Flash: Rebirth #2

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Ethan Van Sciver Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 6, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 15
7.7Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

What's happened to the Speed Force, the unknown energy that fuels the DCU's speedsters? As the reborn Barry Allen races to find out, a dark secret from his past haunts him--a secret that could kill him! Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver's reinvention of the Scarlet Speedster picks up the pace!

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chad Derdowski May 8, 2009

    Oh, and you guys that didn’t like it… you’re not really stupid. I was just teasing when I said that. You’re wrong, but you’re not stupid. It was rude of me to say that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cohen May 8, 2009

    Flash: Rebirth is clearly the building blocks to a revitalized franchise. Rather than depending on action, Johns instead focuses on the elements that will lead to the most potential in order to set up future stories. Johns once again has me hooked and eagerly anticipating the next issue. If youre a Johns fan youve probably already picked this one up. If youre on the fence, give it a chance, it could surprise you. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 8, 2009

    This series continues to build slowly (which is a bit ironic, I suppose), but I'm anxious to see where it's all going. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comix 411 - David Torres May 7, 2009

    A good mystery so far and I'm starting to get into the character of Barry Allen. The only Flash I've known has been Wally so this is a bit of a virgin experience. Looking forward to more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans May 9, 2009

    The Bottom-Line: A much more enjoyable read than last time. Still by no means perfect, but it's an improvement, and with it's fantastic ending, a sign of further improvements to come. Don't lose hope on this series! A solid issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 7, 2009

    The Flash Rebirth #2 was a good read that still had a few defects that might turn off some readers. I do think that most Flash fans will enjoy The Flash Rebirth #2. Johns has done his best to try and make Barry accessible to all fans regardless of which Flash you grew up with. And Johns has impressed me with his handling of the less than positive reaction from readers who felt that Wally was getting the short end of the stick with Barry's return. Johns appears determined to win those readers over with this story. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 6, 2009

    Despite some interesting developments and a solid take on both Barry Allen and Wally West, the Johns/Van Sciver duo is starting to disappoint me given the high quality of their Green Lantern work. As mentioned, I have every hope that this issue's ending spells the beginning of greater things for Rebirth. However, with the story now 40% over, the clock is ticking for the Fastest Man Alive. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 7, 2009

    After either five or six issues featuring Barry Allen after his return, in this one we FINALLY get into how he feels about what has happened, and what he's doing to try and cope. Barry's discomfort with Hal rings very true for me, in that Hal wants to bond over both of them coming back, but Barry doesn't know what to make of his resurrection. And even with the big signals, I didn't see the last bit coming (even though I feel like I probably should have.) I liked this issue a lot more than the first, mostly because of the insight into Barry's state of mind. Ethan Van Sciver seems to be trying out a different art style here, something much more Kirby-esque than what he did on Green Lantern: Rebirth, but still workable. I like the use of the hero who used to be the only one who STAYED dead acting as the emobidment of death, and I'm starting to think that the return of Barry Allen is a temporary thing. Perhaps DC editorial have stolen a page from the Joe Quesada/Vince McMahon s Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad May 13, 2009

    The art is highly detailed and very dramatic. Sometimes it is a little too overdramatic with energy-lines exploding from the Flash in almost every panel he is in. Iris Allen is also drawn very strangely. Sometimes, she looks stiff, like a statue. She also appears to be about 20 years old instead of the 40-plus year old grandmother that she is. Then again, DC Comics seems to believe that any woman who looks over 30 is unattractive so all female leads look like they are just out of their teens. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 19, 2011

    Barry's disconnected nature is what still makes it hard to sympathize with him. From the way he deals with Hal to how he keeps his family and those close to him at a distance, Barry doesn't feel like he belongs in the present. And this feeling, which we know that Johns will try to soften as time goes on, mirrors the feelings of many fans and he hopes to soften it with them as well. This issue does that just a touch, humanizing Barry a bit more with his origin flashback that's tweaked slightly, but he's still a fairly cold and almost calculating type. He leans more towards the science and lab side of life, looking at everything that way, which is what he was like before, but here it just feels much more prominent. Flash: Rebirth isn't going to be as smooth as the Green Lantern revival for a number of reasons, and this issue continues to show why. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 7, 2009

    I'm not willing to recommend this series to any new readers of Flash and I'm not even sure if it's something old fans should run out to pick up, but it wasn't a bad issue either. It's mostly falling a victim of its own hype and my high expectations, to which it is falling well short of presently. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 6, 2009

    With three issues to go, hopefully "The Flash: Rebirth" will pick up the pace a bit. Johns can write peppy, fun comics, so I'm not entirely sure why this one feels so slow. Right now, the over-twenty-years-in-the-making return of Barry Allen feels woefully anti-climactic. Read Full Review

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