Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Sara Pichelli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 14, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 14
8.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Meet Miles Morales, the all-new Ultimate Spider-Man!

  • 10
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Dec 9, 2011

    I'm more than impressed. With all the "Death of Spider-Man" hype, and the resulting ballyhoo around "the black Spider-Man", it's refreshing to see that this book isn't just a gimmick. Bendis and company are pouring soul into this, making for impressive reading, and no doubt a fantastic journey. The "Must Have" has done its job. I will continue to read (though probably in trade), and for the first time in about 30 years of reading comics, I may actually call myself a fan of Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 14, 2011

    The new Spider-Man is here and it looks like the mantle is in safe hands. Bendis and Pichelli give us a great introduction to who Miles Morales is and how he gets his powers. As in the first volume of Ultimate Spider-Man, the story doesn't rush into the spider-action. We do see the background and there are enough differences between Miles and Peter (besides the obvious skin color) to make this truly feel like a new character. We don't just have a new kid trying to be Spider-Man. From the set up, there will be different problems Miles will face along with some potentially different types of powers. What matters most is Miles' introduction doesn't feel forced. I may not be 100% sold on how he got his powers but it does make sense. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Chris Kirby Sep 15, 2011

    What a great introduction to the new Spider-man! In this single issue we are introduced to a complex, interesting character and teased with the promise of new abilities and powers. These two factors alone could mean a complete overhaul of everything we thought we knew about Spider-man, and the fact that they are done extremely well with no pacing issues and amazing art to boot means that this is a must buy series. Also, notice how I hadn't mentioned anything about his 'controversial' ethnicity? Yeah, that's because it doesn't matter. Not only does it not matter on an intellectual, ethical, and moral level but Bendis and Co. have introduced this character perfectly. This comic is so good that the issue of Miles' ethnicity should never be brought up again, just how great a character he is. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Sep 14, 2011

    In a month when readers have been prompted to think about the craft of the first issue (courtesy of DC Comics) "Ultimate Comics Spider-Man" #1 makes it look easy, striking a strong balance between showing what readers need to know and teasing what might come later. Most importantly, what the issue lacks in costumed antics, it makes up for with character. It's only the second time we've seen Miles Morales on the page, but already we're starting to see how his background and outlook differ from Peter Parker's. It suggests that we're going to see a Spider-Man quite different than the one we're used to -- but at the same time, it's still one who you'll want to read about next issue. A very conventional start to the series, but in the Ultimate line in particular, that's exactly what it should be. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Sep 16, 2011

    I applaud Marvel for not casting Miles as the ghetto hoodlum with the heart of gold and made him an all around good person. Bendis' dialog gives you no choice but to root for Miles Morales. I know a lot of fans are upset at Peter Parker being replaced. To these people I say the Ultimate universe is supposed to be different. Children from all walks of life and every creed and color look up to Spider-Man and have imagined what it would be like to be him. Miles is no different but unlike the rest of us, he actually gets the opportunity to live the dream. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Sep 15, 2011

    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 is yet another number one you should pick up this week. The art is brilliant, and Bendis does a fine job of once again combing the appropriate amount of schmaltz and interesting character dialogue to create characters that seem alive on the page. This seems fresh, this seems new, and... I liked it! Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is a great read, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    iFanboy - Paul Montgomery Sep 14, 2011

    Peter Parker remains a wonderful character, and though he's passed on in the Ultimate Comics Universe, he went out on a high note. True dignity and a satisfying conclusion to a robust superhero story. If that loss still feels like a burn, I suppose I can understand. I don't agree, but it's true that we all looked to those first 150+ issues of USM for something different. So, if you've chosen to end the journey there, that's perfectly valid. But it's also true that you may well be missing out. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 15, 2011

    I'm confident Bendis will tell a good story, but I'm hoping to see some evidence soon that this series will move in new and different directions. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 14, 2011

    For those new to Ultimate Spider-Man, this series may not offer exactly what was expected. It will likely be several issues yet before Miles actually dons the new costume seen on the cover and begins fighting supervillains. That was never a drawback in the first volume, and the hope is that the same will be said for this book down the road. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Gilbert Short Sep 15, 2011

    If you're at all curious about the new book, I implore you to check it out. Is it perfect? No, but it's one of the better books coming from the House of Ideas lately, and it would look great in your collection. And let me tell you, Miles will melt your heart. Make mine Miles! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Sep 16, 2011

    With the reboots, we've seen several different theories for what makes good first issues. Some, like Action #1, explode with thrills from beginning to end, making the reader breathless and panting with anticipation for the next issue. Others, like Stormwatch, build with exposition. Detective begins with nasty violent action, Superboy with mystery, Batwoman with breathtaking artwork and Hawk and Dove with... umm... art that isn't breathtaking. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 15, 2011

    With all the hype surrounding Ultimates Comics Spider-Man #1 and the fact that the new Spider-Man is biracial, Brian Bendis failed to draw me into Miles Morales' world. Bendis completely failed in giving us a reason to care for Miles' future when he finally puts on the Spider-Man costume. Instead, all that Bendis established is the fact that Miles has a dull life. And this dull life is only made worse with how the character lacks any sort of personality of his own. If it was not for the one scene with Uncle Aaron and Sara Pichelli's continued progress as an artist, there would be very little positive to take away from this issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 26, 2012

    Despite my disappointment in many aspects of the story, Marquez's artwork serves it well. He does a great job of conveying the title character's tender age; even masked, it's clear he's a kid. I also enjoyed the action sequence at the end of the issue. Marquez depicts the villain as a fleet-footed mountain. The power and rage pop off of the page. Read Full Review

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