Logan, Yukio, and Amiko invade the secret cave headquarters of The Hand to save The Silver Samurai. The big finale of The Hand/Yakuza War! The puppetmaster is finally revealed. This ending will forever change the landscape for Wolverine in Japan.
Overall, this has been the best run on Wolverine by Jason Aaron to date. I hope the greatness continues. Read Full Review
Fear Itself architect, Cullen Bunn, has a tall order ahead of him. Read Full Review
The final pages manage to deliver a nice sendoff to Wolverine and pals, but there is still a lot of material left open. Aaron sets up a number of new conflicts that readers will probably have to migrate to Wolverine and the X-Men or continue into Cullen Bunn's Wolverine run to see continued. That's to say nothing of other lingering villains like Dr. Rot. That said, the idea that nothing ever truly ends is fairly central to this storyline. Is it really such a bad thing that Wolverine fans will need to keep following Aaron's work in the future? Read Full Review