Shadowland #2

Event\Storyline: Shadowland Writer: Andy Diggle Artist: Billy Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 4, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 7
6.5Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

The battle for New York begins as battle lines are drawn and war forges strange allies. Luck Cage, Iron Fist, Spider-Man, Moon Knight and Kingpin?! Plus, a dangerous new player enters the battle, one that could win the fight or damn all of New York!

  • 8.4
    Mania - Chris Smits Aug 6, 2010

    Andy Diggle has somehow managed to create a subtle fire. Things are already starting to get crazy yet there’s a calmness to the storytelling that is paying off extremely well. I’m giving Shadowland #2 a B+ and (with 3 issues left to go) am expecting this to pick up even more steam in the weeks ahead. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Aug 6, 2010

    I found this issue far more enjoyable than I would hav eoriginally expected, and the same goes for the Shadowland: Bullseye one-shot that came out this week as well. It looks like this mini-series is going to be far more interesting and enjoyable than I had originally thought, and I'm intrigued to see where exactly Diggle goes next with this. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Aug 8, 2010

    Shadowland #2 was a good read that was a major improvement over the first issue. There are still problems with this minis-series but hopefully Diggle and Tan will be able to fix it in future issues. But even with those problems Diggle did a great job with the characterization of all the characters in the story and Tans artwork looked great as well. If you have been enjoying Daredevil than you will enjoy Shadowland as Diggle does a solid job with Matt being the leader of the Hand. Also for those looking for a good action story than I say pick this event up as you are sure to enjoy it. For the rest I would say wait for this story in trade as it will read much better in collection than singles. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Aug 8, 2010

    Tan is a hit or miss. Hes a hit this issue. The characters look good enough and he did a couple of wonderful pages with Ghost Rider. Its not easy to capture the power of a guy on a flaming motorcycle. However, he has problems with his anatomy, giving the heroes impossibly long torsos and very small heads. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Aug 13, 2010

    Those questions aside, this is still a solid issue. The Heroes for Hire try to talk some sense into Matt, but he's too far gone. He's already talking about expanding his rule beyond Hell's Kitchen. The Kingpin makes his first move against Murdock, but something tells me the Ghost Rider won't serve him for long. Tan's and Olazaba's artwork is solid. Great inking. The book has a feeling of darkness and menace. As bad as things are, you know they're going to get worse. It feels a little like the story is spinning its wheels. But new players are introduced, the plot advances, and the spin-off mini-series are set up. So keep buying it, or jump in now. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Aug 5, 2010

    Frustratingly mediocre. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Aug 10, 2010

    Diggle's "Daredevil" run has been generally very strong, and the build-up to "Shadowland" has been fit to stand alongside the best of Bendis and Brubaker's runs. But now that the event is here, something seems missing, and right now it appears to be the personal air that has made "Daredevil" a consistently brilliant series for the last 10 years. It's fair to say that after that long, there's nothing wrong with trying something new, but two issues into the story, it's hard not to conclude that ultimately, it doesn't appear to be working. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 4, 2010

    Whatever the case, Rich and I seem to be in agreement that the previous Daredevil arc did a poor job of building Matt to this point. The rest of the issue is more variable in terms of quality. Diggle is still focusing too much on scenes of other heroes standing around and casually debating Shadowland's merits. On the other hand, there are some cool scenes that involve various characters plotting the city's downfall. These few scenes are hardly enough to elevate the whole book, though. Billy Tan's art doesn't do much either. Tan's work is fine when the script calls for ninjas to fight superheroes. the rest of the time, his characters remain dull and listless. Two issues in, Shadowland continues to underwhelm and disappoint. Read Full Review

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