And its because of this that I'm giving a relatively high score for this issue alone. Sad however that they really had to break up another classic love team. =( Read Full Review
The story is an absolute improvement over the last few issues. Read Full Review
This book continues to be top of the reading pile quality month in and month out, thanks to Aaron's great characterizations and subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) humor. Wolverine and The X-Men is a monthly must read. Read Full Review
-This is really more of a problem I have with the series as a whole so far, but where the hell are the students? Every week, it's the same group of Broo, Kid Gladiator, Quentin Quire (who has really grown on me), Genesis, Angel, and Idie (who I can't STAND), and three of these characters were created for this series. I know a chunk of them were palling around with Avengers Academy for a couple issues, but part of the reason I want to support this issue is because we're SUPPOSED to see the younger X-Men interact and grow up with each other. Where are my Rockslide/Anole team-ups? Where's Mercury, Hellion, Armor, and Blindfold? Uncanny X-Men has the same problem with its younger recruits, like Prodigy, Dust, and Pixie, amongst others. They were all once touted as the New X-Men, yet we're lucky if we can catch a glimpse of any of them in an X-book. I consider this a problem, and one that I hope is rectified when Marvel NOW! kicks in. Read Full Review
As such things go, this is an interesting take on the age-old tale. Read Full Review
Wolverine and the X-Men doesn't insert itself as neatly into the framework of AvX as some books, but Aaron is still managing to tell consistently engaging and character-focused tales every month. Read Full Review
The issue is interesting to say the least. It seems like it's going to get stranger and stranger. But hey, strange can be good. Read Full Review
"Wolverine & the X-Men" #14 best serves as a reminder that just because a comic is a tie-in to a big event (be it "Avengers vs. X-Men" or something entirely different) doesn't mean that it has to be generic. Aaron's script does a good job of supplementing the main event comic while still establishing its own voice and moving the series' plotlines ahead. All in all, a good job. Read Full Review
Popping in for a two issue fill-in starting here is Jorge Molina, whose work I saw most recently on an issue of Avengers Academy which was…less than stellar, to put it nicely. Some of Molina's problems from that issue persist, such as his odd concept of facial expressions and how a face works (Not like Kitty Pryde's does, as a hint), but his work feels closer to Nick Bradshaw's than Chris Bachalo's does, so at least we have a vague sense of unity going on. There isn't really much else to mention about the art other than this: Molina is competent, but I wouldn't want him around more often than usual.In a complete reversal of fortune, Wolverine and the X-Men has now gone from the least anticipated Avengers Vs. X-Men tie-in comic on my stack to my most anticipated. Having gotten back to the heart of the series, the Jean Grey School, it seems that everything is on the uptick once again, except the artwork. Read Full Review
There was definitely something up with the tone and overall voice of this issue, which felt somewhat out of place; but there was definitely some good that did come out of it. I thought the art by Jorge Molina was good, although it was not my favorite. I thought Kitty looked a little bit strange in some of the panels. Overall, though, I enjoyed the art. I think the issue felt a little bit rushed and it just wasn't as good as previous issues; although I did really enjoy the fact that there was a lot of movement and push in this story. There's plenty of development here, I just wasn't a huge fan of the way it was written. Read Full Review
This issue leaves much to be desired. There's a lot of potential in exploring Colossus's shattered psyche, but it seems like Aaron is either shying away from the hard questions, or simply fumbling the ball in attempting to answer them. Still, there's groundwork here to show that the Phoenix Five maybe aren't as in control as they think. It's entirely possible that we'll see the conflicted Colossus as the lynchpin in defeating his allies. Read Full Review
If you're an AvX completionist, then you've probably already bought this book. However, while it's kind of important, there are quite a few flaws that detract from the overall product, which is a shame. This book deserves to be better than this. At least Doop is still great. Read Full Review
Not much else to add really, but I did enjoy Jorge Molinas illustrations. Written by Jsaon Aaron. From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review