Thor #617

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Pasqual Ferry Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 10, 2010 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
7.4Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

THE WORLD EATERS continue their rampage down the World Tree on an unstoppable blitz to Asgard. The magnificient residents of the nine worlds flee their rampage... coming to Asgard for protection. Can the Fallen City protect the exiles of seven worlds from an unimaginable evil? And what on earth is Thor doing in Paris? And who has he found there...? You wouldn't believe us if we told you. Rated T …$3.99

  • 8.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 10, 2010

    Though Fraction's plot has yet to kick into a second gear, when it does, it promises to be one hell of a ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Nov 14, 2010

    Still one of the best books at Marvel. Needs more Volstagg though, although even issues that feature Volstagg need more Volstagg. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Nov 10, 2010

    No less than three titles starring Thor have come out this week and, even though they tread on similar ground, they've all found their own, distinct angle. Oddly enough, I suppose I enjoyed this in the same way I can get behind those sporadic contemporary updates of Shakespeare. Thor re-discovering Loki as teen con man makes this mythos feel alive and actually kind of hopefully - - and I'm glad to see more of the Aesir finally getting some sleek re-designs to catch up with Thor's. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Nov 10, 2010

    With the events of Siege leading into this new Heroic Age, I think this is a good time for truly good writers like Fraction to forge new directions for characters. If it seems like it's a little out of place, stick with it, keep and open mind and see where Fraction takes you. It's a good time for change at Marvel because stories have gotten so dark that if some new ideas for how characters act or the things they do work their way into this new age, I'd like to see where it goes before I pass too much judgment. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Nov 11, 2010

    Overall, the issue just felt disappointing, as has Fraction's run in general thus far. I've just yet to really find myself excited by any of it, and the lackluster artwork and colors certainly doesn't help change my mind about any of it. Hopefully the storyline will pick up moving forwards, and that the artwork will be able to match it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Nov 13, 2010

    This is another squeaker. It seems like every time Fraction and Ferry take a step forward, they have to take another step back. The biggest problem lies in the fact that Fraction's head seems to be in the clouds on this story. The big picture is welldeveloped, but its time to raise the stakes by closing the story in a bit. Now that we have Loki back and the threat of the WorldEaters is closer to Earth, we might just get that. I certainly hope so as I'd love to see what this creative team is capable of once they really get going. Read Full Review

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