Tony Harris' art continues to shine in this arc. Whereas past storylines saw Harris' work vary in quality, he has been far more consistent lately. Couple that with the fact that Vaughan is throwing an increasingly bizarre and memorable series of visual requests at Harris, and you have an issue whose art ranks among the best in the series. That goes for the script, as well. This finale is easily one of the better issues of a series that has never, ever been bad. If Vaughan and Harris manage to keep improving in their final storyline, we could be looking at a truly classic finish for this series. Read Full Review
So why isn't there more hoopla over the impending end of "Ex Machina?" I'm still not sure. Maybe it's because everyone's in collected mode, maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. What I do know, though, is that Vaughan and Harris are charging full-speed ahead towards the finale, and it looks to be a thrill ride from here to the finish. It's a good time to be an "Ex Machina" fan. Read Full Review
We learn a lot more about Hundred in this issue, but I already knew everything I needed to know: Im going to miss him terribly. Read Full Review
Allegations of Mitchell's impropriety earn2. Read Full Review