Dark Avengers #7

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Luke Ross Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 15, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 6
6.9Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

"UTOPIA: CHAPTER 3" The DARK AVENGERS/UNCANNY X-MEN crossover continues! San Francisco teeters on the brink of absolute chaos and the X-Men keep getting in the way of Norman's vision of law and order. So Norman takes his game to the next level: who are the DARK X-MEN? And will Norman's Avengers play nice with Norman's X-Men? Here's a hint: no. Rated T …$3.99

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jul 27, 2009

    This x-over continues to entertain as well as leaving me eagerly anticipating the next part. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 16, 2009

    Fraction puts on a show here with great character writing and a very compelling plot. I had my doubts about this crossover after the last installment, but this has me excited moving forward. The art was hard to take at times, but the strength of the dialogue and character work kept the issue from derailing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis Jul 19, 2009

    Utopia continues to impress with its third chapter even though this felt like the middle segment of the story and contained more set up than resolution – I suppose that is to be expected though. I’m looking forward to seeing where Fraction takes the plot now, especially now that future covers have revealed, in typical X-Men crossover style, that the other X-Teams, like X-Force, will soon be joining the fray. I know that I’m probably not alone in my anticipation of the X-23 and Daken showdown! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bill Janzen Jul 14, 2009

    So, while I'm a big fan of the series I think that this issue drags things out a bit more than necessary. A lot of readers are picking this up to see some heavy, hard-hitting action between the Dark Avengers and the X-Men. All I'll say is at some point there better be a good, lengthy payoff in that department. Hopefully this issue will work better when placed within the inevitable trade paperback collection. I give it three and half bullets out of five. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 30, 2009

    There's a lot going on here. This book is an impressive one, giving Cyclops a moment in the sun, showcasing the growing mania and instability of Norman Osborn, adding depth and shading to the conflicts in San Francisco, and making me almost enjoy Daken's antics. What it DOESN'T do is show us much of the actual Dark Avengers, save for a few panels in which Bullseye dominates. As a Utopia/Dark Reign cross-em-over, obviously the book has a ton to do, but it reminds me a bit too much of the X-Factor crossover back in the day which showcased only Cable, Wolverine and Forge, none of whom were (or, at the time, had EVER BEEN) members of X-Factor. Overall, though, it's a good issue, with a nice art job by Luke Ross (invoking but not slavishly emulating Mike Deodato's art style, and even moving Dagger's "X" symbol up a chakra) and some good dialogue throughout. What we need is more Mimic and less Dark Wolverine, if you ask me, but overall it's an enjoyable book. Dark Avengers #7 ear Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jul 13, 2009

    Matt Fraction is proving his A-list chops in "Utopia," writing a compelling crossover that seems almost too full of characters and ideas rather than needlessly drawn out. He's taken what could be a lame, redundant concept in the Dark X-Men and made it interesting, and not simply a copy of the Dark Avengers. With "Utopia" half done, the second half is sure to be equally impressive. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jul 15, 2009

    Dark Avengers #7 does what it says on the label, but doesn't live up to the potential that you might imagine when you think of a creator like Matt Fraction on it. Couple that with some uninspired artwork, and most regular DA followers will probably be glad to see "Utopia" depart from these pages. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex Evans Jul 17, 2009

    Neither smart nor good, thiswas a big and stupid comic thatmade me wish for a regular issue of Dark Avengers instead. Read Full Review

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