Ex Machina #45

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Tony Harris Publisher: Wildstorm Release Date: September 16, 2009 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 16, 2009

    Luckily, Vaughan doesn't completely ignore the developments of last issue or the newly empowered Suzanne Padilla. Vaughan continues to build on the growing conspiracy against the mayor, which is good. But as for Padilla herself, I'm not quite sold on her new role. She seems a bit two-dimensional as a villain, and I hope Vaughan has bigger plans for her than this issue might indicate. The problem with knowing (more or less) how a series ends is that the climax is in constant danger of fizzling out. That said, this is Ex Machina we're talking about, and Vaughan has never given us any reason to doubt him on this book. As long as Vaughan and Tony Harris maintain their creative synergy in the remaining five issues, I see no reason not to expect a finale to rival Y: the Last Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Sep 19, 2009

    Another issue of Ex Machina doing what it does best. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 27, 2009

    This series is winding down, andthe last couple of issues have felt a little bit padded, but this one manages to bring back the strange balance of real-world politics and super-hero conventions that brung it tothe dance. Read Full Review

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