Ex Machina #50
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Ex Machina #50

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Tony Harris Publisher: Wildstorm Release Date: August 18, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Aug 19, 2010

    Quite possibly the best single issue I have read this year. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 18, 2010

    As was the case with Y: The Last Man #60, there will be readers who decry Ex Machina #50's incredibly downbeat mood and lack of literal answers, but I'd say those people were probably reading the wrong series – and the wrong writer – all along. In my eyes this finale delivers everything the series promised and more, closing the book on Vaughan's greatest work to date with the confidence and nuance of a master. This series will be missed, but only until I inevitably go back and read the whole thing over again. And again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 22, 2010

    Ex Machina is one of those series that I definitely plan to re-read in full at some point in the near future--though that reading will take on a whole new tone now that Vaughan and Harriss final chapter has revealed Mitch Hundreds tragic fate. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Benjamin Birdie Aug 18, 2010

    Overall, though, it's hard not to come away from the issue feeling the weight of the story that preceded it. It never stopped being as funny as it was smart, but as Hundred himself warns us at the beginning of the issue, it was going to be plenty sad too. "Ex Machina" was a story, literally, about powers and their cost. And, like pretty much every politician does eventually, its protagonist ends up a punch line. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Maxwell Yezpitelok Aug 22, 2010

    Thats my one complaint here. Maybe if I re-read the entire run Ill notice things that will make me change my mind, but right now I feel like the finale would have been more satisfying if the obsession that leads to Hundreds downfall had played a larger role in the overall story. The inter-dimensional invasion is a recent development (for Hundred if not the reader), so having the character lose himself over it feels a little like cheating, from a narrative standpoint. Still, I think this flaw is minor, and it shouldnt detract too much from what turned out to be a bold and technically brilliant last chapter. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Aug 22, 2010

    Anyway, after reading the last issue of Ex Machina, I can honestly say that I am interested in reading all of the previous issues when I find the time. It seems like it was a very good series that is worth my time and effort. Read Full Review

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