Wolverine #13

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Renato Guedes Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 3, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
5.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

THE BLOODY CONCLUSION OF "WOLVERINE'S REVENGE!" What dark mysteries await in the secluded headquarters of the Red Right Hand? What startling secret will Logan uncover in their innermost chamber that will rock him to his core? The vengeful, bloody answers lie within. This is the most shocking end to a Wolverine comic you will ever read... you've been warned!

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 3, 2011

    This arc has dragged on for too long without pushing the conflict forward., Luckily, the finale next issue means that slow pace will finally be eliminated. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Aug 5, 2011

    Wolverine #13Posted: Friday, August 5, 2011By: Robert Tacopina Jason AaronRenato Guedes, Jose Wilson Magalhaes (i), Matthew Wilson (c), Cory Petit (l)Marvel This latest issue of Wolverine, the penultimate offering of "Wolverine's Revenge!" sets all the dominoes up for the knockdown next month. The problem is that it feels like this storyline has been going on forever. The Old Man and his Red Right Hand have been like a sidekick to Wolverine during their journey of vengeance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Aug 8, 2011

    In general, then, this is a good issue, weakened largely by its similarity to those around it. There are certainly worse criticisms you can level at a comic, but it does beg the question of how well this'll work as an arc. It feels, thus far, like the weakest of Aaron's Wolverine stories in some time. That still means it's good, but it's not quite all it could have been. Hopefully the final issue will provide the extra missing ingredient. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Aug 3, 2011

    Regardless of what I thought about this particular issue, Jason Aaron's run on this book has been fantastic so far. In this particular issue his writing was spot on and the art team of Guedes, Magalhaes, and Wilson was outstanding. For me, the actual story in this issue was a bit of a let down, but believe it or not, I still recommend you pick it up. It's been a great story so far, and while it may not have been my favorite, it's still worth the money. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Aug 6, 2011

    By far the weakest issue of the arc thus far. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Aug 4, 2011

    Renato Guedes once again does a fine job with the pencils. Not to be repetitive myself, but I do love the way he draws Wolverine. It’s a nice mix of the old school high-hair and new school more subdued-coiffed hero. Guedes attempts to bring a sinister to vibe to the Red Right Hand, but it’s hard beneath such dull writing. The action scenes are nice, the violence is realistic to the subject matter. In short, the whole issue is really fun to look at. I want to like Jason Aaron’s work, I started out as a big fan, but he’s just not measuring up. How do you take one of the most violent, insane and action oriented characters and manage to make them boring issue after issue? Pick up Wolverine #13 and find out. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Aug 5, 2011

    So let's talk opinions. What the hell is there to say? For the fourth issue in a row, we are being told the same story. Once again, Wolverine has fought an enemy, gotten beat up a little, and then killed them. Also, we get another flashback of one of the Red Right Hand's members and why they hate Wolverine. That's it. Nothing else. There was no plot progression, no new reveals, nothing. No Daken, no demon, absolutely nothing. NOTHING!Just the same story over and over and over. That's not original. Jason Aaron is better than that. Maybe going bi-weekly has caused him to forget how to be original and just become lazy. I really have nothing else to say that I haven't said in my last three reviews. At least the art was still good. That's about it. I'm beyond pissed off and I feel cheated. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it. Read Full Review

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