Detective Comics #1
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Detective Comics #1

Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 7, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 16
7.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

DC's flagship title is relaunched for the first time ever, with new Batman adventures from acclaimed writer/ artist Tony S. Daniel!A killer called The Gotham Ripper is on the loose on Batman's home turf leading The Dark Knight on a deadly game of cat and mouse.

  • 10
    Examiner - Jose J. Becerra Jr. Sep 8, 2011

    Overall, Detective Comics #1 is worth the purchase. Of the new 52 titles, this is one title I was really looking forward to, and it's satisfying. Tomeu Morey's coloring compliments each page of this title. I didn't have any spoilers in this review, because this issue is a must-read in my opinion, and readers should experience that shocking feeling, when gazing their eyes on that last page! Detective Comics #1 has 32 awesome color pages, $2.99 US, on sale now at comic shops or digitally. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Nuts - Jef Mendoza Sep 12, 2011

    I can't give this book enough praise so I'll just end it right here and say go buy this book right now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Sep 13, 2011

    This is my kind of comic! It contains the right amount of heroics, horror, violence, and thought provoking plot progression and my senses were tickled beyond anything I could imagine. Tony Daniel is the BEST writer and artist for Batman in the history of the character. Please DC, keep everyone else away from Detective Comics and leave Daniel on this title for as long as you can! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Robot Overlord Sep 8, 2011

    Bottom line for me - This is a fantastic way to kick off this book. It's got all the right elements for a noir detective tale, and while it is grim, it doesn't come off as the grim and gritty Batman we've known since Frank Miller gave him a facelift. The final page of the issue had my jaw hanging open, as the seriousness of what the Joker was planning became apparent, heightened only by the great art. This is a must buy book from me. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Chris Kirby Sep 8, 2011

    In SummaryHoly crap! I loved the first issue of Action Comics. It was a great introduction and re-imagining of Superman and I couldn't have been more pleased. But this issue of Detective Comics trumps it in terms of excitement and condensed storytelling. My interest wasn't too high and my expectations even less than that for the new Batman books. But after reading this, I just added at least two more books to my pull list. Of the new 52 I've read so far, Detective Comics is definitely the best in terms of accessibility, and paving the way for a smooth run that shouldn't upset anyone; old fans or new. BUY THIS BOOK! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Sep 7, 2011

    In terms of value, this book had so much more to it than Justice League #1 did and Detective #1 costs a dollar less. This is, however surprisingly, the book to follow from here on. Tony Daniel, this has been me eating my own words. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Erik Norris Sep 7, 2011

    I think it would have been easy to dismiss Tony Daniel's Detective Comics in light of all the other Bat-books hitting shelves as part of the New 52. In the past, Daniel has provided us with some solid Batman stories, but he's never been able to blow us away with his writing to get us to pack up shop and leave the Bat-series written by the likes of Grant Morrison, Scott Snyder and Peter Tomasi. But I truthfully believe Detective Comics #1 could be the start to something truly great from Daniel, as not only a writer but also an artist. Detective Comics #1 is a great comic from top to bottom. This is one you're going to want to set money aside for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Sep 7, 2011

    Overall, this is a great done-in-one issue which definitely makes the reader interested to see what comes next, but also doesn't necessarily demand that you do get the next issue to understand this one. It might add greater context and purpose, but it isn't necessary to enjoy this issue, which definitely makes it a more enjoyable issue. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 7, 2011

    The first "New 52" Batman arrives and gives us a grittier Batman than we might have expected. Faced with the Joker, a new villain and being hunted by the GCPD at the same time, this Batman is going to have to rise to the challenge asap. The version of the Joker we see not the silly clown version we sometimes see. This is a Joker that isn't going to mess around with Batman or anyone else that gets in his way. Tony Daniel sets up this early period in Batman's life, establishes his place in Gotham as well as the details of the Batcave and his new arsenal all while jamming plenty of action and suspense at the same time. The look of Batman's armor feels a little odd here and there and he has a high-tech feel but with the way things are going, Batman will need all the help he can get. If all that wasn't enough, the ending will leave you scratching your head wondering how the heck the next issue is going to begin. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 7, 2011

    Daniel has brought his A-Game to "Detective Comics," and it's most definitely paid off. Even if you sampled Daniel's "Batman" run before, I'll urge you to give his new "Detective Comics" #1 a chance. I had high hopes and I was still pleasantly surprised. Here's to every issue of "Detective Comics" being this strong. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Phillip Carson Sep 9, 2011

    I'll admit the cliffhanger ending was pretty shocking, and really makes me wonder where the story is going from here. But I don't know if that'll be enough to distiguish this title from the other 18 or so Batman books that are coming out this month. There's lots of classic stuff here, especially for a first issue. Batman in the cave with Alfred, on the rooftop with Gordon, being chased by helicopters, fighting the Joker etc. It's all there, but I just can't help but think we've seen it all done better elsewhere. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Sep 9, 2011

    Is this a great comic? No. It is a pretty average one (with maybe the worst Bat-item pun of all time: the Ro-Bat, a robot camera shaped like a bat). Daniel doesn't rewrite the Batman bible here. However, with the ultra-creepy new villain, the great ending, and the sheer possibilities of where this story could go, I have to say that I was impressed by this issue. Let's hope that Daniel has more tricks up his sleeve, because it would be a shame to let an idea this good go to waste. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Mark Blicharz Sep 7, 2011

    The art was solid, but there were times it didn't look like it quite fit Batman. The last panel, though, is fantastic and is quite a shocker. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Oct 2, 2011

    Although Ton Daniel seems to be trying a bit too hard to be dark and edgy, you can't help but wonder where he's going with this story. The final page has a cliffhanger that's guaranteed to make your head spin! So I'll give it a 7/10 and recommend it to anyone who enjoys the gritty, violent stories and fans of Tony Daniel's previous run on Batman. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 12, 2011

    With the amount of pressure Tony Daniel was on with the relaunching of this historic series he was able to deliver a strong issue from beginning to end. Detective Comics #1 is a strong read from with good dialogue and artwork. Daniels treated this issue as his one-shot to bring in new and old readers as he gave us a beginning, middle and end in just one issue. If it was not for the final page I would recommend everyone to pick up this issue. Still, if youre a Batman fan or are looking for a place to start I would recommend picking up Detective Comics #1. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - johnlees Sep 13, 2011

    I dont want to spoil it, but its a total game-changer, one that puts everything youve read up until that point in a whole new context. It is without a doubt the best last-page cliffhanger of any of the New 52 comics Ive read thus far. Damn you, Tony Daniel. Now I HAVE to read issue #2! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 10, 2011

    I prefer a more cerebral battle between these two old enemies. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Sep 9, 2011

    As a "debut" issue of a new comic, I don't know that it would exactly bowl me over, and if you've ever read a Batman comic before, you've read this one. But if you're a fan of the Caped Crusader, here's the first chapter of his latest adventure. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Sep 8, 2011

    Tony Daniel's art is, of course, above reproach. He even managed to make me like the Batman "armor" suit by giving it a bit more fluidity than previous incarnations. The action scenes are visceral and alive, the depth of shadow and use of powerful lines to give the characters weight is on point. It's everything we expect from Daniel. Visually, Detective Comics #1 is stunning, but as far as story goes, it's only fair. It may just take some getting used to, so I'm not denying the New 52 yet. However by the end of Detective Comics #1, I was really missing Batman the way he used to be. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 11, 2011

    Daniel really doesn't tell the audience much about the new villain who will drive this opening story arc, but we get enough of a taste to whet our appetite. The hint at a familial operation is intriguing, and I'm curious as to the connection between the crude surgery he performs and his "Dollmaker" moniker. The awkward path leading to those little mysteries, those little revelations, though, doesn't make for an enjoyable stroll to the destination. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Sep 12, 2011

    Yep. Cuts it right off. Then hangs it on a wall. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Dec 2, 2011

    The New 52 continues with Detective Comics #1 featuring none other than Batman! The Joker is up to his old tricks again, but this time hes got a mysterious & deadly partner The Dollmaker! The ending of this issue got everybody talking, its a shocker! Not a great start for this title. Written by Tony S. Daniel and illustrated by Ryan Winn. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 12, 2011

    Even with these issues the first issue may not be good but it is, for the most part passable, – at least until the gruesome final panel. In an attempt to give us a gritty Batman story Daniel gives us the face of one of Batman's villains nailed to a wall. This one's best forgotten. Pass. Read Full Review

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