Fables #84

Writer: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham Artist: Tony Akins Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: May 13, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
4.4Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Disgusted with recent events in his own book, Jack Horner quits his own series, returns to FABLES in a big way and tries to pick up his on-again off-again romance with Rose Red while she's at her most vulnerable. But Jack Horner isn't the only wandering Jack who shows up at the Farm. In the meantime, Kevin Thorn is still safely ensconced in his writing retreat and about to start over on the universe, which would mean writing everything that currently exists out of existence!

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 13, 2009

    As much as I despise Jack, I can't claim this issue was a total waste. Still, "The Great Fables Crossover" seems to have hit a major stall in its second act. Hopefully I can turn to Jack of Fables next time and receive everything I didn't get out of this issue - more adventure and less Jack being chief among those things. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans May 16, 2009

    From aplotperspective, this issue is a waste of time. Nothing moves the major conflict forward, and there are just too many damnedminor issues going on at once. However, if you are a Jack of Fables readeror are looking to be one, skip this issue. I've never said this before. Skip it. You don't want to see Jack as a rapist, as it will ruinthe character for you. Read Full Review

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