Fables #83

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Mark Buckingham Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: April 15, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.4Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Part 1 of "The Great Fables Crossover"! Thrill! To the adventures of your favorite Fables as they fight for their very existence in the greatest Fables epic yet! Shudder! To the danger as all of existence is about to be wiped out with the stroke of a pen! 3 months @ 3 books per month! = 9 amazing issues! Featuring Brazilian newcomer Joao Ruas, who brings his exquisite style and elegance as our new cover artist!

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Apr 20, 2009

    I can't say enough about the fantastic story Bill Willingham has created with "Fables". It's had it's high points and it's had it's low points, but the low points have always been better than a large majority of titles on the market today. This new storyline has every indication to be a high point and that's saying something here. This issue has me hoping that Willingham (with the assist of Sturges) may actually be on the verge of hitting it's highest point to date. That doesn't happen as much as it should in comics; the start of a new storyline leaving you with such high hopes. For that reason, I'm going to give this an A. For readers unfamiliar with "Fables", it probably won't read as good for you. As for you regular readers... this is great stuff! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 15, 2009

    So far so good. I'm liking where this Fables crossover is going. That said, the real test will come when Jack of Fables and The Literals join in on the fun. Until then, I can't allow myself to be more than cautiously optimistic about the project. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 16, 2009

    Still, at least Mark Buckingham's art is as strong as ever, able to tackle both the beautiful and the hideous without breaking stride. It's the one consistent part of this issue of "Fables" and that gives me at least some faint hope. "Fables" is normally much better than this, and with any luck this is just a "setting everything up" problem that will be gone once everything is in full swing. But as an exciting, "you must read this" opening chapter? It just doesn't work. Read Full Review

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