drjones1023's Profile

Joined: Feb 08, 2018

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drjones1023 rated Flash: Rebirth #1 Feb 8, 2018

Flash: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Apr 1, 2009

Barry Allen has beaten death, but all the running he did in the past as the Flash was a warm up for the high-speed race he'll have to sprint now that another speedster has turned up dead! DC history will be made, and the Flash legacy will be redefined throughout this event!

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drjones1023 rated Flash: Rebirth #2 Feb 8, 2018

Flash: Rebirth #2

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: May 6, 2009

What's happened to the Speed Force, the unknown energy that fuels the DCU's speedsters? As the reborn Barry Allen races to find out, a dark secret from his past haunts him--a secret that could kill him! Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver's reinvention of the Scarlet Speedster picks up the pace!

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drjones1023 rated Flash: Rebirth #3 Feb 8, 2018

Flash: Rebirth #3

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Jun 10, 2009

It looks like the Speed Force has chosen a new role for Barry Allen in the DCU--the role of the Black Flash, avatar of death! As Barry tires of outrunning the responsibility, he rests within the Speed Force itself, and what he finds will shock you!

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drjones1023 rated Flash: Rebirth #4 Feb 8, 2018

Flash: Rebirth #4

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Aug 26, 2009

Barry Allen left a legacy that thrived after his death. Now, his return as the Flash threatens it all! A major foe and an invaluable ally return as the destiny of Wally West and his twins is revealed!

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drjones1023 rated Flash: Rebirth #5 Feb 8, 2018

Flash: Rebirth #5

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Nov 18, 2009

The greatest threat to face the Flash Family in decades stands revealed! A new hero will step into an old speedster's boots! And the Scarlet Speedster's family races shoulder-to-shoulder as they dart into action for their very lives in this penultimate issue!

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drjones1023 rated Flash: Rebirth #6 Feb 8, 2018

Flash: Rebirth #6

By: Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Feb 24, 2010

In a battle along the outskirts of time, the secrets of the Speed Force stand revealed and the new arch nemesis of those who ride the lightning targets Iris Allen! What change does Wally West face, and what destiny has Kid Flash chosen? Meet the new Flash Family in this stunning finale!

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