Alex Evans's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weekly Comic Book Review Reviews: 516
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (1938) #894

Oct 28, 2010

This is truly one of the best character studies I've ever read in a comic. This is the sort of comic that you'll instantly want to re-read and revisit for years to come.

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Action Comics (1938) Annual #13

Dec 4, 2010

The best DC annual that I've read in some time. I wish DC would do this more often for the Annuals: use them as an excuse for the title's usual creative team to do something different instead of calling up some B or C list creative team to do something underwhelming and unrelated.

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Adventure Comics (2009) #1

Aug 15, 2009

A lead feature that goes down easy, yet it is unfortunately paired with a weak back-up… Make no mistake, the main is good and expertly executed, but it's just a preview.

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Agents Of Atlas (2009) #4

May 8, 2009

Captain America's reasons for attacking Atlas are still weak at best. Sure it “makes sense,” but it doesn't have anything at all personal behind it. Furthermore, Cap is written terribly in this issue, coming across as an incredibly bland and even bumbling character. Cap fighting Atlas just looks absurd and it isn't convincing. Atlas is just doesn't fit in the central Marvel Universe, and as a result, you get unintentional comedy like Captain America getting sucked up by a flying saucer's tractor beam or Cap whining about a “Day the Earth Stood Still-esque” robot's arms hugging him too tightly. It just looks ridiculous and doesn't work in the slightest.The Bottom-Line: The 1958 side of the issue is lots of fun, but the modern day portion is a laughable mess. That said, this is still a relatively enjoyable issue in an incredibly unique title and the art is more gorgeous than ever. That said, considering how bad Cap was, I'm really not looking for

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Agents Of Atlas (2009) #5

May 22, 2009

A really fun comic. The Spider-Man/Atlas dynamic is no small amount of fun and the action sequences are definitely enjoyable. I'm really looking forward to the very logical conflict with Namor next issue. With Namor and Dark Reign, it makes a lot of sense. That said, with this issue, I can't overstate how much I missed having a 1958 story. I feel like the comic, while still having the same great characters, has lost a part of what made it special.

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Agents Of Atlas (2009) #6

Jun 6, 2009

Agents of Atlas #6 is a much more nuanced, subtle issue. Which isn't a bad thing. Certainly, a more intelligent story is the best way to get readers to accept a simpler creative method (one artist and one story instead of two of each).

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Agents Of Atlas (2009) #7

Jul 8, 2009

A team comic unlike any other at Marvel, it's another solid book for Atlas.

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Agents Of Atlas (2009) #10

Sep 9, 2009

Excellent characterization, atmosphere, and a little bit of good old action make for some of the best Atlas we've gotten in some time, proving that Atlas is at its best when allowed to do its own thing.

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Agents Of Atlas (2009) #11

Sep 18, 2009

Great character moments in a flawed issue that sadly hints at future story-arcs that probably will never come.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #620

Feb 12, 2010

Being the best issue of an uninspired arc still means being trapped in a field of mediocrity.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #666

Jul 27, 2011

An A for effort, but still a prologue, and perhaps one that's a little overexcited.

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Avengers (2010) #2

Jun 24, 2010

While not overly impressive, it's an improvement and, more importantly, it's an improvement that looks to continue.

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Avengers (2010) #5

Sep 23, 2010

Turn your brain off, ignore the intricacies of the time stuff, and there's fun to be had.

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Avengers (2010) #6

Oct 28, 2010

As an all-around experience, this was probably the most solid issue yet of the main Avengers title.

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Avengers (2010) #7

Nov 20, 2010

A fun start to a promising new arc.

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Avengers (2010) #8

Dec 31, 2010

A big-time Marvel comic that was both ominous and fun. One of my favourite issues of this Avengers title thus far.

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Avengers (2010) #9

Jan 29, 2011

Minor quibbles aside, this was a really good issue. More than that, it was a really good issue where Bendis and Romita Jr. managed to eliminate, or at least minimize, their usual weaknesses.

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Avengers (2010) #10

Feb 24, 2011

A bit of a stumble in what has thus far been a really good arc. While it succeeds in the little things, the major components have got some issues.

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Avengers (2010) #11

Mar 30, 2011

Bendis does something different, and it ultimately pays off in a big way.

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Avengers (2010) #13

May 18, 2011

An issue that's sure to be divisive. Despite the complete lack of plot development, I enjoyed it and found it a unique read as far as Marvel superhero comics go. Certainly, reading this comic, there's no way anyone but Bendis could've written it.

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Avengers (2010) #14

Jun 16, 2011

A decent enough issue with solid artwork and its heart in the right place.

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Avengers (2010) #15

Jul 20, 2011

A bunch of poorly timed, poorly executed, and poorly reasoned Spider-Woman love.

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Avengers (2010) #16

Aug 17, 2011

My quibbles are really nit-picking, for the most part. Overall, this is a story that needed to be told and it managed to serve its purpose in a way that managed to feel both fun and integral to Fear Itself. It also served as grounds for Bendis to try something a little different.

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Avengers (2010) #20

Dec 23, 2011

Despite the bright spots in this issue, the giant, glaring gaps in this storyline weigh it down quite heavily.

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Avengers (2010) #23

Mar 1, 2012

Spends more time with the fun and less time on the stupid, leading to a much more enjoyable issue. The amazing, lush artwork also makes this one worth a look.

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Avengers (2010) #24

Mar 16, 2012

On the one hand, it underachieves a bit. On the other hand, it's better than expected due to wonderful art and solid narration.

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Avengers (2010) #26

May 19, 2012

Timeless artwork is paired with a story that, while technically sound, is problematic plot-wise.

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Avengers (2010) #27

Jun 14, 2012

I'd say it's an improvement over last issue, though there are character issues and your mileage may vary on the art.

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Avengers (2010) #29

Aug 16, 2012

A complete waste of time for everyone involved.

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Avengers (2010) #31

Oct 13, 2012

A decent starting point, but precious little more than that, to a promising plot and a nice chance to relax and unwind, which may not be every reader's ideal way of spending money.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #0

Mar 28, 2012

Well, it really did nothing at all to set up AVX, so this issue didn't really do what it was meant to and may, to some, even feel pointless as a result. Aaron's Hope story is also a bit dull, even if it picks up at the end. That said, the art is gorgeous and Bendis' Scarlet Witch story is absolute dynamite, delivering in spades in action, bombasity, and soap opera drama.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #1

Mar 29, 2012

A complete and utter surprise and everything you could hope for out of a big event. If the rest of the series can keep this up, we are in for one heck of a ride.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #3

May 2, 2012

I wasn't overly thrilled about last issue, but this one rights the ship. Really great stuff, AvX is the most fun I've had with a Marvel event in a VERY long time. The Architects continue to make it more about the characters than anything else and it's paying off in spades.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4

May 17, 2012

An issue that's book-ended by quality moments, but between those moments, there's just a whole lot of wheel-spinning.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5

Jun 6, 2012

A bunch of vapid pages that serve no purpose but to kill time, all leading up to a giant stinker of a twist. But hey, it's definitely not one you'll see coming?

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #6

Jun 20, 2012

Against all odds, AvX #6 gives us plenty to be excited about. If you've been unhappy with AvX thus far, give this issue a chance; Marvel promised that this was the start of “Act 2″ and that last month really changed the game, and they've delivered. This is a very different book from what we've been getting for the past five issues.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #8

Jul 19, 2012

It's not a terrifically smart read, nor is it one that'll take you a lot of time to get through, but it's boatloads of fun and, in the end, isn't that be what reading big Marvel event comics all about?

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #9

Aug 2, 2012

Kind of a mixed bag of an issue. The scenes with Spider-Man and Emma were very strong, but the earlier portions were a bit dull.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #10

Aug 16, 2012

I liked this issue, but again, I think your enjoyment might be affected by whether or not you've been reading New Avengers of late. Regardless, I thought it was a lot of fun; it was an issue of big action sequences and great villains.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12

Oct 4, 2012

It's not the greatest comic in itself, but there's something innately satisfying about this issue that feels like a weight's been lifted by the end of it.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #1

Jul 10, 2010

This book is not necessarily a disappointment and certainly not a failure, nor is this issue's grade a sign of things to come. This series will be great; I got that feeling profoundly from this issue. But I can only grade what I have in my hands, which is merely an introduction.

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B.P.R.D.: King of Fear #5

May 15, 2010

Great art and a great script still make for frustration. Go figure.

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Back to Brooklyn #5

Jun 2, 2009

A relatively solid conclusion to a solid series that suffers a bit for trying to be too much. The simple concluding battle we were all expecting was fantastic. However, the big twist we were expecting wasn't so great. While not bad and ultimately satisfying, it's still a bit of a mixed bag as a result.

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Batman and Robin (2009) #10

Mar 12, 2010

More fun than the last few issues, this chapter in this arc promises more great issues to come. Still, there are some jitters.

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Battlefields: The Tankies #2

Jun 2, 2009

Considering how awesome “Dear, Billy” was, this limited series is a little disappointing. It's not bad, it just lacks the depth of the previous two Battlefields stories.

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Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1

Jun 6, 2012

No effort was spared on this book and the result is a very fine product.

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Blackest Night #7

Feb 27, 2010

An absolutely amazing issue that will definitely be remembered for a long time to come.

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Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2

Jul 24, 2009

While the Saint Walker tale is still the best, this week's offering is a better overall package than last week's.

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Brilliant (2011) #4

Aug 25, 2012

The book certainly looks good and it's well-written, but the emotional attachment and investment just isn't there.

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Captain America (2004) #604

Mar 25, 2010

Fun, but it needs more Bucky and less attempts at being “relevant.”

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Captain America (2004) #608

Aug 6, 2010

A really solid outing for Cap that left me wanting more.

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Captain America (2004) #615.1

Mar 24, 2011

I'm by no means a Steve Rogers fanboy, but this was the best single issue of Cap since Reborn.

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Captain America (2011) #9

Mar 20, 2012

Sharon manages the heavy lifting this month in a comic where classic art meets classic script.

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Captain America (2011) #10

Apr 26, 2012

An underwhelming effort by two very, very good creators with a lot that feels rushed or slapped together

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Captain America (2011) #11

May 10, 2012

While the core plot may be uninspired, there are a lot of elements going into it that hold a lot of promise.

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Captain America (2011) #12

May 26, 2012

Slowly but surely, Captain America is returning to what we expect from the book, which is a very, very good thing.

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Captain America (2011) #14

Jul 13, 2012

I've been really hard on this issue and I've perhaps made it seem worse than it is. I suppose I'm just irritated to see one of my favourite writers half-assing it like this and turning out such mediocre work. And that's just what it is – not horrible, just completely mediocre and forgettable.

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Captain America (2011) #16

Aug 10, 2012

I never thought I'd truly say this about an issue of Brubaker's Captain America: “This sucked.”

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Captain America: Reborn #2

Aug 7, 2009

Cap fans can rest easy; this might just end up being pretty good. An action-packed, emotional ride and hopefully a sign of things to come.

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Captain America: Reborn #4

Nov 5, 2009

Despite its underwhelming start, Brubaker has really turned Reborn around.

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Captain America: Reborn #5

Dec 18, 2009

It's good, old fashioned fun, but it's also damaged goods.

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Captain America: Who Won't Wield The Shield #1

Apr 23, 2010

I can't believe I'm recommending it, but if you don't demand your comics to take themselves at all seriously, this is actually pretty good.

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Chew #1

Jun 6, 2009

Appropriately enough, Chew's quality is entirely a matter of taste.

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Chew #13

Aug 23, 2010

This issue of Chew is “fricken” good. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

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Chew #15

Nov 15, 2010

Too little space means too many missed opportunities.

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Chew #16

Dec 27, 2010

An issue of set-up and gags, but I genuinely laughed more than a couple of times, and that gets any comic a good amount of points from me.

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Damaged #1

Aug 21, 2011

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, I suppose. That said, this was pretty derivative.

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Daredevil (1998) #500

Aug 24, 2009

A very good main feature and absolutely fantastic back-up in a book that would reach an A grade, were it not for all the damn filler.

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Daredevil (1998) #502

Nov 15, 2009

It's by no means a bad book, but it's hard not to be aggravated by Diggle going back on what made his first issue so great.

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Daredevil (1998) #503

Dec 19, 2009

After this issue, it's clear that Diggle's run won't be any weaker than those of his predecessors, which is saying quite a bit.

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Daredevil (1998) #506

Apr 17, 2010

Another solid outing for Diggle's continuing ninja adventure.

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Daredevil (1998) #507

Jun 13, 2010

It's hard not to look forward to Shadowland.

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Daredevil (1998) #509

Aug 12, 2010

The same core problems as last month means the same grade as last month. Better than Shadowland #2, though.

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Daredevil (2011) #1

Jul 20, 2011

Truly, a comic for Daredevil fans. If you've ever been even remotely curious about DD but have never read one of his comics, now is the time.

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Daredevil (2011) #2

Aug 21, 2011

No sophomore slump here. If you liked the first issue, you'll like this.

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Daredevil (2011) #10

Apr 3, 2012

Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera give us a perfect blend of fun and characterization, all while continuing to challenge pre-conceived notions of Daredevil and “Daredevil comics.”

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Daredevil (2011) #11

Apr 28, 2012

A fun crossover completely undercut and shot to bits by a terrible conclusion. Seriously, the Omega Effect may as well have never even happened. This entire crossover achieved nothing. But hey, on the plus side, that Marcos Martin cover is totally wicked.

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Daredevil (2011) #12

May 4, 2012

Waid continues to do test the limits of the “Daredevil comic” to great success. A fun issue with a goodly amount of heart.

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Daredevil (2011) #13

May 19, 2012

Merely okay artwork and a script that, while it has its high points, is really just a do-over and proper conclusion of something that should've been wrapped a month ago.

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Daredevil (2011) #17

Aug 16, 2012

It's great to read, it's great to look at. Last issue, we got a fantastic Ant-Man comic but this month, Waid really cuts to the core of who Matt Murdock is and why Murdock and Foggy's friendship matters. The result is straight-up good comics.

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Daredevil (2011) #19

Oct 21, 2012

This issue does so much right – the art is awesome and the idea of a Daredevil horror story is a great one…but that was a pretty big gaffe with respect to Foggy.

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Daredevil: Reborn #1

Jan 13, 2011

Bland and uninspiring. Reading Frank Miller's run on the title and his later retelling of DD's origins were some of my best comic experiences as a kid. However, until a good creative team revives the Daredevil franchise, I'm gone.

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Dark Avengers #6

Jun 26, 2009

Nothing ground-breaking, but a pretty solid issue nonetheless. The ending is necessary and potent, though not particularly revealing nor profound. Still, I like the increasingly psychological turn.

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Dark Avengers #7

Jul 17, 2009

Neither smart nor good, thiswas a big and stupid comic thatmade me wish for a regular issue of Dark Avengers instead.

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Dark Avengers #10

Oct 24, 2009

Despite my minor quibbles, it's actually a very strong issue of Dark Avengers. It's not quite as good as last month, but it's pretty much all you can hope for out of a Dark Avengers comic.

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Dark Avengers #11

Nov 19, 2009

It's cool getting to know Victoria, but outside of some neat work by Horn, the rest of the book is a bit of a wash.

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Dark Avengers #12

Dec 18, 2009

It's Dark Avengers, it's fun, and barring a wardrobe malfunction, Victoria Hand is a great character, but this issue has its weaknesses.

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Dark Avengers #13

Jan 22, 2010

A lot of “meh” concluded with a slap to the forehead. I can't wait to hear from you in the comments section.

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Dark Avengers #14

Feb 19, 2010

While it's pretty much all talking, this issues brings together Dark Avenger's best aspects.

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Defenders (2011) #6

May 4, 2012

Solid artwork and an engaged writer with his heart in the game nonetheless give us an issue built around poorly explained plot elements and ham-fisted, out of the left field retcons.

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Defenders (2011) #7

Jun 7, 2012

Next to #4 (the Michael Lark illustrated Dr. Strange issue), this was probably my favourite issue of Fraction's Defenders thus far.

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Defenders (2011) #11

Oct 8, 2012

Jarring artwork aside, I really liked the emotional notes and big ideas that Fraction hits here. I have no idea how the hell he's going to wrap this up next month though.

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Detective Comics #854

Jun 25, 2009

What's Not-So-Good: Towards the latter half of the issue, it started to feel like a bit of a quick read. Honestly though, it's so good that when I finished, I immediately wanted to re-read it.

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Detective Comics #855

Aug 1, 2009

Awesome art, a cool villain, and some foreboding hallucinations lead to another fantastic issue.

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Detective Comics #856

Aug 27, 2009

Still a fantastic book, this time focusing more on charaterization, making me love Kate Kane even more.

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Detective Comics #857

Sep 26, 2009

It's agreatissues with amazing art and the back-up is the best yet, but that still makes it a great issue following amazing issues.

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Detective Comics #858

Nov 1, 2009

Worth every damn cent. If you're turning this book down, you don't like comics.

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Detective Comics #863

Apr 2, 2010

A surprising mediocre and insubstantial read. A lot of moodiness and nice art, but little else.

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Detective Comics (2011) #5

Jan 5, 2012

I can't imagine a scenario where a combination of Tony Daniel getting political and DC experimenting with new ways to hit deadlines leads to a good comic.

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DMZ #42

Jun 14, 2009

A hard-hitting examination of psychological manipulation and cult construction in a warzone that is, and promises to be, tragically beautiful in its unfolding.

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DMZ #43

Jul 20, 2009

This is heavy, heavy stuff that'll give the “comics should be fun” guys fits. Then again, I always hated those guys. Make no mistake, this is haunting, grade-A quality, can't miss stuff.

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DMZ #45

Sep 13, 2009

A good issue that's solid throughout, before a rather questionable final scene.

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DMZ #48

Dec 15, 2009

It's an eventful issue, but Wood falls prey to needing “good guys” and “bad guys.”

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DMZ #52

Apr 20, 2010

Another solid outing in the DMZ.

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DMZ #54

Jun 20, 2010

If you're patient and can appreciate the big picture, this is a great issue.

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DMZ #56

Aug 16, 2010

Wood is at his best with one-shots and shorter arcs, and this issue of DMZ does not buck that trend.

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DMZ #57

Sep 17, 2010

A good issue, but I expected a little more.

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DMZ #58

Oct 22, 2010

Brian Wood gives me what I'm looking for: thoughtful, heart-wrenching, hard-hitting comic goodness.

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DMZ #62

Feb 21, 2011

Slow, but nonetheless a return to form in content and quality.

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DMZ #65

May 20, 2011

This is what you signed up for when you added DMZ to your pull-list, whenever-a-go.

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Ex Machina #41

Apr 26, 2009

The Bottom-line: The same great writing we've come to expect is accompanied by a parodic, slapped together version of the art we've also come to expect. Considering how long this took, it's a bit shameful. Vaughan's always excellent writing saves this from being a total disaster and makes this issue stillworth picking up if you're an Ex Machina fan, but I pray to God that Harris pulls himself together.

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Ex Machina #42

May 24, 2009

Ex Machina readers will enjoy this very solid build-up issue. If you weren't interested in this story last month, you definitely will be now. The biggest crime of this issue is it's making you rabid for answers as it sucks you into its manifold mysteries.

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Ex Machina #43

Jun 23, 2009

Yup, this is definitely an Ex Machina comic. A smart blend of the everyday and the weird with fantastic character-work and one hell of an ending.

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Ex Machina #45

Sep 19, 2009

Another issue of Ex Machina doing what it does best.

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Ex Machina #47

Dec 22, 2009

All-around, a fantastic issue.

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Ex Machina #49

May 21, 2010

Art problems just barely keep this from a perfect score.

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Ex Machina #50

Aug 19, 2010

Quite possibly the best single issue I have read this year.

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Exiled #1

May 3, 2012

Strong characters carry an issue held back by middling artwork and excessive ambiguity. Still, this is clearly a set-up issue, so I expect it to be all uphill from here.

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Fables #84

May 16, 2009

From aplotperspective, this issue is a waste of time. Nothing moves the major conflict forward, and there are just too many damnedminor issues going on at once. However, if you are a Jack of Fables readeror are looking to be one, skip this issue. I've never said this before. Skip it. You don't want to see Jack as a rapist, as it will ruinthe character for you.

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Fables #85

Jun 13, 2009

Fables is a cute, fairly amusing comic that has little to do with the crossover of which it claims to be a part of, having pretty much nothing of importance occurring within its pages.

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Fables #86

Jul 20, 2009

Thank goodness the Crossover is over. This could be foreshadowing of good things to come.

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Fables #88

Sep 18, 2009

Totenkinder's transformation is awesome, but really, this isn't a particularly exciting comic. Also, I need more Bufkin!

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Fables #89

Oct 17, 2009

This is Fables doing what it does best and doing what it's supposed to do, and that's a very, very good thing.

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Fables #90

Nov 15, 2009

A really solid issue of Fables that does little wrong, as it sticks to the formula that's made the series a success.

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Fables #91

Dec 19, 2009

As far as Fables goes, it doesn't get any better.

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Fables #94

Apr 18, 2010

A couple of bits of sloppy writing, but this was generally a good set-up for the story-arc to come.

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Fables #95

May 15, 2010

A really fun book save for one baffling, inexplicable component. Best to just pretend that that one speech bubble doesn't exist.

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Fables #97

Aug 21, 2010

I'm happy to once again find myself excited for the next issue of Fables.

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Fables #102

Feb 20, 2011

It's not all gold, but I really like this Super Team idea, which is what's important, given that it's the meat of this new story-arc.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #570

Aug 26, 2009

A solid and promising start to what will hopefully be nice run.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #571

Sep 25, 2009

Pure fun and what a comic should be, I'm completely thrilled to be reading the FF again.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #572

Nov 3, 2009

The conclusion to the battle is a bit of a mess, but the rest of the issue is absolutely outstanding, with the ending being one of the finest moments I've seen in an FF comic in quite some time.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #573

Nov 29, 2009

Enjoyable for what it is, but it creaks a little at times due to the weaker art and Hickman's obvious motivations.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #574

Dec 25, 2009

Good, clean fun. Hickman's FF is one of the best Marvel reads.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #577

Apr 2, 2010

The first misstep in a run that's been phenomenal thus far. I can forgive that.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #578

Apr 29, 2010

Miles better than last month's illustrated essay, but not up to Hickman's usual A-grade.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #580

Jun 27, 2010

Lots of fun, Hickman's FF is back in shape. If you've got kids interested in comics, I imagine they'd love this.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #584

Oct 29, 2010

A nice break from Hickman's usual insanity that is sweet (up until the epic cliffhanger) but never contrived. Also, see if you can spot the rather funny Easter egg cameo by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby!

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Fantastic Four (1998) #585

Nov 27, 2010

While Hickman plays it safe this month, this is still a very good issue.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #586

Dec 26, 2010

Another really, really good issue of Hickman's Fantastic Four that's guaranteed to leave you wanting more.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #587

Jan 27, 2011

A truly great send-off for a character that never feels tacky. That said, there's also plenty more to like this month. It's a big comic book that's well worth your four bucks.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #601

Dec 23, 2011

About as non-new reader friendly as possible, but an issue that shows that if Marvel had any sense, there really is only one correct choice for the writer of their next big event, and that's Jonathan Hickman.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #602

Jan 30, 2012

Lots and lots of fun with several big, memorable moments.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #604

Mar 18, 2012

A perfect ending to a fantastic run. Forever has proven that if Marvel gives it's next big event story to anyone but Hickman, they will be sorely, sorely mistaken.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #606

May 26, 2012

Proof that you really can't win them all and what seems like a good idea may not quite pan out upon execution.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #608

Jul 20, 2012

A mediocre, poorly developed script meets art that's merely passable. I have a feeling that Hickman's Fantastic Four/FF work post-Fantastic Four #604 (when Hickman wanted to end his run, but for Marvel's insistence) will be treated much like Rucka's final arc, “Cutter”, on Batwoman's Detective Comics. That is, it'll probably end up being largely overlooked and forgotten. Well, hopefully with the exception of that awesome “Ben Grimm in the future” done-in-one one and the hilarious “Annihilus on the toilet” issue of FF.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #609

Aug 10, 2012

It pains me to say this, but this was bad. It's the firmest proof yet that Hickman does not have enough material to last from when his run was supposed to end to the Marvel NOW relaunch. Not by a long shot. Of course, that's Marvel's fault and not his.

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Fatale #1

Jan 5, 2012

It's an appetizer, certainly, but Fatale is most definitely a book to be excited about. This isn't one to trade-wait, let alone miss.

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Fatale #5

May 15, 2012

Thrilling, page-turning, breathless, desperate, and ultimately, a punch to the gut. In other words, it's another great Brubaker/Phillips comic.

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Fatale #7

Aug 21, 2012

Another fantastic issue of Fatale. As unbelievable as it may be, this series just keeps getting better.

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Fatale #8

Oct 9, 2012

Another excellent issue of Fatale. What a shocker.

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Fear Itself #1

Apr 6, 2011

Matt Fraction has an actual story to tell, which means this is a hell of a lot better than Siege #1.

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Fear Itself #4

Jul 6, 2011

A really fantastic and exciting read that puts on display all the fun to be had in a big, superhero comic. Oh, and for what it's worth, I thought it was significantly better than Flashpoint #3.

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Fear Itself #5

Aug 12, 2011

Not awful, but certainly the weakest issue of Fear Itself thus far.

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Fear Itself: Book of the Skull #1

Mar 17, 2011

Though I've come to not expect much from prologue issues, this was pretty good.

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FF #1

Mar 24, 2011

Glimpses of the future show very promising things as Jonathan Hickman continues to carve his place among the best FF writers of all time.

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FF #4

May 26, 2011

FF continues to be a very, very solid read, month in and month out. For this reason, it remains a comic that I consistently recommend.

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FF #5

Jul 1, 2011

FF remains a book that is a consistently solid read.

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FF #6

Jul 13, 2011

I'm honestly not sure why I had to read this. Worst issue of FF by far, but then again, I'm not sure whether this even counts as an issue of FF.

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FF #7

Jul 30, 2011

Thank God this disastrous storytelling decision on Hickman's part is over, with the comic I actually subscribed to returning next month. The fact that this two-part digression even saw release is proof to me that Marvel's editors have given Hickman a very, very long leash. Excessively so.

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FF #13

Jan 2, 2012

Improved, but still inappropriate artwork mixes with a solid script with satisfying high spots.

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FF #14

Jan 25, 2012

All this said, Sosa and Sotomayor once again do incredible work and do their best to salvage the art. Sotomayor's colors are absolutely brilliant, full of life and charm, while Sosa's thick inking is loaded with character. These are two names I'll definitely keep an eye out for in future. Bobillo's artwork does its damndest to work against Hickman's script and was the only thing keeping this book from an A-grade.

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FF #15

Mar 5, 2012

You probably can get by without picking up this issue, but if you're a Hickman FF devotee, you probably will anyway.

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FF #16

Apr 1, 2012

A comfy, ho-hum issue, nothing much to see here until BAM….smashing you in the face with awesomeness in its last few pages.

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FF #17

Apr 29, 2012

A real blast and an absolute must if you're looking for a light-hearted good time.

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FF #18

May 31, 2012

A smart read with great characters that nonetheless brings the laughs. In other words, it's Hickman's Fantastic Four/FF doing its thing.

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FF #22

Sep 27, 2012

Great artwork can't change the fact that so much of this issue is just repackaged material.

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Flash (2010) #1

Apr 16, 2010

If I could hug a comic, this would be it.

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Flash (2010) #2

May 14, 2010

Still a definite recommend for anyone's pull-list.

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Flash (2010) #4

Jul 1, 2010

A good issue, but not quite of the same level as last month's issue. Apparently even the fastest man alive can suffer from “middle-of-the-arc” syndrome.

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Flash (2010) #6

Nov 18, 2010

The only part of this book that wasn't fun was how long I had to wait for it to be released.

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Flash (2010) #8

Dec 31, 2010

An absolutely outstanding issue. I wish all filler issues between major story-arcs could be this good.

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Flash (2010) #9

Feb 10, 2011

Really fun with both the Barry Allen and Flash portions delivering the goods, albeit very different goods.

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Flash (2011) #0

Sep 28, 2012

There are glimmers here and there, but this was…kind of a mess. The amazing artwork just barely carried it through.

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Flash (2011) #12

Aug 27, 2012

I really do love this current status quo for the Rogues, which is tons of fun. Bring on the Annual! And keep feeding me that Manapul artwork.

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Flash: Rebirth #2

May 9, 2009

The Bottom-Line: A much more enjoyable read than last time. Still by no means perfect, but it's an improvement, and with it's fantastic ending, a sign of further improvements to come. Don't lose hope on this series! A solid issue.

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Flash: Rebirth #4

Aug 28, 2009

Hell yeah! THIS is what I signed up for with Flash: Rebirth. A great issue that totally rewards you for sticking around, as long as you don't mind the change of what's been established in the Flash folklore.

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Flash: Secret Files and Origins 2010 #1

Apr 8, 2010

Great for newer fans, fairly pointless for older ones.

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Ghost Rider (2011) #1

Jul 13, 2011

Fantastic ideas and solid artwork hampered by Fear Itself and some at times sketchy writing.

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Greek Street #1

Jul 3, 2009

A first issue that sees its writer getting comfortable with his new book, this is a worthy addition to the Vertigo crime lineage.

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Greek Street #2

Aug 11, 2009

This book is currently confusing, as it reads like an ambiguous mess. There's just not much here. Gianfelice's amazing work saves this from a worse grade.

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Green Lantern (2005) #51

Feb 19, 2010

A little comedy and a lot of action, this was big, epic fun.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #38

Jul 2, 2009

A solid book that works well as a denouementfor the last arc at the expense of leading into the next one. That said, I'm sure this menacing portrayal of the Guardians will pay dividends during Blackest Night.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #39

Aug 16, 2009

A solid issue that feels a little scattered. Neverthless it's still fun issue.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #41

Oct 15, 2009

A generally enjoyable 22 pages of chaos with a nice surprise ending.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #42

Nov 13, 2009

The best issue of GLC in a while, but I can't help feeling a little soured by the missed opportunity.

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Haunt #1

Oct 8, 2009

The relationship and interactions between the two brothers may save this book, but I'm not sure, given that most of these flaws are at fundamental, conceptual, and creative levels.

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Hawkeye (2012) #1

Aug 2, 2012

At $2.99, you need to give this book a shot. Marvel is really trying something different here, and it's brilliant, with a creative team that is working at their absolute peak. This doesn't just meet expectations, it exceeds them.

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Hawkeye (2012) #2

Sep 8, 2012

Nothing short of a revelation, this has emerged as one of the best books at Marvel. If you like Waid's Daredevil, buy this. If you just like great comics with two talented creators making the most of the medium, you must read this.

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Hawkeye (2012) #3

Oct 21, 2012

No joke, I was grinning from start to finish while reading this issue. You need to be buying this comic.

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Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #6

Sep 14, 2009

Excuse me, I'm busy collecting my jaw from the floor.

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Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #7

Oct 19, 2009

When the reader's experience mirrors that of an iconic character, you're doing something right.

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Hellboy: Hellboy in Mexico #1

May 7, 2010

A rocking good time.

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Hotwire: Deep Cut #3

Feb 8, 2011

Radical's best comic. Alice Hotwire is among the best characters in comics today and her world is similarly top tier. Whatever the format you choose, this is a book you need to be reading.

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Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead #3

May 26, 2009

Great action, unbelievable art, and increasingly likable characters come together in a fantastic comic. If you haven't read Hotwire, you should. This weird and yet oddly perfect hybrid of hard science fiction, cyberpunk, noir/detective fiction, and horror continues to be a real winner.

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I, Vampire #1

Oct 2, 2011

Amazing character dynamics, amazing dialogue, amazing structure, amazing art, and an amazing setting. Do not let this book pass you by, as it is easily in the top five, maybe top three, of the entire relaunch. If there is any justice in the universe, this book will be the one to make Fialkov and Sorrentino's respective careers.

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I, Vampire #4

Jan 2, 2012

A bit of a falter for this fantastic series but hey, a weaker issue of I, Vampire is still pretty bloody good.

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Incognito #4

Jun 23, 2009

Incognito remains an example of one of the top writers in comics today doing what he does best with complete freedom.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #2

Nov 16, 2011

Some really good ideas and character-work mixed with a messy potpourri of art and some slightly undercooked elements.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #3

Dec 23, 2011

Not bad, but nothing to really get excited about either. Aaron's take on the Hulk is getting better, the boar brothers are amusing, but I'm still waiting for this book to live up to, and capitalize on, those glimmers of potential that it so clearly has.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #6

Mar 18, 2012

Another glimmer of potential that I'm still waiting to be capitalized upon.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #8

May 30, 2012

There are huge problems here that I can't totally ignore, but I can't deny that I had a LOT of fun reading this.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #12

Aug 11, 2012

Well, it sure is pretty, but in the end, it's an issue largely composed of meaningless punching.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #14

Sep 29, 2012

A surprisingly solid issue of Incredible Hulk, which is enough to make it Aaron's best issue in quite a while.

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Invincible #63

Jun 23, 2009

One of the best single issues of Invincible, this is without a doubt the biggest shocker/development since Omni-Man revealed his true nature. The series seems to be ready to take a darker turn, and I'm all for it. I'm just not sure if I'm emotionally prepared for what's to come.

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Invincible #64

Jul 24, 2009

About as fast a read as you can get, butdefinitely a goodone.

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Invincible #65

Aug 24, 2009

Some solid character moments in what is otherwise a 22-page preview. Nevertheless, it still manages to tantalize.

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Invincible #66

Sep 28, 2009

This book was obviously needed to move things along, but that doesn't make it thrilling to read. Allen the Alien rules though, and is a definite selling point.

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Invincible #67

Oct 27, 2009

There's fun to be had, but overall, a surprisingly mediocre read.

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Invincible #68

Nov 24, 2009

The book's pacing is a bit of a mess, but the strength of its characters and the sheer number of developments in its pages more than makes up for that.

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Invincible #74

Aug 27, 2010

Bland Viltrumites aside, this was a really fun outing with awesome art that continues to surprise me with how much I'm enjoying it.

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Invincible #75

Nov 6, 2010

Good, but not $5.99 good.

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Invincible #76

Dec 26, 2010

Bland bad guy aside, this was a solid outing for your favourite characters with art that's guaranteed to make you wince. In a good way.

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Invincible #77

Feb 4, 2011

An outstanding issue of Invincible. Hopefully we won't have to wait long for the next one.

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Invincible Iron Man #19

Oct 22, 2009

Overall, it's satisfying. That said, it's the Michael Bay movie of comic books: epic, explosive, pretty, with some awesome moments, but not without narrative corner-cutting.

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Invincible Iron Man #21

Dec 10, 2009

Enjoyable for what it is, but admittedly a bit on the drier side.

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Invincible Iron Man #22

Jan 14, 2010

It may not blow your socks off, but it maintains the series' high standard.

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Invincible Iron Man #33

Dec 24, 2010

Detroit Steel may be boring, but the rest of the cast isn't. This issue promises big things to come.

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Invincible Iron Man #500

Jan 21, 2011

Absolutely outstanding and exactly what an anniversary issue should be: a creative celebration.

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Invincible Iron Man #501

Feb 28, 2011

A strong, if surprising, outing.

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Invincible Iron Man #502

Mar 19, 2011

Something for everyone. You get the talky battle of wits and the Pepper Potts action scenes. Invincible Iron Man readers are going to have to get especially grumbly to find major fault with this one.

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Invincible Iron Man #503

Apr 20, 2011

A decent issue, but one that was held back by having Fear Itself shoehorned into it.

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Invincible Iron Man #504

May 18, 2011

A really good, really powerful issue that stamps home how high the stakes are in Fear Itself and left me wanting more.

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Invincible Iron Man #505

Jun 19, 2011

Pacing issues aside, this was really solid as far as tie-ins go, with a balanced model that I wish more writers would use when writing these sorts of issues.

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Invincible Iron Man #506

Jul 24, 2011

One failed joke, even if it drags on through the whole issue, isn't quite enough to snuff out strong character work.

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Invincible Iron Man #507

Aug 17, 2011

Pepper Potts saves the day, making something generally enjoyable out of an otherwise humdrum issue.

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Invincible Iron Man #511

Dec 23, 2011

He may not have shown it in Fear Itself, but Matt Fraction is an excellent writer. I'll have to double-check my longbox, but I think this may have been the best issue of Invincible Iron Man to come out this year.

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Invincible Iron Man #514

Mar 24, 2012

A great battle, or game, of wits that intensifies with each issue. A fantastic read, this issue only continues a trend that sees this arc get better with every month. This is a real return to form for Fraction's Invincible Iron Man.

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Invincible Iron Man #516

May 4, 2012

Fraction's Iron Man continues to be one of the best reads at Marvel. Witty, emotional, well-balanced, and with twists and turns aplenty, this isn't one to miss.

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Invincible Iron Man #517

May 19, 2012

Jam-packed with content, big moments, and tons of excitement, Invincible Iron Man continues the roll it's been on lately, double-shipping be damned.

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Invincible Iron Man #518

Jun 7, 2012

While this issue isn'tquite up to the sky-high standard of the past few installments of Invincible Iron Man, it's still very solid.

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Invincible Iron Man #521

Jul 20, 2012

I love where Fraction is going with Tony in this arc and can't wait to see what's in store.

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Invincible Iron Man #522

Aug 2, 2012

Another very solid outing for one of Marvel's best series, even if it is a bit guilty of being a chapter in a trade paperback more than an issue in an ongoing series. Still, lots of cool stuff here.

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Invincible Iron Man #523

Aug 24, 2012

It's a decent issue, but clearly a transitional one. Still, a transitional issue of one of the best superhero comics on the stands is better than the majority of what's out there.

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Invincible Iron Man #524

Sep 8, 2012

Some parts work better than others but at this point, Fraction and Larroca's Invincible Iron Man can do little wrong.

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Invincible Iron Man #525

Sep 28, 2012

After a transitional issue last time around, this issue shows up in a big way, delivering satisfying action and introducing more elements that are sure to please long-time readers.

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Invincible Returns #1

Apr 12, 2010

I'm glad Kirkman wrote this issue, but it's not as engaging as it should be.

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Iron Man 2.0 #1

Feb 23, 2011

Is anyone hotter than Nick Spencer right now? Buy this book! I will be very angry at all of you if this ends up as another quick sales casualty.

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Iron Man 2.0 #2

Mar 19, 2011

I liked it less than last month's book, but War Machine fans may very well feel differently.

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Iron Man 2.0 #5

May 30, 2011

Spencer writes really good comics. Morning Glories is fantastic. THUNDER Agents is fantastic. His Fear Itself tie in for Secret Avengers, the first issue of which came out this week as well, was surprising in just how good it really was. So what the hell is the problem here? Once again, it feels like Spencer is flailing.

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iZombie (2010) #1

May 7, 2010

I like the characters and I feel a ton of potential here, but at the moment, it's just that: potential.

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iZombie (2010) #2

Jun 5, 2010

I really hope readers give this book another chance. This was a much better issue and carried much of the energy that the first issue should've had.

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iZombie (2010) #3

Jul 11, 2010

It's hard for me to really bad-mouth this series though because I love the characters, I love the concept, I love the world, and I love the art, but as of right now, Roberson's storytelling is holding this series back.

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iZombie (2010) #4

Aug 8, 2010

Great ideas again hindered by amateurish storytelling.

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Jack of Fables #34

May 23, 2009

Abetter issue in what has thus far been a lackluster crossover. It's focused, smart,and the comedy is definitely a high point. I just wish that we'd see a bit more forward momentum.

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Jack of Fables #35

Jun 24, 2009

There are a few laughs here and there, but this is a lifeless and rushed issue in an increasingly tiresome crossover.

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Jack of Fables #36

Jul 28, 2009

A laugh here and there, but if you're short on cash, feel free to skip it.

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Jack of Fables #37

Aug 24, 2009

Jack and Robin are fun in their respective scenes, but even with a decent action scene, a boring lead character leads to a dry issue.

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Jack of Fables #38

Oct 2, 2009

It'sa touch better than last month, but this is still somewhat bland.

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Jack of Fables #40

Dec 5, 2009

Having been on-board since issue one, I'm sad to say that I'm done with this series.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #622

Apr 13, 2011

Brilliant. The best first issue of the year thus far. This issue is naked proof that Kieron Gillen is a name you need to know.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #623

May 16, 2011

Two issues in, this is set to take a place among the very best comics out of Marvel. I hope people are reading it.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #624

Jun 13, 2011

All told, Journey into Mystery is a fantastic book that you really should be reading, particularly if you're at all partial to fantasy, Thor, or, well, good storytelling in general. It's laughs, adventure, and above all else, very strong character-work with stunning artwork to back it all up.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #625

Jul 16, 2011

Are you reading this? If not, you really should be, because I can guarantee that this comic is better than a good chunk of whatever's on your pull list. That's certainly the case for me.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #626

Aug 21, 2011

A lot of the negatives I list are really entirely due to Journey into Mystery's sky-high standard. Taken on it's own, this issue is absolutely fantastic and not at all a bump in the road or a misstep.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #632

Dec 17, 2011

Heartfelt, gripping, hilarious, emotional, and sincere with great artwork and great character-work. What more could you ask of a comic?

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #637

May 12, 2012

Gillen and DnA took some daring creative risks for this issue, but they did not pay off at all. You can't win them all.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #638

May 26, 2012

While the art still isn't my favourite, Exiled is really coming together now with this issue featuring another clever game-changer.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #639

Jun 11, 2012

The start of a story that feels much more like JIM in its element, both in script and art. A good issue and I think it'll only get better from here.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #641

Jul 25, 2012

A brilliant issue with nothing but huge, emotionally evocative moments…even if you'll hate Gillen for it.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #644

Sep 30, 2012

Even with underwhelming art, I think it says a lot about the quality of the script that I still absolutely loved this issue.

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Justice League of America (2006) #38

Oct 23, 2009

This is a bad comic that still has hope for its run, given that none of it is Bagley or Robinson's fault.

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Justice League of America (2006) #40

Dec 20, 2009

Utterly appalling. Don't even give this a chance.

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Justice Society of America #29

Jul 30, 2009

Despite it's simplicity and some minor growing pains, it's a fun book. Geoff Johns fans need not panic.

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Justice Society of America #30

Aug 30, 2009

Not a bad issue, but there's still some growing pains and lazy storytelling.

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Justice Society of America #37

Apr 5, 2010

Half the comic is fun, the other half isn't. What to do?

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Justice Society of America #39

Jun 5, 2010

Better than last month's dire affair, I guess.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #2

Jun 24, 2010

This is quickly becoming one of the best books that DC has to offer. In fact, I'd put it in the top three.

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Madame Xanadu #15

Sep 28, 2009

Great art, great atmosphere, and a great tone, but the parallel story structure finally breaks down a bit.

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Madame Xanadu #17

Dec 1, 2009

This comic really was a pitch-perfect and an enjoyable experience throughout. It has everything that got Xanadu to the Eisners. Wagner scores high with what is by far the most enjoyable issue of Madame Xanadu in a very long time. The ending will have those who've been on-board from the start gasping.

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Madame Xanadu #21

Apr 2, 2010

Man, am I glad to be done with the flashbacks.

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Madame Xanadu #22

Apr 30, 2010

A very, very good comic that falls a hair short of an A-grade.

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Madame Xanadu #23

May 29, 2010

Fantastic characters and great art make for another excellent issue of Madame Xanadu.

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Madame Xanadu #24

Jul 6, 2010

A by-the-numbers ending doesn't stop this from being a great issue. Ms. Zarcone is also a real find who I hope will get more work with Vertigo.

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Madame Xanadu #25

Aug 2, 2010

A great story is hamstrung by terrible art.

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Madame Xanadu #26

Aug 30, 2010

One of the best-looking comics of the year with a script that can't quite keep up. Vertigo needs to get Zullo on an ongoing.

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Mindfield #1

Jun 29, 2010

Who knew psychics could be this cool, gritty, or slick?

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Moon Knight (2011) #10

Mar 3, 2012

Great issue that sees Moon Knight and its creators living up to their potential. It's just such a damned shame that there are only two issues left.

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Moon Knight (2011) #11

Apr 2, 2012

A really fun, exciting issue of Moon Knight with a really nasty twist towards its end.

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Moon Knight (2011) #12

Apr 29, 2012

A rock solid conclusion to a series that saw Bendis and Maleev at their best.

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Morning Glories #1

Aug 13, 2010

After just one issue, I'm addicted.

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Morning Glories #5

Dec 28, 2010

Pure dynamite. This is Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma at the very top of their games.

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Morning Glories #6

Jan 23, 2011

For a seeming filler issue between major story-arcs, this is pretty good actually. Spencer and Eisma's talents carry an issue and make what could have been disastrous into something pretty enjoyable.

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Mr. Stuffins #2

Jun 10, 2009

Mr. Stuffins continues to be one of the funniest comics I've ever read. With it's lead character and its “family drama” backstory, it plays out like a Pixar movie. This is a book that will make even the most hardened “mature comics” reader feel like a kid again.

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New Avengers #53

May 29, 2009

A really solid New Avengers issue that truly succeeds as a “superhero team” comic, where every member of the team has their own unique moment and gets their own time to shine, even despite Son of Satan's highly entertaining presence. This is the most enjoyable New Avengers issue since #49.

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New Avengers #54

Jun 25, 2009

A decent book with an interesting set of characters, but unfortunately the Avengers themselves play second fiddle. An interesting ending can't change the fact that this arc's purpose was to sell a new series.

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New Avengers #56

Aug 29, 2009

A solid issue that suffers from a few irritants and some curious artwork.

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New Avengers #58

Oct 30, 2009

A fun action comic that turns the tables on what we normally get from New Avengers.

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New Avengers #59

Nov 30, 2009

One annoying character in such a large cast is thankfully not enough to ruin a good comic. It's a fun superhero yarn that is everything your standard, monthly Avengers comic should be.

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New Avengers #60

Dec 24, 2009

Overall, a fun outing with the Avengers.

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New Avengers #61

Jan 30, 2010

It's fun, but familiar.

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New Avengers #63

Mar 25, 2010

A really great book that feels worthwhile and significant as a tie-in.

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New Avengers #64

Apr 29, 2010

It's hard to imagine New Avengers, especially without New Avengers, any better than this.

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New Avengers (2010) #1

Jun 17, 2010

This book totally exceeded my expectations and delivered the fun.

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New Avengers (2010) #3

Aug 19, 2010

The New Avengers doing what they do best.

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New Avengers (2010) #5

Oct 15, 2010

Overall, if you enjoy Bendis Avengers, this is the kind of solid experience youve been picking up for years. If you dont like Bendis Avengers, this wont change your mind.

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New Avengers (2010) #6

Nov 13, 2010

Mixed feelings about that death aside, this is a fun issue that provides a strong finish to an at times uneven arc.

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New Avengers (2010) #7

Dec 12, 2010

I enjoyed it, but I imagine that this issue could be something of a divisive one.

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New Avengers (2010) #8

Jan 30, 2011

While my inner Doom-fanboy was a little peeved but honestly, this was a really good issue.

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New Avengers (2010) #9

Feb 10, 2011

Despite my other complaints, the biggest problem here is that it flies by way too fast and ends up a bit insubstantial. A shame, since what we do get is pretty good.

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New Avengers (2010) #10

Mar 9, 2011

The worst issue of New Avengers since the relaunch. Sorry, folks.

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New Avengers (2010) #12

May 12, 2011

An improvement over last month's issue, but I still feel like this is an arc that keeps shooting itself in the foot and neglecting its potential.

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New Avengers (2010) #13

Jun 9, 2011

Against all odds, we get a pretty good conclusion to what has been an absolutely horrible arc.

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New Avengers (2010) #14

Jul 13, 2011

The best issue of New Avengers to come along since the first arc of this relaunch. Those who stuck out the last arc are really, really well rewarded.

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New Avengers (2010) #15

Aug 12, 2011

A solid issue of New Avengers. I continue to enjoy how Bendis is using these tie-ins to give us a more personal vantage on such a massive, universe-wide event.

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New Avengers (2010) #19

Dec 15, 2011

I find it unbelievable that this story exists. If you had a sneaking suspicion that this was a re-run of various elements from Dark Reign, you're only half right: it's Dark Reign, recycled, but only dumber and more unbelievable than last time.

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New Avengers (2010) #22

Mar 3, 2012

It's amazing to see Bendis do wrong in one issue what he does right in another issue…in the same week. But that's where we are.

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New Avengers (2010) #25

Apr 26, 2012

Excellent artwork in a very different sort of Bendis comic. If anything, this issue just showed how badly we need an Iron Fist/Immortal Weapons/K'un Lun comic. It's a fascinating area of the Marvel Universe that needs and deserves attention.

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New Avengers (2010) #26

May 10, 2012

There's not much to say about this comic that I didn't say about the last issue – it's absolutely excellent for all of the same reasons that last month's issue was excellent. This is a very different sort of Bendis book with fantastic artwork. The difference between last issue and this one, however, is the addition of that fantastic new guest star, which raises the book to another level. I imagine some might begrudge this book's featuring no Avengers or X-Men whatsoever, despite the admittedly misleading cover. That may be true….but it's still a great comic.

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New Avengers (2010) #28

Jul 13, 2012

Again, your mileage will vary depending upon your immediate reaction to the twist. For me, it didn't work. That said, the art is gorgeous, even if it won't give you happy feelings.

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New Avengers (2010) #29

Aug 12, 2012

Possibly the best single issue of New Avengers this year.

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New Avengers (2010) #31

Oct 21, 2012

This is just about everything that was fun or good about Bendis' Avengers. Of course, that also makes it very “Bendis”, so if you hate that…well, why the hell are reading issue #31 anyway?

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New Avengers Finale #1

May 14, 2010

The New Avengers, and their readers, get their reward, though it's a bit drawn-out.

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Northlanders #17

May 31, 2009

An astonishingly good comic that shows what can be done with 22 pages. This may very well go down as oneof the best single issues of the year.

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Northlanders #18

Jun 29, 2009

“Consider us Odin's wolves, here to send you to your nailed God.” That's just a sample of the cerebral badassery on offer here.

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Northlanders #19

Aug 4, 2009

Very minor quibbles aside, this book is simply awesome.

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Northlanders #20

Sep 9, 2009

A fun revisiting of an old character that can be enjoyed both as an accessible actioner and a more complex take on the nature of myth and legend.

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Powers Vol. 3 #1

Nov 30, 2009

Comics bliss… This should satisfy even the most stalwart Bendis-hater.

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Powers Vol. 3 #3

Mar 12, 2010

I have to respect any book that even uses the inside back cover, but despite this and the awesome art, I still wish there was a bit more meat to its narrative.

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Powers Vol. 3 #4

Apr 18, 2010

Bendis and Oeming continue to plant seeds for what should be another amazing run.

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Powers Vol. 3 #5

Jun 27, 2010

A good issue that would've been great were it not for those damned solicitations.

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Powers Vol. 3 #7

Mar 6, 2011

Freaking great. Just don't make me wait another 5 months.

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Powers Vol. 3 #10

Jun 2, 2012

This is a comic that grabs by the throat, squeezes, and does. not. let. go.

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Punisher (2009) #5

May 21, 2009

A very solid Remender Punisher issue with lots of action, hard-biting Frank Castle one-liners, and awesome artwork. With that said, while the action is explosive, those expecting a “final showdown” will be disappointed, as this issue really doesn't resolve a lot. Rather, it lays seeds for the future. Of course, while I am a little miffed, it's clear that Remender is setting the Hood as Frank's continued arch-nemesis, which I like.

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Punisher (2011) #1

Aug 3, 2011

The Punisher comic I've wanted for years and one that, for this reviewer, makes Frankencastle look even dumber in retrospect.

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Punisher (2011) #2

Aug 25, 2011

Having a great first issue is one thing, but in many ways, it's the second issue that counts the most when it comes to getting idea of how things are going to go long-term. After this issue, it's clear that Rucka's Punisher is the real deal.

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Punisher (2011) #3

Sep 13, 2011

Looking for another Marvel book? This one's a prime candidate. Man, is it great to have Greg Rucka back on the stands.

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Punisher (2011) #5

Nov 20, 2011

This is among the best single issues of the year.

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Punisher (2011) #7

Jan 5, 2012

Another fantastic issue of the Punisher. If you're not reading this, you really should be.

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Punisher (2011) #9

Mar 20, 2012

There really isn't much to say here. This isn't a bad issue by any means and it's competent in both art and script. But it's not anything more than that. It felt as though Rucka was running in place here. This is the first stumble this series has had but, given that this issues entire problem was a lack of significance or real meat on the bones, I imagine it'll be quickly forgotten.

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Punisher (2011) #11

May 12, 2012

A fantastic, psychological read of how the Punisher myth erodes one man's identity. So far, the smartest read of the week.

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Punisher (2011) #14

Aug 25, 2012

A really, really fantastic read that manages to pull the reader in and get him/her truly involved. Issues like this only make me more upset about this series' cancellation due to poor sales. Seriously, what's wrong with you people?

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Punisher (2011) #16

Sep 30, 2012

Brilliant art, brilliant character work, and sophisticated storytelling by all involved. This is an absolutely top tier comic and I'm more than a little pissed that it's been canceled….let alone canceled for sure to be vapid, immature dross like a Daniel Way/Steve Dillon Thunderbolts book.

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PunisherMax (2009) #1

Nov 13, 2009

Welcome back, Frank.

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PunisherMax (2009) #2

Dec 14, 2009

It's a great comic, one that confirms that Jason Aaron is bringing his own talents to the table, not just Ennis'.

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PunisherMax (2009) #3

Jan 15, 2010

If you're the right kind of reader, you'll like this. If you're not, why the hell are you reading Punishermax?

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PunisherMax (2009) #4

Feb 15, 2010

It's not quite as brooding as previous issues, but it makes up for it with spades of fun.

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PunisherMax (2009) #5

Mar 12, 2010

Forget that Frankencastle foolery. This is a Punisher comic.

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PunisherMax (2009) #8

Jun 12, 2010

A really good issue and one of the best of Aaron's run thus far.

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PunisherMax (2009) #10

Feb 14, 2011

Man, it's really great to have this series back. It appears that Aaron has also finally settled on the tone that suits him best.

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PunisherMax (2009) #11

Mar 10, 2011

One of the best issues of Jason Aaron's PunisherMAX thus far, if not the best. With two astounding issues in a row, this title has returned with guns blazing.

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PunisherMax (2009) #13

May 16, 2011

Another really strong issue of PunisherMAX. This is quickly becoming not just a must-read, but a comic that, when all is said and done, will most likely be on many shortlists for "best Punisher comics of all time."

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PunisherMax (2009) #15

Jul 18, 2011

Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon continue to deliver a Punisher comic unlike any that has come before.

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PunisherMax (2009) #20

Dec 28, 2011

It's hard to believe that we live in a world where we have not one, but TWO excellent Punisher books, both of which are among the very best comics that Marvel publishes. Issues like this validate PunisherMAX's claim to that title.

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Rise of the Black Lanterns: Suicide Squad #67

Jan 9, 2010

A really fun Secret Six issue, but if you're here for Blackest Night or the Suicide Squad, you may as well skip this.

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Saga #1

Mar 15, 2012

This is the start of something really, really big. The hype is justified. Do not miss out. Get in on the ground floor because I can guarantee that if you don't, you'll just end up reading the first six trades and jumping in at issue 30-something after this series becomes the “it” book. I could be wrong, but this feels like a classic in the making, much like Y.

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Scalped #32

Oct 17, 2009

While it isn't the most earth-shattering installment of the series, Scalped has never had a bad issue and this month doesn't see a buck in that trend.

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Scalped #33

Dec 7, 2009

Scalped is an awesome series, and this is another really solid outing. I can't wait for next month's installment.

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Scalped #37

May 3, 2010

A heady mix of anger and sadness, this is the sort of piss-and-vinegar blend that is Scalped at its very best.

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Scalped #38

May 31, 2010

Has there ever been a bad issue of Scalped? No, not really.

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Scalped #40

Aug 30, 2010

A really good issue of Scalped, no surprise there, but ultimately one that will read better when collected.

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Scarlet #1

Jul 8, 2010

A great concept, but this felt like a #0 issue stretched to 29 pages.

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Scarlet #3

Nov 9, 2010

Scarlet finally gives me something to grab onto.

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Scarlet #4

Jan 22, 2011

Scarlet finally works for me. A fantastic comic.

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Science Dog Special #2

May 20, 2011

Solid art and a glimmer of potential from what is, unfortunately, an utterly unremarkable comic.

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Secret Avengers #6

Oct 28, 2010

If you gave up on this comic,come back! It's really starting to deliver on those expectations.

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Secret Avengers #7

Nov 25, 2010

To everyone who dropped Secret Avengers, disappointed by the first arc: come back! This is the book you wanted!

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Secret Avengers #8

Dec 23, 2010

Not quite at the same level as the last couple of outstanding issues, but still quite a bit better than that disappointing first arc.

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Secret Avengers #10

Feb 26, 2011

Not at all bad, but by no means fantastic. Still, it's an enjoyable experience that is completely inoffensive.

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Secret Avengers #11

Mar 30, 2011

An enjoyable Steve Rogers adventure.

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Secret Avengers #13

May 27, 2011

Everything a good tie-in should be. Solid character-work, a message that's powerful but not cheesy or sappy, and a really good representation of everything Fear Itself should be about. Very well done, and hopefully more than enough to keep a few Brubaker fans on-board for the time being.

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Secret Avengers #24

Apr 1, 2012

A rock-solid issue with a really creepy tone and brilliant art.

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Secret Avengers #26

Apr 26, 2012

A fantastic, epic sci-fi experience with stirring heroics in words and deed and truly brilliant artwork. Who'd have thought that a tie-in issue lacking both the regular artist and the regular cast could be so damned good?

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Secret Avengers #27

May 26, 2012

Wonderful art and a wonderful setting clash with a sadly forgettable story that is a substantial drop from the “last stand” awesomeness of last month's narrative.

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Secret Avengers #28

Jun 22, 2012

It's not a bad issue, but it's a disappointment. As a conclusion, Remender acts as though this was a much longer, better established arc than it is, while the loss of Breitweiser's colours is a letdown.

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Secret Avengers #30

Aug 24, 2012

The big swerve is great and while it doesn't truly break the mould, this was definitely a fun ride.

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Secret Avengers #31

Sep 27, 2012

This issue was one that was just kind of….there. Normally, I'm not this harsh on Secret Avengers but I guess I'm just wishing that it were more than it is. It's still fun, I just wish it had a little more depth and heart to it.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #16

Dec 14, 2009

Despite the lack of Nicola Scott, this was my favourite issue of Secret Six in a while. Long live Black Alice!

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #23

Jul 11, 2010

An enjoyable issue of the Six doing their thing. And Ragdoll's never been better.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #24

Aug 7, 2010

It may be strange and inexplicable, but it's still a good time.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #31

Mar 7, 2011

The best issue of the Six to come around in a while.

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Secret Warriors #6

Jul 30, 2009

Forget Dark Avengers, this is the real blockbuster.

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Secret Warriors #7

Aug 29, 2009

It's still a good issue and a fantastic comic, but it's hard not to see this as a transitional comic, setting up a crossover and a Dark Reign-related conflict. It's a book that'll read better as a chapter in a trade. Also, Vitti, while good,isn't in Casselli's league.

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Secret Warriors #8

Oct 2, 2009

This book is at its best when the kids are at the forefront, as they are this month. Though still not perfect, Vitti is also coming into his own.

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Secret Warriors #21

Oct 30, 2010

Way better than last month, but seriously torpedoed by bad artwork.

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Secret Warriors #22

Nov 27, 2010

Surprisingly good, Hickman does quite a bit to restore hope for this series.

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Secret Warriors #23

Jan 3, 2011

Good, but not great. Blame Marvel.

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Secret Warriors #24

Feb 14, 2011

While the artwork is fantastic, I really have no idea what the hell Hickman was thinking with this one.

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Secret Warriors #25

Mar 6, 2011

A really good issue in and of itself, but doesn't do much to alleviate my concerns about how Hickman is going to finish this beast of a series.

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Secret Warriors #28

Aug 1, 2011

A really excellent conclusion, but also won that makes you wistful for what could have been.

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Shadowland #1

Jul 12, 2010

Certainly miles better than Siege #1, this was a fantastic start.

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Shadowland #2

Aug 5, 2010

Frustratingly mediocre.

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Shadowland #4

Oct 18, 2010

A bland slab of Marvel Comic void of soul in, ironically, a tale that should be all about the soul.

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Shrapnel #5

May 10, 2009

The Bottom-line: The best issue of one of the best limited series of 2009 thus far. Epic, beautiful, and harsh, this is one to pick up. Better still, it's 2.99 for a 50-page issue with heavy paper and a glossy cover. Can't argue with that.

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Siege (2010) #1

Jan 7, 2010

“Seven years in the making” somehow manages to mean “slapped together.”

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Siege (2010) #4

May 12, 2010

The quintessential comic blockbuster that brings much promise for the Marvel U.

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Siege (2010): The Cabal #1

Dec 3, 2009

It's an entertaining issue with very solid character work, but it could've been more.

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Skullkickers #7

May 24, 2011

After issue 1, I forgot about this book. After this issue, I'll be taking a look at issue 8. Call it a win.

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Spider-Woman (2009) #1

Sep 24, 2009

An artistic master-piece with deeply introspective writing. This is the definition of promising.

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Spider-Woman (2009) #2

Oct 22, 2009

It didn't feel quite as fresh or jaw-dropping as last month, but that's more to do with how good last month was. And hey, the price is dropped down to $2.99!

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Spider-Woman (2009) #3

Nov 21, 2009

I've really enjoyed Spider-Woman thus far, but this is issue is feels a little phoned in.

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Super Dinosaur (2011) #2

May 24, 2011

Kirkman and Howard have a really good comic on their hands here. If you spent the mornings of your childhood watching cartoons and your afternoons playing with the action figures from those cartoons, you need to read this.

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Super Dinosaur (2011): Origin Special #1

May 20, 2011

As an actual comic book, this, frankly, kind of sucks. But the world and the characters are so awesome that I actually enjoyed it and wanted more. I'm not quite sure how that works, but frankly, that's how I feel about much in this comic, and yet, work it does.

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Superboy (2010) #1

Nov 4, 2010

Elegantly constructed, thoughtful, and action-packed, this is a rousing success and everything I'd hope for from a Superboy book.

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Superboy (2010) #2

Dec 10, 2010

Yup, no sophomore slump here. Jeff Lemire is quickly establishing himself as a fresh new voice in superhero comics.

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Superboy (2010) #2

Dec 10, 2010

Yup, no sophomore slump here. Jeff Lemire is quickly establishing himself as a fresh new voice in superhero comics.

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Sweet Tooth #1

Sep 3, 2009

Atmosphere and mood are what this book is all about. Thoroughly barren and broken with a beautiful glimmer of hope, this is a fantastic debut issue.

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Sweet Tooth #2

Oct 9, 2009

With a direction now firmly in place, this is looking to be a moody and atmospheric book with the potential to be both rollercoaster and sprawling epic.

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Sweet Tooth #4

Dec 5, 2009

The best issue since the series debut. If you're not reading this, you are really missing out.

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Sweet Tooth #8

Apr 9, 2010

Sweet Tooth remains consistently one of the best books on the racks.

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Sweet Tooth #9

May 7, 2010

A strong issue, but not the guaranteed pick of the week that Sweet Tooth usually is.

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Sweet Tooth #10

Jun 6, 2010

A wonderfully gripping read that was also highly intellectual if you wanted it to be.

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Sweet Tooth #11

Jul 10, 2010

This is basically the best possible pitch Sweet Tooth can make while playing its B-game. Thankfully, that's still one great comic.

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Sweet Tooth #12

Aug 8, 2010

A daring choice by Lemire, but one that prevents this from being an unremarkable filler issue.

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Sweet Tooth #15

Nov 5, 2010

Mr. Lemire, you make good comics. The best issue of Sweet Tooth in a while.

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Sweet Tooth #17

Jan 10, 2011

The fact that this was just a little bit better than your standard issue goes to show that Sweet Tooth truly is one of the best books on the stands right now.

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Sweet Tooth #18

Feb 6, 2011

A really deeply touching issue and one of the best issues of the series. And this is coming from a guy who thinks landscape comics ought to be burned.

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Sweet Tooth #19

Mar 6, 2011

It seems that there are only two types of issues when it comes to Sweet Tooth: fantastic, or absolutely fantastic. This one's the latter.

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Sweet Tooth #23

Jul 9, 2011

Not the strongest issue, but that last page ensures that this rare misstep for Sweet Tooth won't be a lasting one.

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1

Nov 12, 2010

A hard issue to grade, really. It's unmistakably a high quality product with excellent writing and artwork on a technical level, but it's all marred by very odd creative decision. I feel like I'm still waiting, albeit excitedly, for the first issue.

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The Literals #1

May 4, 2009

Writing-wise, my only niggling concern is just how necessary this whole crossover is. Right now, there are just too many disparate elements, which leads to some things being left forgotten on the backburner. The Jack Frost segment was just weird and out of place and needs to be made relevant FAST. Also, having Kevin Thorn and Mister Dark as adversaries at the same time is just odd, as focusing on one leads to the other's being forgotten, and the existence of one threatens to dilute the threat of the other. It seems the comic has chosen to focus more on Thorn, but that leaves Dark as the elephant in the room, and it's awkward. For instance, Bigby is revealed to become more feral when in the same state as Mister Dark. This issue, he's right in New York City but experiences no difficulties whatsoever. Huh?The Bottom-line: Despite my nagging, as an individual issue, this is fantastic. It's witty, funny, and clever as all hell and it's Mark Buckingham drawing. As a Fab

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The Literals #2

May 31, 2009

Nothing earth-shattering that will change your mind about this crossover, but at least it isn't hideously bad or outright frustrating like the past issues.

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The Mighty Thor #2

May 25, 2011

Really good, this did a lot to restore my faith in Fraction's Mighty Thor.

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The Mighty Thor #3

Jun 23, 2011

An excellent Thor-verse comic that's a nice counterpoint to Fear Itself.

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The Mighty Thor #4

Jul 30, 2011

It may not be an Eisner-contender, but it's still a hell of a good time.

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The Mighty Thor #8

Nov 27, 2011

Decent, but plays it safe.

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The Mighty Thor #9

Jan 2, 2012

Much like last month, this is a mixed bag, which I guess is inevitably going to be the case when a writer tries to cover so many disparate narrative threads. Some quite good and some mediocre bits combine with very pretty artwork.

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The Mighty Thor #10

Feb 2, 2012

A big improvement over last month and a solid experience overall.

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The Mighty Thor #12

Apr 2, 2012

I love Thor. I've picked up all the issues since JMS started his run. This may be my last issue for a while, which should tell you all you need to know.

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The Mighty Thor #13

Apr 25, 2012

The issue is a bit of a resetting for Fraction – he goes back to basics while also teasing us with great potential in the Donald Blake/Enchantress plot. Let's hope that he capitalizes on that potential this time around, as he's not had a great track record for doing that in his tenure on Thor thus far.

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The Mighty Thor #14

May 26, 2012

While one plot is stronger than the other, this is a good issue that follows up on the promise of the last issue. Let's hope that Fraction and Larraz keep up the momentum.

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The Mighty Thor #18

Aug 12, 2012

It's early at this point, but I think that this may very well be the best Thor we've ever gotten from Fraction.

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The Mighty Thor #19

Sep 9, 2012

It's very much a transitional issue, but it still retains the flavour that's made the crossover a success thus far and it ends on a huge high note, which seems to ensure that the next installment will be vital. Also, Alan Davis art is never a bad thing.

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The Sword (2007) #17

Jun 2, 2009

A quiet issue, butexplosive in terms of action, this is another solid issue of the Sword. Frankly, I don't think there's ever been a bad or disappointing issue of the Sword. Stunning art, awesome combat, and a really cool ending make thisa comic that will definitely please the Luna-devoted.

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The Sword (2007) #18

Jul 8, 2009

By no means a bad conclusion, but it wasn't quite as personal as we've come to expect.

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The Sword (2007) #19

Sep 19, 2009

A change of pace, but a generally good one that shakes up the whole series.

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The Sword (2007) #20

Dec 7, 2009

An inoffensive issue that is a bit rough around the edges.

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The Sword (2007) #23

Apr 5, 2010

A cataclysmic twist balances disappointing character work.

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The Unwritten #1

May 18, 2009

The Not So Good: This is an amazing book and there's really nothing lackluster here at all. If I really, really tried to find something to whine about, I suppose three or four of the smaller panels looked a little rushed.: A concept like no other, solid artwork, and writing that is intelligent idea-wise and impressive in technical execution, this is a comic not to be missed and this is a perfect first issue. It is just astonishingly good. Vertigo potentially has a big hit on its hands here. It's also only $1.00 for this double-sized issue, so you really have absolutely no excuse not to give it a shot. One issue in and for me, this is already the best new series of 2009. Buy this book!

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The Unwritten #2

Jun 12, 2009

Solid plot progression in an issue that yet again promises great things to come. This is a smart, enjoyable mystery that literature buffs, philosophy geeks, and Sandman/Lucifer/Books of Magic fans need to get in on. This is quite possibly the best non-superhero comic out there right now. If you're not reading this, you better have a really good reason. And no, an empty wallet is not an excuse!

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The Unwritten #3

Jul 11, 2009

Carey and Gross go three for three in the best new series of 2009.

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The Unwritten #5

Sep 12, 2009

As long as you go in knowing that this is a break from Taylor, this is yet another mind-blowing good issue of the most intelligent book on the stands.

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The Unwritten #6

Oct 16, 2009

Didn't like the art as much as usual, but it's still a great book.

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The Unwritten #8

Dec 11, 2009

An issue that is a fun read on surface level and deceptively clear cut, but packed with philosophical ideas and very readable on a deeper level. The book is nonetheless enjoyable on both sides.

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The Walking Dead #63

Jul 17, 2009

The Walking Dead #63 contains all things that a good horror comic should have. Pick it up! It's good to see TWD returning to its visceral, generic roots.

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The Walking Dead #68

Dec 10, 2009

A good issue with an absolutely fantastic overall theme and atmosphere, but it falters on some of the little things.

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Thor (2007) #604

Dec 4, 2009

It's far from the horrific drop-off some predicted, but there are some small glitches and the character death is absolutely unforgivable.

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Thor (2007) #605

Dec 25, 2009

A really flashy, enjoyable issue of Thor that shows there is life after JMS.

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Thor (2007) #606

Jan 30, 2010

The best issue of Guillen's short run and probably the most fun issue of Thor in some time.

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Thor (2007) #608

Mar 26, 2010

A solid tie-in overall that Volstagg and Kelda fans should enjoy. And what Thor reader doesn't like those two?

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Thor (2007) #609

May 1, 2010

There are bright spots, but overall, this issue is just kind of “there.”

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Thor (2007) #610

May 29, 2010

This is the weakest issue of Gillen's run, as it just isn't particularly entertaining or gripping.

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Thor (2007) #611

Jul 2, 2010

A giant improvement over last month and the beginning of a promising new direction. Unfortunately, this issue still had to show what was being left behind.

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Thor (2007) #612

Jul 29, 2010

A uniquely fantasy comic and the best issue of Thor in a while.

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Thor (2007) #616

Oct 19, 2010

Weaker than last month's issue in some ways, stronger in others, but still all-around awesome.

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Thor (2007) #617

Nov 14, 2010

Still one of the best books at Marvel. Needs more Volstagg though, although even issues that feature Volstagg need more Volstagg.

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Thor (2007) #618

Dec 12, 2010

A bit safer than previous issues, this wasn't bad, but it didn't reach the creative heights of Fraction's prior issues.

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Thor (2007) #619

Jan 21, 2011

A strange read, honestly.

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Thor (2007) #620

Feb 24, 2011

A return to form of sorts. It may not be the most intellectually challenging book and it may have a bit of a rough start, but once things get going, it's a hell of a lot of fun.

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Thor (2007) #621

Mar 30, 2011

Kind of a mess, really.

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Thor: Defining Moments Giant-Size #1

Nov 27, 2009

It's a strong issue of Thor, but it's not the finale it claims itself to be.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #133

Jun 26, 2009

A solid character issue and a satisfying book overall, Diggle is recovering well from the Deadpool-crossover fiasco.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #134

Aug 1, 2009

A book that's a beginning that feels like an end. A fun read with fantastic art, great action, and solid character moments but a terrible ending.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #135

Sep 12, 2009

A fairly decent issue held back by off-putting artwork.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #136

Oct 3, 2009

A great issue that makes me feel that Diggle's leaving too soon. It's too bad that so much is undone.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 11, 2012

Marvel NOW is off to a rock solid start with this one. A character-driven, introspective read with a gigantic wtf of a final page.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #6

Mar 24, 2011

Still a great book, but needs more actual X-Force.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #7

Apr 18, 2011

The best issue of this arc with solid work all around, particularly if you want to see something different out of Deadpool. That said, it isn't the A-quality, in story or art, that the previous arc most definitely was.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #8

Apr 23, 2011

A fantastic issue of a fantastic comic. Give it a go. Better still, even if you've not been reading from issue 1, this is a very accessible place to jump on.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #9

May 8, 2011

Despite my gripes, this is really only a slightly weaker issue from an exemplary series.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #10

May 19, 2011

Another solid entry in what is one of the best team books on the market.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #11

Jun 3, 2011

Even if you've not read anything Age of Apocalypse related, you'll still really enjoy this issue of what is by far the best X-book on the stands.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #26

Jun 16, 2012

An absolutely fantastic read that entertains on all levels: drama, comedy, action, and great art. This issue does it all.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #27

Jul 16, 2012

A really big, hard-hitting issue and a major moment for the team. It has just about everything that you got you into this book in the first place.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #29

Aug 21, 2012

A creative reversal of the usual dynamic between good guy and bad guy combines with great character-work for Psylocke, a hilarious Deadpool moment, and excellent use of time-travel. From Psylocke dreaming of Warren to Deadpool poking fun at Castle, this is one of those great “you'll laugh and you'll cry” issues.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #32

Oct 6, 2012

Another solid outing for Uncanny X-Force. If there's one thing this book is, it's consistent, and as everything comes together and Remender brings his run full circle, back to his very first arc, it's still a guaranteed good read.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #515

Sep 24, 2009

A fairly good issue with Greg Land drawing it.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #516

Oct 15, 2009

It's actually a pretty good issue of Uncanny, and mainly because Magneto rules!

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #517

Nov 26, 2009

Enjoyable for what it is, this issue still feels a little thin due to its not striving to be anything more.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #518

Dec 4, 2009

A really good issue of Uncanny accompanied by refreshingly vibrant, characterful artwork

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #519

Dec 25, 2009

The best issue of Uncanny in quite a while. Why can't they all be like this?

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #520

Jan 23, 2010

An enjoyable story meets atrocious art.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #522

Mar 27, 2010

The little logic holes can be forgiven. This is a really, really great issue.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #4

Jan 9, 2012

Readers may wonder where the X-Men went and find this issue a little strange, but I enjoyed Gillen's taking an issue out to do something a little outside of the box.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #8

Mar 10, 2012

Hope/Namor and the Apex carry this issue through the rough patches, as does Gillen's nack for dialogue in general. That said, the wrapping up of the plot is done in a very troubling way.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #9

Mar 24, 2012

Not a bad issue, but it's weighed down by forgettable artwork that merely gets the job done.

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Unknown Soldier (2008) #18

Apr 3, 2010

All told, a beautiful book and likely the pick of the week for me.

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Unknown Soldier (2008) #20

May 31, 2010

This is actually a really good book, but I just found it to be an unpleasant read.

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Unknown Soldier (2008) #21

Jul 6, 2010

A really great idea that needed a little more breathing room. I guess I just wanted more.

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Unknown Soldier (2008) #23

Aug 30, 2010

Not bad, but Unknown Soldier #23 ultimatelydoesn't play to its strengths.

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Unknown Soldier (2008) #25

Nov 8, 2010

I have to dock points for just how crammed and rushed this is, but Dysart's success under these circumstances wins out.

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Venom (2011) #3

May 28, 2011

Gotta be honest – it's a bit of a letdown compared to the last two issues. Still a really strong book, however, and not one that I'd stop recommending.

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Venom (2011) #17

May 7, 2012

Another satisfying, rock solid issue of Venom with fun art from Kev Walker.

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Venom (2011) #18

May 21, 2012

Another solid outing for Venom and the Savage Six. The artwork, while not at all bad, is a bit forgettable, but otherwise, you'll find much of what you enjoy about this book in these pages.

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Venom (2011) #22

Aug 16, 2012

A perfect ending to what's been an amazing run, giving us a little bit of almost everything that made this series a keeper.

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Viking #2

Jun 30, 2009

A solid book that nonetheless feels a little light.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #6

Jun 9, 2012

Great art and a great villain make for a great first issue of what will hopefully be a really strong arc.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #11

Oct 1, 2012

As is the usually the case with Winter Soldier, it's really not a question of what's good and what's bad, but more one of simply “how good?” While it may not be the loudest book in Marvel's line-up, it's been nothing less than solid for 11 issues now and once again, I find myself with nothing to really complain about.

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Wolverine (2010) #4

Dec 17, 2010

While I feel that there's only so high I can grade a book whose greatest strength, and majority of content, is action sequences, this was a really fun ride in an arc I've had mixed feelings about thus far.

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Wolverine (2010) #5.1

Feb 11, 2011

Much like Fraction's attempt at it, this is a solid issue held back by Marvel's nebulous point on initiative

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Wolverine (2010) #6

Feb 17, 2011

Daniel Acuna comes to the rescue, basically. An effective and moody ride that has me once again, looking forward to Aaron's Wolverine.

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Wolverine (2010) #9

May 25, 2011

Despite Mystique's 10-mile long health bar, this was a back to basics issue for Wolverine that does a lot to get this book back on track.

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Wolverine (2010) #10

Jun 11, 2011

A rock solid experience that both Wolverine and Jason Aaron fans will enjoy.

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Wolverine (2010) #11

Jun 23, 2011

My grumbling about thematically understandable but still odd creative decisions aside, this is a really well-written comic with solid action scenes that I generally quite enjoyed.

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Wolverine (2010) #12

Jul 15, 2011

Jason Aaron doing his thing, basically. A great example of why this book, when at its best, isn't just Wolverine; it's Jason Aaron's Wolverine.

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Wolverine (2010) #13

Aug 6, 2011

By far the weakest issue of the arc thus far.

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Wolverine (2010) #14

Aug 25, 2011

A mixed bag, but the good ultimate outweighs the bad.

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Wolverine (2010) #15

Sep 13, 2011

While Jason Aaron's talent is apparent, it's ultimately pretty misdirected here. If you're not a completionist, this is pretty skippable.

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Wolverine (2010) #20

Dec 26, 2011

It's action-heavy and not particularly revelatory, groundbreaking, or emotionally evocative, but I cannot deny that this was a really fun comic that sees Jason Aaron clearly operating within his comfort zone.

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Wolverine (2010) #302

Mar 10, 2012

Don't get me wrong, for everything I've said, this is not an unenjoyable read. It's the equivalent of a light, breezy beach read of a novel (albeit with stabbing). It's just strange that Aaron would end on such a simplistic arc. Furthermore, it's hard to wholly enjoy an action heavy “fun” comic when one of the artists isn't quite up to the task, as comics like this one often rely on the artist to do the heavy-lifting.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #11

May 31, 2012

Honestly, this issue is a showcase of all the downsides of "the event tie-in issue." On the plus side, it has that sweet, sweet Nick Bradshaw artwork.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #13

Jul 13, 2012

By far the best issue of Wolverine and the X-Men in quite some time. Great character dynamics and lots of tugging on the heart-strings

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Wolverine and the X-Men #17

Sep 27, 2012

I can't go into much more detail without spoiling this issue's laughs, so I won't. Suffice it to say, when I finished reading this, I realized that my face was literally sore because I had apparently been smiling the entire time.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #2

May 21, 2009

Right now, this is probably the best Wolverine comic on the stands, and at issue #2, the most accessible. With tThat said, fans of Aaron's breakthrough “Scalped” will also find a lot to love. In Logan's rough demeanor and alcohol-swilling ways, the ties are quite clear and it's more obvious than ever that Jason Aaron was the right man for this job.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #5

Oct 1, 2009

Not quite as awesome as I'd hoped, but things do kick up a level when the internal narration starts.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #6

Oct 31, 2009

Aaron does the impossible: he has written a Wolverine comic that has me gasping at its creativity. A truly unsettling horror comic with Logan as you've never seen him before.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #7

Nov 21, 2009

Still incredibly experimental and creative, with a cool grindhouse flavor added in, this one's a keeper.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #9

Jan 22, 2010

A huge shift from previous issues in the arc, but still a lot of fun.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #12

Apr 10, 2010

Another great Weapon X issue. This continues to be a comic that”ll make you fall in love with Wolverine all over again.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #13

May 28, 2010

Weapon X continues to be a very strong series, despite a somewhat light first half.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #14

Jun 25, 2010

An interesting issue, though not quite up to the ridiculously awesome standard set by this arc thus far.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #16

Aug 23, 2010

Jason Aaron closes out Weapon X in somber style.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #601

Jul 31, 2010

I liked this more than Superman #601. It has a definite life to it and much promise for the future.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #2

Jul 27, 2011

Schism remains a winner.

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Zatanna #1

May 21, 2010

A generally good debut that should please Zatanna fans.

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Zatanna #2

Jun 26, 2010

A really fun romp. Not much more I can ask for.

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Reviews for the Week of...


