Siege #1
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Siege #1

Event\Storyline: Siege Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 6, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 8
5.9Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The Marvel Universe has been left with its greatest villains holding more power and control than ever before. On the brink of madness, Osborn, in his final bid to take total control, targets the final obstacle in his mission…Asgard.

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Jan 7, 2010

    As far as an "event" title goes, the fact that Siege is only going to be four issues makes it kind of nice. Yes, there's going to be the inevitable onslaught of tie-in books galore, but ignoring all of that makes this look to be the makings of a fantastic run. The extras aren't that great and left me feeling a bit hungry after the $3.99 cover price, but any fan of Marvel heroes or monumental dust-ups is in for a very entertaining read.I'm grading this as a by the numbers A. The writing is great, the story is exciting and the art is superb. The only thing that holds it back from an A+ is the fact that the "Top Secret" document file and preview of Hulk #19 that serve as the dollar price bump bonus come up very unsatisfying as reasons to justify the $3.99. They should have just skipped that and increased the page count of the actual Siege story instead. Having said that, and by no means is that intended to rain on anyone's parade, for readers of superhero action tales, Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comix 411 - David Torres Jan 7, 2010

    According to Wikipedia, Marvel has stated that this event will help usher in a new "Heroic Age." If this means a return to traditional Avengers stories and lineups, I'm there. This has been a fun ride and it's good to shake things up a bit, but I'm ready for the Avengers to go back to normal. Whether I get my wish, we'll see. Supposedly this is also the last big crossover for a while and I'm very happy with that. I think it's time to go back to basics with small good little self contained stories; not just in Avengers, but in all Marvel Comics. The 60's and 70's had stories that worked and proved that you don't have to have the big blockbuster to tell a good story and sell a lot of comic books. As for the Siege, I highly recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Rich Dec 30, 2009

    Really the biggest complaint anyone can have here is there isn't more here than would be expected. This was billed as an assault on Asgard, and that's what it is. End of story. Frankly, as a fan of the larger tapestry Marvel has woven over this decade, that's just fine by me. That's what I wanted from Dark Reign all along (and never felt I was getting it, to be honest). I also expect we'll see more complexity in the coming chapters as well as a greater focus on the heroes. As an opening chapter, Siege #1 works incredibly well, building off the layered tapestry Marvel has woven over the past several years while retaining focus and a sense of purpose that kicks off Marvel's 2010 with style. I'm truly looking forward to what's around the corner and what new developments this will lead to in the coming year. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 8, 2010

    And Bendis - don't screw this up. Please. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie Jan 4, 2010

    So, while it may not be the biggest or most eventful Event Book around, "Siege" #1 is certainly one of the best looking, and thanks to Marvel's commitment to crafting a coherent universe for its characters, signals the start of a major shift in its status quo. It's an interesting, almost television-like approach to take. Seeing the current status of Iron Man or Thor or Captain America in the book doesn't rely on arcane continuity from decades past, but rather simply rewards Marvel's current readers, the way a reveal in the seventeenth episode of a season of, say, "LOST" will call back to the season's second or third. It really allows Marvel to strengthen its line without alienating people who haven't read through every volume of "Essential Spider-Woman" and it allows what otherwise might be viewed as a bit of a slim read to have some implied weight beyond its pages. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 30, 2009

    At this point I might as well call it a day, as I've probably written more words than are in the entirety of Siege #1. This is not going to be an earth-shattering, ground-breaking story that redefines the way fans look at their comics. What Siege is is a fun book full of spectacle and action. And even as darkness envelops the Marvel U. once again, readers can see the few shining points of light that signal the return of its greatest heroes. In terms of delivering just what was promised, Siege may turn out to be Marvel's best non-cosmic event in years. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jan 4, 2010

    This story has legs. This issue offers a few "Oooo!" and "Ahhh!" moments, but ultimately the story seems cut short as there are fifteen (!) pages of "not-story" in this issue. That's right, sixteen pages. Sure, five of the pages " the "Ares War Plan Transcript" could be considered part of the story, but only barely. It's more like a deleted scene on a DVD than actual contribution. Beyond that, there is the obligatory checklist of the "Siege" related comics (thirty-seven of them folks!) set to pummel fans' wallets for the next four months. Yes, it is the same checklist that was in the skip week "Siege" preview and the same as the list on the postcard sized giveaways many retailers have on hand. No real surprises there. Add in three pages of a very special "Siege- Cup o' Joe" and six pages devoted to a preview of "Hulk" #19, and that's how the covers are filled out after the initial twenty-three-page story. I've whined in this direction before, but in this case, given the fact that we've Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Jan 7, 2010

    Bendis teams up with his House of M collaborator Olivier Coipel who delivers on the art. His style is slightly cartoonish and his layouts really portray a fast and frenzied story once the action picks up. He really flexes his story telling muscles in a two page splash that brings Loki into Asgard to wake King Balder. What could have taken four pages to progress the story is chopped down to two yet this issue's pacing feels like it suffers in other places. Did I mention the issue felt short? This is really weird since there is only one ad in the issue and a six page preview of Hulk #18. Overall not a blockbuster of an issue but a very solid start to what can be one of the greatest Marvel stories ever told. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 10, 2010

    At $3.99, this series felt like a rip off in terms of pages. I know its a standard 22 pages comic book, but I felt like nothing was delivered this issue. I like Coipels work of course. He reminds me of a better Rags Morales. He gives a feel of majesty to his work which has been lacking since Civil War from Marvel Comics crossovers. Here, we have a great artist and seeing his renditions of all the classic Marvel Comics characters is a joy for a reader. Lets hope he can keep up the pace and the good work in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Jan 5, 2010

    As far as opening chapters in blockbuster Event Comics, this is the weakest I've ever read. And I liked the opening issues of Civil War, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion, and both Annihilations. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jan 9, 2010

    I wasn't crazy about the launch of this event and I'm not sure there was enough here to hook me in for future issues. If you like your stories to be really quick and to the point with a lot of action you might really enjoy this though. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 7, 2010

    Siege #1 was so poor that it made Secret Invasion look pretty good by comparison. At least Secret Invasion #1 started that big event off with a bang, had plenty of wild scenes and ended with a good hook ending. Siege #1 manages to do absolutely none of that. I hope that there is much more to this story than what we got in this issue. However, the fact that Siege is only four issues long means that we probably are not going to get much more of a story than what we got in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Jan 7, 2010

    “Seven years in the making” somehow manages to mean “slapped together.” Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 14, 2010

    ...and that's ALL. Seriously, the story just ends on page 24, and the rest of the issue is a transcript of Norman's staff meeting that led to the invasion, as well as a preview of 'Fall Of The Hulks." $3.99 for 24 pages of story, an interesting but oddly placed (and, in my copy, mis-pasted) bit of screeplay, and a preview for ANOTHER huge crossover taking place across the aisle? Not a good buy, folks. I am bothered by how fabricated the tragedy in Chicago feels (and I'm not talking about Norm-O here, either) but it does, at least, set the stage for Osborn's coming fall from grace in a workmanlike way, with not-too-bad art, but a serious lack of satisfactory heft... For the start of the next big thing, it's a relatively small opening salvo. I'm irritated that another character had to be sacrificed to the grist mill of badassery, even one as minor as Volstagg, as though having anyone in the Marvel firmament who isn't suitably photogenic and tough-guy awesome. If they turn him into anothe Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jan 7, 2010

    Just about everything about this comic book shows a lack of respect for the reader. The pricing, given the padded nature of the product, shows a lack of respect for the buyer. The plotting shows a lack of respect for the audience's intelligence. And it also shows a lack of respect for some of the stronger storytelling that us up to this point. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 9, 2010

    This will be an important event, or as important as any event can be in setting up the status quo for the next event, and you should probably keep up to date on what happens. However, this issue offers nothing new for readers. Read a solicit, summary or review? Saw a few scans online or read the 8page preview in the back of several leadin issues? That's all you really need to know. Olivier Coipel's art is really the only thing worth buying this issue for and even that doesn't make up for such a paintbynumbers event. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jan 8, 2010

    This is the best example I can think of for how NOT to start an event storyline. There is really nothing of substance to hang onto in this haphazard, incredibly rushed issue. The craft is ridiculously below the standards for the creative team and there is really nothing here to come back for (especially with Steve Rogers in his Read Full Review

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