Incredible Hulk #1
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Incredible Hulk #1

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Marc Silvestri Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 26, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 4
7.8Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

Marvel Architect Jason Aaron joins forces with legendary artist Marc Silvestri to CLASSIFIED

  • 10
    Examiner - Anthony Schultz Nov 9, 2011

    Overall, the first issue of the Incredible Hulk was phenomenal. Purchase it, love it, and just allow Aaron to take you on a journey into the heart of the beast. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outer Realm Comics - Charles Joy Mar 19, 2012

    If you haven'y already, pick it up. The story, art, flow, twists and turns are all worth the price. Also, as you likely know, the second one is already out (Part two of "Hulk: Asunder"), which as you would expect ties in nicely... I recommend that issue as well, and likely will recommend the entire series. :) Maybe at some point in the series Hulk will be able to sit back with his Moloid friends and relax... Read Full Review

  • 10
    Blue Raven Comics - Clark Bullock Apr 8, 2012

    After reading the first six issues of this series, my heart was literally racing. I felt like I had been punched in the face by every single Hulked out creature on the pages and I loved every last bit of it. The story progression and flashbacks work great together and the art sets the tone fantastically. The dark caverns, the bright tropical island, and the twisted laboratory of Dr. Banner. It all feels incredibly alive. If you love fast paced action, bloody battles and an amazing story, then this title is a can't miss. With the conclusion of the first story arc coming in issue #7, I really can't wait to see the conclusion of this epic tale. I give this read a 10/10. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 24, 2011

    Here we have a series getting relaunched and it makes perfect sense. This is a completely new direction for Hulk. Jason Aaron has quite a task in front of him. Greg Pak was responsible for a great era in Hulk's mythos. With this issue, Aaron's is off to a great start of the next era. Throwing in Marc Silvestri's art and it's almost mind-boggling what we're going to get here. Silvestri draws some amazing epic-style Hulk battle scenes. The addition of a beard gives him a more barbarian-feel and adds to his savage nature. You're going to want to see Hulk taking on big enemies and Silvestri delivers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Oct 26, 2011

    AWESOME. Yes sir, the art on this book is (to steal an adjective) INCREDIBLE. To hell with the story for now. Just look at that cover. That is one bad ass green goliath. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Dispatchdcu Apr 1, 2020

    Jason Aaron immediately hooks readers and leaves them wanting answers. Plus, the choice of Silvestri on art sashayed an amazingly Conan-like Hulk that resembled a gamma charged, Hyborian born Barbarian which I never thought I'd ever see. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Kirby Nov 1, 2011

    $3.99 for 20 pages is too steep for most people to take a risk on, like the new Ultimate Spider-man. This book isn't flat out amazing like Spider-man for me to urge people to take the plunge but it is quality comics that stands as a good (re)entry point for those wanting to read the Hulk's various adventures. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Oct 26, 2011

    With all the positive things happening in Incredible Hulk #1, it’s hard to ignore how the new story arc dismisses a lot of the themes Greg Pak brought into the history. In order to enjoy the series you have to separate it from what Pak has done, which is a shame since he had the greatest run on the strongest one there is in recent memory. That aside, The Incredible Hulk #1 was an excellent kick off to the next stage of the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Nov 24, 2011

    This story from Jason Aaron (PunisherMax) is action packed and features awesome artwork from one of the founding members of Image Comics, Marc Silvestri (Uncanny X-Men, Cyberforce). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Oct 28, 2011

    Oh, and don't be put off by the “Shattered Heroes” banner at the top of the book. Even though that's the label for the Fear Itself aftermath stuff, there is no mention of that event at all. It's completely safe for new readers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    iFanboy - Paul Montgomery Oct 25, 2011

    Solicit information has insured that the split and conflict between Hulk and Bruce Banner is hardly a secret. The theme of this first arc, "Asunder" gravitates around this rift between man and monster. It's actually the Banner plot that felt most surprising and inspired. And as interesting as Aaron's take on the Hulk is, the status quo he's established for Banner and his Island of Dr. Moreau base of operations is the fuel providing the most momentum. Simple as the concept seems, the Hulk is many things for many readers. For casual fans of the character, this new direction seems like a return to the clear objective and focus of the celebrated Planet Hulk, finally delivering the green Hulk to the status and level of quality enjoyed by Jeff Parker's red Hulk offering. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Joey Esposito Oct 24, 2011

    Incredible Hulk #1 is a good start to an engaging new series, but not one without some kinks to be worked out. Hopefully issue #2 can rectify those problems and offer a leap forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Oct 27, 2011

    With Incredible Hulk #1 Jason Aaron was in a very unique position. Not only was he starting a run on one of Marvels most iconic character but he is starting it after one Greg Paks epic run on the Hulk. This by no means was an easy task. Thankfully, Jason Aaron went into this issue with a full head of steam to deliver his own take on the character. Aaron provides a lot of great character work for the reader to sympathize with the Hulks character while not forgetting how powerful he is. It is also interesting to see Bruce Banner turned into a villain. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Tim Vinton Oct 30, 2011

    The Incredible Hulk #1 is by no means a bad comic and is actually something of a pleasant surprise compared to the boring Fear Itself #7. Jason Aaron's story seems to be moving in an interesting direction and Silvestri's art makes everything, from fighting to studying, an incredibly visceral experience. That said, when a debut issue only serves to confuse the reader more, things need to change or we're in for a rough road ahead. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 29, 2011

    But for a bold new start, this all seems very... derivative. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Oct 26, 2011

    This new debut of a classic Marvel character feels like a hearty barbeque reproduction of a vegan falafel. They try to make everything fit, and feel the same, and look the same, but the taste won't fool you. This isn't what you ordered and it won't be what you want. It's close, and you want to try it, but you'll walk away sorry for your curiosity. Perhaps, if you are curious, you should just wait until the second issue where the story might actually start. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 27, 2011

    I'm a huge fan of the Hulk and a bigger fan of Jason Aaron but this issue completely missed with me. The issue is way too slow, to the point of being pretentious, as it seems to take forever to lift into a story. It wouldn't be so terrible if the opening established something but it really didn't do much other than to show that a Banner-less Hulk is still pretty smart. I need more story or Hulk-like action and I definitely need more consistent art. Hopefully the next issue will be better. Read Full Review

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