Invincible Iron Man #506

Event\Storyline: Fear Itself Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 20, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN! As Tony Stark falls apart and struggles to rebuild, the world needs Iron Man in action, in battle, out there saving the day. Tony's constructing the future of Asgard and the Marvel Universe, but if he can't even save can he save anyone else? It all gets personal, as Tony has to face his greatest fear once and for all.

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jul 20, 2011

    What can I say? This was a very good comic, that validated my faith in it. I mean it wasn't perfect or anything, but it tied into the Fear Itself events perfectly, which makes sense since Matt Fraction is writing both. Whereas most of the Fear Itself tie-ins are unnecessary to the main story, or unnecessary period, reading Iron Man greatly enhances the main FI mini, since events in Iron Man tend to bleed over into Fear Itself. I enjoyed both stories, although I am a bit annoyed that Tony threw away his years of sobriety just like that... I get that Fraction is trying to show that the whole Fear Itself thing is SO big that Tony is willing to do anything to end it, but we already knew it was big, what with Washington DC being destroyed and Paris being turned to stone and all... Tossing out Tony's years of sobriety just seem kind of unnecessary... At least that's how I see it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Aug 2, 2011

    Larroca is a great artist as usual and I like how he draws the dwarves. His work is splendid as usual. One thing important has to be said about his work. He has successfully delivered almost all issues of Iron Man since the 2008 almost always on time and still continues to work on the series while not missing deadlines. This is not very common these days. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Jul 21, 2011

    On the topic of Tony hitting the bottle again… I actually like the idea. No, I don't wish alcoholism on anyone, but Tony is in a position as a character that this is his next challenge. He was the top cop, lost that, chased by Osborn, regained his freedom, built a new company, seen a bunch of really horrific stuff happen, and now what? The guy's had a busy life. I'd dare think any recovering alcoholic would likely fall off that wagon if they had Tony Stark's life. Bring it on, Mr. Fraction! I want to see what you've got in store for us post-Fear Itself! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Jul 24, 2011

    One failed joke, even if it drags on through the whole issue, isn't quite enough to snuff out strong character work. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 25, 2011

    As crossover issues go, this one has a lot more character and depth that I expected (although, since this is the primary book of the main writer of 'Fear Itself', that probably shouldn't be a surprise) and the use of Tony Stark in Asgard really hammers home (no pun intended) the consequences of this battle. It's good to see him out of his element, and as uncomfortable as it is to have Tony fall off the wagon, it's probably about time for a relapse, from both a character and a tie-in perspective. (That Avengers movie needs some sort of subplot, right?) The issue bogs down a bit with all the rubbernecking (Iron Man watches Odin, Pepper watches television, Ms. Arbogast watches Pepper, Justine watches Paris, et al) and the character bits at Stark Resilient really don't work to the story's favor, oddly enough. The main thrust of things is good, though, and Pepper is quickly turning into a hero as nuanced as Iron Man himself. Salvador Larocca's work is good here (though the close-up of a sho Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    16BitMonster - Hamilton Ortiz Jul 24, 2011

    The issue is admittedly slow unlike the previous issue which was entirely made up of Tony fighting the Grey Gargoyle and getting his ass handed to him while at it. The art by Salvador Larroca is not too bad while Matt Frictions writing was pretty good. The only thing that really saved this issue were the dwarfs the rest is forgettable. Its a great tie in issue into the Fear Itself story line. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jul 24, 2011

    The role of tie-in books during events is a tricky one. Some are left with large gaps that can be filled, while others are constrained by the mechanics of the event. What's sadder is when there's the potential in a comic to fill some of those big gaps and, instead, it spends an issue mostly treading water, running out the clock until it's able to pull the trigger on a 'big moment.' Read Full Review

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