Buried deep, sequestered under a million years of unnatural evolution, Father, architect of The World, has a solution to the relentless and fruitless super human conflict that has left the Earth teetering on the brink of destruction. The Deathlok virus will spread, acclimate and control them all. In order to protect Earth‚ heroes from the Deathlok virus, X-Force must kill The World‚ Father, and his perfect future with him. But should they? How many people would a hero allow to die to ensure worldwide utopia?
At the beginning of this review, I said that I wasdisappointed with this issue, only to ruminate further on that and realize thatI still loved it. I suppose I was hoping Rick would give us anotherten-out-of-ten, but instead he's "just" given us another great comic book. I really can never complain about this guy. Read Full Review
While it's one of the grimmest comics around - not my favorite genre - I have to admit that X-Force is one of Marvel's best books right now. Read Full Review
Still a great book, but needs more actual X-Force. Read Full Review
"Uncanny X-Force" has rapidly settled into a dependable comic. You know Remender's going to deliver a good script, and it'll be a good-looking issue no matter whom the artist is this month. It would be nice if all comics were as reliable as "Uncanny X-Force." Read Full Review
Yet another tremendous installment of Uncanny X-Force. The team dynamic is great and I love the way this comic perfectly mixes humor and seriousness. Great fights between Fantomex and Deathlok and the evil future Deathloks. The plot is written perfectly and I can’t wait for next issue