Power Girl #1
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Power Girl #1

Writer: Justin Gray Artist: Amanda Conner Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 6, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 2
7.6Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

In her own ongoing series at last! Straight from the pages of JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Power Girl starts life anew by building herself a secret identity. But a major villain from her past has other plans in store for the Super Hero, and to get his way, he's holding Manhattan hostage!From the fan-favorite writing team of Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray (JONAH HEX, TERRA) and featuring the vivacious art of Amanda Conner (JSA CLASSIFIED, TERRA) comes this rip-roaring new series!

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher May 13, 2009

    But it isn't the action, that I'm in this series for. I'm more interested in the quiet moments - those moments when Karen isn't battling 50 foot monsters, but dealing with her life outside of the windowed costume. Power Girl #1 is a really good start to something that could become a great series if given the chance. Solid writing, and awesome art earn Power Girl #1 a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    A Comic Book Blog - John Barringer Jan 7, 2010

    The second issue expands Power Girl's world slightly by featuring a couple of members of the Justice Society, a team of which she holds the chairmanship. Flash, Doctor Mid-Nite, Hourman, Wildcat, Damage, Mr Terrific, Green Lantern and Liberty Belle all make a brief cameo but take no time away from the two majors, PG and the Ultra-Humanite. We are left with a cliffhanger of Power Girl having her head cut open as the Ultra-Humanite attempts to switch bodies yet again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 10, 2009

    As a complete offering, I am very impressed with "Power Girl" #1. This issue has given the character a sincere raison d'tre and a chance to grow as a character. Gray and Palmiotti seem poised to build upon the year-plus of support from DC and are offering up a classically modern superhero tale that carries itself strong enough to almost be considered an all ages read. Whether or not it truly is appropriate for all ages will be seen in the next few issues, but for now, this is a fun, bombastic superhero title with a strong lead character facing challenges that are worthy of her attention. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 11, 2009

    It's great to see this book being handled by a team that seems to have a clear vision of who Power Girl is, and where she's going. The character has needed that for decades. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk May 6, 2009

    Overall, Power Girl #1 is a well written, well drawn, and fun take on, in my opinion, DCs hottest female character-maybe next to Wonder Woman-and interesting one as well. Its definitely worth checking out, and NOT just for the eye-candy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 18, 2009

    Good character, good story, great art. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cohen May 8, 2009

    Trying to establish Power Girls supporting cast, while simultaneously trying to providing the action everyone was promised may have been too much, but I have high hopes for the next issue. Hopefully, the team will find a good rhythm for the character and her title and bring Power Girl up to the forefront of the DCU. With guest stars coming up and a totally new side of Power Girl to play with, the possibilities are endless so if youre a fan of Power Girl and have been waiting for this patiently, go pick this up. If not I think Palmiottis and Grays work have warranted enough success to check this out. Plus with Amanda Conners art youd have to be silly not to take a peek! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault May 8, 2009

    I think Gray and Palmiotti did a great job with this first issue. PG was introduced into her new environment and an insane killer is sicked on her. It will take a few issues to figure out how Gray and Palmiotti want us to take the serieswhether it is meant to provide eye candy and laughs or whether they intend to cement a multi-dimensional character into the center of the DC mythos. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 5, 2011

    Karen's personality is a big selling point in this book. She's the kind of character that could easily go all dark and brooding considering the way she's been messed with over the years, but having her be optimistic and positive is a very welcome thing. So many books go for the dark and gritty to tell the tale, but Power Girl looks to have found a good balance in giving us action, character and fun without going too far in any one direction. There's a lot of potential here but it could also fall into the trap of balancing things well but never really excelling at anything. That wouldn't be terrible since we'd have a fun and well done book, but Power Girl can be so much more if given the chance and left alone for awhile so she's not caught up in other things. The team behind it has me interested in seeing what they can do. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Mania - Chris Smits May 12, 2009

    This book is the epitome of "It was alright". This is a mid-level character who's presented in a very mid-level manner and it results in a very mid-level read. If it wasn't for Amanda Conner's ability to pull you into the personal side of the character through her art, I'd be giving this an even lower grade. It wasn't bad but it wasn't really all that great. The story is still good though, even with it's unoriginal trappings, and it's a better read at $2.99 than some other books at $3.99. It's not gonna 'wow' you but it should entertain you just fine. I'm going with a C+ here and have my fingers crossed that they can actually do the moving on with the character that they've written her asking for. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson May 10, 2009

    The plot seems fairly generic in nature as well, and while I was a bit disinterested at first, I can appreciate that the writers are trying to offer as accessible a story as possible for the initial issue. Power Girl has had a convoluted history since 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths, so introducing her to new readers or those who've only seen in her team-book settings isn't the easiest of tasks. The script is accessible if a little wordy, though. Most importantly, Gray and Palmiotti firmly establish a personality for the title character that goes beyond what we've seen before, which has often been the buxom powerhouse with the short fuse. Her ridiculous wealth is a bit of a hard pill to swallow, but I like the concept of the character as a businesswoman who sees philanthropy as a model for making money. The action is far too harsh in tone at times, especially given the Silver Age leanings in the plotting. Overall, the writing on this first issue is a bit of a mixed bag for me, but the Read Full Review

  • 4.7
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 6, 2009

    Power Girl #1 could have been a fun, energetic comic about a gorgeous superhero trying to stop an evil gorilla from destroying Manhattan. If only the issue's writers were wise enough to get out of the damn way… Read Full Review

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