The fate of the world lies in the hands of the Asgardians, for Galactus is coming...and he hungers! Thor and the Silver Surfer must determine what to do with the Galactus Seed, the artifact with the potential to end the entire universe. And what deal is being struck between Odin and Galactus himself, behind closed doors?
As good as this was, look out for next month when the Asgardians take the fight directly to Galactus! Read Full Review
It's not too late to get in on The Mighty Thor. We're only three issues in, so if you've been sitting on the fence thus far, hop on over. The water's extremely nice. Read Full Review
An excellent Thor-verse comic that's a nice counterpoint to Fear Itself. Read Full Review
The art from Olivier Coipel is better here but his faces still irk me. No matter what's going on, it feels like Thor has one look on his face constantly. I'm also still not a huge fan of Coipel's Silver Surfer, though I did like his Galactus. I would have to say the art is passable, even pleasant, just nothing to get too excited about. What is worth getting excited about is how Fraction has raised his game. Perhaps he's working out all that need to be convoluted with Fear Itself or maybe he's finally settling into what it takes to write Thor. Regardless, I hope he continues on this path, the rainbow path, to Asgard! Read Full Review
That forward motion is going to take us to a battle between Galactus and the warriors of Asgard, and I am anxiously looking forward to it. Read Full Review
My biggest problem with the Mighty Thor is that I don't like any of the characters, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great book. This was my first issue of the new series, and even though we're three issues in, I had no problem picking this issue up and understanding what was going on. Even though it's in the middle of a story, it's still a great jumping on point, and that's due in part to the writing of Matt Fraction who keeps it simple and straight-to-the-point. Even a non-Thor fan could enjoy this issue. I recommend The Mighty Thor #3... verily and whatnot. Read Full Review
This Thor series is really good but its sadly overlooked by the Aaron run that comes after it