Scarlet Spider #1
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Scarlet Spider #1

Writer: Christopher Yost Artist: Ryan Stegman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 11, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 5
8.1Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

Spinning out of Spider-Island, The Secrets of the Brand New Scarlet Spider stand revealed in 40 Pages!! - Who is the new webbed wonder - and why has he come to face corruption in Houston, Texas?

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 23, 2012

    I have to say I was really surprised by this book and I'mlooking forward to the next issue. This is in fact the first Marvel title thatI've been excited for in a year and hopefully they don't screw it up. If it stays in thisbubble away from the rest of the Marvel Universe and especially the Avengersand Spider-man then it has the potential to be really, really good. It's sogood and I really enjoyed reading a Spider-Man-esc book again and actuallyliking it. They may have changed the Scarlet Spider and totally fucked up PeterParker, but I'm really like this new take on what's become a throwawaycharacter. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jan 11, 2012

    Yost and Stegman have managed to convince me, as a diehard Ben Reilly fan, that someone else could take the mantle of the Scarlet Spider. Many of us may miss Reilly's character but there's no need to dwell on that with this title. This is about Kaine working his way to redeeming himself and (possibly) becoming a hero. We have a new location away from Spider-Man (and the rest of the Marvel Universe heroes). Stegman makes sure to set the tone in creating a new 'world' which gives the series a great start. Kaine is a clone of Spider-Man but this book is not a clone of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. There are new characters along with the new location and seeing how Kaine adapts to everything is going to be part of the fun. SCARLET SPIDER is well on its way to becoming one of the first hits of 2012. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jan 14, 2012

    The issue is fresh in the manner that Marvel heroes haven't set foot here before, nor has there been a hero quite like Kaine. This is new territory and it's a lot of fun reading the trail being blazed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Jan 11, 2012

    Honestly, if you told me that I would be this excited about anything to do with "The Clone Saga," or Kaine, or the Scarlet Spider, or any of that nonsense even yesterday, I probably would have punched you in the face for impugning my character. But now, I can't imagine it any other way. Don't be afraid of the connotations inherent in this type of spinoff, or the history of this character. This is a rare feat truly deserving of a first issue with as much hype as this one's had: a fresh start, both for Kaine, and for readers who are weary and wary of clones, hoodies, anti-heroes, and the rest of the things you'd expect in this title. Scarlet Spider was poetry in motion, and I'm not afraid to say I loved it. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Jan 12, 2012

    Scarlet Spider gets off to a strong start. It definitely has some kinks to work out, but both the premise and the character work extremely well together as a worthy and unique addition to the Spider-Man franchise. All the book really needs is for Yost to make sure to lean more toward anti-hero than hero with Kaine and an artist with a style more suited to its darker and more violent tone. There is a lot of potential here for Scarlet Spider to have its own unique presence in the Marvel Universe, and I have little doubt that Yost, one of the writers of X-Force, will be able to pull it off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Garrett Jan 12, 2012

    In the end this book met all the expectations I had, set a pretty solid foundation and definitely left me salivating to see the next issue. Bring on the Scarlet Spider! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jan 14, 2012

    Writer Christopher Yost (Red Robin : The Grail) does a good job reintroducing Kaine as a potential hero to old and new readers, while penciller Ryan Stegmans (Fear Itself : Dracula) illustrations are very good and vivid. The verdicts still out on whether or not Ill continue collecting this series, but this first issue is a step in the right direction. From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Clark Bullock Apr 9, 2012

    If you read our preview of Scarlet Spider #4, then you know already that the Assassins Guild is coming to town to have a nice big party with Kaine and his new found friends. I am very excited to see where this goes and what crazy over-the-top twists the Guild throws at Kaine, Will he defeat themor will Kaine be the one laying on the pavement in his own blood? This is a great read butI do not suggest it to new readers unless you get a little back story. Overall, I was impressed. I give this an 8/10. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Jan 16, 2012

    Not a bad first issue at all and I'm intrigued to see what happens next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 11, 2012

    The world doesn't exactly need another Spider-Man book at this point. But if Scarlet Spider must exist, at least it manages to offer something a bit more unique and enjoyable than your run-of-the-mill Spidey spinoff. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Jan 11, 2012

    My only concern is how I'll feel beyond this first arc. Is the book work an extra $3 or $4 a month when I've already got a runaway, and seemingly uncontrollable, comic book budget? That's yet to be seen. For now, they've got that extra cash from me, let's see where this goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 12, 2012

    This version of the character, finally free but weighed down by his past, may make for an interesting story (even if it is Kaine). Based on this first issue I'm definitely going to give it a shot…but I'll admit I still miss the hoodie. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 13, 2012

    The Scarlet Spider did not succeed in that. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jan 11, 2012

    It's true that there's a lot here to like, and certainly the book is far from being a duplicate of "Amazing Spider-Man" purely because the lead and setting are both so different, but it's unequivocally not the book Scarlet Spider fans will have been hoping for. The scorched earth approach (virtually everything but the name) worked for Rick Remender on "Venom" not that long ago. Only time will tell whether Yost and Co. can make that strategy succeed a second time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dylan B. Tano Jan 13, 2012

    I hope Yost takes this opportunity and creates a darker character going forward. There is a lot of promise here: he doesn't have to rehash Ben Reilly -- this is Kaine's Scarlet Spider and it should feel a such. He needs to be brutal -- not unnecessarily so -- but this is a character who has been a villain for years and he needs to act like it. Redemption doesn't come over night, it is earned. Yost has me interested, if he can deliver on the promise of the character then this could be an exciting book, or it could become a ripoff of the current Venom book. I hope it becomes its own art. I loved Reilly as Scarlet Spider and it could really take off with Kaine under the mask. Here's hoping Yost delivers. Read Full Review

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