Gilbert Short's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Multiversity Comics Reviews: 57
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #11

Jul 5, 2012

There are a few missteps in the issue and I'm not going to pretend there aren't. However, the missteps I mentioned don't affect the quality as much as I might have made it seem. Furthermore, it really feels like Grant is finally getting into his groove and the book itself will be increasing in quality from here on out. Let's hope so.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #679.1

Feb 16, 2012

In closing, this book is a lot of fun. Slott has always captured to spirit of your friendly neighborhood wall-crawler with a great amount of ease, and always cranks up the nerd to 11 when he's writing. And despite a few"questionable choices in the art department, it's mostly pleasing to look at. The biggest issue I have with the book is that it ships THREE TIMES this month, and that hurts a guy in the wallet, especially when two of them will be $3.99. While this issue is a much more palatable $2.99, it makes it more difficult to budget for this book. How about a break Marvel?

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #687

Jun 15, 2012

While there are certainly elements of the book I dislike, the story itself is one of the better Spider-Man stories out there. You should be reading this.

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Animal Man (2011) Annual #1

Jun 1, 2012

While we're at it, does it seem bleedingly obvious that Abigail will become the new avatar of the Rot after the crossover? I could be wrong, but that seems like what the writers are heading towards.

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Batman Beyond Unlimited #1

Mar 2, 2012

This book is one of the biggest surprises I've read this month, and you should check it out. It's fun, with explosive action and great art on both accounts. While I DID love the second story more, that may simply be because I am always crying about Kryptonians and the Airbender Green Lantern is one of the coolest Green Lanterns I've ever seen. Pick this up!

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Captain Atom (2011) #1

Sep 23, 2011

If you couldn't tell by now, this book just doesn't cut the mustard. There were so many good books that have gone by the wayside in order to put this book out, and I'd rather have Power Girl or Secret Six instead of this. Avoid.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #1

Jul 19, 2012

When it all comes down to it, you should pick up this book. It's extremely well written and the art fits well with the assumed direction of the series. I can't wait to see if Kelly Sue and Dexter take Carol to the Kree Empire or beyond. The Earth doesn't seem big enough to hold her anymore.

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Chew: Secret Agent Poyo #1

Jul 12, 2012

I feel like all I can say about this book is "IT'S SO GOOD" over and over again until hopefully everyone goes out and picks it up, effectively making Layman and Guillory the new Kirkman and Adlard. They deserve nothing less than that kind of success, especially when their books are so consistently excellent and still manage to outdo themselves on a monthly basis. This book never stops being a blast to read. Good on you guys. Now we have "Deep Space Poyo" to look forward to! Don't worry. I'll wait.

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Dancer #1

May 17, 2012

This book is clearly a lot of fun, and given the chance, you should definitely pick it up. It's a lot of fun on the surface, and once you dig in to the meat of it, it holds up. Good show.

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Danger Club #1

Apr 5, 2012

I try to pick up every single one of the new Image books as they come out, as Image has become the best place to explore new properties and ideas, but this book is definitely one of the best books I've read in recent memory. If you like angsty kids who are in over their heads, and also like to see kid bash in others heads in, you'd be doing yourself a favor in picking this book up.

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Daredevil (2011) #10

Apr 6, 2012

When it's all said and done, if you're a fan of Daredevil, you don't be disappointed. If you're a new fan, check this book out and think about picking it up. It's completely worth it, I promise.

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Daredevil (2011) #14

Jun 22, 2012

There's no other way to say it, this book is among the cream of the crop. It's definitely a book you should be reading month in and month out. Waid's run is incredible. The emotional turmoil you'll go through in this one issue is enough to prove that. It's just that damn heartbreaking.

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Daredevil (2011) #17

Aug 16, 2012

Even if the book were mediocre as a whole, the entire issue is worth it because of the final pages. There is so much emotion on the page if your heart strings aren't pulled at least somewhat, you should check for a pulse because you might as well be dead. I can't say it enough: you should be picking up this book. It's the best superhero book that Marvel puts out for sure and is arguably the best book coming from the Big Two.

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Dial H #1

May 3, 2012

Perhaps the most interesting thing about a book like "Dial H" is that this book could turn out to be the best advertisement for Indie books put out by the big two. There's no book quite like this under the DC Umbrella, with perhaps a few exceptions over in their Vertigo Imprint. If someone who is growing increasingly tired of superhero books and their constant status quo changes and For-Event storytelling, they might start to look for something from Top Cow or Dark Horse or IDW for something that doesn't feel like everything else on the market with "Marvel" or "DC" across the cover.

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Exiled #1

May 4, 2012

Also, I see you with your “Exiles” joke in the solicit, Marvel. Well done.

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Fairest #1

Mar 9, 2012

In closing, one of the most welcome things about the book is its new-reader-friendliness. You don't need to have read a single issue of "Fables" before this book to understand what's going on. Anything you absolutely need to know is explained on the page. It was a wise choice on the part of Willingham, and one that will help him in the long run. People love their princesses after all.

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Gambit (2012) #1

Aug 10, 2012

I didn't expect to enjoy this book as much as I did, and would call it one of the biggest surprises of the year so far. However, it still has some of the kinks to work out before it reaches some of the higher quality books on the market. If you're looking for a fun, innocuous book with plenty of intrigue and cool dudes being suave, you should at least give the book a shot.

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Green Lantern (2011) #3

Nov 11, 2011

In case you couldn't tell, the book was pretty outstanding, and it's written in a way that might intrigue even those bored with the Green Lantern franchise. Check it out!

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Green Lantern (2011) #7

Mar 16, 2012

Is this book highbrow literature? No, it's not, but when I'm looking for a Green Lantern book, this is what I want: space cops taking on the universe. This book is a lot of fun, and that is all I ask from a comic. Shouldn't that be enough?

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #3

Nov 24, 2011

If you're a die-hard Kyle/Green Lantern fan like me, you'll still want to read this. You may not be particularly happy about it, but you will. The final page earned it a full point on the final score because it did that much to earn my $2.99 next month, however.

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Higher Earth #1

May 11, 2012

“Higher Earth” is a book that had so much potential and wasted the opportunity to be something really special. The price point is enough to get you to at least check it out, but the next issues will really have to step it up if they want to keep people interested. Perhaps this is a lesson in getting what you pay for.

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Huntress (2011) #1

Oct 6, 2011

To put it plainly, if you're a fan of the Batman Universe, or empowered female characters, or even just comics in general? You should pick up this book. I can promise you won't be disappointed.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #640

Jun 21, 2012

If you're not reading “Journey into Mystery,” you should be. It's one of the most purely fun books out there. Furthermore, if you're one of the new Loki fans that came from the “Avengers” movie, this book is certainly the one for you. You should be picking this up for sure.

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Justice League (2011) #8

Apr 19, 2012

I really wanted to like this book. I really did. But I can't defend this mess of a book for the most part, and that's probably the most disappointing part of it all. I can hope it will get better, but I don't' think it will.

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Justice League Dark #9

May 24, 2012

If you were looking for a different sort of super-hero title from DC, this is certainly one of the stronger titles that features lesser known heroes and one of the more promising plots out there. Check it out.

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King Conan: The Phoenix on the Sword #1

Jan 26, 2012

I actually remember something that Craig Thompson said once at a signing I went to. He loved Dark Horse because they had some of the best Indie Titles on the Market, but also some of the worst licenses as well. Unfortunately, this book falls in the latter, and not the former. There are other books worth your money. Unless you're a hardcore Conan fan, I doubt there's anything here for you. Just move along and find something better; and more memorable.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2011) #1

Sep 23, 2011

In the end, this book is just an impenetrable mess that shouldn't have happened if DC meant it when they rebooted everything. I don't see this book continuing for very long without rebooting its continuity entirely. Honestly, I just hope the book lasts long enough to get that Legion ring we were promised a couple months ago. But while we're waiting for that ring, Levitz just gives us a finger.

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Love and Capes: What to Expect #1

Aug 2, 2012

When it comes to "Love and Capes," the winner here is the concept and the impeccable humor throughout the first collection here. If you want something a little different from your standard superhero fare, you'll do yourself a favor to pick this up. It's a lot of fun, and despite a few things that might stilt your read, it never really loses its punch.

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Mondo #1

Feb 23, 2012

This book was a lot of fun to read, and I would give it a buy it if were a tiny bit cheaper. But in a world where every company is fighting for your dollar that you likely have less of, charging $4.99 for a book you've never heard of seems ridiculous. Based on that hefty price tag, which even Marvel or DC takes care to make as rare as possible, it gets a buy SCORE, but with a browse comment. That may seem confusing, but it's the best way I can describe it. Pick it up if you want to try something new and have money to burn, but take care when you do. Flip through it.

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Ragemoor #1

Mar 23, 2012

Bottom line, if you like horror books set in Britain, there's no reason you shouldn't pick this up. The combination of story and art makes for one of my favorite books this month, and I didn't expect to say that at all.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #6

Feb 17, 2012

However, because how unnecessary this book really is, I can't give it more than a browse. Why wasn't this told in back-ups? Who knows? Why wasn't this part of the original storyarc? That's probably even less known than the previous question.

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Revival #1

Jul 13, 2012

In case the glowing review didn't convince you: I absolutely adored this book. I haven't felt this strongly for the next chapter in, well; I can't remember how long it's been since I wanted another chapter so much. If you're a horror fan, you need to pick this up.

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Saucer Country #1

Mar 15, 2012

You should check this out on your own, but be warned that the sci-fi isn't exactly treading any new ground. I'm fairly sure I'm also contractually obligated to dock the book a tenth of a point because of violence against cats, so there's that.

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Smallville Season 11 #1

Apr 16, 2012

The other strong selling point is its price. The digital comic will release weekly at $.99 USD followed by a book that releases ever three weeks for $2.99 in print collecting three digital issues. But here is the kicker. At least as far as this issue is concerned, the book is $.99 for a full 22 page comic! There's a boatload of value in this one comic, and if you're a broke S.O.B. or cheap bastard (or both), you will LOVE the idea of this book for sure. You really can't argue with a full comic for such a low price.

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Spider-Men #1

Jun 14, 2012

If you're a fan of either Spider-Man, you'll dig this book. It's fun, exciting, and does something that's never been done before by Marvel. There's a little bit of something for everyone, so you should pick this book up!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation² #2

Jun 28, 2012

I really wanted this book to be amazing. I'm sticking with it for the time being, but it was quite disappointing. Hopefully parts 3 through 8 are up to the potential I see in the pages, even if I'm not overly thrilled with the outcome. If you're a fan of either franchise, or if you're like me, both, you'll probably find something to enjoy. It could just be better.

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Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead #1

Apr 26, 2012

If you like Star Wars and happen to also enjoy revenge stories, you should pick this up on the double. Heck, even if you only like one of those, or if you just like good stories, it's a solid book to pick up.

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Supergirl (2011) #3

Nov 18, 2011

This book has its faults, that's for sure. But aside from a nitpick coming from a Superfan of The Original Kryptonian, it reads really well. Let's just hope that it doesn't get stuck in the same rut that the previous runs found themselves in. Go for something new guys without simply adding another comma to some guy's bank account!

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Supergirl (2011) #9

May 18, 2012

While this book isn't perfect, it still one of the most consistent Superbooks on the market. At least it will be until I see if my hopes and dreams for “Superman Family Adventures” comes true. Check it out if you like Supers and Irish folklore.

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Superman (2011) #8

Apr 27, 2012

If you're a Superman or a Wildstorm fan, you likely won't be disappointed. Even if you're a fan of Giffen's trademark writing, you'll likely enjoy it. If you like compressed storytelling that ends with you feeling like something HAPPENED, you'll dig it too. But if you're not already a fan, this won't convert you to a worshipper of the S on his chest. You might enjoy the tight storytelling, however. Leaf through it.

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Supernatural (2011) #1

Oct 7, 2011

Unfortunately, I can't really recommend this book for anyone who isn't a fan of the show. Casual SPN fans would probably get a kick out of it, but the only people that MIGHT care would be the hardcore fans, and even then, they probably wouldn't be too happy about it.

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The Darkness (2007) #100

Mar 1, 2012

I actually did enjoy this book, and I would recommend at least checking it out. But when it comes to new fans wanting a fresh start, #101 is a much better jumping on point; but more on that later.

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The New Deadwardians #1

Mar 29, 2012

At first, I was highly skeptical of this series, but the first issue reveals that there is a lot more depth lurking behind the core idea than originally believed. There is only one problem, but it is a big one: the aforementioned distance between the protagonist and the reader. No matter how interesting Abnett's take on vampires and zombies might be, it is hard to remain interested when the main character and the narrative itself are not equally interesting. Still, this is only the first issue; there is still plenty of time for Abnett to get the reader invested in more than the concept. Hopefully it and Culbard's delightful art are enough to carry readers to that point.

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The Victories #1

Aug 17, 2012

Or I could just wait for more Powers and Takio.

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Thief of Thieves #1

Feb 9, 2012

If you're a fan of Kirkman and Spencer, you should pick this up. If you're a fan of noir, you need to pick this up. If you're a fan of good comics, do yourself a favor and pick this up. Pick it up before it gets adapted into a movie called Redmond. You can say you knew it before it was huge.

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Tiny Titans #50

Mar 22, 2012

Once again, I say pick this book up. It's a lot of fun; you will not be disappointed by it. I know I wasn't. Make sure to check out the FCBD issue of Superman Family and pick up their first issue of that as well. If its half as fun as the preview, it'll be a new favorite from the company.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #1

Sep 15, 2011

If you're at all curious about the new book, I implore you to check it out. Is it perfect? No, but it's one of the better books coming from the House of Ideas lately, and it would look great in your collection. And let me tell you, Miles will melt your heart. Make mine Miles!

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #21

Feb 3, 2012

if you're invested in this story and the characters involved, please pick this up because it's still as good as it ever was. But if you're just now deciding to jump on with a new arc, this isn't the right place for it. It is a shame, because I just recommended the book to a friend a couple weeks ago. But I don't think they would appreciate this art. I know I don't.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #24

Apr 20, 2012

In short, yes, they are once again killing it. If you're not reading this book, I don't know what to tell you, other than "fix that soon."

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Wolverine and the X-Men #5

Feb 10, 2012

This book is one you should be reading. It's only the fifth issue out, so if you're intimidated by the heavy continuity, it's the perfect time to jump on. I promise you won't regret it.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #12

Jun 29, 2012

On a slightly different note, can I just say how much I appreciate Marvel adding to the value of their books by giving their $4 books an additional digital download? It's a great idea I wish more publishers would institute.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #14

Jul 26, 2012

If you're an AvX completionist, then you've probably already bought this book. However, while it's kind of important, there are quite a few flaws that detract from the overall product, which is a shame. This book deserves to be better than this. At least Doop is still great.

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X-Factor (2005) #227

Nov 18, 2011

While this book doesn't hit as hard as it usually does, and the death left me wanting, it still finds a way to be an enjoyable read. If for whatever read you're not picking this up, I implore you to check it out. You still won't be disappointed.

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X-Factor (2005) #239

Jul 6, 2012

If you're a fan of “X-Factor,” you won't be disappointed. It's not exactly the best jumping on point for new fans, but it's not prohibitive either. However, I think the next issue, issue #240, is a standalone featuring everyone's favorite know-it-all Layla Miller, would be a better jumping on point than this one, a Part 2 of 2.

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X-Men (2010) #32

Jul 20, 2012

Brian Wood's run isn't much more than your average plot for our merry mutants, but it never feels like a re-hash. If you're an old fan, you might not necessarily find anything new except for a contentious relationship between Storm and Colossus or Storm and Cyclops, but if you've never picked up an X-Men book in your life, you'll get a pretty good idea of what they're about.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #270

Jul 27, 2012

While this book is just as "necessary" to understanding why the Phoenixes are off the deep end, it demonstrates that in a much better way than other books I've read have. If you're a fan of “X-Men Legacy,” you'll definitely dig this, especially Rogue's continued character growth. I can't wait to see what happens next issue!

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Youngblood (2012) #71

May 25, 2012

Extreme was doing really well, until this book came out. What could have been great turned out to be something out of a adolescent boy's fantasy. If the plot and characters were improved upon in the next issue, I can write this off as a fluke. But as it stands, no. It's not a fluke, it's just bad.

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