Incredible Hulk #4

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Whilce Portacio Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 11, 2012 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 4
6.2Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

The fight everyone’s been waiting for: Hulk vs. Banner! Plus, Banner unleashes an army of Hulked-out monsters!

  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Charles Joy Mar 19, 2012

    Recommended. It was a great addition to the series so far. Obviously we have been waiting for these two to finally battle. You had to know that Banner had something up his sleeve... I mean, if not, he wouldn't stand a chance vs. the World Breaker. Though this issue did slow things down a bit, we are promised great things for the next issue, "The Startling Secret of the Hulk/Banner Separation Revealed!". This should be interesting! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jan 11, 2012

    So close to a five for me. I love Jason Aaron's take on this character and the direction this book is going. It stands out on its own and is not in the shadow of Greg Pak's run. Banner works so well as the antagonist in this book, and I love the ending of this issue, which I will not spoil here. Although Silvestri is not the artist on this issue, Whilce Portacio takes over and does a heck of a job. On the bad side of things, there were a few panels where I hated the art, mainly on facial expressions. They were distorted and ugly. Lastly, I have no clue why Amanda Von Doom is in this issue. She just doesn't help progress or do anything within the story. Overall, again, this is my favorite ongoing Marvel book, and I can't recommend this book enough. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Jan 18, 2012

    In general, the story has to pick up, or this might not be as successful a renumbering gimmick as everyone hoped. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 11, 2012

    In some ways it's even justified given the course the character has taken these last few years. At the same time, it's a very extreme direction to venture into, and the longer it lasts, the harder it'll be to ever paint Banner as a heroic figure again. The most significant test this series faces right now is in proving that this new Hulk/Banner dynamic has long-term potential. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jan 18, 2012

    More than anything, the art in this issue made me sad because it doomed a fantastic script to be just a mediocre comic. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jan 16, 2012

    Art wise, Incredible Hulk #4 is Whilce Portacio trying to be Mark Silvestri and failing. I like Portacio’s work, but not here. It appears Silvestri’s recent medical issues have taken him off the book so Marvel would do better to find one artist with an original style as a opposed to a string of artists doing Mark Silvestri impressions.. I’ve been reading The Incredible Hulk consistently for two decades or more. Now, four issues into the reboot, I’m done with the series until Jason Aaron steps down. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jan 14, 2012

    Were closing in to revealing the identity of the one that separated Banner from the Hulk. The storys all right and the art is from an illustrator I havent seen since the early days of Image Comics. I never really liked Whilce Portacios work, along with Rob Liefelds Youngblood I thought Wet Works was one the worst series from Image Comics. Bring back Marc Silvestri damn it! At least theres a nice cover from Leinil Francis Yu (why couldnt he pencil this issue?). Written by Jason Aaron (Avengers VS X-Men) and illustrated by Whilce Portacio (Uncanny X-Men). From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

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