Jason Cohen's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 35
6.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (1938) Annual #12

Jun 20, 2009

In the end it still was a good story, Thara Ak-Vars more than Lor-Zods, but not enough of the information clicked to warrant this story. While this did show where both characters came from, it failed to establish the purpose of the Nightwing and Flamebird entities or how Chris Kent becomes Nightwing. I have every confidence that the regular series will tend to this in good time, but if thats the case, what was this published for? If youve collected Ruckas Action Comics you could pick this up to help fill in some gaps, but at $5 and very little overall payoff, a less intense fan may find it pointless.

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Batman Confidential (2006) #31

Jul 3, 2009

As of issue #31, Milligans story seems uninteresting and uninspiring. However, the story could pick up and become great. Perhaps this will best read in one bulk, but since this series is not consistently collected in trade, it may not even be worth the hassle. The pretty pictures and the Guillem March cover cannot distract from the poor quality of this arc, so I wouldnt pick this up just yet. If the story improves then you might want to think about getting interested.

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Batman in Barcelona: Dragon's Knight #1

May 31, 2009

Batman in Barcelona has re-sparked my interest in architecture, and it has opened my eyes to a world outside of America in both real-life and in the DCU. Those interested in other cultures may find this book interesting, but the casual reader may find it pointless considering it is just a one-shot. My advice is to flip through and look at the pretty pictures and decide from there.

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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3

May 24, 2009

The truth is Battle for the Cowl was intended to be a filler of sorts to pass the time between the end of R.I.P. and the beginning of the adventures of the new Batman. Because this series wasnt allowed to blossom and grow to become its own entity, Battle for the Cowl can be chalked up as more wasted potential from the DCU and the Batman franchise.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #1

Jun 21, 2009

I only stress to be cautious about the direction of this series in the future so you don't put all your eggs in one basket. In the meantime, however, buy this.

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Blackest Night: Batman #1

Aug 16, 2009

Anyway, to get the set up and a truly terrifying look at the parents of the Bat family, check this issue out. It's definitely worth a look.

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Cycle's End #1

Oct 1, 2009

The End is the Beginning is the End, written by Gregory Tumbarello, tells the story of two astronauts on an expedition to find a new planet for their race. The adventure soon takes a turn as there is much more to this story in the end and the surprise ending really fits the title. Ori Ayalon constructs a true science fiction atmosphere through both characters and environs that adds to the depth of this story.

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Dead Run #1

Jun 1, 2009

In an age where post-apocalyptic tales can become very repetitive, Dead Run, seems to have the ability to break out of the pack and provide some fresh fun. The literal cliffhanger ending is enough to make me demand the next issue. Give this one a try, it's nothing you havent seen before, but it should be fun.

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Dead Run #2

Jun 29, 2009

This second issue makes Dead Run a truly readable series by delving deeper into the fiction that of this story. The book still hasnt completely committed to all its elements, but hopefully by the next issue there will be a lot more to learn about to truly make this world believable. Issue #2 has good action, much needed characterization, and fitting art. Take a chance on this one and pick up the first issue to catch up with the story.

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Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape #1

May 14, 2009

This title is clearly a very experimental format in both art and story direction and so far it seems to be a success. Despite the lack of much of a plot direction at this point, than again escaping could be it, the playful composition and overflow of mystery that surrounds each page is more than enough to keep you entertained. If you want to see what happens to Nemesis or any of these painfully underused characters, or discover just how connected this book is to Final Crisis, or like to see comic books challenging the very medium itself, check this issue out. All in all its a suspenseful read and should be fun all the way through.

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Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink #1

May 30, 2009

Ink could be the surprise title of the year with a character who has appeared less times than you can count on one hand. His powers are fun and this series promises to fully utilize their potential. I never thought Id say this, but as of right now I would love to see more of the Tattooed Man somewhere in the DCU. This is more than just a story about a villain who kills as he dabbles in the world of heroics--this is a story that will have you rooting for him to overcome himself and the obstacles around him. This will truly be a ride in more ways than one, so pick this one up and learn what it takes to be a hero.

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Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! #1

May 7, 2009

I dont know whether or not there was that much of a demand for a Human Flame series, but I can tell you this: We are going to see some awesome stuff! This might turn out to be something that no one saw coming, a great non-stop action packed thriller--almost like a movie. Pick this one up or flip through it, but stay tuned for the next issue when Im sure things will heat up (pun intended).

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Flash: Rebirth #2

May 8, 2009

Flash: Rebirth is clearly the building blocks to a revitalized franchise. Rather than depending on action, Johns instead focuses on the elements that will lead to the most potential in order to set up future stories. Johns once again has me hooked and eagerly anticipating the next issue. If youre a Johns fan youve probably already picked this one up. If youre on the fence, give it a chance, it could surprise you.

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Flash: Rebirth #4

Aug 28, 2009

With reveals that will have you gasping and art that will keep you on your toes, Flash: Rebirth has the potential to be a home run. The only drawback is that some of the underlying story elements are somewhat of a stretch, making it feel like the creative team was reaching a bit in order to try and keep up the same quality as last time. But so far the Rebirth team has done it again: the building blocks of a beaten-down franchise have been revitalized, and enough potential has been generated to keep the Flash corner of the DCU running for years (pun intended). Don't neglect this title as we begin the descent into the endgame.

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Green Lantern (2005) #43

Jul 12, 2009

This issue is the tip of the iceberg, ladies and gentlemen, so stay on your toes for more exciting developments next week. Any Green Lantern fan will love this book, and everyone who has been anticipating "Blackest Night" should go out and get this prologue.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #36

May 15, 2009

Tomasi and company continue to create a top notch comic that can still exist on its own while expanding on its overbearing mother-title (Green Lantern). Even though its in the middle of the story, you should definitely pick this one up, even to just flip through because something big is about to happen and you dont want to get lost. So hop on quick so you can be ready when things go crazy!

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JSA vs. Kobra #1

Jun 12, 2009

The story promises to delve into the realm of religion and further challenge Terrifics atheism. I also hope to see more of Checkmate and how they will continue to play a part. Hopefully, this story will continue to stay strong and play an important part in the DCU and not just disappear as another forgettable mini-series. If you love the Justice Society, if you miss Checkmate and even if you were interested in following the exploits of Kobra, make sure not to miss this one.

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Justice League of America (2006) #34

Jun 26, 2009

If you're interested in the Milestone characters, you could check this out, or read Teen Titans or Brave and the Bold. For anyone else, this issue isn't really worth your time, just wait for either Len Wein's coming story or the Robinson/Bagley powered League premiering in October.

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Justice League: Cry for Justice #2

Aug 10, 2009

With two issues out, Robinsons story seems to be picking up (slowly), however I assume next issue will see the birth of the new Justice League and from there more plot development. All the characters seem very interesting and some of them have not been given attention in years. If youve ever been frustrated and wondered, why cant the heroes just go out and kick butt? than this story was made for you. If you havent then maybe you simply want something new to happen to the Justice League franchise. Great art and an interesting story filled with endless potential is enough for you to pick this up. I dont think anyone will be disappointed.

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Justice Society of America #27

May 29, 2009

Im excited to read part two, even though this is a fill-in, I hope elements of Infinity Inc. and the All-Star Squadron are brought up again in the next issue because it really helps to understand the legacy of the team. Pick this one up and enjoy the nostalgia, excitement, action, and character relationships that you enjoyed when Johns was writing this title.

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Power Girl (2009) #1

May 8, 2009

Trying to establish Power Girls supporting cast, while simultaneously trying to providing the action everyone was promised may have been too much, but I have high hopes for the next issue. Hopefully, the team will find a good rhythm for the character and her title and bring Power Girl up to the forefront of the DCU. With guest stars coming up and a totally new side of Power Girl to play with, the possibilities are endless so if youre a fan of Power Girl and have been waiting for this patiently, go pick this up. If not I think Palmiottis and Grays work have warranted enough success to check this out. Plus with Amanda Conners art youd have to be silly not to take a peek!

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Red Circle: The Hangman #1

Aug 7, 2009

I think the creative team offered a great reintroduction to the character and it was an enjoyable surprise to read. This issue has a little bit for everyone--the Old West, Straczynski, the supernatural, and the Hangman. If youre interested in new characters, than check this issue out and look into the coming co-feature in The Web. In the meantime, come back next issue for another new character: Inferno.

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Red Robin #1

Jun 14, 2009

If you're a Tim Drake fan and are wondering what he will be doing throughout this changeup, you may want to check this one out. If you're more of a fan of storytelling, you'll find that this issue offers a poor sampling. Either way, flipping through this book should be the way to go--leave the purchasing of it for those who truly need this issue.

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Savage Dragon (1993) #148

May 7, 2009

The back of this issue has a 2 page history of the Golden Age Daredevil making this issue perfect for anyone who isnt familiar with either Savage Dragon or Daredevil. Those that read Savage Dragon or Project Superpowers may be a little disappointed with the lack of depth in this issue, or they may just take it how it is. Just remember it was free and youll have no problem.

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Supergirl (2005) #43

Jul 27, 2009

Even with a light amount of action, this issue is an interesting character piece inside the mind of Supergirl. There is also a lot of exploration into what makes New Krypton click and readers interested in both elements will not be disappointed. A calm issue, full of emotion, is a nice change before we get flung into the next action packed adventure and should really be enjoyed.

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Superman Secret Files 2009 #1

Aug 15, 2009

Superman Secret Files is for both new and familiar readers of the current Superman franchise. Some of it may seem a little pointless to those in the know and the parts that add content could have been a part of their regular title in some way. This issue is simply an advertisement for the various Superman titles with some interesting content. I would flip through this book, but it really doesnt give much more to the story.

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Teen Titans (2003) #71

Jun 1, 2009

All in all it was a decent issue, nothing spectacular, but tons better than the last few issues. If youre looking forward to following the Ravager co-feature (which I still have no idea the plot or direction of) than picking this up might serve as a nice prologue. The casual reader may want to hold off and wait for the next story to begin, but either way give this book a flip through.

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Teen Titans (2003) #72

Jun 26, 2009

This issue is more of a muc -needed low key story with beginnings of a new arc. In some ways it is a three-story book. While Miller's run will be short lived, maybe he can throw in something fun and interesting during his stay. If you like teenagers being teenagers, the Fearsome Five or Joe Bennett's art, stop on by. The Ravager co-feature is just a bonus (not much of a bonus so far, but a bonus none-the-less). You could pick this one up, but be careful because I smell the seeds of more teenage drama taking root.

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Teen Titans (2003) #73

Aug 1, 2009

Theres not much of interest here, but it's not terrible (except for the co-feature). Blue Beetle fans will enjoy Jaimes new found leadership and continued relationship with Traci 13. Next issue someone will die (its pretty obvious who) and if youre sick of that plot I dont blame you. So if youre really interested in this story, then by all means pick it up, otherwise a flip through will do.

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The Brave and the Bold (2007) #24

Jun 22, 2009

Id imagine if you were a Static fan youd want to snatch this up as fast as possible, even a Black Lightning fan should check this out. Despite its shortcomings, Brave and the Bold #24 is a great introduction to the Milestone characters and if this issue is any indication, the next two issues of this series should be fun too.

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The Shield #1

Sep 14, 2009

The Shield #1 is a perfect title for someone looking for a great military/superhero hybrid in the absence of Checkmate and the Freedom Fighters or a street-level adventure. If you questioned the purpose of bringing back the Red Circle characters, then this is the perfect answer because both stories represent the original characters and the DCU proper respectfully and efficiently. Follow each characters' adventures as they interact with previously established characters in familiar landscapes and hold on for the ride that is sure to begin.

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Titans (2008) #13

May 15, 2009

In the end this is poor planning on DCs part and with Mckeever leaving the title soon, maybe things will get better (or maybe he left because he knows things are going to get worse). All I know is that this is terrible, do not buy this, you will be disappointed and even angered, just wait for both Teen Titans and Titans to get solid writers and Vigilante to actually do something before picking up any of these titles. You may even want to be cautious with the trade, depending on how much money it is. The only thing that gives this a rating higher than a 0 is the hope that either Cyborg or Deathstroke will beat Jericho senseless. You might want to flip through the next "Deathtrap" issue just to see him get what he deserves (I know I will).

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Transformers Spotlight: Cliffjumper #1

Jun 18, 2009

Despite some shortcomings, Transformers Spotlight: Cliffjumper is a self-contained excerpt from the war between Autobots and Decepticons. The action is great and brutal and the Cliffjumper is portrayed in a believable and appropriate manner in both his words and his actions. While this story may not seem worth the money for $3.99, I hope to see more of these stories and maybe even a trade collecting these tales. This is a perfect title for any hardcore Transformers fan, but casual readers may not see the worth and may want to invest their money in other Transformers titles.

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Vigilante (2008) #6

May 23, 2009

I can not advise enough to not pick this issue up, if you want to you could flip through and see how ridiculous Jerichos fate is, but leave it on the shelf or, to save time, you could look it up on Wikipedia in a week. With the end of "Deathtrap", hopefully we will see an improvement within these titles, but the foreboding line of Next: The Hunt for Vigilante that concludes this crossover leaves me more wary than excited for the continuing story.

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William Shatner Presents #1

May 7, 2009

Stay on the lookout for the continuation of Tek War Chronicles in the spring, as it seems to be the only one worth following. Man O War gives the reader nothing to follow and the preview gives nothing to get into. Quest for Tomorrow is completely forgettable and barely warrants a read in this free comic.

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