Wolverine #6

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Daniel Acuna Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 16, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
5.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

A mindless Wolverine is raging out control, a danger to everyone around him. Cyclops always feared this day would come, and he's ready and willing to do whatever it takes to end Wolverine's rampage once and for all.

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Feb 17, 2011

    Daniel Acuna comes to the rescue, basically. An effective and moody ride that has me once again, looking forward to Aaron's Wolverine. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Feb 20, 2011

    "Wolverine" #6 has been a long time coming with Jason Aaron addressing the idea of a mind controlled/possessed Wolverine and how those around him would react after it keeps happening. This issue is all set up, but it's entertaining with a rare meeting of the X-Men and supernatural characters like the Ghost Riders and Hellstorm. And, the end of the issue is one hell of a cliffhanger, the sort that ensures that you'll read the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Feb 22, 2011

    I like where Aaron is going with this story, especially since he acknowledges the fact that Wolverine seems so prone to mindcontrol, but I'm a little dismayed by some of the plot holes and the inconsistent output from Acuna. I had fun reading this comic, but it's hard to get past some of the flaws. You certainly wouldn't regret reading this, but you should still approach it with caution. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Feb 17, 2011

    So let's talk opinions. I'm still not happy. The art was bad. The story was slow. The art was bad. (I know I said that already but it was really bad.) It looks like a bunch of old wrinkled people fighting each other. The backgrounds are either all black or not there at all. The colors look bland and faded. It just falls very short of good. The story was very slow. So Cyclops has Batman protocols. How unoriginal. Wolverine's mind is being controlled yet again. Another unoriginal concept. Stop rehashing old stories. The Wolverine Origins series that this title replaced was a hundred times better than this crud. For once, I wish there was a terrible back-up to take away some of my hate towards the main tale. I can't believe we have two Wolverine monthly books on the shelves and they both suck. Please get a better artist and better stories soon. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it. Read Full Review

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