EXTINCTION IS FOREVER part two! Guest-starring JOHN CONSTANTINE and JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK. BUDDY BAKER seeks the help of THE TOTEMS to return to his family.
So, Animal Man continues to be a delightful read. Lemire builds on his tapestry as Buddy travels through the Red. There are new mysteries posed and fun to be had within these pages. This truly is a title people talk about for a reason and every month it delivers. Read Full Review
Jeff Lemire continues to amaze with incredible inventiveness and fantastic storytelling. This book is perfectly paced and may be one of the most thought provoking books I have read in a very long time. Steve Pugh also does a great job of depicting the grotesque realm known as The Red. One of the most familiar panels to me is a castle that resembles an anatomical heart. The drawings on the page are disgusting and delightful at the very same time. There are certain times, however, that the zoomed out views don't have the same attention to detail that the more closeup shots have. There is no doubt though that Pugh has been painstaking detail into these pages. The highly anticipated Red/Green crossover is on it's way, and I couldn't be more excited. This book is fantastic and I expect it to deliver every single time I pick up a new issue. I give this an 8.75/10. Read Full Review
There's a lot happening here, but it's mostly world-building and groundwork for the next major showdown. Still more than substantial enough for your money, though. Read Full Review
Next time you bump into Jeff Lemire, high five him for this amazing comic. While this issue was a lot of set up told through two different stories that dragged just a tiny bit, it was overall a great read. Steve Pugh does a great job on this issue and you'll notice he's great with facial expressions. There were a couple stand out scene I loved here, including Buddy smashing some rottlings. Read Full Review
Animal Man is still decidedly in good hands and things look like they're going well moving forward into the crossover. However, I have to say that I'll be really relieved once we can move past the whole crossover because I want to see where Lemire will take this series after this initial story that it's been leading up to since the beginning has finished. Read Full Review
Steve Pugh does an excellent job showing off the grotesqueness of the Red, especially the castle with a muscular structure that looks borrowed from an animal heart. While most of his artwork evokes the proper reaction -- a combination of being grossed out and delighted -- the larger zoomed out views lack the necessary details to be effective. That said, he no doubt put a painstaking amount of effort into these pages, and the high quality shows on almost every panel, making Animal Man's world the most engrossing of the entire DCU. Pun intended. Read Full Review
"Animal Man" has been a strong book from go, one of the best of the New 52 and a book that developed one of the greatest new characters of the DCU in the form of young Maxine. It will serve the book well if Lemire can finally move Buddy into a little more active and intelligent role in his own title, rather than being the guy that has to be told everything all the time. Read Full Review
Last week, I kind of admitted that I was getting a little tired of the formula that Animal-Man uses most issues and while we do get a break from that here, issue feels a little too much like filler. The Justice League Dark characters are not used particularly well, but hey, sometimes you've got to hit a sac fly to score a run and I think Lemire does that effectively here by giving us enough to excited for next month. Read Full Review