Invincible Iron Man #21

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 9, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Tony's closest friends and lovers have gathered to try and help the man rebuild his shattered consciousness, body, life and legacy...but when Tony gets the call, does he WANT to come back? CAN he...even with Dr. Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts, bridging the gap between the two worlds? And you didn't think the bad guys were going to just sit back and let Tony rest and recuperate, did you? Rated A …$2.99

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 14, 2009

    The Invincible Iron Man is rolling up on its second year of publication, and through the skills of writer Matt Fraction and artist Salvador Larroca, it has been (and continues to be) one of Marvel's best books. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Dec 8, 2009

    I really enjoyed my first look at Matt Fraction's Iron Man. This book presented a story that I found extremely satisfying on several levels. Stark's comatose state was far from a problem; rather, it was an intriguing hook to add depth and complexity to the characters and their stories. Both my inner geek and my critical adult sides were delighted by this book. Based on this issue, I'll be around for a lot more of Fraction's Invincible Iron Man. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comic Addiction - Robert Tacopina Dec 12, 2009

    I can’t praise this title enough and that is coming from someone who was never the biggest Iron Man to begin with. The writing is absolutely top notch and Matt Fraction just continues to steadily make his ascent to the top of the comics world. Of course, Sal Larocca is no slouch either and his pencils really add to the overall story serving to flesh it out and instill artistic emotion into it. A constant must read top of the stack book! Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Tim Lenaghan Dec 9, 2009

    While other books in the Dark Reign landscape have me clamoring for Siege to begin as soon as possible, Invincible Iron Man has me content with its current status quo. Fraction is really turning in the definitive deconstruction of Tony Stark's character, now if only Cap and Thor can put Iron Man back together again. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Dec 14, 2009

    Oh yeah, and the last few pages, where the deed is done that will presumably bring Tony back? Super sweet. Super, super sweet. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Dec 10, 2009

    Enjoyable for what it is, but admittedly a bit on the drier side. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Dec 13, 2009

    The plan (narrated by a recording of Tony himself) involves invasive surgery, taking the repulsor generator from Pepper's chest (apparently something that Tony did to save her life some time ago, allowing her to be an armoredsuperhero called Rescue.) The "electronic repulsor battery" is implanted in Tony's chest (something that everyone who has seen the Iron Man movie can clearly identify, as it is the same device from the movie, visually) but without a power source, it's useless. (Tony has destroyed all existing repulsor generators to keep Norman and Obadiah Stane from getting their hands on 'em.) In his dream state, Tony's mind dreams that he puts on the unearthed armor, but he won't be able to turn on all the switches without help. Once again, Howard reminds his son of an unpleasant truth: "Knowing you need it and ASKING for help are two different things." Tony accepts his help, but the armor doesn't power up, and monstrous robots again come to kill them all. While Pepper gets her h Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 1, 2010

    Visually, Larroca continues to wow readers with complex set and differentiated characters that populate the universe of Tony Stark and Iron Man. It still like the details he puts into those armours. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Dec 13, 2009

    Invincible Iron Man #21 was another dull and unexciting read. At times it seems that Fraction is just mailing it in with the story. Though I am sure new readers may enjoy seeing the resetting of Tony Stark's character as it moves the character to be a little more like his movie counterpart for long time Iron Man fans this is a title that will continue to disappoint. It is just not adding anything to the character or exploring what makes Tony tick. As a fan of the character I still hold out hope the story can improve but that hope is quickly dying out as the story fails to catch my interest. Read Full Review

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