Chris Kirby's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Fandom Post Reviews: 54
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman (2011) #1

Sep 29, 2011

There really isn't anything I can say in a short summary that I haven't already said in the main review. So here's the short of it, the piece of information I hope everyone takes: Aquaman IS awesome, Aquaman IS cool, and this new series should quickly put to rest those misconceptions everyone has. I'm not guaranteeing everyone will like or love this book, but give it chance. It will at least change how you view the King of the Seas, Aquaman.

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Aquaman (2011) #2

Oct 27, 2011

This issue is not nearly as meta as the first, but it doesn't need to be. Johns knows that he must get the plot moving in order to substantiate the claims he made in the first book. This issue works perfectly as a bridge between the introduction and the meat of the plot. The pace is fast, the points poignant, and the artwork is mesmerizingly good.

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Aquaman (2011) #3

Dec 2, 2011

Not a whole lot really happens in this issue that progresses and deepens the plot of this story arc aside from a little information that will help Arthur and Mera find the creatures. But a lot happens that enriches the world of this new Aquaman and provides just a taste of his background to cement this new legacy. Johns is building the world from scratch, and by dropping these little hints we can pull from previous Aquaman lore and define the new world in the post-Flashpoint universe. To Johns' credit, this doesn't alienate new readers either. It doesn't assume we know anything but doesn't spell everything out for us. I don't know about you but that's something I love in my entertainment.

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Batman (2011) #1

Sep 22, 2011

So that's three of the four core Batman series of the new 52 I have read so far. I'll put it to you this way: Batman is not as amazing and perfect as Detective Comics, but Oh My God is it vastly superior to Batman & Robin! The grittiness is toned down from Detective but replaced with a really interesting character that has my attention. The annoyance factor of Batman & Robin is completely absent from this series and takes everything I liked about that series. In other words, Batman is exactly as I hoped and expected. This a good series that may need a while to really take off but is worth your time.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #1

Sep 15, 2011

After Detective Comics, this is another really solid Batman book that has me rethinking my position on Batman books….if it weren't for that damn kid! Seriously! I am completely unfamiliar with this dynamic of the Batman mythos and if any of the new 52 needs more back story it's the series where Batman has a son! I have to congratulate the staff on this comic though. Green Lantern Corps was an amazing series in the old DCU and everything great about that comic, both writing and art, is alive and well here. I just needed more to 'get' Robin in order to fully back this series.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #1

Sep 29, 2011

Batman: The Dark Knight is good solid Batman story with character and action. Any Batman junkie will immensely enjoy this book and continue reading because it is a strong story. That is the Batman junkie though. Anyone else is probably a little burntout on Batman by this point. It is just as good as Batman and definitely better than Batman & Robin but it is unnecessary. This is a story that could've been in Batman down the road. But by splitting off into another series that doesn't add anything special, it is simply limiting the number of quality Batman stories that could have been told in the main series. According to the Comixology synopsis, this series is tied into Batman Inc. But I have never read Batman Inc. and neither would have new readers. That is another ding to this series overall, especially considering there is no evidence of this plot point in the book itself!

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #1

Sep 22, 2011

Every week there always seems to be one title I check out that is completely underwhelming. Birds of Prey isn't actively bad but it just doesn't get it right. I understand the desire to get straight into the action but this is a team oriented series, we need to know the basics first. They attempt to fill us in a little bit but the flashbacks are awkward and haphazardly thrown in amongst the action. Not a great way to start of the series and maybe it will shape up over time…but it doesn't make a great first impression.

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Blue Beetle (2011) #1

Sep 23, 2011

Blue Beetle is off to a good start and I really don't have anything that can really be called a complaint. It isn't "Oh my God!" amazing but there are no problems with the book. I recommend this book be checked out but only after another issue or two is released so we have more of a basis to go on.

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DC Universe Presents #1

Sep 23, 2011

This Deadman comic is a great place to start with the legacy of Deadman. It has great accessibility and tells a poignant story that I really liked. That is probably because I'm a huge Quantum Leap fan but hey…I'm not complaining. I knew a little bit about Deadman from the end of the old DCU and this series seems to ignore those events altogether and focuses on telling this particular story. I only wish this book had come out before Hawk & Dove so that readers of that comic knew who the heck Deadman was! I also really like the concept of an anthology series. Hopefully this Deadman series plays out extremely well so that I get excited for the next story that will be unleashed!

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Detective Comics (2011) #1

Sep 8, 2011

In SummaryHoly crap! I loved the first issue of Action Comics. It was a great introduction and re-imagining of Superman and I couldn't have been more pleased. But this issue of Detective Comics trumps it in terms of excitement and condensed storytelling. My interest wasn't too high and my expectations even less than that for the new Batman books. But after reading this, I just added at least two more books to my pull list. Of the new 52 I've read so far, Detective Comics is definitely the best in terms of accessibility, and paving the way for a smooth run that shouldn't upset anyone; old fans or new. BUY THIS BOOK!

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Detective Comics (2011) #2

Oct 6, 2011

I was pleasantly surprised by Detective Comics with the first issue as my expectations weren't that high but found myself loving that comic and eagerly wanting to keep reading. Issue 2 continues that feeling of excitement and urgency while adding more character development to Bruce that makes him feel like a very different Batman than I have previously seen. The artwork maintains a high level of excellence that conveys that drama and action wonderfully with a storyline that knows just what to do and the right pace to do it in. I think this is great comics and anyone even remotely interested in reading Batman should be picking up this series.

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Detective Comics (2011) #3

Nov 10, 2011

By having Detective Comics be a very dark Batman comic, I am constantly pulled in and enjoy every page. This issue adds some of the old-school Batman campiness simply because of the Dollmaker himself being campy. He is a ridiculous character who says ridiculous things. If not for the harsh realities and violent images, this comic could easily be the old 60s TV series. But by mixing the two, here is a comic that is thoroughly enjoyable in that it provides, literally, everything there is to like about Batman. The characters, setup, execution, tone, and twists beg to be read; they beg to be continually read. I feel as if this issue is the centerpiece of this arc and from here it will be all resolution and revelation. I welcome the coming issues with open arms as the series is consistently entertaining and intriguing. My favorite Batman comic out of the whole lot to be sure.

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Detective Comics (2011) #4

Dec 8, 2011

The end of the book does do one thing right, it wraps the story back around to the Joker's skinned face currently being held at GCPD HQ. That first issue was great and the Dollmaker arc had me ramped up to see everything play out. Well, it turns out this arc was just a red herring to the story we wanted to see. The basic structure of this series is still strong and effective but they needed to slow it down a bit and finish this arc in the next issue. It wouldn't have felt dragged out if all the elements present here remained, this book is just too rushed for its 20 page limitation despite the solid storytelling.

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Earth 2 #1

May 3, 2012

By setting up Earth 2 to be a parallel story has great potential because we aren't forced into an immediate event between multiverses. It is allowing DC to re-introduce beloved characters and take them on their own adventures without complicating matters greatly. I am looking forward to where this series will go with its cold reboot concept of the Golden Age characters but feel slightly misled by this first issue. That battle was terrific but it was just a setup for the world, not the characters. The brief few pages at the end of the issue is really where the story begins. In fact, it should've began there. The back story could've been implanted later but clearly DC wanted this series to start with a bang. It does but….it's ultimately unnecessary in the grand scheme of what they appear to be trying to accomplish.

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Flash (2011) #1

Sep 29, 2011

The new Flash seemed like it would be the trickiest series to handle simply because of Flashpoint. This book could've gone wrong as a number one by focusing on and addressing events from Flashpoint and spending too much time on just how different Barry's world is. Instead this first issue handles everything perfectly; by ignoring Flashpoint entirely…for now. It's focus is introducing us to the characters, getting us to like the character, and having us see the Flash in action while setting up a cliffhanger that is definitely interesting and peculiar. The Flash is a must pickup for anyone interested in a good story and/or the Flash.

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Flash (2011) #2

Oct 28, 2011

There is no quality drop off in the second issue of the Flash and because of the new elements/possibilities it introduces, it is even more enjoyable than the first and sets up a relatively standard plot that can go in numerous directions because of the various elements introduced in Barry's character that it is exciting and promising with no signs of letting up.

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Flash (2011) #3

Dec 2, 2011

Very nicely done! This is obviously a transitional issue and focuses a lot on Barry simply saving the day for the normal citizens of Coast City. But the way the Mob Rule developments and history is mixed in allow the issue to not feel stale.

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Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1

Sep 30, 2011

Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. is exactly what you think it would be, fan fiction made pro. I don't have any history with the previous incarnations of the series so I am not aware of the latent potential the series may hold. I am not that crazy about the artwork but the whole thing is just quirky enough to work. I don't see myself continuing with this series because my dollars have higher priorities, but I will probably finish this story arc at least, just to enjoy the whole story.

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Green Arrow (2011) #1

Sep 8, 2011

Amongst a very crowded lineup, 52 new series of course, Green Arrow is likely to slip through the cracks for a lot of people. In all honesty, there is nothing really setting it apart with this first issue that begs for a wider audience. The issue is stand alone and accessible, fun and full of great action with a suitable art style. But the lack of a personal connection with the character could be its undoing. I'm going to stick with it and see how it plays out but I am missing the old (literally and figuratively) Ollie already.

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Green Lantern (2011) #1

Sep 14, 2011

Green Lantern is a really solid book with plenty of humor and action as the stage is set for new events to unfold. I think it gives the audience just enough information that new readers or old readers who have fallen out can pick it up and get into it. Yes they will feel left out of the loop but nothing seems crucially important to know. For existing GL fans who have followed everything to this point, well, is there really anything to say there?

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Green Lantern (2011) #2

Oct 13, 2011

The new Green Lantern series started off being good with a lot of potential to being awesome! In the span of a single issue we are given enough background to catch up newbies to the basic concept, two terrifically rendered action scenes, and a premise that will be full of action and excitement but also a rebirth for Hal. How the fates of these two characters turns out is a complete mystery but the journey is shaping up to be well worth it despite the destination.

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Green Lantern (2011) #3

Nov 10, 2011

With the previous issues I was simple continuing with my love of the Green Lantern storyline. For a fanboy like me it was great and the beginning of a new arc that was definitely going in some very strange yet interesting directions. This issue just completely blows the lid off. I haven't been this excited to read the next issue of any series in a while. And I have been super excited numerous times before. The twist and plot possibilities led off by the end of this issue are off the charts for a GL fan. For a new readers they are STILL just as interesting and pulls you to the next issue faster than you can blink. For new readers, THIS is what you have been waiting for to really get into the Green Lantern series, enjoy! I feel like I'm starting to ramble because of my enthusiasm and shock so I will simply end with: Recommended!

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #1

Sep 22, 2011

With excellent, distinct, and diverse characters and a plot that promises a lot of action and drama, GLC is a winner in my book. There isn't too much plot but it doesn't feel too heavy on the exposition either. GLC is a perfect balance of interesting settings, characters, and possibilities and some good ole sci-fi action. The large cast featured on the cover may be intimidating to some but only a fraction are introduced in this volume. If future issues are handled just as well, the large cast will become GLC's greatest asset and, again, one of THE series to read.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #2

Oct 27, 2011

GLC is not a straight brawler comic but it features more fights per page than most, if not all, the other comics out there. There is character drama, useful dialogue, and a sense of gritty realism that when paired with is completely unrealistic and fantastic characters and settings, make for pure entertainment that doesn't let down or disappoint. The only real flaw I can see with this series is the level of violence. Not exactly ideal material for kids but the quality in the story should allow adults to feel comfortable reading intergalactic police drama. Did I say recommended!?

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #3

Nov 17, 2011

With artwork that really moves the piece along, suspense ratcheting up and up as the battle rages with no certain terms, the GLC remains top tier. It's important to balance story and action but that doesn't mean you have to balance them within a single issue. That is where some comics flounder. With a gradual mix and knowing when to go full boar into either action or story, GLC is pure entertainment that doesn't make the reader feel stupid or cheated. Better and better with each issue…it's time to join the Corps.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #1

Sep 29, 2011

For new readers, definitely give this series a try; just stick with it for a few months or wait till the trade so you can get more of what you need to enjoy and understand the series. For experience GL readers, I'm sure you already have this book.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #2

Oct 27, 2011

New Guardians is great series that has so much to offer and provides me with everything I love about the Green Lantern Universe in a single, intricate, and super interesting storyline.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #3

Dec 5, 2011

That's why I wasn't as excited about this issue as I was the last. Super Lantern = Awesome, Events unfolding = interesting, What is to come next issue = Super awesome! I crashed too hard from my high off the last issue but got immediately ramped up for the next one. The downtime in the middle simply adds to the overall story in a manner that is intriguing and begs to have questions answered but it doesn't pump like the beginning and end of the book do. A great story focused issue with this series is "A" material, an action packed issue is "A" material, a mix of both that aren't quite elevated enough…

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Green Lantern: The Animated Series #0

Dec 2, 2011

Since I don't have cable I have not had the pleasure of watching GL:TAS yet. As soon as I have a legal option to do so I will. In the meantime, this comic gives the right feel and mood of what I've heard TAS is like. It is a fun way to introduce new readers, especially younger readers, to the Green Lantern universe without having to worry about the violence level. This is good kids material and the fact that it isn't painful for adults and doesn't make a dyed in the wool GL fan like me scream sacrilege is a testament to just how great a simple, fun series can be.

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Grifter #1

Sep 16, 2011

With so many of the new series being good or pretty good with a couple of excellents thrown in, it is always nice to see a series that is both excellent and understated. Grifter is not big and flashy and it has the potential to involve some really amazing sequences later on as we start to deal more with the whole demon thing. The main character isn't exactly likable but we can empathize with him and that is what makes him so interesting to me. With top notch highly detailed art that really gets the tone of this book you can't ask for a better first issue of a relatively unknown hero.

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Grifter #2

Oct 13, 2011

Aside from the continuity error, this is another well done issue of Grifter. It contains all the elements that were enjoyable and interesting about the first issue and simply enhances the story a little bit further. I think this series still has a lot of promise especially with the military conspiracy entering into the fold. The writers just need to be more cautious about continuity. Contradicting previous events will make me drop a series real fast and I won't look back.

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Grifter #3

Nov 11, 2011

A solid pickup from the last issue which was still getting its footing in terms of building the story and establishing the characters. Strangely, this issue adds levels of character and story without explaining anything in detail. This issue has found the perfect gap between being too vague and being to dumbed down and explaining everything. Which is great in my perspective and provides just the sort of catalyst to keep me reading this series. Move the plot forward, up the stakes, and provide readers with something to look forward to; it's what the first issue had, the second issue lacked, and this issue has in spades.

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Hawk and Dove (2011) #1

Sep 9, 2011

I was so uneven about Hawk & Dove leading up to the relaunch. I loved them in Brightest Day and I think Dove is a strong character that has a lot going for her in the grand scope of things. I just wasn't sure if the new series would be something I would enjoy. I took the chance and I think a lot of readers should too. It is a perfect mix of action and exposition that gets everything done right. The only complaint I have that might bother new(er) readers is….who the heck is Boston? I know who Deadman is, barely, and thanks to Brightest Day I know his real name is Boston Brand. But in this issue he is referenced as Boston by Dove and Deadman by Hawk. There really isn't anything telling the reader that this is the same guy their talking about and there is nothing told about who this guy is or why he is there. Small quibble but can be a big detractor for a few people. I'll say Hawk & Dove is up there with Static Shock as an underdog deserving your time.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #1

Nov 1, 2011

$3.99 for 20 pages is too steep for most people to take a risk on, like the new Ultimate Spider-man. This book isn't flat out amazing like Spider-man for me to urge people to take the plunge but it is quality comics that stands as a good (re)entry point for those wanting to read the Hulk's various adventures.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #2

Nov 17, 2011

It's time I came clean and exposed myself to comic book fandom for the fraud I am….I really like Ang Lee's Hulk film. I loved the fact that it spent practically all it's time on the character's and developing them than it was about Hulk Smash. That may be why I am two issues into the new Hulk and loving the crap out of it. It's all story and mood. Nobody broods like the Hulk is brooding here and the little action they have included is good but brief and just enough to keep momentum on the story. I have no doubt that the smash quotient will rise greatly over the next couple of issues so hang in there is you aren't digging the big green mood man. Perfect in doing what it aims to do but maybe not for everyone at this point.

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Justice League International (2011) #1

Sep 7, 2011

The strongest part about JLI #1 is the character interactions. There are lots of funny parts and it is really cool and interesting to see the team dynamic play out. It just isn't a super solid stand alone first issue. DC promised to stop writing for the trades with the new 52. JLI, at least this initial introduction, would be best read in a trade. But if you are an art junkie"if JLI is anything amazing it is the artwork! Very crisp, very clean, very beautiful. Just needed tighter scripting and to be more aimed at new readers.

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Justice League International (2011) #2

Oct 6, 2011

I am sticking with JLI because I believe in the power of Booster Gold, and this disrespected superhero gets his due in this issue. The focus seems to be on getting people to take Booster seriously and with the dialogue and decisions made here he will surely get respect. The action scenes still aren't plotted out to provide a sense of excitement or urgency but this is turning out to be more of a character piece than a brawler. I respect what Dan Jurgens is trying to do and given enough time he will definitely succeed but it needed to happen quicker, it needed to happen last issue. If I wasn't such a Booster Gold fanboy this would be a trade pickup. With the trades, people will be able to get the whole story and get into the characters at a better pace which will serve better to build a fanbase. It's just a shame that the monthlies can't provide that yet.

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Justice League International (2011) #3

Nov 10, 2011

JLI is shaping up to be a nice read that I enjoy each month. It is just taking its sweet time in setting up the cast and story. That is really the only lasting negative comment I have on the series. By keeping the action to a minimum, limitations in the artists ability to fully display action is removed; by giving us more character development the writers are giving us more reasons to care, and by elevating the plot to bigger things we are provided with a reason to continue reading. JLI is still not essential reading but the job is being done. The job is being done adequately enough that I don't mind spend $2.99 a month, nor to I mind taking 15 minutes of my day to follow in these exploits. It is a solid, ensemble based comic that keeps moving up, and hopefully will become essential reading.

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Mister Terrific #1

Sep 16, 2011

Mister Terrific #1 turns out to be a damn shame to me. It is a good story with an interesting main character that I liked quite a bit but someone else needs to write the dialogue starting yesterday. What the writer probably thinks is modern and hip and edgy is just crap that makes the reader feel uncomfortable. Stuff like that has no business being in a comic book. You want to include your own personal commentary, like an auteur almost? Go right ahead. Just make sure that you write it intelligently and appropriately, not like a down on his luck angry guy on the side of the street.

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Static Shock (2011) #1

Sep 8, 2011

Static Shock seems really under the radar to me and was a complete "Why the heck not" purchase. But this issue brings something different to the table that we could use more of. It isn't incredibly violent and bloody, it is something that all age groups could really enjoy, and it is fun and hip without really trying. There doesn't seem to be any walls Static Shock needs to break down in order to be successful in terms of story telling, the art is top notch by the way, and characterization is on track; people just need to actually buy the series. Fans of the Cartoon Network animated DC shows would really love this but I implore more people to check it out as well; give Static a chance he won't disappoint.

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Superboy (2011) #1

Sep 15, 2011

Superboy #1 is a pitch perfect introduction to the character that acts as a true reboot. It starts the story from scratch and gives us everything we need to know about the world it exists in. That makes this a perfect book for new readers to get into and start a new series with zero pretensions. The artwork is sufficient and offers a sort of simplicity and blandness that somehow enhances the clone theme behind the issue. But because nothing actually happens a lot of people who pick up this book may not be interested in continuing with it. Here is where my manga fandom kicks in…give it at least two more issues to see if it hooks you or not. That will probably be how long it will take to get a good idea on how the series will be. For fans familiar with the DCU, the last page alone is just enough of a teaser to get me to definitely check out the next issue.

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Superboy (2011) #2

Oct 13, 2011

This issue flounders in its approach and transition from the past to the present. It makes the book feel awkward at first and, I at least, felt slightly cheated because the author became more concerned with tie ins than telling his own story. It would've been nice to stay in the past for a while longer to flesh out the character a bit more, but the story in the present isn't bad though. It is quite enjoyable and we, as readers, are not missing out on any crucial information. This allows the story to continue in the present, with the tie in, but still feel like its own story. That is a good thing and will definitely make for a good read in the months to follow. If only the transition was better handled.

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Superboy (2011) #3

Nov 11, 2011

Again with the issue #3 saves! I was put off by the last issue and felt like just sticking to Teen Titans for my Superboy adventures. Instead, every complaint I had was not just fixed but seemingly reversed here. The title appears to be back on track with what made the first issue so interesting, what made the character worth reading about in his own series, and something I wanted to read. I just hope it keeps up and doesn't go bi-polar on me again.

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Supergirl (2011) #1

Sep 22, 2011

For anyone who likes Supergirl or is interested in Supergirl, this first issue is a great introduction and a good piece of art. Unfortunately, with such a complex character and situation, we need more to really get behind it. It will probably be a good 6 issues before we really get a feel for how the series will be but if the angsty realism on display here is a strong indication…it will be worth the wait.

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Supergirl (2011) #2

Oct 20, 2011

I am really enjoying this series so far. The writers are doing a fantastic job at developing Kara and giving her a believable personality. There is, on average, one really big, long fight per issue; and while these fights have been great so far, their length is preventing the plot to develop.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #1

Nov 10, 2011

I had no idea what to expect from this comic and simply picked it up because it was a number 1 and a Spider-man comic. Needless to say I was more than pleasantly surprised. The comedy was spot on with what I remember loving about Spider-man and seeing the Red Hulk in action for the first time was a real treat. The situations are serious but the fun never stopped and that, combined with the fantastic artwork by Joe Madureira, is more than enough reason for me to not wait a couple of issues and immediately add this series to my pull list. On an interesting note: the Moloids that attack NYC look exactly like the creatures the Green Hulk is found living with in The Incredible Hulk #1. Related story-lines? Eh. Recommended either way!

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The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1

Sep 29, 2011

A great book for fans of Firestorm and new readers who know nothing about the character. A reboot to the letter but one that has a good amount of pacing that introduces danger and desperation naturally without feeling rushed or forced. While it may not be a must buy series, it is one of the better series out of the whole relaunch. A lower tier character that gets A-list treatment!

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #3

Oct 13, 2011

This is a must-read series but the price is way too much for what is seemingly a bi-weekly series. Thankfully Marvel is offering subscriptions through the mail at 46% off! That is the best way to read this series on the cheap"and while the series is worth cover price is terms of quality, a lower cost is necessary so that more people can read these books.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #1

Sep 15, 2011

What a great introduction to the new Spider-man! In this single issue we are introduced to a complex, interesting character and teased with the promise of new abilities and powers. These two factors alone could mean a complete overhaul of everything we thought we knew about Spider-man, and the fact that they are done extremely well with no pacing issues and amazing art to boot means that this is a must buy series. Also, notice how I hadn't mentioned anything about his 'controversial' ethnicity? Yeah, that's because it doesn't matter. Not only does it not matter on an intellectual, ethical, and moral level but Bendis and Co. have introduced this character perfectly. This comic is so good that the issue of Miles' ethnicity should never be brought up again, just how great a character he is.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #2

Sep 29, 2011

With the artwork and story telling remaining extremely strong through both issues of the new Ultimate Spider-Man, I think it may just be safe to say that this series is a real winner. The lack of anything really happening is not a hindrance but a rather a blessing. Being able to spend so much time with a character, fully developing them and taking the journey with them, is invaluable.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #4

Nov 11, 2011

Despite a stumble in Miles' motivation to becoming the new Spider-man, this issue wraps up his origin nicely and creates an encounter that can lead to a lot of fun. I still commend Bendis for his ability to write Miles as a sympathetic and relatable character, and it looks like there are still a lot of growing pains to go through for our young hero. By taking the approach set forth in the final page, Miles' adventures are going to be very interesting as he is integrated into the Marvel universe. I look forward excitedly to the continuing story and am thankful that Miles is a character I care about and that the proper time was taken to get him where he is now.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #1

Sep 22, 2011

The only thing I can really say about the new Wonder Woman comic that isn't praise and glowing fanboy-isms already stated, is that….the story, tone, and art Brain Azzarello and Cliff Chiang have created here is something unique and special, even among the new 52. It is so unique that quite honestly, I am not super looking forward to Wonder Woman being introduced in the Justice League comic. This is her comic and that's the way I want it to stay!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #2

Oct 20, 2011

Azzarello is definitely following through on his promises with Wonder Woman. This series just feels like something completely different than the rest of DC's line up. With the utterly beautiful artwork by Cliff Chiang that is both alien and familiar, Wonder Woman starts off strong as one of the hands-down best of the New 52.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #3

Nov 17, 2011

There is something about the new Wonder Woman series that I just can't articulate properly. Just looking at this comic is an ethereal experience all in its own. The artwork is so different from all the other series out there that it feels as if I'm whisked away to somewhere else. While reading these books I am completely absorbed and cannot take my eyes off the page. Coupled with a really phenomenal script that is constantly moving and engaging, there is nothing about this comic that doesn't beg to be loved. Wow, just wow. It isn't groundbreaking and 'so different' that it might as well not be called a comic, no. It just does everything so perfectly and is so different from the other DC comics that it not only pulls ones attention, it demands it. I sure hope you're paying attention.

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