Clark Bullock's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Blue Raven Comics Reviews: 32
9.2Avg. Review Rating

All-Star Western #1

Apr 21, 2012

This. Book. Is. Awesome. I was absolutely blown away. This title really has everything. Suspense, mystery, violence, humor. Pretty much anything a comic book fan could ask for. Gray and Palmiotti's storytelling is fantastic. They really made itto where the characters felt real and tangible. Moritat also takes this title to new heights. His art is dark and gritty, exactly what you would expectof Gotham. With the Night of The Owls crossover beginning, I really can't wait to see where this book goes. As an avid Batman and Nightwing reader, I am expecting some breathtaking work from these guys. Let's hope Jonah can show thoseowl baddies who's the real man.I give this book a 10/10.

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All-Star Western #8

May 6, 2012

Who would have thought that 1800"s Gotham would be so interesting?

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Animal Man (2011) #1

Apr 28, 2012

Animal Man is shaping up to be another one of my favorite series. With this title being more of a horror book rather than a superhero book, it feels like a great change of pace. The art in this book is gruesome. The creatures from The Rot are some of the nastiest things I have ever seen. The only complaint that I have is that Foreman's lines can be very thin at times and this in turn leaves a lot of negative spacing on the page. That is being very nit picky to say the least. Lemire's storytelling is at it's best and with issue #9 releasing in May, I am very excited to see where it goes. A crossover is going to begin with Animal Man and Swamp Thing and I can't wait to see these two in action together. All in all, this is a great read, even if you are new to comics or a seasoned veteran. I give this a 9/10

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Animal Man (2011) #9

May 15, 2012

In the coming issues, it is obvious we are on a crash course towards a Swamp Thing crossover. I can't wait to see where this goes. I have a feeling that the two plots will fit together like long lost puzzle pieces. This book is great and I know it's just going to keep getting better.

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Animal Man (2011) #10

Jun 9, 2012

Jeff Lemire continues to amaze with incredible inventiveness and fantastic storytelling. This book is perfectly paced and may be one of the most thought provoking books I have read in a very long time. Steve Pugh also does a great job of depicting the grotesque realm known as The Red. One of the most familiar panels to me is a castle that resembles an anatomical heart. The drawings on the page are disgusting and delightful at the very same time. There are certain times, however, that the zoomed out views don't have the same attention to detail that the more closeup shots have. There is no doubt though that Pugh has been painstaking detail into these pages. The highly anticipated Red/Green crossover is on it's way, and I couldn't be more excited. This book is fantastic and I expect it to deliver every single time I pick up a new issue. I give this an 8.75/10.

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Animal Man (2011) Annual #1

Jun 8, 2012

Jeff Lemire continues to absolutely amaze me with this book. As I have mentioned before, a Swamp Thing/Animal Man crossover is imminent, and this annual was a great setup for that. This book has pulled me in and I have a feeling, it isn't going to let go. The story is progressing at a great pace, and the more memorable moments really get your brain buzzing about what is coming next. Even with the artist change for this issue, Timothy Green II still draws this book with the brutality and intensity it deserves. I can't wait to see what surprises come in the issues to come, but I know that with the Lemire/Snyder collaboration on it's way, I will not be disappointed. There is a war coming, and The Rot must be defeated, or all will be lost. I give this book a 10/10.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #1

Apr 5, 2012

This story opens up with a bang and never stops. It hits full throttle and I loved every bit of it. There are vicious fights, heart wrenching destruction and a cliff hanger that kept me begging for more. I couldn't have asked for more from the debut of this series and I have a feeling that the insanity is only just beginning. I give Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 a 10/10.

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Batman (2011) #1

Apr 10, 2012

Really what I am trying to get at is that this book really takes Batman back to his roots. Rather than just kicking the crap out of some face painted goons working for the joker, there is mystery and suspense. Don't get me wrong, there are many great fight scenes within the first seven issues but I really like the layers that are within this title. I found myself having to pick my jaw up off of the floor multiple times. The art and innovation really adds to the experience also. The dark gritty streets of Gotham, the twisted owl faces of the court, and the spiral into madness Batman experiences within the maze are all portrayed so well. There are multiple lip-biting moments that just wouldn't have been the same without the fantastic illustrations. I am highly anticipating issue #8 and if the action and suspense stay on par, then Batman may becomeone of my favoriteseries of this year. I give this read a 10/10.

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Batman (2011) #8

Apr 25, 2012

I am in love with this series. Actually, I'm in love with every New 52 I'm reading right now. This is definitely making it hard to stay on top of my Marvel reads, but as of now, DC is doing some big time upstaging. Scott Snyder works his magic like always with the storytelling and Capullo's art is at it's best in this issue. This title just progresses more and more every issue and I know it is only getting better. Batman is a can't miss and is absolute comic perfection. This read most certainly gets a 10/10.

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Batman (2011) #9

May 14, 2012

This is the essential Batman. I have come to that conclusion. If you never have or plan on reading a Batman title, please read this one. Snyder and Capullo are making this something beautiful. I don't know how long this series will be, but I am hoping it is forever. Snyder has set up one of the best plots for Batman that I have ever read and Capullo's art is just spectacular. The dark and grungy tone of this book is exactly what I would expect of any Gotham title. I just feel so satisfied at where I am with this series and have no idea how it could get better. Knowing Snyder, though, I expect it will get better. Without a doubt- BEST. BATMAN. BOOK. EVER. Of course it gets a 10/10.

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Batman (2011) #10

Jun 26, 2012

This is by far the best Batman issue to date. It contained such a large twist, that I had to go back a few pages and read them again. Snyder just continues to deliver. If you have not had a chance to be blessed by this book yet, than you need to do some soul searching. Capullo and Snyder make one of the greatest duos in Batman history. The art and story walk eerily hand-in-hand. Issue #10 leaves us with many unanswered questions and a cliffhanger to mark down in Batman history. This really could be the end of Batman. I give this issue a 10/10.

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Batman (2011) Annual #1

Jun 6, 2012

I could barely keep my jaw off the floor with this issue. All of the plot twists were so unexpected and fit so perfectly. Scott Snyder is taking this book to new heights and going places others have refused to go before. We also have James Tynion IV collaborating on the writing, so the team-up most definitely proves that two brains are better than one. Greg Capullo continues drawing for the book and it looks as good as ever. Barren snow covered land, all the way to thebowels of Wayne Enterprises. It all looks incredible. I don't believe that Freeze will continue to be a main antagonist within this book, but I have no complaints if he does. This was a great tie-in for Night of The Owls, especially with the conclusion drawing near. I continue to hope forthe sametwists, action and suspense that Snyder so greatly portrays. I give this a 10/10.

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Carnage USA #1

Apr 14, 2012

I would like to start by saying that I absolutely loved this series and I am very sad to see that it was only a five part event. One of the things that stood out to me the most was the art. Clayton Crain is an absolute genius. The twisted images on the pages are what I would imagine the inside of Cletus' brain looks like. This comic is sick, twisted, full of action, and absolutely gorgeous. The storytelling progresses greatly and I did not want the brutality to end. I seriously hope that Zeb and Clayton return next year to do a full time Carnage title because it would be fantastic. I suggest this to all comic readers, regardless of what genres you prefer. This title has a little something for everybody. I give Carnage U.S.A. a 10/10.

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Defenders (2011) #6

May 10, 2012

This is book is so good. Point blank. Matt Fraction shows exactly why he is an award winning writer in this one. There is action, mystery, suspense, romance. Everything you could ask for in a plot is here. The art is also spectacular. This is very surprising considering there are multiple artist changes in these first few issues. The characters look beautiful and the settings are the icing on the cake. Mountains, ocean, New York City- it all looks fantastic. I can't wait to see where this story goes but it's definitely going on my favorites list at this point. I suggest this book to all comic readers. I give this a 10/10.

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Hell Yeah #1

May 10, 2012

All in all, this was a good read and I'm hoping, it will become great.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #1

Apr 8, 2012

After reading the first six issues of this series, my heart was literally racing. I felt like I had been punched in the face by every single Hulked out creature on the pages and I loved every last bit of it. The story progression and flashbacks work great together and the art sets the tone fantastically. The dark caverns, the bright tropical island, and the twisted laboratory of Dr. Banner. It all feels incredibly alive. If you love fast paced action, bloody battles and an amazing story, then this title is a can't miss. With the conclusion of the first story arc coming in issue #7, I really can't wait to see the conclusion of this epic tale. I give this read a 10/10.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #7.1

May 29, 2012

This book has something for everyone. Even if you are not a huge Hulk fan, I 100% guarantee you will find something you like within it. I will admit, after the epic Hulk Vs. Banner story arc, I was afraid that this book would fall flat. I now realize that as long as Aaron keeps writing, there is not a chance in hell that will happen. I have noticed some slight art changes, Jefte Palo being the penciler for this issue.The art styleis slightly different, but nothing drastic. Thereare still plenty of great explosions and action scenes that look just as good as they did in previous issues. I am very excited to see where the Stay Angry story arc takes us, but the first issue appears to have a Punisher/Hulk showdown. Let's all hope for the best.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #8

Jun 7, 2012

There were some very memorable moments in this issue, and Aaron once again proves that he is the king of “Hulk Smash.” The amount of twists within this book really made want to read more. Trying to find out if Banner and Hulk are reunited, how Pitbull is involved, and why Hulk wakes up with a huge scar on his chest at the end of the issue. All of these moments made my mind buzz with questions. The only real complaint I have is with Steve Dillon's art. Steve Dillion, being mainly a Punisher artist, doesn't really make Hulk big enough and a few of the face models are kind of iffy. All in all, the story arc fit well into the series. I am anticipating the issues to come and hope that this book doesn't fall flat. I give this read an 8/10.

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Mind the Gap #1

May 3, 2012

I was very impressed by this first issue. This is a bold statement to make, but I believe that Image is taking center stage in the comic world right now. All of the great releases and the coming attractions look fantastic. McCann does a great job keeping readers on their toes in this one and introduces us to our characters fantastically. Esquejo's art is alsogreat. The concentration on detail and the tone that he portrays just take the story to the next level. There are also a few easter eggs within the book that are revealed at the end of the issue that makes it feel that much more satisfying. I can't wait to see where this story goes and I hope the ominous tone of this book remains. I easily give this a 10/10.

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Nightwing (2011) #1

Apr 24, 2012

I only really had one complaint about this series and that was the art. It was good at first but then drifts to more of the mediocre side. This may have something to do with the multiple changes within the art staff. Overall though, Higgins' really made up for it with his storytelling. The internal and external conflict with Dick are all played out so well. There are twists, guest appearances and some great action scenes. At the end of issue seven, we seea replay ofwhat already occurred in Batman #7. This obviously means that the Owl crossover begins next issue. I am very excited to see where the intertwining stories go. I give this an 8/10.

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Saga #1

Apr 27, 2012

Mr. Vaughn. You've done it again my good sir. Even though the series is only two issues in, I already feel so familiar with this brand new world.

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Saga #3

May 17, 2012

Being introduced to an original series is always great, especially a space epic. We get to meet new people, worlds, species. It's like opening a toy box and realizing that all of your toys are new. Brian Vaughn is a fantastic writer and is doing a great job of introducing us to this new world, whichhas been in his head since he was a small child. Fiona Staples continues her great rough art style in this book as well. The writing and art just compliment each other so well. The two are Yin and Yang. I believe that this turning out to be the best comic book series of 2012. As long as the dynamic duo of Vaughan and Staples continue doing what they are doing, I will be hooked to this series for as long as it runs. I give Saga #3 a 10/10.

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Scarlet Spider #1

Apr 9, 2012

If you read our preview of Scarlet Spider #4, then you know already that the Assassins Guild is coming to town to have a nice big party with Kaine and his new found friends. I am very excited to see where this goes and what crazy over-the-top twists the Guild throws at Kaine, Will he defeat themor will Kaine be the one laying on the pavement in his own blood? This is a great read butI do not suggest it to new readers unless you get a little back story. Overall, I was impressed. I give this an 8/10.

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Scarlet Spider #4

Apr 12, 2012

As the masked hero of Houston begins to get more exposure from the local media, Kaine feels more like a murderer and a killer. The skeletons in his closet are coming back and they are coming with a vengeance. I am really excited to see more into his past and to see what type of person he was and still may be. This seems to be the climax for the first story arc in this series and I really couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out. The few scenes with Aracely felt somewhat forced and out of place but all in all, I very much enjoyed it. I give this read a 9/10.

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Scarlet Spider #5

May 17, 2012

Chris Yost has been doing a very good job with the character development of Kaine Parker. We see Kaine struggling with memories of his past and learning the “right way” to do this superhero thing. There wasn't much plot progression, but hopefully this is just a bridge for the next story arc. I have a feeling this isn't the last we will seeof the extremist group in this issue. Ryan Stegman being gone, I must say the art still looks great. Bloody, grimey, and gorgeous. I am not disappointed at all with Neil Edwards penciling this book. The next issue's coverdepicts Kaine Parker lying in a shallow grave, with a long haired figure standing over him with a bloody knife. I can't wait to see what happens in the next action packed issue of Scarlet Spider. I give this a 9/10.

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Secret #1

Apr 18, 2012

I was very impressed by the chemistry that this team has. I almost can't believe it wasn't a single person who wrote and illustrated this book. The art compliments the story great. Thescenes are never illustrated in full color, but accent colors being employed reallyhelp to tell the story. While Dunn is being assaulted, the panes are red. When the scene shifts to the next day, there are colors of yellow and orange illustrating Dunn's uncertainty and fear. While there is nothing monumental that happens in this issue, it sets up very nicely for next month's issue. There is minimum character development, but the eyebrow raising moments keep me in the story. I am anticipating May's issue and I hope formore twists and action. I give this an 8/10.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #10

Jun 9, 2012

At this point, I only expect great things from both titles. This is most definitely one of the best books of the last ten years.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #1

Mar 29, 2012

With the conclusion of this story after issue #3, I really can't wait to see where this series goes. Hopefully more giant monsters, more violence and more laughs. I found myself really begging for more from this new installment in the Marvel universe, and hoping for some great appearances by more heroes and villains. Even if you are not a big Spider-Man fan, I believe anybody would enjoy what I experienced on these pages. I give this read a 9/10.-Clark Bullock

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The Avenging Spider-Man #4

Apr 16, 2012

I am really enjoying this book, like I believed that I would. Peter Parker still has is witty sense of humor that will make you laugh out loud and the action is still up to par. I am also enjoying the more realistic art that the staff is putting into the series. The only complaint I have is that some of the dialogue seemed somewhat drawn out, especially in issue #6. I'm not sure if this has to do with Wells getting assistance from other writers, but I think he should stick to what he knows. Coming off of finishing Carnage U.S.A., I know Zeb doesn't need any help. All in all, I am still enjoying the series and I can't wait to see what issue #7 brings. I give this a 9/10.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #7

May 17, 2012

When I first started reading this book, I really thought it was going places. However, at this point I am thinking otherwise. I believe that the staff changes are really taking a toll on this series. There is no type of plot progression or development. The story is really moving on, issue-to-issue. A newplot every time andthe problem isresolved by the end of the issue. I hope that it doesn't continue with this downward trend, because if it does, I will gladly stop reading it. The art is mediocre at best. Not good or bad, just okay. The next issue is going to be featuring Doctor Strange, who is one of my favorite comic book characters. I'm really hoping they don't screw that up either. I will be giving this issue a 7/10.

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The Massive #1

Jun 19, 2012

Issue #1 leaves us with an unexpected cliffhanger, and I am very upset that I have to wait until next month for issue #2- and this means these guys are doing something right. If this book continues on it's course right now in full speed, I believe it could very well be, well, MASSIVE.

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Thief of Thieves #1

Apr 14, 2012

Overall, I really enjoyed this read. The art is akin to that of Kirkman's more famous title, the only difference being that it is in full color- similar facial shading and detail being what stood out to me the most. The story progression seemed to flow very well, but a few unexpected and confusing flashbacks put a bump in the plot. I am hoping that with the release of issue #4 in May, we get some sort of clarification on the questions you may be left with. However, there was fast paced action that was very exciting. One of the most memorable moments being a bank heist that ends in “Redmond” causing a huge explosion within the building and then jumping off of the roof to escape. I can't wait to see what action the next issue brings and I really hope mainstream publicity doesn't kill this for me like The Walking Dead. AMC has already signed for a TV show after three issues and this knowledge is somewhat disheartening. Regardless, I give this read an 8/10.

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