Flash: Rebirth #6
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Flash: Rebirth #6

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Ethan Van Sciver Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 24, 2010 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 15
6.4Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

In a battle along the outskirts of time, the secrets of the Speed Force stand revealed and the new arch nemesis of those who ride the lightning targets Iris Allen! What change does Wally West face, and what destiny has Kid Flash chosen? Meet the new Flash Family in this stunning finale!

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 26, 2010

    Rating:It has camaraderie and classic Justice League, including Green Arrow getting impatient and eating a piece of the welcome cake; it has a Flash parade and a good time was had by all. So, why cant I shake this sense of impending doom? Still, in the interests of not pacing about like Walter Kovacs with a sign that says Barry Allen Foretells DOOM! I can admit that this is a well-crafted piece of work, and it heralds the Brightest Day in fine fashion. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Tim Lenaghan Feb 24, 2010

    Overall, I've found the majority of Rebirth to be enjoyable. The final issue, despite its flaws, provided a fitting close to the character's journey here while still teasing at what's to come. Even though Johns' exploration of the character wasn't as systematic as I was hoping it would be, it certainly left me anxious to see where he'll take the franchise in the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Mar 1, 2010

    Flash Rebirth #6 was consistent with what we have been given on this title since the first issue. I am just glad that this story is over so we can move onto the new Flash monthly title. Despite all the problems with Flash Rebirth, I still remain extremely confident that Johns is going to crank out a quality read with the new Flash monthly titles. If you skipped Flash Rebirth, or dropped it, and are planning on getting the new Flash title then I recommend you pick up Flash Rebirth #6 for all the preview pages. This issue serves as a nice little appetizer to the new Flash monthly. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Feb 26, 2010

    Ideally, Flash: Rebirth would have been an unequivocal success that set the tone for the characters regular monthly series coming in April. Thankfully, theres still plenty of reason to expect that the continuing adventures of Barry Allen as told by Geoff Johns will be worth checking out. After all, Johns spent five years writing the last Flash book on his way to stardom, crafting stories that were far better than this one. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 23, 2011

    At the end of the Flash: Rebirth run, I really find myself feeling like this whole series was completely unnecessary as was Barry's return to life. Watching the mess that some of the other speedster's lives have become in recent years, Wally in particular, has left me wishing that the rebirth would have been for him to get him grounded properly and to do something that fixes the mess that has been Bart since he's been all over the map. The Flash books have always had an edge of seriousness to it but Barry took it too far with this series and his change at the end isn't convincing. I found myself more interested in nearly every other character than Barry and that's a shame. Much of what helped to elevate him was his death and the way DC kept him out of everything for so long. Bringing him back is something will take a long time to change me from believing it was a mistake. Geoff Johns didn't do badly here, but this isn't the rebirth that Barry deserved or needed. Read Full Review

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