Victor Kutsenok's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: A Comic Book Blog, Comic Book Bin Reviews: 366
8.5Avg. Review Rating

A+X #2

Nov 28, 2012

Oh well, time to leave Wonderland and stop talking to myself in the mirror. Until next month then, an the return of the real Geoff, I bid you all a fond adieu.

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A+X #3

Dec 20, 2012

Oh well, time to leave Wonderland once again. Until next month then, and hopefully the return of the real Geoff, who is sure to give me a piece of his mind for my misrepresentation of his character, I bid you all a fond adieu.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #37

May 12, 2011

I hope that this arc is over soon and this book starts coming out on a more regular basis as delays have really made me not care about this book more and more. This is really a shame because Armor has great potential and this is the only title she is utilized in.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #38

May 20, 2011

From the amazing image on the cover, you would expect the interiors to be great too, right? Well I'm sorry to say you would be sadly disappointed.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #39

Jun 22, 2011

Well this jumping around between story arcs crap is getting really old, really fast. Just as you're investing into one story, another one shows up to confuse you. If you hate the current story arc, you now have to wait twice as long for it to end.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #1

Dec 16, 2011

I say save your money for the crossover. Skim through this series at your local comic shop. (It should only take a minute or two to read the whole thing anyway.) But if you do decide to purchase it, don't expect to see anything new.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #2

Jan 5, 2012

So this issue was definitely better than the last one. For one thing, we had a bit more words to read. Which actually made a story start to appear.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #3

Feb 3, 2012

Another issue that was a huge improvement over the last one. The action this issue was intense.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #4

Mar 21, 2012

This is how a great story is supposed to make you feel. Overall, this series started slow but ended with a massive bang. I am now extremely excited for the AvX crossover, especially with Cable now factoring in as a major wildcard.

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Battle Scars #1

Nov 16, 2011

Overall, this was a decent read but quite forgettable.

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Battle Scars #2

Dec 16, 2011

This issue was a little bit better than the last one in terms of the build up of action and suspense. Still, the main character is not that interesting to me. What makes this man special? Why should I care about him in any way?

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Battle Scars #3

Jan 18, 2012

Finally we have a story. Finally a bit of the mystery is uncovered and NOW I'm actually curious about Marcus Johnson and who his dad could be.

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Battle Scars #4

Feb 8, 2012

This issue was pretty cool and it definitely moved the series along.

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Battle Scars #5

Mar 21, 2012

I can only hope that something big does happen next issue or I will be incredibly underwhelmed with this entire series. At least the art is consistently good.

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Battle Scars #6

Apr 28, 2012

Overall, this was an overhyped mini that had absolutely nothing to do with Fear Itself. It ran a bit too long and had a weak predictable revelation at the end. All while looking very pretty.

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Caligula #1

Apr 6, 2011

From all of the hype and build up that Avatar has pushed into this title, I was expecting something a lot more visually gruesome. Especially from David Lapham, the writer of Crossed:Family Values, the most visually disturbing comic of 2010. Don't get me wrong, all of the despicable acts that occur are clearly described but the writer just leaves the visuals to your imagination.

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Caligula #2

Jun 23, 2011

This book has just jumped from the sort of bearable to the completely moronic.

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Caligula #4

Oct 6, 2011

I do like that the supernatural undertone is present and is still being used as the overall explanation to Caligula's power. I just wish the story wasn't so hyped up in the beginning. It might not have built up so much expectation for me. Now I'm just waiting for it to end.

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Crossed: Badlands #2

Apr 7, 2012

I'm beyond disappointed in this series so far. I thought issue #1 was a fluke and Garth was setting us up for future carnage. Instead, he decides to tone this issue down.

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Crossed: Family Values #1

Jun 24, 2010

So what do I think of this book? Well as a huge fan of Kirkman's The Walking Dead and the original Crossed series from Avatar, I can honestly say I like this book. What can we say about David Lapham, the writer? The man is insane. I am pretty confident that there is some disturbance in his past that he is venting through his writing. Its bad enough to have psycho sex obsessed sadists after you, now add a rapists controlling father to the mix. The plot so far is not too intricate. No surprises or twists. The art, drawn by Javier Barreno, is excellent. Lots of gore, violence, and decapitations, as is common in Crossed books. I feel that we have barely seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dad's depravity. I'm pretty sure its going to get a lot worse. The foreshadowing at the end of issue one makes me quite certain of it. The covers are all beautiful and very violent. Overall a great book. I can't wait till next issue. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Crossed: Family Values #2

Jun 24, 2010

I'm of the opinion that in a world where the Crossed are supposed to be the enemy, the true evil is closer than you think. Maybe that's what David Lapham, the writer, is doing. Making us see true evil in a world completely engulfed in evil. The art, by Javier Barreno, is stunning. You can feel the insanity coming out of each Crossed face.

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Crossed: Family Values #3

Sep 9, 2010

David Lapham, the writer, is a sick man. You have to really have very little morals to write some of the things that are in this book.

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Crossed: Family Values #4

Oct 6, 2010

No overabundance of gore. No mindless violence. No sickness or depravity. (Can you blame them after all of the sick stuff crammed into #3?) Is this really a Crossed book? Yes, my fellow readers, it is. However, this time, humans are the sadistic ones. And that is what David Lapham, the writer, is trying to portray.

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Crossed: Family Values #5

Nov 10, 2010

This issue just made you cringe at every panel. Blatant nudity replaced hard core violence. But each page had something sick on it. And no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't look away.

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Crossed: Family Values #6

Dec 17, 2010

This issue really upset me. Not in the usual shocking way that Crossed normally comes across. It REALLY made me sad. I know the purpose of this book is to push the envelope and I know we've seen dead children before depicted in this book, but this issue's death was too much.

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Crossed: Family Values #7

Feb 11, 2011

After all of the violence and gruesome imagery from the past six issues, this one was a cakewalk. Not saying that there was nothing but roses and sunshine. We still had plenty of blood, gore, sex and violence.

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Crossed: Psychopath #1

Feb 24, 2011

After all of the hype for this book and after the incredibly gory and violent Crossed: Family Values mini-series, I expected a lot more from this first issue.

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Crossed: Psychopath #2

May 26, 2011

Another issue, another disappointment. I'm sorry to say this about one of my favorite independent books but its absolutely true. This was such a boring, slow issue. It dragged on painfully. Nothing at all happened.

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Crossed: Psychopath #3

Jun 23, 2011

Thank god the sick crap is back. After two issues of pure boredom and pathetic teasing, this issue finally delivers what we have all been waiting for. Blood, torture and pure insanity.

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Crossed: Psychopath #4

Aug 3, 2011

Oh my freaking lord. This is exactly what I have been waiting for. No holds barred blood and gore. No more leaving anything to the imagination. Just put the violence on the page and sit back to enjoy the carnage.

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Crossed: Psychopath #5

Nov 9, 2011

This issue was nothing but blood and gore. Disgusting imagery and even more disgusting sexual situations made this the most nastiest issue of the series so far.

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Crossed: Psychopath #7

Jan 24, 2012

Well the series is over and honestly, I was not impressed at all. I'm sorry to say this because I am a huge fan of the Crossed series and absolutely loved the last two minis, but this one just fell completely short of the carnage and gore that the preceded it.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #1

Sep 16, 2010

So let's talk opinions. This is a perfect jump on issue for anyone looking to root for the bad guy. Not Deadpool insane but funny bad, but Bullseye psycho killer bad. Daken is that type of character. This issue proves it. He has an agenda and a mission. What that is will be the main focus of the next few issues, I think, and that is fine by me. I really want to get to know this character and he needs to be fleshed out more. Other than daddy issues, I want to see what makes Daken worthy of his own title. We have lots of teasers dropped in this issue which is always good. Keeps you wanting for more. The art is not great, but the dark and the shadows on every page kind of add to the mysterious feel of the book. Even in daylight, it always seems that Daken is covered in shadows. (Kind of funny since he is trying to come out of the shadows of his father and Romulus. Personally, I can't wait to see what Daken has planned. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #2

Oct 15, 2010

So let's talk opinions. A really strong issue. Better, more cleaner art than last issue. Less shadowy and more colorful. Also, it was great to see Mystique get some face time. She is such a great character with so many ties to everyone and everything that I fell that she needs to be used a lot more. The exchanges between her and Daken are priceless. I was a little curious as to why she thought Nightcrawler had shown up at the restaurant. I'm pretty sure she knows her son is dead. I guess it was an instinctual reaction to the brimstone. Her shape change into the dress was also pretty cool. I keep forgetting at times that she has that ability as well. I hope next issue Daken throws Demon Wolvie a good beating. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #4

Dec 30, 2010

So let's talk opinions. So Daken achieved his goal of anonymity but reveals himself to Reed Richards. How smart is that? Like Reed won't tell Logan and every other hero on the planet and tell them to keep quiet about it. What good is pretending to be dead if everyone knows that you're still alive? In any case, it was a good issue. Daken is still shown as stealthy, clever, devious, and an excellent actor. He really is a chameleon who can blend into any situation and take advantage of it. The art on the Fantastic Four was much better this time around. Thing looked great. The NYC skyline was gorgeous and pretty damn accurate. (Trust me, I'm from Brooklyn.) The story was solid and funny at times. Daniel Way, the writer, has a talent for making witty smart ass comments. I hope that continues. I can't wait to see Daken cut loose in Madripoor. Maybe even get into some of his father's old haunts and make them his own. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #6

Mar 6, 2011

Moving on to the excellent art. I'm really getting into it more and more. It's really the facial expressions that are winning me over. Overall, a really great book.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #8

Apr 20, 2011

This book is incredible. I wish the two current Wolverine titles had half of the story and amazing art that this book had. Then they would at least be readable. This book had it all.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #9.1

May 26, 2011

This is a perfect jumping on point for anyone wanting to get in on one of the best anti hero titles on the market today.

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Daken: Dark Wolverine #10

Jun 22, 2011

Please tell me this issue was a mistake. Please let it be a bad dream. For the past nine months we have been privileged with amazing stories and art and multiple levels of scheming and backstabbing. That all ended with this issue.

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Deadpool (2008) #33

Mar 6, 2011

So let's talk opinions. What a truly great issue. This amazing book had everything you need to know about Deadpool. Any person who wanted to jump on the title would have a perfect example of what to expect month in and month out. Deadpool did his mercenary thing. There is plenty of action and violence. Plenty of humor as well. A complete story all wrapped into one issue. Add to that the wonderful art and we have perfection. That cat was hilarious. Deadpool's face with the mask all messed up was hilarious. The little old woman was priceless. The two splash pages were pretty cool. I also enjoyed the shifts in Deadpool's moral grounds as the issue progressed showing you the many level's to Deadpool's motives. From greed, to extortion, to cunning, to pity, to satisfaction, Deadpool experienced it all. Plus, a classic Deadpool ending. A perfect book, by all accounts. I hope this trend continues. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Deadpool (2008) #34

Mar 30, 2011

What was a great fact paced last issue has come to a grinding halt. Nothing happens this issue.

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Deadpool (2008) #35

Apr 13, 2011

So let's talk opinions. Thank god this story arc is over. It was starting to get depressing. No humor. Very little action. Louse plot. Other than Deadpool going back to his heroic ways and revealing a bit of vanity, there was really absolutely no development at all. (Oh yeah, Id is dead. Big deal) The art was the usual bit of excellence. Great space backgrounds and clean looking aliens. Other than that, this issue had absolutely no substance. They could have combined the last two issues into one and ended our suffering sooner. The best part of the book, for me, were all of the advertisements for upcoming Marvel titles. That was cool and exciting. I really hope Daniel Way can return this title to greatness as all of the other Deadpool books that were entertaining have been canceled. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Deadpool (2008) #36

Apr 27, 2011

In general, I think that I'm going through Deadpool overload. I'm beginning to lose a bit of my love for the character. The space arc was a total waste of time.

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Deadpool (2008) #37

May 26, 2011

This issue was legen""wait for it"".dary! Freaking legendary. There was Deadpool action. Deadpool insanity. Deadpool humor. Great art. Big splashes. On top of it all, a pretty simple premise to get behind. Wade wants to die. Who better than the Hulk to make that happen.

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Deadpool (2008) #38

Jun 22, 2011

So let's talk opinions. Well the action this issue was pretty sweet. The humor was present. Too bad that the story was pretty much an afterthought. I mean seriously. Deadpool pisses off Hulk. Hulk gets madder and stronger. Hulk finally begins to smash Deadpool. That was pretty much it. Not that the issue was bad, just very single minded. There was, however, an excellent use of a classic TV theme song that had me cracking up in my chair. (Deadpool is my Greatest American Hero) The art was the usual fare of awesomeness. Lots of nice colorful images. Lots of large splash pages. Lots of big action shots. I just wish we had a little bit more substance but you can't always have everything. I hope next issue we see some nice smashing and bashing as well as Deadpool being the heroic shnuck we all know he wants to be. (Save those kiddies Deadpool) That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Deadpool (2008) #39

Jun 22, 2011

So this story arc is finally over. Thank god. I was hoping and expecting so much more.

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Deadpool (2008) #40

Jul 14, 2011

This was crap. Deadpool, without the mask, just doesn't work.

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Deadpool (2008) #41

Aug 11, 2011

The art was a huge improvement though this issue. Better background lining and better facial expressions. Overall, however, I still find this story arc a bit dull.

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Deadpool (2008) #42

Aug 24, 2011

I really hope that after this next story is over, Wade can go back to his old self and become a mercenary again.

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Deadpool (2008) #44

Oct 13, 2011

In any case, this two part arc was better than the last one and I hope the next one is even better.

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Deadpool (2008) #45

Nov 2, 2011

Another excellent issue of Deadpool. I actually really love Frankenpool. He reminds me of the way Deadpool was waaaaay back in the beginning before Marvel decided to make him PC.

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Deadpool (2008) #46

Nov 16, 2011

The story was really simple and easy to follow but filled with a lot of insane twists. If you think trying to understand the thoughts of One Deadpool was touch, imagine trying to understand two of them.

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Deadpool (2008) #49

Jan 27, 2012

Now this, to me was a perfect issue. It did exactly what it was supposed to do.

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Deadpool (2008) #50

Feb 16, 2012

Now this is a bit more like it. This is more of the Wade Wilson I want to see. No more psychotic outbursts. No more insulting situations. Here is Deadpool being the cold, calculating, manipulative bastard that we all know he can be.

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Deadpool (2008) #51

Feb 22, 2012

In all honesty, this issue was definitely not as good as last issue but it wasn't entirely awful. I really was expecting a lot more action to happen but we really only got a few pages of decent battle.

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Deadpool (2008) #52

Mar 21, 2012

I can't really decide if I like or don't like this book. It had it's good and bad qualities. What I hate, in general, is the way this story is just moving along at such a ridiculously slow pace. There are too many players involved and its becoming a convoluted mess.

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Deadpool (2008) #53

Apr 14, 2012

This issue was pointless, if you ask me. A whole issue of explaining what happened in the last three issues. That's a waste of space and money.

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Deadpool (2008) #54

May 9, 2012

Now this is how a story arc should end. With a completely new direction for the main character. I love the ending in this issue as it really allows the story to go anywhere from this point on.

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Deadpool (2008) Annual #1

May 11, 2011

The explosions and action looked great. Spider-Man in a cape was strange and I for one am not a fan. I can't wait to see how this ends in the Incredible Hulk Annual next month which I will be picking up.

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Deadpool Corps #6

Sep 9, 2010

So let's talk opinions. The comedy is back. The violence is present. The sex appeal is here. Still not a good story. I think that they took an awesome character like the Champion, who brought so much humor in the first three issues and completely wasted the opportunity for another great issue. At least there were jokes here that were somewhat funny. At least they did not focus only on Deadpool. And not as much of the multiple characters talking to all of their inner voices. Also, like I said in my last review, Lady Deadpool is now a much more interesting character. I'm still on board for next issue. Hope it keeps picking up speed. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Deadpool Corps #7

Oct 15, 2010

So let's talk opinions. I love Rob Liefeld's artwork, but the man sucks at originality. He draws everyone and everything quite well, but it's the same thing over and over again. Is it just me or does Teela look like Domino? Also, how the hell does Deadpool lose the right arm portion of his costume? One page it's there, the next, it's gone. (Spandex eating space termites?) And where are all the backgrounds? All I see is air and space. At least the violence is still present. Hot girlfight was a nice touch. (Also, why the hell is Headpool not getting into the action and chewing on some enemy heads? And where's dogpool?) Storywise, its not a bad issue but we can do better. (Like maybe have more of it instead of giant splash pages of art. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Deadpool Corps #8

Nov 24, 2010

Like I said before, Liefeld's art is still top notch. Two issues though. Isn't Deadpool supposed to have scars all over his body and not just his face? Where the hell did the scars go?

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Deadpool Max #7

Apr 21, 2011

This issue was complete and utter nonsense. It lost at least 50 brain cells to ritual suicide by the time I was done reading.

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Deadpool Max #8

May 18, 2011

Finally, a coherent story. Finally, an explanation of a totally random set of plots that have been plaguing us for the last seven issues. Finally, a well written plot and even some revelations and resolutions. To be honest, this was seriously the first good issue in this series.

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Deadpool Max #9

Jun 22, 2011

This was surprisingly a pretty good overall issue. There wasn't any of the usual boring or nonsensical crap that has been the staple of this title. The writing was actually very good. The banter was quite humorous and the book itself had an actual plot. It was a full and complete story with some nice character growth for both Wade and Bob.

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Deadpool Max #10

Jul 27, 2011

Another extremely good issue. I'm totally surprised at the complete 180 that this title has done in the last few issues. It has gone from a strange, nonsensical ugly mess to a clear, concise, well plotted somewhat ugly mess.

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Deadpool Max #11

Sep 7, 2011

So this issue, to me, was a pit stop. As far as I'm concerned, it wasn't really necessary in the grand scheme of things.

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Deadpool Max #12

Sep 29, 2011

Oh lord what a complete and utter waste of a comic book. What pathetic nonsensical writing. What ridiculous misuse of a great character. This series has ended with a whimper.

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Demon Knights #1

Sep 20, 2011

Wow was this a cool issue. For me, this was the book of the week. I love the way the story reads.

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Demon Knights #2

Oct 19, 2011

This is definitely looking more and more like a Dungeons and Dragons book. I love the action and the non stop pace that this book is running at. You barely got a second to relax this issue as our heroes are fighting dragons, and flying beasts, and dodging fireballs.

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Demon Knights #3

Nov 16, 2011

This issue takes a step back from the non stop action of the first two issues and gives us a moment to catch our breath and try to get to know some of the characters we are reading about. Unfortunately, with so many characters, its kind of difficult to reveal too much about any of them without consuming most of the book.

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Demon Knights #4

Dec 16, 2011

Finally, an origin issue. I am extremely happy. Basically, if you never heard of Shining Knight, this issue gives you a crash course into her history.

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Demon Knights #5

Jan 18, 2012

In general, all I have to say is this is still the best book in the DC-Nu.

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Demon Knights #6

Feb 16, 2012

Oh hell yeah. This issue was all action from cover to cover. This issue more than made up for the complete lack of action from the last two issues. This issue was Dungeons and Dragons at it's finest. We had multiple assaults and lots of monsters. There were plenty of heroic moments.

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Demon Knights #7

Mar 21, 2012

This is still the most original concept to come out of the DC reboot and I am enjoying it immensely

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Demon Knights #8

Apr 14, 2012

This is still the best reboot book out there and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a nostalgic D&D adventure title.

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Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom Vol. 3 #2

Sep 16, 2010

So let's talk opinions. Something doesn't feel right. Maybe I'm too hung up on Valiant and the really cool universe that it was. Maybe its the plain, non-super powered enemies. (Serious enemies, like Master Darque was, not these petty muscle bound monsters.) The story feels stretched and simplified. Too much jumping around and not enough focus. I'm still on board for next issue but Mr. Shooter really needs to give me something to keep me hooked or I'm afraid that this series will be removed from my pull list soon. Artistically, this book is strong. Clean visuals and nice action sequences. There is even a touch of humor infused in this issue which is always a nice touch to a book. Overall, I say hang in there. If I know Shooter, it will get better. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom Vol. 3 #3

Nov 3, 2010

So let's talk opinions. Finally, a perfect issue. Action packed with a smooth flowing story. Super powered beings and god-like enemies. I like how Dr. Solar has plenty of mental issues as well. Moloch is one bad ass dude. He just took over the entire situation. Why Pickerel did not just uncreate him immediately is something I can't understand. (Can he unmake his creations?) Poor Susan. I guess this book is no longer PG. Artistically, a slam dunk once again. Nice action sequences. Great energy artwork. Very colorful. Overall, a great reminder of how good Jim Shooter can be when he wants to be. Let's hope the improvements continue. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom Vol. 3 #4

Dec 23, 2010

So let's talk opinions. This issue continues last issue's excellence. The story is great. The action is non-stop and intense. Solar is now using the full extent of his god like powers. Jim Shooter is back on the ball here. After a slow start, the first arc ended with a bang. A bunch of cool character intros. A nice patsy first enemy who can clearly be brought back in the future to pose a threat. An intro of a new mastermind villain. All written and drawn phenomenally. There's even some humor being thrown in which was sorely missed from prior issues. Solar is not doing as much brooding or second guessing. His confidence is back. The story itself is solid. The technical jargon from prior issues are gone. The battles are constant and intense. Everything a great comic book should have. Let's hope the greatness continues. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Dungeons & Dragons #7

May 26, 2011

This was another non stop action packed thrill ride. There really is no stopping when it comes to Dungeons and Dragons. It's one action sequence or near death situation after another. There really is no other book on the market today that can deliver so much good action and adventure month after month.

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Dungeons & Dragons #8

Jun 22, 2011

How this book manages to keep it's breakneck pace and maintain the action and excitement at such high levels is beyond me. This was another incredible issue.

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Dungeons & Dragons #9

Aug 17, 2011

So this is the first issue in this series that I honestly have to say was a little bit slow. This was basically a getting ready issue. There really wasn't that much action going on.

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Dungeons & Dragons #11

Oct 5, 2011

The art was once again a joy to look at. Incredible images and colorful splash pages were leaping off the page. The golem was also incredibly cool. I can't wait for next issue.

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Elric: The Balance Lost #1

Jul 13, 2011

I'm hoping that over the course of this mini-series, we get a bit more background on the characters and maybe some history so that I, as a novice Elric reader, will know a bit more of what's going on. If the book stays this vague, I have a feeling I'm just not going to enjoy it as much as I could.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #587

Jan 26, 2011

This story truly had everything. It tied up a bunch of loose stories and culminated in a heart wrenching last stand for on of Marvel's iconic characters.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #600

Nov 28, 2011

Overall, except for the predictable "milestone" issue typical last page reveal, this book was an incredibly fun read. It is a solid book for any hardcore Marvel or FF fan.

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Fear Itself: Deadpool #1

Jun 22, 2011

I'm not sold on issue #1. So far, I get the concept. Deadpool is greedy and sees an opportunity and has no problem exploiting an idiot to get paid. The book moves at a pretty decent pace. The problem is that the humor being inserted is sub par. Its really making the story, which is dumb enough, even dumber.

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Fear Itself: Deadpool #2

Jul 21, 2011

OK. I'm sold. This book was freaking hilarious. I was laughing my ass off the entire issue.

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Fear Itself: Deadpool #3

Aug 17, 2011

Like the third Godfather installment, this book was a pale copy of the first two that came before it. Where did the humor go? All we got this issue were some cheap Walrus quotes and jokes.

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Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #1

Sep 14, 2011

This is just another random tie-in series that will have no actual effect on the outcome of the main "event". The art is all right too. Nothing memorable but nothing horrible either.

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Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #2

Oct 5, 2011

I liked this issue about as much as the last one. Another nice issue of smashing and destruction. Nothing really meaty that you can sink your teeth into but what did you expect from a Hulk vs Dracula issue.

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Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #3

Oct 13, 2011

Good work, Marvel. Finally you created a tie-in that was actually necessary and worth spending money on!!

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Fear Itself: Wolverine #1

Jul 13, 2011

The art wasn't that bad but it wasn't spectacular either. Nothing really stood out to me. The cover wasn't half bad but the rest was forgettable.

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Fear Itself: Wolverine #2

Aug 3, 2011

Seriously people, I'm not spending $3 on something that is completely irrelevant in the big picture. If you stuck this story in a regular Wolverine book, instead of a mini-series, I would buy it. As it stands, it just serves no purpose other than to throw away more money.

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Fear Itself: Wolverine #3

Sep 20, 2011

This series was a piece of crap that never should have been released.

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FF #1

Mar 30, 2011

Overall, a great jumping on issue for anyone wanting to collect the Fantastic Four.

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FF #2

Apr 27, 2011

That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Generation Hope #6

Apr 27, 2011

So let's talk opinions. I'm very happy with this issue. I'm glad that some of the focus is shifted away from Hope and onto the rest of the kids. We need to build them up a bit so we can really get to know them and relate to them. Without that personal connection, no one is going to want to read this or any title. I am also very happy to see Kitty Pryde as their liaison. Kitty would make a wonderful mentor, considering that she was in their position all those years ago when she became the new kid on the block and had to adjust to the realities of the dangers that surround her and her kind. Plus, she had Wolverine as her mentor and can definitely put that knowledge to good use. I like the new light and it's powers. We need a new telepath. The overall pace here was nice. A perfect jumping on issue for new readers. The art was pretty cool as well. Very clean and easy to decipher images. All in all, a very good issue. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Generation Hope #7

May 26, 2011

This was an interesting book. Nothing too over the top but a nice feel good ending. I like the way we got to see some more of how each of the kids think. How their approach to life reflected in the way they connected to the baby.

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Generation Hope #10

Aug 17, 2011

Wow. What a powerfully emotional book. Reading this issue was almost a walk down memory lane for me. Those incredible images in the museum brought back memories of all of the x-men issues I have read over the years. Idie gains some incredible character growth this issue.

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Generation Hope #11

Sep 22, 2011

In general, there are a lot of holes in the plot that leave you wondering what's going on. The art is still very nice though and that, at least, should be commended. On top of it all, there was limited amount of action and general plot.

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Generation Hope #12

Oct 13, 2011

I really, really enjoyed this issue. This has been the first time in a while that everyone, and not just Hope, got some attention from the writer.

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Generation Hope #14

Dec 28, 2011

Way to go James Asmus. You stuck to your word and created a wonderful story in just two issues. A story with a beginning, middle, and end. In today's trade paperback mentality of writing, you are an exception and a breath of fresh air. I really, really enjoyed both of these issue.

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Generation Hope #16

Feb 16, 2012

James Asmus continues to nail this book each and every month. He really seems to have a firm grip on his understanding of how teenagers are supposed to act in any given situation. Not only regular teenage behavior, but the myriad of moods and emotions that teens seem to go through all the time. This issue in particular was filled with wonderful emotions like envy, desire, lust, teen angst, jealousy and downright disgust.

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Ghost Rider (2011) #0.1

Jun 23, 2011

Overall, this was a great reintroduction to Ghost Rider and a nice jumping on point for new readers as it seems that we will be heading in a totally new direction for the character. A female direction, if we can trust the previews. Should be awesome.

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Hellraiser #1

Mar 30, 2011

I'm definitely looking forward to where this book will take us. As long as the visuals stay this good and the pace continues to be maintained, I'll be there to enjoy it.

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Hulk (2008) #32

Apr 21, 2011

So let's talk opinions. First off, no back-up story wasting my time and money so that already makes this book a winner. The writing, in my opinion is improving with every issue. I like the way Rulk, and Ross in particular, are being put through the wringer. Hardship upon hardship is being laid out in front of Ross and he's stepping up to face them each time. This is good personal growth for Ross. I really like the concept of Black Fog. In a way, its a Wolverine type character so this battle should be fun. The art in the book is nice but not overly splashy. (Even though the last page image was freakin awesome looking.) I do like that there is a lot going on in every panel. Details always makes a picture more enjoyable. The rain scenes were very nicely done too. I can't wait to see this artist do some nice action sequences. Hopefully, they will be nicely detailed as well. Overall, a great issue. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Hulk (2008) #33

May 20, 2011

Once again, we are treated with a wonderfully written story.

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Hulk (2008) #34

Jun 3, 2011

YEAH!!! This is how you start a Hulk story arc. Action, violence, betrayal, confusion and a ton of smashing.

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Hulk (2008) #35

Jun 22, 2011

Wow did this arc go by fast. I feel so unsatisfied. Planet Hulk ran for over a year and was an amazing ride every step of the way. This one was only two issues and was over before you could blink.

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Hulk (2008) #36

Jul 13, 2011

This was an ok issue but it really wasn't anything too fantastic. So now Rulk knows that M.O.D.O.K is back and he has yet another enemy that he eventually has to deal with. Plus Zzzax is back. Big deal.

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Hulk (2008) #37

Jul 21, 2011

Wow what an AMAZING Cover. Doesn't it just get you so excited to look inside and see the titanic first time ever battle between the Thing and Rulk? Is your mouth salivating in expectation for the awesome smashing and destruction that is sure to occur? Well guess what. You my friends are screwed. There is no battle.

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Hulk (2008) #38

Aug 5, 2011

With Omegex hopefully starting next issue, I am really loving this recent run on this title. Action, big battles, huge enemies, what more can one ask for? Oh yeah, humor. Try to squeeze some in and this title will be perfect.

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Hulk (2008) #39

Aug 24, 2011

Its about damn time. We've been teased with this fight for almost a year now. I'm glad it finally begins, even though it took over half an issue for it to get going.

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Hulk (2008) #40

Sep 9, 2011

The art was great once again. I really like this blandish simple style. Let the lines tell the story and define the action. No big bold splashy art to overpower your senses. There was a bit too much white though. Still, a pretty good issue.

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Hulk (2008) #41

Sep 26, 2011

What a load of F'n crap. This is the awesome battle that we have waited almost a year to see?

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Hulk (2008) #42

Oct 6, 2011

Overall, this issue was a very nice start to a new story arc.

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Hulk (2008) #44

Nov 9, 2011

I am really starting to enjoy this story arc. I love the magical aspect and the Arabian Nights aspect. I love that the action is also starting to pick up and we are getting some monstrous battles against proper Hulk opponents.

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Hulk (2008) #45

Dec 13, 2011

Overall, the plot moved along nicely and it was nice to look at, but the excitement definitely wasn't there.

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I, Vampire #1

Oct 5, 2011

I hope the series improves, plotwise, in the future, so that I get more involved in it, but the art is spot on awesome. For now, this book is a winner.

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I, Vampire #2

Nov 2, 2011

Overall, I am still a fan of this book and will continue to pick it up. However, unless it starts to widen its range of story, the book will probably not be a hit with the fans. For now, just admire the mesmerizing art, like I do. That alone is worth the price of admission.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #624

Mar 11, 2011

So let's talk opinions. The action is picking up and in a gross way. The whole bug battles and bugs inside of you is just gross and disgusting to think about but seeing it is even nastier. I'm not a fan of bugs in general but to see them attack and work together is just sick and scary. I'm glad banner made a cameo but I guess it's all Hulk from now on as the bugs in Hulk's body would probably kill Banner. I'm hoping that Hulk regains his strength little by little so we can see a nice final fight. Overall, the plot is moving along nicely. I like the rekindled connection between Miek and the Brood. The art was both awesome and disturbing. Bugs really do creep me out and these were drawn convincingly well. I can't wait to see what's next. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #626

Apr 20, 2011

Cho adds humor and adolescence to an otherwise stiff comic.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #627

May 4, 2011

What an awesome cover. The rage and fury practically leaps off the page.Throughout the book, the art continues to impress. Big, beautiful panels with clear vivid images adorn every page.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #628

May 12, 2011

Like I've said numerous times before, humor improves the quality and pacing of any comic. This issue in particular was perfectly paced. A great read from cover to cover.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #629

May 26, 2011

This was an amazing issue and a great story arc and I'm sad to see it end. We really got to see some nice Hulk smashing action in these issues as well as some good emotional storytelling.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #630

Jun 22, 2011

I'm so upset that this book is coming to an end.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #631

Jun 22, 2011

Well at least we can say that the Hulk is going out with a bang. This issue had some nice smashing in it. Great non stop action. It's fun to see the Hulk cut loose and beat down his enemies.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #632

Jul 14, 2011

Greg Pak seems to have a hard on for pissing the Hulk off. He also seems to be a big fan of massive planet ending destruction.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #633

Aug 3, 2011

So this issue was not as smash worthy as the last two. Basically, we can call this a plot development issue. We really didn't get to see Hulk beat down on any serious bad guys or show of those planet destroying punches.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #634

Aug 11, 2011

This issue was smashtastic. Everything was cleared up and brought into perspective. Hulk was finally allowed to cut loose on everyone and everything. Those battle scenes and splash images were incredible.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #635

Sep 7, 2011

What a GIGANTIC LETDOWN. What the hell happened? Where was the action? Where was the climactic battle? Where was any emotion or suffering or a story that made logical sense? After such an incredible run of non stop page turning action and excitement, this issue just fell flat on so many levels.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #1

Oct 26, 2011

AWESOME. Yes sir, the art on this book is (to steal an adjective) INCREDIBLE. To hell with the story for now. Just look at that cover. That is one bad ass green goliath.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #2

Nov 9, 2011

The art on this book is still top notch. From the stunning cover, to the detailed interiors, each page of this issue is a pleasure to look at.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #3

Dec 22, 2011

Now this was an intense issue. For the first time in three issues, I feel that the writing has finally caught up with the art. Silvestri's art has dominated the attention of the fans for two months, now its finally time to pay attention to Jason Aaron's story.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #4

Jan 18, 2012

In general, the story has to pick up, or this might not be as successful a renumbering gimmick as everyone hoped.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #5

Feb 8, 2012

The writing is the key to this title and that has grown tremendously in the past few issues.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #6

Mar 15, 2012

Overall, this was a good read and a satisfying ending to a very slow opening story arc. I can't wait until next issue to see what happens to Banner.

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Irredeemable #17

Sep 9, 2010

So let's talk opinions. Woo hoo. I was waiting for the Plutonian to reveal that he knew it was Modeus all along. Let's face facts. The character is supposed to have super powers on every level and he doesn't know that his greatest enemy is hanging out with him? He can't tell that his old sidekick's speech patterns and facial expressions have changed? I didn't buy it when I first read it. Thank god its going to come to a head. I also enjoyed the quick peeks into how Qubit's mind works. And Survivor really needs to be developed a bit further. So far the all rage and righteousness is getting boring. The art is very good, as always. No surprises. Overall, another great issue that picks the pace back up and gets me brimming with anticipation for next issue. I can't wait to see the Plutonian/Modeus showdown which should happen. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Irredeemable #18

Oct 22, 2010

So let's talk opinions. So the battle that I have been looking forward to for over a year was a huge let down. One blast and Modeus runs away? Then the Plutonian chomps down a Snickers? WTF? Hornet's back-story was nice. It is also good to see what else they can come up with to stop the Plutonian. (Obviously it won't work. If he ever is stopped, the book would end.) I like that the most human of the super-team was the only one who feared the god. (Maybe Lex Luthor has a point. Superman may need to be removed for everyone's safety.) It's also a shame that the most human of the bunch was willing to condemn multiple planets to death, destruction and servitude, for the safety of his own planet. Kind of selfish and unheroic if you think about it. The art, as always is great. (Though don't the aliens on the last page kind of look like the Crimson Guard from G.I. Joe? Or have I been sipping too much Kool-Aid again?) That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Irredeemable #19

Nov 24, 2010

So let's talk opinions. This was an awesome action-packed issue. Great fight scenes. I like the way the Plutonian was actually surprised at the beginning. He really thinks that no one anywhere can beat him. I guess one should never be overconfident. Leads to humbling defeats sometimes. So now with the Plutonian out of the picture, I assume Modeus will be the focus of the next batch of books. Should be interesting. I'm a big fan of intelligent enemies over super powered ones. Artistically it was pretty good, except the covers were kind of weak. The action scenes were drawn very nicely. Overall, a good book. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Irredeemable #20

Dec 15, 2010

With absolutely no action in this issue, I assumed that it would suck. I was wrong. This issue sets the stage for the next phase in the evolution of this title. Before, it was all about fear and survival. Now it will be about redemption and escape.

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Irredeemable #21

Jan 19, 2011

There is still no real action going on but the omens for the future are being delivered with great skill.

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Irredeemable #22

Feb 3, 2011

So let's talk opinions. Finally a Modeus appearance. Been waiting for this for a while now. It seems that even a few galaxies of distance isn't enough to keep true love from dying. I'm really enjoying the set ups for the future in this story arc. While the threat of the Plutonian is not hovering over their heads, the Paradigm is starting to grow. (More cannon fodder when Tony does return.) I love the way the Plutonian is looking for peace and his mind is doing everything it can to help him achieve it. I wish there was some fighting or action scenes to pick up the excitement factor a bit. Still, we can't be doing battle all of the time. The art is, as always awesome. I love the colors. The kettle is definitely boiling and its looking like it can blow at any second. Can't wait to see what the result is. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Irredeemable #24

Apr 13, 2011

The art was amazing as always. Those underground creatures were pretty awesome. Also, the facial renditions this issue were very descriptive and added a lot of emotion to the story. I can't wait to see what happens next

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Irredeemable #25

May 11, 2011

The art this issue was it's usual awesomeness. I love the visuals in the opening sequence showing Modeus' walk to his home. The battle scene against the Forest of Woe was pretty cool, especially the trees attacking Tony's eyes. All of the facial expressions were spot on as well.

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Irredeemable #28

Aug 5, 2011

This issue was fun. It kind of brought us back to the beginning. The comic went from a state of calm, which it had been experiencing since the Plutonian's capture, to a state of chaos and panic.

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Irredeemable #29

Sep 9, 2011

This is definitely a set up issue. Every past plot thread is addressed and resolved except for Modeus and Qubit. Also, we get a nice general idea of where the next few issues are going.

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Kick-Ass 2 #1

Nov 3, 2010

If you are a fan of culturally modern, well written, action packed stories with lots of cursing and media references, then you should read this one too.

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Kick-Ass 2 #3

Aug 26, 2011

This was another really good issue. While not as violent as the last book, this issue really moved the story along quite nicely.

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Kick-Ass 2 #4

Sep 29, 2011

Seriously. I haven't said that about a comic in a long time, but this one definitely deserved it. There was absolutely zero restraint in this issue. No one was spared. Violence and cruelty was the definition of the book. For the sake of comparison, think Crossed with more hatred.

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Kick-Ass 2 #5

Nov 28, 2011

After the complete and utter madness of last issue, I was definitely expecting something a bit more tame, and I was not surprised when I got it. This issue was more story driven then shock driven.

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Kick-Ass 2 #7

Mar 15, 2012

WOW! What an incredible ending to what has to be one of the most violent, no holds barred, no moral code respected comic series of all time. I loved it. While this issue wasn't as gross and offensive as some of the earlier issues, it was still filled with plenty of blood, gore and violence.

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Magnus, Robot Fighter #2

Oct 22, 2010

So let's talk opinions. The story is very fast. It really doesn't stop for a second. Too much is happening all at once. I know I usually complain about slow books but fast ones are a problem too. There's no time to develop a character. There's no time to get any insight into their personality or identity. Also, I was never a Magnus fan so this might be skewing my opinion as well. At least the art is phenomenal. (That cover is awesome to look at.) It's not too big that it takes over the page and takes away from the story. (If only the story was better.) However, there is still plenty of detail in every panel. I seriously hope that this is a Valiant revival and not just a Gold Key revival. And I also hope that they slow it down a little before it crashes into a wall. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Mighty Samson #1

Dec 23, 2010

So let's talk opinions. What an amazing book. There was action and excitement from the first page. The story was amazingly solid and the characters felt familiar and relate-able. Jim Shooter is doing a much better job with Samson that he is with Solar or Magnus. Or maybe my opinion is biased because I read the Valiant version of those characters and think these re-imaginings are slightly inferior. The art was great. Clean, dark when necessary. Reminded me of old school Conan art that Barry Windsor Smith used to do. So far this book is awesome. There's drama, betrayal, conniving, war. Everything that makes a book a page turner. The reprint was a nice added bonus as well. I'm definitely going to keep this one on my pull list for a while. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Mighty Samson #2

Feb 24, 2011

Another incredible issue of action and adventure. What an amazing book. Jim Shooter is doing a phenomenal job with this character. The action never lets up. There is plenty of personality in each individual character and Shooter is developing each of them nicely.

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Morning Glories #2

Sep 23, 2010

So let's talk opinions. Like I said last review, I like this book a lot. There is some strange stuff going on and I can't wait until we get some revelations as to the true agenda of this school. Its nice to see Casey's character get developed into a character with some strength instead of a whiner. Of course one of the kids had to be a mole but I was hoping they would wait a bit longer to reveal him/her. The art was very nice but I did have a small issue. I have this issue with any comic that draws wet characters. Their clothes always seem dry. But that's just me. Still, even with that tiny flub, this book has a great story and very nice art. Can't wait for next issue and for more “education”. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Morning Glories #3

Oct 22, 2010

So let's talk opinions. I'm still loving this book. One problem though is I wish that there wasn't six characters to develop. Someone always gets lost. This is the case in all team books. My thing is that I like all of the characters and want each one to get equal face time. So far its been the Casey show and I'm not into that. Build up each character every issue. In any case, the story is moving along nicely. The addition of the mystery message adds some intrigue and gets you thinking. I'm sure it will make perfect sense later, but for now, I can't see the connection. I hope it doesn't get dragged out. Dragging a mystery makes me hate a book. (For example, the whole Red Hulk identity plot-line taking over two years to come together made me hate the book after the first ten issues.) The art is very good, as usual. The whole bald nun dismemberment scene was great and the writing in blood was a great touch. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Morning Glories #4

Nov 24, 2010

There's a lot going on in this book and focusing the story a little would elevate this book from good to awesome.

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Morning Glories #5

Dec 30, 2010

So far it's the Casey show and I really want the others to get equal billing. Everyone had the same amount of air time on Friends. This should be no different. Even with all of my complaints, the book is still one hell of a good read.

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Morning Glories #6

Jan 26, 2011

So let's talk opinions. I'm not sure if this issue is supposed to be a past story or a future story but I found it to be a bit of a waste. I like that it ties into the main story but the mystery of the entire thing made me a little confused. Is this a past, present, or future story? If so, is this our Jade or a different Jade? Is the device the same as the one from issue #5 or is it a future or past version of it. All very convoluted and confusing. (Maybe I'm missing something.) When a book gets overly complicated, (like anything written by Grant Morrison) I start to zone out. Let's hope this issue is cleared up in the future and we get back to the regular cast as soon as possible. The art is still great though. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Morning Glories #11

Aug 17, 2011

I'm glad this arc is over and can't wait to get the plot moving again.

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Morning Glories #12

Sep 9, 2011

I liked this issue but I did have some problems with it. Once again we have a new mystery being dropped on our heads with no explanation or clarification of any of the old mysteries. This book seems to keep doing that.

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Morning Glories #13

Oct 19, 2011

Once again, we are greeted with a cliffhanger mystery. We are still not given any revelations and none of the hanging plot twists get addressed or resolved. Even with all of that, I loved this issue.

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New Mutants (2009) #24

May 4, 2011

The sheer multitude of characters being drawn, and drawn well, was amazing. The fight scenes looked great and the last page splash of Legion was pretty cool and detailed. Overall, a very well done crossover.

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New Mutants (2009) #25

May 18, 2011

Wow. Now that was a full issue. Lots of things get addressed and touched upon. We tie up a bunch of loose ends as well as open the door to the future of this team.

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New Mutants (2009) #26

Jun 22, 2011

This was a nice little story. I love Doug Ramsey. Ever since his rebirth during Necrosha, he has easily become one of my favorite characters.

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New Mutants (2009) #27

Jul 21, 2011

The action sequences were very well drawn and sequenced. Dani really is a tremendous fighter. Everyone looked great. A very nice ending to a great story arc.

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Punisher (2011) #1

Aug 5, 2011

The last of the Marvel Knights reboots is here an wow was this a great book. I love Greg Rucka's take on the Punisher. He said absolutely nothing the entire issue. He didn't even narrate it, which is the norm for most Punisher books. Instead, it seems that this time around, the Punisher is going to be a third party.

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Punisher (2011) #2

Aug 26, 2011

I really love Rucka's take on the Punisher. Another issue where he rarely makes an appearance. However, when he does shoe up, the carnage is hot and heavy. I'm still waiting to hear him say something, though.

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Punisher (2011) #3

Sep 7, 2011

Issue number one had some really good plot set up and movement. Last issue was slow but still moved the story along. This issue did absolutely nothing.

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Punisher (2011) #4

Oct 13, 2011

Once again, I was not completely happy with this issue. While the story was pretty nice, it really didn't have anything behind it.

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Punisher (2011) #6

Dec 13, 2011

I'm afraid this series is starting to lose it's luster for me. The story just feels empty. There's no real substance to it. Punisher says nothing once again.

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PunisherMax (2009) #9

Sep 9, 2010

I love this title. It reminds me of the Garth Ennis written Punisher books of yesteryear. The stories themselves focus on the characters more than actual criminals or villains. It humanizes them more than ever before. You really get an inside look into the minds of the Kingpin, Bullseye, and the Punisher.

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PunisherMax (2009) #11

Mar 11, 2011

What an amazing ending to a great story that has been building for over a year. The battle between Bullseye and the Punisher was everything I could wish for.

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PunisherMax (2009) #12

Apr 13, 2011

Time to shift gears and give Franky a little spotlight. This was an amazing issue that dove deep into the mental state of Frank Castle. He is basically a stone cold killer.

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PunisherMax (2009) #13

May 12, 2011

So this time around we get another look into the mental state of the Punisher. I love the way Frank's prison story and his return from Vietnam story are compared in side by side panels. I definitely sets the tone for the issue and gives the reader the clear knowledge that Frank views normal life as a prison.

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PunisherMax (2009) #14

Jun 22, 2011

I'm really loving this Punisher series. This is a new focus on Frank and a retelling of his origin from a different perspective. This issue, the pace is starting to pick up again. Frank is dealing with threats in both the past and the present. I love how Jason Aaron, the writer, really captures the Punisher's no win situation. Especially in the past.

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PunisherMax (2009) #15

Jul 14, 2011

Overall, a good story and a great book.

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PunisherMax (2009) #16

Aug 11, 2011

The art was very good once again. Plain, simple and to the point. Bloody and gory when it needed to be, but nicely detailed as well in some panels, like the rainy scenes at the end. I hope the great job keep up on one of the best Punisher books ever.

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PunisherMax (2009) #17

Sep 14, 2011

The issue was great. Frank's struggle to rise from nothing, back to the top of the food chain, is something I am really looking forward to reading.

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PunisherMax (2009) #18

Oct 13, 2011

Holy crap. Now this was a Max book on so many levels. Oh my god. The twists and turns just keep on coming and I'm loving every second of it. This is now my favorite Punisher book of all time. The story is just non stop. The action and blood just keeps on coming

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PunisherMax (2009) #19

Nov 9, 2011

Well, I guess they can't all be winners. This book definitely lacked the speed and intensity of the last few issues. It wasn't a bad comic, only a dull one.

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PunisherMax (2009) #20

Dec 22, 2011

The action layouts were awesome. The blood and violence just flew off the page. (I've heard of taking a bite out of crime, but the Punisher definitely took it to a new level) The use of shadows just added more drama and darkness to the battle.

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PunisherMax (2009) #21

Jan 18, 2012

Oh man. WOW! Now this is what a Max book is all about. What an amazing no holds barred war of the titans. This issue was just one vicious massacre of blood and violence. This is the Punisher at his most brutal.

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PunisherMax (2009) #22

Feb 16, 2012

If you missed any part of this series, and you are a Punisher fan, then you have missed one of the best hard core Punisher stories of all time. RIP Punisher Max. You will be missed and mourned.

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Rachel Rising #1

Aug 3, 2011

Overall, this book was incredible and I'm itching with excitement for the next issue.

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Rachel Rising #2

Sep 29, 2011

Here's hoping that next issue is just as great, but with a little bit more people in it. We need to start introducing more of the supporting cast and finding out what makes them tick.

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Rachel Rising #3

Nov 9, 2011

Oh my lord does Terry Moore know how to put a whole lot of story in as little space as possible. Not only does he continue the plot thread left off from last issue, but he also gives us a new murder, more revelations as to Rachel's powers, another wacky death, and more questions that answers.

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Resurrection Man (2011) #1

Sep 20, 2011

In general, there wasn't too much revelation as to where this book is heading or why but for a first issue, it definitely did its job by hooking me in. I plan on picking up #2 now, where originally I wasn't sure if I would. If you are looking for a strange story with supernatural undertones and great art, then you should too.

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Resurrection Man (2011) #2

Oct 19, 2011

I really enjoyed this issue. I liked it even more than #1 in a few ways. The story was actually better.

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Resurrection Man (2011) #3

Nov 16, 2011

Its the Body Doubles that really dominate your attention and stick in your memory. If the purpose of the writer and the artist is to give them more exposure for a possible book of their own, good job, cause its working. All of that attention though is really taking away from the main character of this book and that should be their focus.

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Resurrection Man (2011) #4

Dec 22, 2011

Now this issue had everything and the kitchen sink in it. Everything except the main character, that is. (At least for half the book) Still, it is definitely tying all of the plot threads from the past few issues together. The action was once again non-stop and sexy babe dominated.

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Scalped #48

May 4, 2011

We really are starting to get some closure heading into the landmark 50th issue. A lot of things are probably going to happen. I feel a confrontation between Dash and Shunka is now inevitable. I love the way the hate they feel for each other practically radiates off the page.

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Scalped #49

Jun 22, 2011

Wow what an intense issue. Everything that has been laid out over the past year comes to a head this issue. All loose ends are tied up as the monumental 50th issue approaches. The action was fast and intense. Each of our main characters was faced with a moral decision and both decided to go with the angels.

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Scalped #50

Jul 6, 2011

NO! No, no, no, no. I can't freaking believe that Vertigo would do something like this. This issue was 1000% filler. It was basically a pin-up gallery.

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Scalped #51

Aug 3, 2011

Holy crap. After a pathetic waste of a milestone issue, Jason Aaron more than makes up for it by cramming as much story as possible into this issue. This book was intense.

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Scalped #52

Sep 20, 2011

Oh hell yeah. Another issue that just refused to stop. The pacing was once again non-stop. Everything just keeps on coming.

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Soldier Zero #1

Nov 3, 2010

It was a quick simple read with no overdeveloped or complicated origins. That, however, is also my first problem. This is Stan Lee. I know he isn't writing the book but he did develop the character, right? So far, Soldier Zero's origin looks like a cross between the X-O Manowar armor from Valiant and the way Hal Jordan became Green Lantern. Unoriginal.

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Soldier Zero #2

Nov 24, 2010

This issue, while not the greatest, was definitely an improvement over the last one.

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Soldier Zero #3

Dec 17, 2010

So let's talk opinions. So its official. This book is done as far as I'm concerned. The ridiculous speech pattern transformation was the final straw. So now all of a sudden the armor talks like a sarcastic punk. The alien speech style is gone. And the movement on this entire story is just so ridiculous. Too many jumps. It feel totally random like the writer is trying too hard to make the story flow. The comedic attempts fail miserably. The CIA agents with the witty banter were weak and completely unbelievable characters. (cheap Men in Black rip offs) Soldier One felt like a Terminator rip off. Nothing at all is original in this book. My advice is to drop it and focus on Traveler and Starborn. For now, those are the MUCH better choices for a great exciting read. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Soldier Zero #4

Jan 26, 2011

While much better that the last three issues, this book still feels very weak to me.

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Starborn #1

Dec 15, 2010

I like the concept but haven't been sold on the product yet. Let's give Stan a stay of execution on this book for now and see if next issue clears up some of my questions. If it does, and in a good way, this book is potentially a winner.

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Starborn #2

Jan 19, 2011

The story is picking up. The pace is picking up. The revelations are picking up. This is the space saga that I have been wanting to see.

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Starborn #3

Feb 11, 2011

I love the pace and speed that this book is maintaining. The battle scenes was nicely done. We also get more revelations again, but not everything. A little mystery is good. The writers keep reeling you in by dropping crumbs here and there.

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Starborn #4

Mar 11, 2011

Another nice action packed issue. I like the quick origins of the Pride and the Witches. Gives you some nice background info. The pace of the issue was non-stop once again. This book hasn't given us a second to catch our breath and reflect on what we have seen. Every issue we get new characters and bigger battles.

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Thanos Imperative #4

Sep 16, 2010

So let's talk opinions. After last issues' slow motion story, this issue doubles up on the excitement. Battles, battles, and more battles. Amazing artwork. Marvel's magic powers are beautifully drawn and are so nice to look at. I found the whole Cosmic Six vs. Mar-Vell's cronies battle pretty hilarious. It was like watching giants fight roaches. The Thanos regeneration scene was also very cool to look at. I cannot stop praising the art. Storywise, we are progressing quite well. Battles are being won and lost. Characters are falling and dying. Humor is still present in every issue. We are getting closer to the final battle. (I predict the return of Adam Warlock by issue 6). Next issue's set up for the end should be great. I can't wait to read it. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1

Jun 17, 2010

Overall, I would rate this book a 9 out of 10. It has all the elements of a great old school Jim Starlin space saga with lots of oh so cool moments to look forward to. Plus it introduces some new characters, ties up some hanging story lines, and makes you want to pick up the next issue to see what happens. (Trust me people, you will want to see. Thanos to the rescue baby.) That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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The Boys #55

Jun 23, 2011

Thank god this boring as hell story arc is over. No offense to Garth Ennis, but all of the political bullcrap that we had to read over the past four months have been a complete waste of time.

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The Boys #56

Jul 6, 2011

All right. Now this is what I've needed. Finally, Butcher and Hughie are back together. This is what makes this book great. The interaction between these two is priceless.

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The Boys #57

Aug 5, 2011

This issue we take a step back and do some talking. Make that a whole lot of talking. Talking and deciding and whining and complaining. For some reason, I recall this book being a lot more fun in its earlier years.

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The Boys #58

Sep 20, 2011

I definitely liked this issue more than the last one, even though it was another issue of nothing but talk. At least we're finally getting somewhere.

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The Boys #59

Oct 5, 2011

While I didn't get the first round of the massive battle we've all been waiting for, at least this issue concluded the storyline in a very satisfying manner. I definitely enjoyed this issue more than the last bunch of issues.

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The Boys #60

Nov 3, 2011

The end is coming. You can really feel it in the story and the way the tension and finality of everyone's actions are being portrayed. I was sad when I read the first page.

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The Boys #61

Dec 13, 2011

The end is getting closer. That is how the plot is making me feel. Everyone is finally starting to put their cards on the table.

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The Boys #62

Jan 5, 2012

Wow did this issue have a lot of stuff going on in it. It seems that almost every plot thread that was hanging from the start of this title till now was addressed.

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The Boys #63

Feb 3, 2012

Finally, after over five years, Hughie has nutted up and become a man. Finally, he has taken a life solely for vengeance and with pure anger. Our little boy is all grown up. Finally, after over five years, Butcher is taking out the Seven. Finally, after over five years, we learn Vought Executive's name.

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The Boys #65

Apr 7, 2012

Finally, all of our questions have been answered. Over five years of story has culminated in this great issue.

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The Boys #66

May 9, 2012

This issue, other than the opening few pages, was a little bit on the slow side. Not much happening.

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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #1

Jul 21, 2011

This was a pretty amazing issue. We finally get some growth for the cold and calculating leader of The Boys. I always thought that he hated the supes for what was done to his wife. His hatred, however, goes a lot deeper.

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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #2

Aug 17, 2011

This issue was all right. Not as strong as last issue but it definitely continues the growth on Butcher.

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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #3

Sep 26, 2011

This issue was definitely better than last issue. We continue the growth of Butcher into a man of more than just pure rage and hatred.

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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #4

Oct 19, 2011

Wow. Even I did not see that one coming. Holy freaking crap. This issue was one of the most shocking ones I have read in a long time.

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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #5

Nov 23, 2011

I don't know how he did it, but Garth Ennis managed to make this issue more emotional and intense than last issue.

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The Fearless #1

Oct 20, 2011

Right off the bat, I like this book. It has a strong cohesive plot that is immediately made clear. There will be no guessing as to what's going on.

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The Fearless #2

Nov 3, 2011

Another really great issue. I love the flashback story. More importantly, I love Raizo Kodo.

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The Fearless #3

Nov 16, 2011

I have to say it. This series rocks. Another really great issue. The action this issue was pretty much non-stop.

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The Fearless #4

Dec 7, 2011

Another incredible issue. If Fear Itself was anything even close to this series, it wouldn't have been such a pile of rubbish.

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The Fearless #5

Dec 22, 2011

The well oiled machine that is this series just keeps chugging along it's path. This is a perfect example of what a comic mini series should be like.

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The Fearless #6

Jan 11, 2012

Another excellent issue from one of the most cohesively written multi-plotted stories of the past year. This issue focuses on the bad guys again. I really enjoy that about this series. It not only follows the hero, it really devotes equal time to the villain.

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The Fearless #7

Jan 24, 2012

The perfect mini-series continues to roll on at full steam. This was another excellent issue. The action was intense and non-stop. The pacing was incredibly fast. The plot actually moved itself along and you can see that there is definitely an endgame in sight.

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The Fearless #9

Feb 22, 2012

The art this issue was as great as ever. Storm's powers were incredibly laid out. All of the characters looked awesome. I can't wait to next issue.

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The Fearless #10

Mar 28, 2012

It was awesome seeing an all out brawl and watching all of the heroes getting slapped aside like flies.

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The Fearless #12

Apr 7, 2012

So the mini-series that was better than the "event" that spawned it has finally come to an end. As I expected, nothing was really changed in the general landscape of the Marvel Universe. The story was straight and to the point with no real hidden agendas. You got what you were promised.

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The Traveler #1

Dec 3, 2010

Now this is a great book. It has everything a great comic book should have. An awesome character with strange and wonderful powers. A secret that is yet to be revealed about who the character really is. Awesome, powerful villains with no regard for life, whose true purpose is also yet to be revealed. A subplot that raises questions. Great super hero fights. And amazing art to top it all off.

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The Traveler #2

Dec 30, 2010

This title is the current clear winner in the new Stan Lee books as far as I'm concerned. I can't wait until next month.

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The Traveler #3

Feb 3, 2011

I think it's time to hit the pause and rewind button. There is just too damn much going on in this issue for it to make any sense.

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The Traveler #4

Feb 24, 2011

This issue lacked any decent power battles. Overall, my once super positive outlook on this title has diminished a little bit

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Thunderbolts (2006) #148

Sep 23, 2010

So let's talk opinions. Once again a nice character building issue. Except for Moonstone, who seems to be a one-thought psychopath, the characters here are great. Once again, its nice to see that Juggernaut is still a villain at heart when he lets Crossbones get some vengeance. I still want more Man-Thing. (I guess rats have no fear) I kind of figured that the Thunderbolts would enter the Shadowlands since Cage is their leader. But seriously, 32 ninjas vs the Juggernaut? If the ninjas win, I'm suing Marvel for defamation of character. Once again the art is sub-par, in my opinion, but the story more than makes up for it. I can't wait to see the bad guys cut loose next issue. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #156

Apr 21, 2011

Another great issue. I really enjoyed the new team out on their first mission. Satana is definitely a good fit into this team. She adds sexuality and unpredictability.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #157

May 20, 2011

I want to begin with art. I am not a happy person with this dual artist situation. I need consistency to keep me focused. I liked the Alpha Team's artist but was not happy with the Beta Team's artist. Everyone looked completely mis-proportioned and indistinct. Lots of blending between the images kept the overall viewing experience strange. The Alpha artist was much better.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #158

Jun 3, 2011

I really enjoyed this issue. Watching the two teams in action was pretty cool. I love Satana and think she makes a really great addition to the team. She is beyond powerful and doesn't care about anyone or anything. Characters like that make a book much more fun and unpredictable.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #159

Jun 22, 2011

So why is this a Fear Itself tie-in? Nothing really happened that had anything to do with Fear Itself. Juggernaut or any of the Worthy did not show up. There was no big battle that I really wanted to see. So other than conning stupid people into buying another book, there really was no reason to make this a Fear Itself tie in.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #160

Jul 13, 2011

Now this is a Fear Itself tie-in. This is what we needed to happen in the last two issues to make it a credible tie-in. Finally, the battle we have been waiting for begins.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #161

Aug 5, 2011

Now this is NOT a Fear Itself tie-in. What the hell? What's the point of teasing us with an incredible fight last issue just to completely forget about it this issue. I wanted to see more Juggernaut destruction.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #162

Aug 24, 2011

Now this is NOT a Fear Itself tie-in. But who cares? The issue was freaking awesome anyway. Non stop action from page to page. It was also really cool to see EVERYONE get in on the action. No Thunderbolt was ignored. Especially Man-Thing.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #163

Sep 26, 2011

So let's talk opinions. This was actually a really good .1 issue. We usually don't get too many of those. I liked the way we got a great present day story mixed in with a classic retelling of the team's origin. An excellent starting on point for new readers to get a general idea of the history of the team and where it currently is today. The battle was pretty cool too, so the book did have some action. Also, the sarcasm and banter was here as well, making the issue well rounded. With some nice premonitions, it allows new readers to actually get a feel for where these stories are heading. The art this issue was incredible as well. Great action shots and detailed panels. The two page spread showcasing every Thunderbolt was mesmerizing. I loved the river inside Satana's lair. Really eerie. In general, this book is always a lot of fun to read and I can't wait to see the confrontation between the two teams when they finally do meat. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #164

Oct 13, 2011

Well this issue definitely had some action in it. It was nice to see Cap and Namor unload. Those are two iconic characters and they really know how to dominate a situation. I was also really impressed with the art this issue.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #166

Dec 7, 2011

Other than the images of the streets of London, I was not too impressed with this issue. This lost in time think is starting to drag, as far as I'm concerned.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #7

Apr 20, 2011

Now this is what I've been craving for the last six issues. Remender hit it right on the money. Deapool is FINALLY utilized in a proper fashion. Angry, resilient and merciless when the kill option presents itself. Also able to drop a few sarcastic, though not humorous, jokes. The rest of the team was pretty cool too.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #8

Apr 27, 2011

Perfection on paper. That's all I can say. This issue had it all. Great fight scenes. Great story. Amazing art. What more can we ask for?

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #9

May 11, 2011

Billy Tan does another incredible job here. This title has never looked this good until now.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #10

May 18, 2011

Another incredible installment of drama and action. This time around its all about Warren and his struggle against the monster living inside of him. A monster that he has no hope of beating, it seems. I like the way Warren kept on getting more and more evil.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #11

Jun 3, 2011

There is a reason that this title is the best mutant title on the stands today. This issue just confirms it. What a great story. Logan makes a wonderful narrator. He really sets the tone of despair and angst. His pain clearly jumps off the page.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #12

Jul 27, 2011

Two months of waiting and it was worth every second. This title is still the best mutant title on the stands today. What an amazing story.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #13

Aug 24, 2011

A really good book with plenty of memorable stuff and all of it was drawn incredibly. Really clean, nice images. Very detailed backgrounds and a great rendition of everyone's powers.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #14

Sep 7, 2011

Awesome issue. That pretty much sums up all of the feelings I have right now. Genocide is incredible. I've been waiting for our reality to get a taste of AOA's Holocaust and this guy is exactly what I expected.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #15

Sep 14, 2011

Another really incredible issue. Deathlock is awesome.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #16

Oct 19, 2011

Oh wow was this issue incredible. There was just so much good stuff going on that I don't even know where to begin.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #17

Nov 9, 2011

Once again, the pacing was very quick. I wasn't a huge fan of the flashback scenes but I understand how they are meant to tie in the entire Warren situation. The art was really well done.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #18

Dec 16, 2011

Nooooooo!! WTF? After so many issues of explosive action and awesome battles, why did this issue have to be such a let down? What the hell? We were riding the roller coaster all the way to the top, just waiting for that rush of going down. Instead, we get nothing but the end of the ride. No action. No excitement. Nothing really cool, like in the last 5 books.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #19.1

Jan 5, 2012

What an incredible book. This issue is a perfect example of what an excellently written one and done story should be. We had everything in this issue. There were heroes fighting against an overwhelming villain. They didn't win, but they lived to fight another day. There was plenty of action and suspense. There was sacrifice and despair.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #20

Jan 24, 2012

I hope we get a more streamlined story next issue and a new artist as this opening issue was just horrible.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #21

Feb 3, 2012

If I was blind, and someone read this issue to me, I would probably enjoy it a lot more than actually reading it with my eyes open. If someone who understands the art, and can differentiate what exactly is being drawn, would explain it to me, I would probably enjoy the issue more. Since neither of those options were available, I was forced to endure another 21 pages of hideous, completely confusing and blurry art.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #22

Feb 22, 2012

The series that was getting better and better over the past year just keeps sliding downhill. There really is no better way to describe the catastrophe that this story arc is. I am so incredibly bored and confused that I seriously don't want to read next issue. Simply put, this story is just bad.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #23

Apr 4, 2012

This issue, along with this entire story arc was complete and utter torture. The art was beyond horrendous. It was such a distraction that it made reading the issue a chore. I seriously think I got three nosebleeds and a case of vertigo from looking at it.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #25

May 9, 2012

Overall, a great start to a new story arc. I pray it continues and I can put the last few horrible disgusting issues out of my mind and into the land of obscurity where they belong.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #536

May 4, 2011

I hope something improves fast cause this arc is not hitting a happy place with me.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #537

Jun 3, 2011

The art this issue was a monumental improvement. Much better face work and good imagery. Wolverine on the mountain was pretty cool. Overall, I'm not too impressed with this arc and I can't wait for it to be over.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #538

Jun 22, 2011

A weak ending to a story arc that could have been better.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #539

Jul 6, 2011

Overall, a nice read but nothing special.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #540

Jul 13, 2011

I applaud the writer for writing Namor to perfection. Great issue overall. Just needed some more battle scenes to be perfect.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #541

Jul 21, 2011

Great action sequences that really show how unstoppable the Juggernaut is. Let's hope the action, excitement, and great storytelling continues. I'm just upset that this will be the last story arc before the completely unnecessary reboot coming in November.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #542

Aug 17, 2011

Overall, a great issue and an amazing set up to the arc's conclusion.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #544

Oct 26, 2011

If this series was to end tomorrow, I would be ashamed to think that this was my last exposure to one of the most groundbreaking comic titles of all time. I think that canceling this series, in general, just so it can be renumbered, is an insult to all of the long time X-Men fans out there.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #1

Nov 2, 2011

Once again, I do wish that this title had never been rebooted but for a first issue, this was a huge success. Keep up the great work and I might not hate the Marvel decision makers as much as I did when I heard that the book was being canceled.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #2

Dec 7, 2011

So this issue was definitely not as good as the first one. There was really very little action in it and it felt very slow. Pretty much absolutely nothing happened in it other than Sinister giving his victory speech.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #4

Jan 5, 2012

I definitely enjoyed the last two issues. I really liked how in last issue the X-Men actually functioned as a team to beat Sinister.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #5

Jan 24, 2012

Well, here we have another first issue to a new story arc. As is common in most story arcs, the first issue is usually very slow. This one was no different. Very little happened.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #7

Feb 22, 2012

I hope this title does something to spark my love soon cause it would be a shame if a life long collector of X-Men just stopped getting it's flagship title.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #8

Mar 9, 2012

What a boring, lackluster ending to a boring lackluster story arc. I personally feel this was a complete waste of four issues.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #9

Mar 21, 2012

Well I definitely have to say that this issue so far is hundreds of times better than the entire last story arc. Here the writer Kieron Gillen is finally getting some team interaction and decent action. I like the way he is slowly building up the love triangle possibility between Emma, Namor and Cyclops.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #10

Apr 14, 2012

I liked this book. It was pretty well written. I loved how easily Unit smacked around the Extinction team. I guess there are some threats that even they cannot handle. I also enjoyed the exchange between Captain America and Cyclops. It definitely set the tone and the mood for the upcoming AvX event.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #11

Apr 28, 2012

This issue was freaking awesome. Great pacing and excellent focus on some of the other characters involved in the event other than Cyclops.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #13

Jun 13, 2012

Finally, an issue with meaning. An issue that deserves to be called a tie-in. Not just some random book where the only things that happen are things that can be completely forgotten or ignored. If you do not read this issue, you will be left with multiple questions about the "event".

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Warlord of Mars #7

Jun 23, 2011

Another amazing installment of a classic comic character. I love the incredible breakneck pace that this title is constantly maintaining. We rarely get a minute to reflect on anything as John rarely sits still for more than a page or three.

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Wolverine (2010) #6

Feb 17, 2011

So let's talk opinions. I'm still not happy. The art was bad. The story was slow. The art was bad. (I know I said that already but it was really bad.) It looks like a bunch of old wrinkled people fighting each other. The backgrounds are either all black or not there at all. The colors look bland and faded. It just falls very short of good. The story was very slow. So Cyclops has Batman protocols. How unoriginal. Wolverine's mind is being controlled yet again. Another unoriginal concept. Stop rehashing old stories. The Wolverine Origins series that this title replaced was a hundred times better than this crud. For once, I wish there was a terrible back-up to take away some of my hate towards the main tale. I can't believe we have two Wolverine monthly books on the shelves and they both suck. Please get a better artist and better stories soon. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Wolverine (2010) #8

Apr 20, 2011

Please Marvel gods, hear my cry. Please remove the ridiculous man who is drawing this book from your payroll and send him back to wherever you found him. He is ruining what could have been an amazing display of artwork.

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Wolverine (2010) #9

May 26, 2011

This issue was probably the best one in this series so far.

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Wolverine (2010) #10

Jun 22, 2011

YES!!! Wolverine is back and so is this title. Back to where it belongs as a take no prisoners dark and gritty loner comic about a man and his demons against the world that wants to kill him. Revenge is the name of the arc and boy does the name fit. Jason Aaron, of Scalped fame, knows how to write a great revenge story and he is definitely proving it here.

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Wolverine (2010) #11

Jun 22, 2011

Overall, an excellent issue that keeps the plot flowing and returns Wolverine to the loner against the world character that I used to love.

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Wolverine (2010) #12

Jul 14, 2011

This arc just hit the wall for me. Its beginning to drag with the same type of story being told issue after issue.

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Wolverine (2010) #13

Aug 5, 2011

So let's talk opinions. What the hell is there to say? For the fourth issue in a row, we are being told the same story. Once again, Wolverine has fought an enemy, gotten beat up a little, and then killed them. Also, we get another flashback of one of the Red Right Hand's members and why they hate Wolverine. That's it. Nothing else. There was no plot progression, no new reveals, nothing. No Daken, no demon, absolutely nothing. NOTHING!Just the same story over and over and over. That's not original. Jason Aaron is better than that. Maybe going bi-weekly has caused him to forget how to be original and just become lazy. I really have nothing else to say that I haven't said in my last three reviews. At least the art was still good. That's about it. I'm beyond pissed off and I feel cheated. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Wolverine (2010) #14

Aug 26, 2011

Finally this incredibly unoriginal and repetitive story arc is over.

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Wolverine (2010) #15

Sep 20, 2011

I pray this series improves soon, but it seems that only a writer change can do that, which is a shame because Jason Aaron is an incredible writer, when he's on his game. Maybe he just doesn't get Wolverine.

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Wolverine (2010) #16

Oct 6, 2011

At the risk of possibly jinxing it, I will say that this issue was incredibly good. There was an actual story. The plot moved itself along at a very nice pace. It had conflict, tension and a resolution. I personally think this is the best issue of Wolverine that Jason Aaron has written so far.

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Wolverine (2010) #17

Oct 19, 2011

That's actually two consecutive issues that were really good. I definitely enjoyed this issue. Once again, we have a nice little adventure with Wolverine as the star. There is a good set-up that leads into a nice plot buildup.

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Wolverine (2010) #18

Nov 9, 2011

Three issues in a row of of great comic book. If only Jason Aaron could have done such a great job from the beginning, he might not be leaving this book.

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Wolverine (2010) #19

Dec 7, 2011

Jason Aaron has redeemed himself. This is the best Wolverine story arc on over two years. Wolverine is once again a must read book, or at least it is to me. I loved everything about this issue. From the non-stop action, to the ridiculous amounts of great humor, to the stunning art, this book was a success on all fronts.

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Wolverine (2010) #20

Dec 28, 2011

Well here we are folks. The end of another era. If I am not mistaken, this issue marks the beginning of the end of Jason Aaron's run on Wolverine. I'm not sure I will miss him, since his run, to me, has been the worst run ever on any Wolverine book that I can remember.

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Wolverine (2010) #300

Jan 11, 2012

Jason Aaron is kicking off a brand new story arc on all cylinders and he plans on holding nothing back. We are getting so much going on in this issue that I'm afraid to take a breath for fear of missing some of the action. And action is the word of the day. Lots of awesome Wolverine vs ninja action. Lots of Wolverine vs Sabretooth action. Lots of Ninja vs Yakuza action.

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Wolverine (2010) #301

Feb 16, 2012

That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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Wolverine (2010) #302

Mar 9, 2012

Having Shin become the anti-hero for the love of his woman was pretty badass. I hope we see lots more of him in the future.

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Wolverine (2010) #303

Mar 21, 2012

Overall, this has been the best run on Wolverine by Jason Aaron to date. I hope the greatness continues.

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Wolverine (2010) #304

Apr 14, 2012

Jason Aaron is leaving, and he decides to go out with a video montage of his greatest hits. Every story arc that he has worked on over the past few years gets touched on this issue. While that was all nice and nostalgic, it definitely did nothing for the book, except remind me of some of the terrible story arc from the past two years.

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Wolverine (2010) #305

Apr 28, 2012

This was a nice first issue for new writer Cullen Bunn. He really takes the reigns from Jason Aaron quite nicely.

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Wolverine (2010) #306

May 19, 2012

This was another nice little issue. There was a decent amount of storytelling and a decent amount of action. There was gore and blood and some sex appeal. However, something felt like it was missing. There was just no lasting impression.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Oct 26, 2011

Overall, I was very happy with the writing on this title and can't wait to see next issue. Hopefully, it will include some action, which this book completely lacked. Not a staple for a #1 issue, but always a bonus.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #2

Nov 28, 2011

Issue two is here and the action is hot and heavy. From the first page to the last, we are treated with non-stop action. From the awesome battles with the Frankenstein battalion to the great Iceman throwdown, each page was filled with nice displays of mutants battling for their lives. Oh wait. They would have been nice displays but because of Bachalo's terrible, confusing art, they really were just a nasty mess on the page.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #3

Dec 22, 2011

I really wanted to hate this issue when I picked it up because Bachalo can't draw worth a damn but I was genuinely surprised to find that even with the ugly, nasty art, I really loved the writing. The writing alone was enough to keep me hooked and eager for more the entire issue.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #4

Jan 18, 2012

Chris Bachalo is GONE!!!! Everybody do the Happy Dance!!!! (Bachalo's gone, happy dance. Happy happy happy dance. Shake your booty, happy dance. Art is finally good, happy dance)

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Wolverine and the X-Men #5

Feb 8, 2012

Humor, great story, some limited action, and plot progression. All draft picture perfect. What more can you ask for?

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Wolverine and the X-Men #6

Feb 29, 2012

So many different characters and they were all drawn distinctive and clear. I love the casino. Nice aliens. The action was also very well laid out. A perfect job overall.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #7

Mar 15, 2012

What a great ending to an incredible little story arc. I really enjoy this book so much more than Uncanny X-Men.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #8

Apr 7, 2012

Overall, this was an a pretty nice team building issue. No real overall subplot progression or individual growth. Just shows us that the team can work together and have the power to take down some enemies. I just wish someone else was doing the art.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #10

May 19, 2012

Overall this is a great title. Unfortunately, until Bachalo is gone for good, I feel the title will never reach the greatness that it is fully capable of.

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Wolverine: The Best There Is #6

May 4, 2011

We need to stop monologueing and start getting better, shorter phrases. Not to mention those retarded little xxxxx all over the place where the curse words should be.

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Wolverine: The Best There Is #7

Jul 6, 2011

Once again, if this was the opening story arc to this title instead of the first crappy arc, I would have really liked this series much more. It took them an extra month to put this book out, but it was definitely worth the wait. The writing got a lot better. The book became a lot more focused on the main character, Wolverine, and not a team of immortal enemies with Wolverine in a supporting role.

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Wolverine: The Best There Is #8

Jul 27, 2011

WTF? We did so well last issue. What the hell happened this issue?

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Wolverine: The Best There Is #9

Aug 26, 2011

There is really no saving this title right now, is there? Does anyone at all edit this book? This issue was just one humongous pile of crap.

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X-23 (2010) #7

Mar 11, 2011

So let's talk opinions. From the first page to the last, this issue was stunning to look at. That cover is amazing. Pirate Gambit and Laura look so bad-ass. The interior art is so good too. Very Animeish which is pretty cool. The shark battle scenes were sweet. The story was all right. A nice filler issue with a bit of character growth for Laura, showing us that she is compassionate and not a bloodthirsty killer. It also seems that we might be getting some Gambit background stories in future issues. Always a fun time to learn about the mysterious Cajun's past. My one issue with this book is that some of the humor and sarcasm that was evident in the first few books have disappeared. I hope it returns soon. Still, I am extremely looking forward to the X-23/Daken crossover. That is a battle I have been wanting to see for a few years now. I'm betting if they do fight, it will be awesome. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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X-23 (2010) #8

Apr 6, 2011

So far, an excellent beginning to a confrontation many years in the making.

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X-23 (2010) #10

May 18, 2011

While not as action packed as the last few issues, this one did have a lot of emotional value.

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X-23 (2010) #11

Jun 3, 2011

I don't care what the rest of the critics think. To me, this is one of the best written Wolverine type books on the market today.

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X-23 (2010) #12

Jul 13, 2011

Another great issue for me. We got to see a lot of action and excitement. I enjoyed the camaraderie between the two little killers. Jubilee and Laura make a good team.

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X-23 (2010) #13

Aug 3, 2011

I was expecting Takeda art and was really unhappy to see another artist doing the issue. Now while Phil Noto isn't bad, he really pales in comparison to the incredible imagery that we have been blessed with so far in X-23.

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X-Factor (2005) #209

Sep 23, 2010

So let's talk opinions. Another great issue from the best written book in Marvel today. Peter David is right now my favorite writer because he knows how to write multiple personalities. Each character is unique. The humor is flowing on every page. Shatterstar would make the best straight man in comedy. I loved the entire exchange with Rahne and the team. Syrin and Richtor's banter with Madrox was priceless. The art is also really nice. Lupacchino really knows how to draw people. Especially hot women. I can't wait to see her draw a certain blond-haired god who probably will be making a guest appearance soon. (They are after Hela, you know.) Longshot in Vegas should be illegal. I think that everyone should give this book a try. Trust me. You'll be glad you did. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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X-Factor (2005) #210

Oct 22, 2010

So let's talk opinions. So who is this mystery woman that Monet has so unwittingly awakened? She looks familiar and her name is familiar too but I just can't place her yet. (For some reason, I'm associating her with Wolverine.) Overall, a great book. It's good to see Rahne's character get developed a bit more. The interaction between her and Rictor is hilarious. The whole gay discussion is hilarious. Peter David is an expert at making multiple characters come to life. The opening art with the kids and the fiery background is very nicely drawn. My one issue is the total lack of Las Vegas updates. We could have thrown a few pages of Vegas in. It wouldn't have upset the tone of the book. Well, here's hoping next issue is all Vegas. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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X-Factor (2005) #211

Nov 24, 2010

So let's talk opinions. I get my wish. Its all Vegas this issue. Action on every page. Nice large splash pages of action with limited verbal exchange between characters. The problem with this is that I want verbal exchanges. Peter David is a master of verbal exchanges. Its what sets this book apart from the rest of the X books. You always expect a laugh. I didn't get any here. At least the story is progressing nicely. Thor's appearance was no surprise as this is Hela we're dealing with. And the art was awesome, even with the limited amount of it that we saw. That's the best Hela I have seen in a long time. (Can we get to see her face every once in a while? That Galactus shaped helmet has to be tough to wear all the time. Her neck must be aching.) I hope next issue returns to the witty banter and blatant sarcasm we all have come to know and love. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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X-Factor (2005) #212

Dec 23, 2010

I got my wish yet again. This one HAD IT ALL. Humor, witty banter, amazing action, not to mention Thor doing the straight man routine that makes him the star that he is.

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X-Factor (2005) #219

May 20, 2011

These last two issues were great. The pacing was incredible.

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X-Factor (2005) #220

Jun 22, 2011

So needless to say, I found this issue rather dull and slow. This is mostly because of the theme of the issue, which focused on religion.

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X-Factor (2005) #221

Jun 22, 2011

This issue was much better than the last one. The story is moving along nicely and it was pretty cool to see Feral again. I hope that they wrap up this baby situation pretty soon as it is becoming a lodestone for the stories being told.

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X-Men (2010) #3

Sep 9, 2010

So let's talk opinions. We are progressing nicely. No wasted time here. All action and no filler. That's what makes this series great so far. The art on Dracula's resurrection was amazing. I like Dracula's new look. A mix of manga and the classic. Jubilee with fangs was great too. (Still miss her earrings though.) How the hell Wolverine, the most aware mutant ever, got suckered by her I have no idea. (Women. They make you do crazy things.) The dialogue given to Dracula is also very cool. I like the exchange between him and Cyclops. (The man has no sense of humor. Stop trying to make him funny.) I also like Dracula's Blade description. Unfortunately, like I said before, the man gets no respect and this issue verifies my belief. Well, I can't wait to see what will happen next. Cyclops has a plan, I'm sure of it. But it will be fun seeing what it is. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it.

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X-Men (2010) #10

Apr 27, 2011

Overall, a terrible arc. I hope next issue we get back to X-MEN stories focusing on the X-MEN and their lives. Also, I pray to ANYONE listening at Marvel that Bachalo never touches an X book again.

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X-Men (2010) #11

May 12, 2011

First off, thank God that Bachalo is gone. The art was actually interesting and enjoyable to look at. It wasn't awesome or over the top, but it was a tremendous improvement over the disturbingly overlapping images that Bachalo cursed us with in the last arc.

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X-Men (2010) #12

Jun 3, 2011

This story arc is the best damn thing I have read in this title to date.

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X-Men (2010) #13

Jun 22, 2011

I am really loving this story arc. This is turning out to be a superb story. The enemies are new and fresh. The plot is pretty cool and the past and present stories are an awesome touch.

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X-Men (2010) #14

Jul 13, 2011

Wow, wow, and oh man wow. Now this is what a multi-level, high energy, fast paced story is supposed to look like. Lots of tension and drama and suspense all leading to a (hopefully) strong ending next issue.

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X-Men (2010) #15

Aug 11, 2011

Just a nice, simple demon story with some good action and art. Not something deserving a .1 status.

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X-Men (2010) #16

Aug 24, 2011

Overall, a great first rendition of both teams. Now we need to get some more actual writing into the book and some more action and I'll be back on board. So far, I'm not completely happy with this arc.

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X-Men (2010) #19

Oct 13, 2011

Here's the thing. I really didn't like the story at first. However, when I actually read all four issues back to back (which I did) it actually really grew on me. I loved the whole multi integrated teams working together to accomplish different goals.

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X-Men (2010) #20

Nov 3, 2011

Welcome to the new espionage team of X-Men. Is this team as stealthy as the former X-Force? No. Are they more violent? No. Can they whup your ass a whole lot better and faster? Oh hell yeah.

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X-Men (2010) #21

Nov 16, 2011

Another fairly decent issue. While not as humorous as last issue, it still had plenty of action and excitement.

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X-Men (2010) #22

Dec 13, 2011

This issue was definitely better than the last one. Non stop action makes an issue fun to read and this one was all action. There was still a tiny injection of humor but it felt sort of weak. Victor Gischler, the writer, needs to either give a heavier focus to humor or completely abandon any attempts at it as it messes with the pacing and overall feel of the story.

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X-Men (2010) #23

Jan 11, 2012

Well, this story arc is over. Thank the lord for that because I was falling asleep from predictability.

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X-Men (2010) #25

Feb 29, 2012

At least the art is still top notch. Everyone looked amazing and the battle scene was really cool. Nice detailed backgrounds and line work also added to the overall visual enjoyment. At least the book has that going for it.

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X-Men (2010) #28

May 9, 2012

This issue, at least was mountains above the last three books combined. It had emotion. It had character growth. It was funny.

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X-Men Giant-Size #1

May 20, 2011

Here we go. It's about damn time something exciting happened in X-Men. Curse of the Mutants was pretty cool, but the five issues afterward was pure crap and a waste of space. This story actually feels like its something big and can change the landscape of mutantdom.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #247

Apr 20, 2011

A great set-up to a somewhat predictable ending.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #248

May 18, 2011

This was a pretty nice issue. We really get to see what a person who comes home from war thinks and feels.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #249

Jun 3, 2011

From the second I saw the cover to this issue, I could tell this would be a powerful story. It was.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #250

Jun 22, 2011

Well today I definitely got my money's worth. The first story was great. Legion's personalities are beyond powerful and beyond dangerous so stopping them will not only be a mission, but a dangerous one.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #251

Jun 22, 2011

This was another great issue. So much is happening and it's really happening pretty fast. I love Frenzy's character. She is really getting some big growth from her earlier days. She's funny, super tough, and has some deep mental issues. What more can you ask from a character?

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #252

Aug 3, 2011

This issue was good but not as fast paced or action packed as the previous two. This issue was more of a character building issue. We got to see some growth in both the Rogue/Magneto relationship as well as the Gambit/Frenzy one.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #253

Aug 11, 2011

This issue was pretty cool. It returned us back into the action.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #254

Aug 26, 2011

I have no idea what to make of this issue. There wasn't anything really wrong with the book but something was missing. There was no excitement. No holy crap moment that just makes you crave the next issue.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #266

May 19, 2012

So this issue was awesome. It tied in to the main "event" and to Wolverine and the X-Men #10 perfectly. There were a few continuity disorders as to who went to join Cyclops and who didn't, but who cares. As long as they fix it in the next few weeks, all is cool.

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X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1

Jul 6, 2011

To sum up, this mini series blows and had no reason to be printed.

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X-Men: Regenesis #1

Oct 13, 2011

Was there really anything special about this book that it warranted a one shot? Not really, but it was still fun to read.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #1

Jul 14, 2011

Now THIS is what an "event" should look like. A strong cohesive story that sets the stage for a massive battle and a world shattering ending. I love the way this book is paced.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #2

Jul 27, 2011

Another amazing issue. We are really gearing up for something massive. The tension being built on every page is just incredible.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #3

Aug 17, 2011

Wow was this an awesome issue. After seeing the last page, I'm just salivating for Issue #4. This one was non stop from the first page to the last. Jason Aaron is really maintaining a breakneck pace but is not skimping on story or action at all.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #4

Sep 22, 2011

Here it is. The moment we knew was coming. I have waited to see these two go at each other since they first got together 35 years ago.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #5

Oct 5, 2011

X-Men Schism was pretty good but not as good as I was imagining it would be.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #1

May 3, 2012

If these emotionally filled action packed stories are any indication of the direction that the new Valiant universe is heading, then you can call me a fan from day one. I can't wait for what comes next.

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