that DC enrich the story not make some major overhauls.

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Daredevil (2011) #8

Jan 19, 2012

If you're still unsure which book you might want to get under Marvel, well I highly recommend this book. After all, its not too late to catch up with the current volume.

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Dark Avengers #176

Jun 26, 2012

Go get it and pick up the other existing trade paperbacks for Parker's run on the book. While its not essential that you do, you'll get to see how the team evolved and which members have history.

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Deadpool (2012) #1

Nov 8, 2012

Again just to recap: Humor -still ho-hum. Art – good. Plot – Ok. Deadpool – perfect!

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Detective Comics (2011) #0

Sep 7, 2012

Overall, this is another great book. I liked the cover, I liked the story, heck even the backup story featuring Alfred Pennyworth and his reaction upon the return of a scruffy, Wolverine-esque Bruce Wayne was a winner.

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Earth 2 #2

Jun 8, 2012

Other than the weird costume they gave Jay Garrick I'm pretty much happy with how things are panning out for the characters here.

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Earth 2 #3

Jul 7, 2012

My hopes are definitely dashed after this issue. Too bad for the build up because it could've been more if not for the fact that DC Comics. Maybe I'll give Earth 2 another spin but really, they really have something promising here but problematic scripting definitely hampers this book which I am assuming would be the New 52 JUSTICE SOCIETY of AMERICA book.

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Gambit (2012) #1

Aug 12, 2012

The art is lovely and I really hope that Clay Mann stays in the book for as long as possible because it's really a visual treat to see his art in this book. Whether its a hot woman filled with tats or a secret room filled with mutant killing tech. It's these small tidbits that makes this such an interesting read.

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Godzilla: Legends #1

Nov 18, 2011

Overall, I'd give Godzilla Legends # 1 a 3. I'd recommend that you get the book, but I'm not saying you should expect a very moving book (not in the calibre of Watchmen or Maus) but its still enjoyable. Plus it's a one and done story so you don't have to pick up the next book in case your not interested in the next character they would spotlight (which in this case is Rodan).

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Sep 7, 2012

This was a cool issue with lots of great character moments for our new Green Lantern and the #0 tag in front was a great way of saying that this is only the beginning for our new GL, Baz.

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Green Lantern (2011) #4

Dec 17, 2011

Overall, because of the art and the mythos that the book and the character revolves around, it stills a good buy. Since I'm not a fanboy that bitches too much and look for complex stories, I'd say its still pretty good. The second guess-ability of this book is easily forgivable thanks to the solid, kick-ass art and the small amount of drama in this book.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #1

Aug 29, 2012

Overall, its a good book. It might be a bit pricey but its all worth it especially in preparation for “The Rise of the Third Army”.

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Hit-Girl #2

Jul 31, 2012

Overall its definitely a good mix of humor, ultraviolence and a very weird perspective on chaos and organized crime. It's also a great book to read if you're a fan of the classic “team-up” books.

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Invincible #100

Feb 1, 2013

The book is pretty neat however if you're in this for the action, the punches and the superheroics, I'm afraid you're a tad late for the party as all that happened a few issues ago. This is the whole meat, the drama and where everything changes. I think the arc title is a rather apt title because aside from the obvious deaths inside the book, it also means that the old Invincible is dead and he's being replaced by a new and more SUPERIOR Invincible. Oh wait, sorry, wrong book and publisher.

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Iron Man (2012) #1

Nov 8, 2012

Gillen was right on the money when he said that this book is going to be about hi-tech stuff going crazy or stolen and its a never ending quest for Stark to police said technology before it ruins the future (which is one of the two things he firmly believes in).

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Jupiter's Legacy #1

Apr 27, 2013

Overall, the first issue of Jupiter's Children had lots of everythings. There's a mysterious origin, cool superpowered fights, lots of tensions between the team and dynamic art. I've got nothing to complain with regards to this issue, only hoping that the succeeding ones just top off what's been done for Jupiter's Legacy # 1.

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Justice League (2011) #0

Sep 21, 2012

The art is good and it's a pretty nice comic book story. It's very rare for the post-52 Johns writing to make me laugh but this issue made me do that. This also hammers the point that DC Comics really needs to develop the character and do an ongoing for Shazam (provided they hire a competent creative team).

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Justice League (2011) #3

Nov 17, 2011

Wonder Woman's bit was also enjoyable and I can certainly say that if this continues, I'll really go back to getting singles again rather than wait for the release of the trade paperback or hardcover for this book. Heck, we even get to see a new retconned origin for Cyborg as well as a glimpse of Darkseid.

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Justice League (2011) #6

Mar 1, 2012

If I could easily put it, I would say that Justice League # 6 was simply an action movie; an action movie of the Justice League we all like to see happen in the near future. We really don't need too much drama for this particular issue and that's exactly what we got.

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Justice League (2011) #9

May 17, 2012

Overall there are a lot nice and small moments from the book and it definitely makes it intriguing. I'm giving this a high score because I'm just intrigued with the power set of Graves, and how the team's dynamic has changed ever since the end of Justice League # 6.

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Justice League (2011) #10

Jun 27, 2012

Great story telling, great art, definitely a book that will make you go “Bitin” towards the end. Oh as for the Shazam backup, it gets more interesting with the re-emergence of a certain “black” character.

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Justice League (2011) #11

Aug 27, 2012

The ending was a bummer as well (I guess mainly because I was expecting said person to have lived off long enough to make a statement)… Either way its still an eye candy book.

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Justice League (2011) #12

Sep 1, 2012

- Ish gave a nice excuse for Hal Jordan to be absent from the team. This could pave the way for Shazam joining the team and Baz joining the Justice League of America.

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Justice League (2011) #13

Oct 19, 2012

On a final note, I'm good with how Johns developed a new friendship between Cyborg and The Flash who never did bond. We see what's been running on Vic Stone's mind ever since he became Cyborg back in issue 1. It's an interesting change of pace in a book that's filled with dysfunction and action.

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Justice League of America (2013) #1

Feb 20, 2013

The serious tone of Justice League of America # 1 will definitely be a standard as the series progresses. Whether its good or bad will all be up to the Geoff Johns and the rest of the New 52 creative team working behind him. As we get closer and closer to seeing Trinity War it's only going to become very obvious that the two teams will clash. The burning question in my mind right now is what's going to happen to the book once were done with the aforementioned crossover.

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Our Love Is Real #1

Nov 6, 2011

Overall, I'd say that the book is worth the hype and if you chance upon it, you might want to grab it. ( Word on the street is that the book will be reprinted by Image Comics).

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Savage Wolverine #1

Jan 17, 2013

Overall, I strongly believe that Savage Wolverine is a good title and a great pick for this. You can bet that you'll be happy with this book. Hopefully after Cho's departure, we get the same quality of artists and writers to tackle the ol' Canucklehead.

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Savage Wolverine #2

Mar 4, 2013

Perhaps my other gripe with Savage Wolverine # 2 was the depiction of Amadeus Cho (yes more of him again). In this new issue, we see him kinda grown up now. He's sporting the tailor made suit that he wore when he temporarily assumed Hercules' role as the ‘Prince of Power' sans Herc's club. It's this annoying and not-so-cool Cho that is given to us rather than the cool guy with a few tricks up his sleeve. Cho's appearance here only strengthens the statement I made earlier that there are some moments which is are off in terms of dialogues.

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Secret Avengers (2013) #1

Feb 14, 2013

The biggest (and at the same time the silliest) thing that I have seen in Secret Avengers # 1 are those ridiculously sweet 'healing factor' bullets that Nick Fury Jr's loaded into his gun. Trust me you have to read the book to know more about this damn cool concept.

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Spider-Men #3

Jul 14, 2012

Overall, this is easily an endearing book. Pick it up while its still hot guys!

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Supercrooks #3

Jun 1, 2012

Overall, this has got to be the best book that comes out this week from Icon/ Marvel. Hopefully we get to see how the last scene pans out and how bad (or good) the finale will be in the next few weeks.

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Supercrooks #4

Aug 25, 2012

Finally Millar provided a way to give his Filipino fans a nod towards the end. Leinil even lent a hand by doing the transalation for that great panel. It's definitely a book worth buying in either singles format or in a collected edition.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #13

Oct 5, 2012

Overall, I was definitely more amused over Rotworld The Green part 1 compared to the finale of AvX (which is weird considering that I'm a self professed Marvel zombie).

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Talon #0

Sep 27, 2012

If you're streamlining your books for this week then I suggest that you give Talon # 0 a try. Nice art, nice story and great dialogue.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #2

Dec 8, 2011

If you don't want to fall asleep or need a laugh, go ahead and get Avenging Spider-Man.You might want to order your copy HEREThe comic book used for this review was sponsored by:

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The Ravagers #1

Jun 1, 2012

The colors and the inks are solid for this book. Giving credits to the rest of the creative team for this. Also the cliffhanger definitely ends well in a cliffhanger which is fairly awesome. I'm giving this a chance for the next issue.

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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #3

Oct 30, 2011

Earl Maghirang is the writer and owner of the website thefanboyseo.com

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 11, 2012

While Cassaday's art was good there were some bits and panels that looked flawed. Nonetheless its still a welcome sight to see him work for Marvel again.

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Uncanny Avengers #2

Dec 1, 2012

Uncanny Avengers # 2 was just okay. It could have been better but the way it was trying so hard to make itself the FLAGSHIP book for the Avengers book makes it stumble a bit. Also Cassaday's art albeit great looking flounders in some bits making the two women of the team look shorter. Still I'd give this book a whirl mainly because they book's twists and shocks just keeps rolling in. Plus Remender does pull out some great stories that needs time.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #15

Jul 9, 2012

Daniel Acuna's art for the book was also incredible. He's perfect for the arc thanks to his rendition of important elements like Sinister London and even the Menagerie. Heck, he can even draw some seriously cool look Phoenix Five if he wants to. This also shows how underused this guy is. Hopefully with this UXM arc, people get to clamor more for Acuna's unique art style.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #1

Feb 3, 2012

I'm spoiling it now, I'm giving this book a perfect score not just because of the good art and the potentially awesome plot but because it really did exceed my expectation. And maybe because the new Winter Soldier is so much of a far cry from Brubaker's last story arc using Bucky (yeah, I'm talking about that whole Russian Gulag arc).

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Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Oct 29, 2011

Overall, Wolverine and the X-Men is a great ride and a great way of moving the X-Men Regenesis campaign in the next phase. My only concern probably would be if Kieron Gillen and Carlos Pacheco's "Uncanny X-Men # 1" can top what we've seen for this book.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #3

Dec 23, 2011

The surprise villain was a nice throwback to the past (around the time Wolverine first officially joined the mutants) and seeing how things panned out, it was a great thrill to read. Plus it had so much potential especially in the sense that theres a big chance that when Sentinels decide to visit the school grounds, the school grounds itself can fight (unlike in Messiah Complex).

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Wolverine and the X-Men #11

May 30, 2012

Okay so in summary, the book is tight. It's got dramatic/ angsty moments care of Wolverine and Hope plus lots of superhero battles. It also delivered its promise of showing us a fight between Red Hulk and Iceman and teases something in the next issue that I'm hoping would be the shining moments for the mutant kids at the JGSHL.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #12

Jun 30, 2012

Get it and enjoy the book but it does have a few requisite readings but far more importantly you really have to go and get AVX # 6.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #13

Jul 13, 2012

Overall, its a nice read especially if you're starting to like Warbird. If not, then you could stick around still for the further developing war between the united mutants in Utopia against the Shiar.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #14

Jul 29, 2012

And its because of this that I'm giving a relatively high score for this issue alone. Sad however that they really had to break up another classic love team. =(

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Wolverine and the X-Men #17

Sep 27, 2012

A few neat concepts that you should keep your eyes peeled in this book includes Nazi Bowlers as well as a cameo/ guest appearance of a fine feathery fowl whom we haven't seen for quite some time now.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #0

Sep 23, 2012

No complaints with Azzarello's writing here. He really just wows readers with the depth and his knowledge of Greek Mythology. A year later and I still can't fathom how crime noir writer Azzarello gets to hit all the sweet spots on a book like Wonder Woman but I guess that's the real magic there.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #12

Aug 21, 2012

I loved this issue because of the added depth to other characters like Zola and even Strife. Most importantly there's an important supporting character in Wonder Woman's posse that shows his/her true allegiance. That betrayal alone makes it a really good buy. I'm actually glad that I picked it up again.

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